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Lyr Add: Sandgate Lass on the Ropery Banks (Nunn)

Lorraine 27 Apr 97 - 08:23 PM
Louis Killen 02 May 97 - 03:25 AM
lorraine 06 May 97 - 07:03 PM
Susan of DT 06 May 97 - 07:45 PM
Lorraine 07 May 97 - 09:28 PM
Murray 10 May 97 - 04:18 PM
Lorraine 11 May 97 - 11:29 PM
LaMarca 14 May 97 - 02:26 PM
Lorraine 14 May 97 - 10:43 PM
Conrad Bladey (Peasant- Inactive) 04 Apr 00 - 04:01 AM
GUEST,Bruce O. 04 Apr 00 - 06:50 PM
GUEST,Bruce O. 04 Apr 00 - 09:40 PM
Conrad Bladey (Peasant- Inactive) 04 Apr 00 - 09:49 PM
GUEST,Bruce O. 04 Apr 00 - 11:19 PM
GUEST,Ritchie 05 Apr 00 - 12:54 PM
Conrad Bladey (Peasant- Inactive) 05 Apr 00 - 12:56 PM
GUEST,Lorraine 05 Apr 00 - 08:50 PM
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Subject: lyrics:The Sandgate Lass-Nunn
From: Lorraine
Date: 27 Apr 97 - 08:23 PM

A few weeks ago I attended a house concert by Betty and Norman McDonald. Afterwards I was haunted by the tune to this song. The McDonalds had gone on to their next stop and so I couldn't ask them. Does any one know the words or where I can find them? Thanks

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Subject: RE: lyrics:The Sandgate Lass-Nunn
From: Louis Killen
Date: 02 May 97 - 03:25 AM

Is the song you're referring to attributed to Joe Nunn? There is a song in the old Catcheside-Warrington "Tyneside Songs" called The Sandgate Lass's Lament Did the song the MacDonalds sang have a chorus? This one does, it goes: He's an ugly body, a bubbly body, an ill-far'd ugly (we used to sing "coaly") loon An Aa ha' married a keelman an ma gud days is deun. If it rings any bells with you ican post the rest of the words. Louis

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Subject: RE: lyrics:The Sandgate Lass-Nunn
From: lorraine
Date: 06 May 97 - 07:03 PM

Thanks but it's not that one. Curiously enough or perhaps not that curious-the MacDonalds sang that one too. A Keel boat set? But the one I was looking for had a chorus sort of like: " For what the keel come down the river Ah me dear laddy could sing He whistles and dances so clever Me bonny keel laddy for me."

It's not right but on that line. Actually if you happen to have the words to "he's a ugly body..." I'd enjoy them, too. Thanks again.

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Subject: RE: lyrics:The Sandgate Lass-Nunn
From: Susan of DT
Date: 06 May 97 - 07:45 PM

It's in the DT. Search for Sandgate. We have a title of "Weel may the keel row" Or at least it has a lot of the words you quoted.

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Subject: RE: lyrics:The Sandgate Lass-Nunn
From: Lorraine
Date: 07 May 97 - 09:28 PM

Thanks Susan, but nope that's not it either. Yours maybe another variant, I'll keep my fingers crossed someone will find the one I was looking for-of maybe I'll chase the MacDonalds. If I'm lucky.

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From: Murray
Date: 10 May 97 - 04:18 PM

Lorraine: the song you're after would seem to be "The Sandgate Lass on the Ropery Banks" (referring to an area outside Newcastle-upon-Tyne), by Robert Nunn, blind fiddler/songster of Newcastle (died 1853, aged 45).

On the Ropery Banks Jinny was sittin--
She had on a bed-goon just new,
And blythely the lassie was knittin
Wi' yarn of a bonny sky-blue:
The strings of her cap they were hingin,
Se lang on her shoulders se fine,
And hearty aw heard this lass singin--
Maw bonny keel lad shall be mine.

[Chorus, in between verses and at end:]

O wad the keel come doon the river,
That aw my dear laddie could see;
He whistles, he dances se cliver,
Maw bonny keel laddie for me.

Last neet in amang these green dockins
He fed me wi' gingerbreed spice--
Aw promised to knit him these stockins,
He cuddled and kiss'd me se nice;
He ca'd me his jew'l and his hinny;
He ca'd me his pet and his bride,
And he swore that aw should be his Jinny,
To lie at neets doon bi his side.

That mornin forget aw will niver,
When first aw saw him on the Kee,
The "Keel Row" he whissel'd se cliver,
He wun my affections frae me;
His drawers on his doup luik'd se canny,
His keel hat was cock'd on his heed,
And if aw'd not gettin my Jimmy,
Faith, by this time aw wad be deed.

The first time aw spoke to maw Jimmy--
Now mind ye it isn't a lee--
My mother had gi'en me a penny,
To bring her a penn'orth o' tea;
When a lad i' the street cried oot "Bessie!"
Says I, "Hinny, that's not my nyem;"
"Becrike, niver mind," he said, "lassie,
To-neet aw will see ye syef hyem."

Since then aw hae been his true lover,
Aw've lov'd him as dear as my life,
And in spite o' byeth fethor and mother,
Aw'll suen be maw keel-laddie's wife!
How happy we'll be then together,
When he brings hyem his wages ti me,
Wiv his bonny bit bairn cryin "Fethur,"
And another one laid o' my knee.

Tune called"The Skipper's Wedding" (in the authors works, 1872); but Stokoe & Reay (Songs & Ballads of Northern England) call it "Fy let us a' to the Bridal", a Scottish tune at least 100 years older than Nunn, with its own set of words. It's a lively melody in 9/8, ending on the supertonic. Hope this is what you're looking for. Murray.

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Subject: RE: lyrics:The Sandgate Lass-Nunn
From: Lorraine
Date: 11 May 97 - 11:29 PM

Murray** Yes!!!!!!! I'm excited. Thank you!---for the history as well. This makes me want to whistle and dance se cliver. Thanks again and again---now can I learn it?

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Subject: RE: lyrics:The Sandgate Lass-Nunn
From: LaMarca
Date: 14 May 97 - 02:26 PM

Another historical note from the MacDonalds; they said that the Ropery Banks were the area along the Tyne where the ropeworks were located, and that "the Girls" that worked in the ropery were a rough lot... not the type of lassie you'd want to meet in a dark alley. They sang it on a tape for me, and I was trying to figure out how I was going to transcribe the Geordie for Lorraine, so many thanks, Murray. Now all we have to do is translate it to English!

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Subject: RE: lyrics:The Sandgate Lass-Nunn
From: Lorraine
Date: 14 May 97 - 10:43 PM

Thank you LaMarca-

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From: Conrad Bladey (Peasant- Inactive)
Date: 04 Apr 00 - 04:01 AM

Take a look at the wonderful Skipper's wedding which has the same tune-

The Skipper's Wedding

Good neighbours, I'm come for to tell you
Our skipper and Moll's to be wed'
And if it be true what they're saying,
Egad, we'll be rarely fed;
They've brought home a shoulder of mutton,
Besides two thumping fat geese;
and when at the fire they're roasting,
We're all to have sops in the grease.

Blind willy's to play on the fiddle.

And there will be pies and spice dumplings,
And there will be bacon and peas;
Besides a great lump of beef boiled,
And they may get crowdies who please
To eat of such good things as these are,
I'm sure you've  but seldom the luck;
Besides, for to make us some pottage,
there'll be a sheep's head and a pluck.

Blind Willy's to play on the fiddle.

Of sausages there will be plenty,
Black puddings, sheep fat, and neat's tripes;
Besides, for to warm all our noses,
Great store of tobacco and pipes.
A room, they say, there is provided
For us at  The Old Jacob's Well,
The bridegroom he went there this morning.
And spokefor a barrel o' yell

Blind Willy's to play on the fiddle.

There's sure to be those things I've mentioned,
And many things else; and I learn
There's white bread and butter and sugar,
To please every bonny young bairn.
Of each dish and glass you'll be welcome
toi eat and to drink till you stare;
I've told you what meat's to be at it,
I'll next tell you who's to be there

Blind Wily's to play on the fiddle.

Why there will be Peter the Hangman,
Who flogs the folks at the cart tail;
Auld Bob, with his new sark and ruffle,
Made out of an old keel sail;
and Tib on the Quay who sells oysters,
Whose mother oft strove to persuade
Her to keep from the lads, but she couldn't
Until she got by them betrayed.

Blind willy's to play on the fiddle.

And there will be Sandy the Cobbler,
Whose belly's as round as a keg;
And doll, with her short petticoats,
To display her white stockings and leg;
And Sall, who, when snug in a corner,
A sixpense, they say, won't refuse;
She curs'd when her father was drowned,
Because he had on his new shoes.

Blind Willy's to play on the fiddle.

And there will be Sam the Quack Doctor,
Of skill and profession he'll crack;
And Jack, who would fain be a soldier,
But for a great hump on his back;
And Tom, in the streets, for hisliving.
Who grinds razors, scissors, and knives;
And two or three merry old women,
That call Mugs and doublers, wives!

Blind Willy's to Play on the Fiddle

But, neibhbours; I'd almost forgotten
For to tell ye:--exactly at one.
The dinner will be on the table,
The music will play till it's done.
When you'll be all heartily welcome
Of this merry feast for to share;
But if you won't come at this bidding,
Why then you may stay where you arre.

Blind Willy's to play on the fiddle.


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Subject: RE: lyrics:The Sandgate Lass-Nunn
From: GUEST,Bruce O.
Date: 04 Apr 00 - 06:50 PM

"The Skipper's Wedding" should have the same tune, because it's an immitation of "The Blythsome Bridal". The origins of "The Blythsome Bridal" (to the same tune under the 'Silly Old Man' title) may be seen in a ballad no later than 1676, "The Scottish Contract" which is in the Scarce Songs 1 file on my website.

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Subject: RE: lyrics:The Sandgate Lass-Nunn
From: GUEST,Bruce O.
Date: 04 Apr 00 - 09:40 PM

That "Skipper's Wedding" I have in a book of 1828, but there it's called "The Newcastle Wedding".

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Subject: RE: lyrics:The Sandgate Lass-Nunn
From: Conrad Bladey (Peasant- Inactive)
Date: 04 Apr 00 - 09:49 PM

wow.... I think the tune is on my pages... Skipper's


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Subject: RE: lyrics:The Sandgate Lass-Nunn
From: GUEST,Bruce O.
Date: 04 Apr 00 - 11:19 PM

There are ABCs of 4 or 5 versions on the tune "Fy let us a' to the bridal/the blythsome bridal/ An the kirk woud let me be/I am a silly old man" on my website, "The Scotch Wedding" among the broadside ballad tunes and about 4 others in file S1. Somewhere around a dozen copies are stressed note and mode coded in file COMBCOD2.TXT, with yet other titles for the tune.

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Subject: RE: lyrics:The Sandgate Lass-Nunn
From: GUEST,Ritchie
Date: 05 Apr 00 - 12:54 PM

I think it's great that some of the Tyneside songs and verses are reaching the good peoples of the Mudcat thanks to in most part Conrad... well done.

But I implore people to try and check out anything by Bob Fox and Stu Luckley who for me make the songs much more palatable. Over to you Conrad.


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Subject: RE: lyrics:The Sandgate Lass-Nunn
From: Conrad Bladey (Peasant- Inactive)
Date: 05 Apr 00 - 12:56 PM

who and where are they? sounds interesting... Conrad

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Subject: RE: lyrics:The Sandgate Lass-Nunn
From: GUEST,Lorraine
Date: 05 Apr 00 - 08:50 PM

It's almost disconcerting to see a thread I posted a year ago resurface. Wonderful! Thanks

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