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BS: Would YOU be happy if Rep. did this?

GUEST,beardedbruce 04 Nov 08 - 11:28 AM
McGrath of Harlow 04 Nov 08 - 12:01 PM
Bill D 04 Nov 08 - 01:36 PM

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Subject: RE: BS: Would YOU be happy if Rep. did this?
From: GUEST,beardedbruce
Date: 04 Nov 08 - 11:28 AM

"I(t) would be well to get the FULL story before posting loaded stories insinuating that illegal stuff is happening"

Gee, I never heard any such comment when Republicans are accused of illegal acts...

"Update: Fox News just did a report about the controversy. The Democrats are saying that the polling station is crowded and election board members need to cycle through the areas intermittently.

No mention of behaviour...

Update 10:53am: Pennsylvania Secretary of State Pedro Cortes says this matter is already being heard in court and should be resolved soon. He says there was a dispute of the names of the poll watchers on record. This is a different story than the Democratic officials told Fox News earlier this morning.

Still no mention of behaviour.

I thought it was innocent until proven guilty? I guess that means except for Republicans.

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Subject: RE: BS: Would YOU be happy if Rep. did this?
From: McGrath of Harlow
Date: 04 Nov 08 - 12:01 PM

Those wouldn't be the same kind of mob that set out to intimidate people carrying out the count back in Florida in 2004, would it?

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Subject: RE: BS: Would YOU be happy if Rep. did this?
From: Bill D
Date: 04 Nov 08 - 01:36 PM

"Gee, I never heard any such comment when Republicans are accused of illegal acts..."

The He** you didn't! I, for one, assert the same rules for everyone.

This attitude of "we poor Republicans get judged by different standards" is getting mighty old & worn, Bruce.

In case you haven't kept a log, for years now most of the serious scandals, cheating, intimidation cases and outright meanness has BEEN about Republicans....from Newt and Tom DeLay and various CEOs, right down to unnamed thugs who manipulated Florida in 2000....and the slimy idiots trying to lie, scare & intimidate with flyers telling Democrats to vote on the 5th, and telling students why they can't or shouldn't try to vote where they go to school! Those are **REPUBLICAN** tactics!

The list of Democrats is a hell of a lot shorter, and I and others have condemned them when they were noted!

You really do need a new form of argument.....but old habits die hard.

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