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BS: Lipstick on a Pig

WFDU - Ron Olesko 10 Sep 08 - 10:31 PM
WFDU - Ron Olesko 10 Sep 08 - 10:32 PM
WFDU - Ron Olesko 10 Sep 08 - 10:33 PM
Riginslinger 10 Sep 08 - 10:44 PM
GUEST,number 6 10 Sep 08 - 10:57 PM
Genie 10 Sep 08 - 11:15 PM
dick greenhaus 10 Sep 08 - 11:54 PM
Little Hawk 11 Sep 08 - 12:22 AM
BK Lick 11 Sep 08 - 03:39 AM
Jim Dixon 11 Sep 08 - 06:58 AM
SINSULL 11 Sep 08 - 08:37 AM
Riginslinger 11 Sep 08 - 08:42 AM
GUEST,number 6 11 Sep 08 - 08:57 AM
GUEST,Guest from Sanity 11 Sep 08 - 10:00 AM
WFDU - Ron Olesko 11 Sep 08 - 10:02 AM
Donuel 11 Sep 08 - 10:07 AM
Donuel 11 Sep 08 - 10:15 AM
GUEST,Guest from Sanity 11 Sep 08 - 10:16 AM
Bobert 11 Sep 08 - 10:24 AM
Amos 11 Sep 08 - 10:29 AM
SINSULL 11 Sep 08 - 02:21 PM
Genie 11 Sep 08 - 02:39 PM
Genie 11 Sep 08 - 02:52 PM
artbrooks 11 Sep 08 - 02:54 PM
Amos 11 Sep 08 - 03:28 PM
mg 12 Sep 08 - 01:05 AM
Genie 12 Sep 08 - 01:26 AM
Amos 12 Sep 08 - 02:21 AM
mg 12 Sep 08 - 03:22 AM
GUEST,Guest from Sanity 12 Sep 08 - 03:24 AM
akenaton 12 Sep 08 - 03:31 AM
GUEST,Guest from Sanity 12 Sep 08 - 03:49 AM
Genie 12 Sep 08 - 03:51 AM
GUEST,Guest from Sanity 12 Sep 08 - 03:58 AM
akenaton 12 Sep 08 - 03:59 AM
GUEST,Guest from Sanity 12 Sep 08 - 04:04 AM
akenaton 12 Sep 08 - 04:05 AM
akenaton 12 Sep 08 - 04:07 AM
GUEST,Guest from Sanity 12 Sep 08 - 04:13 AM
Richard Bridge 12 Sep 08 - 05:35 AM
Riginslinger 12 Sep 08 - 07:33 AM
WFDU - Ron Olesko 12 Sep 08 - 09:39 AM
Riginslinger 12 Sep 08 - 10:13 AM
Amos 12 Sep 08 - 11:36 AM
Amos 12 Sep 08 - 11:38 AM
akenaton 12 Sep 08 - 11:49 AM
GUEST,Guest from Sanity 12 Sep 08 - 12:30 PM
Bobert 12 Sep 08 - 12:45 PM
Little Hawk 12 Sep 08 - 12:52 PM
Donuel 12 Sep 08 - 12:54 PM

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Subject: RE: BS: Lipstick on a Pig
From: WFDU - Ron Olesko
Date: 10 Sep 08 - 10:31 PM

100?? are we still in grade school??

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Subject: RE: BS: Lipstick on a Pig
From: WFDU - Ron Olesko
Date: 10 Sep 08 - 10:32 PM

I only got a 98 :(

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Subject: RE: BS: Lipstick on a Pig
From: WFDU - Ron Olesko
Date: 10 Sep 08 - 10:33 PM

Just teasing... you can put lipstick on a pig but you can't make him drink... wait, hold on a second.... a bird with a bush is worth.....ahh,never mind :)

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Subject: RE: BS: Lipstick on a Pig
From: Riginslinger
Date: 10 Sep 08 - 10:44 PM

J. Edgar Hoover.

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Subject: RE: BS: Lipstick on a Pig
From: GUEST,number 6
Date: 10 Sep 08 - 10:57 PM

Good one Rigin !!!

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Subject: RE: BS: Lipstick on a Pig
From: Genie
Date: 10 Sep 08 - 11:15 PM

You can put lipstick on a pit bull, but that doesn't make it a good service dog.

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Subject: RE: BS: Lipstick on a Pig
From: dick greenhaus
Date: 10 Sep 08 - 11:54 PM

"You can lead a horticulture, but you can't make her think" (Dorothy Parker)

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Subject: RE: BS: Lipstick on a Pig
From: Little Hawk
Date: 11 Sep 08 - 12:22 AM

It's the same problem with Nigel Tufnel.

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Subject: RE: BS: Lipstick on a Pig
From: BK Lick
Date: 11 Sep 08 - 03:39 AM

Sarah Palin: A Trojan Moose Concealing Four More Years of George Bush
Arianna Huffington - September 8, 2008
Did Sarah Palin wrongfully push to have her ex-brother-in-law fired? Was she really against the "Bridge to Nowhere?" Did she really sell Alaska's plane on eBay, or just list it on eBay? Did she actually have any substantial duties commanding the Alaska National Guard?

The correct answer to all these questions is: who cares? Which isn't to say these aren't valid questions, or that Palin and the McCain camp aren't playing it fast, loose, and coy with each of them. The point is that Palin, and the circus she's brought to town, are simply a bountiful collection of small lies deliberately designed to distract the country from one big truth: the havoc that George Bush and the Republican Party have wrought, and that John McCain is committed to continuing.

Every second of this campaign not spent talking about the Republican Party's record, and John McCain's role in that record, is a victory for John McCain.

Her critics like to say that Palin hasn't accomplished anything. I disagree: in the space of ten days she's succeeded in distracting the entire country from the horrific Bush record -- and McCain's complicity in it. My friends, that's accomplishment we can believe in.

Just look at the problem John McCain faced. George Bush has a disastrous record, and the country knows it. John McCain -- the current one, not the one who vanished eight years ago -- has no major disagreements with George Bush (and I'm sorry, wanting to fire Donald Rumsfeld a bit sooner doesn't qualify) and wants to continue his incredibly unpopular policies for another four years. The solution? Enter Sarah Palin, a Trojan Moose carrying four more years of disaster.

And the plan has worked beautifully. Just look at what's being discussed just 57 days before the election. Is it the highest unemployment rate in five years? The bailout of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac? The suicide bombing yesterday in Iraq that killed six people and wounded 54 -- in the same market where last month a bomb killed 28 people and wounded 72? That the political reconciliation that was supposedly the point of "the surge" is nowhere near happening? That Iraq's Shiite government is now rounding up the American- backed Sunni leaders of the Awakening? That the reason 8,000 soldiers may be leaving Iraq soon is so more can be deployed to Afghanistan where the Taliban is steadily retaking the country?

No. We're talking about whether Sarah Palin was or was not a good mayor, whether she was or was not a good mother, whether her skirts are too short and her zingers too sarcastic.

Contrary to what we're hearing 24/7 in the media, the next few weeks are not a test of Sarah Palin. The next few weeks are a test of Barack Obama.

He needs to dramatically redirect this election back to a discussion over the issues that really matter -- the issues that will impact the future of this country. A presidential campaign is a battle and this is the time for Obama to show some commander-in-chief skills. I'm not talking about calling Palin out for lying about his record and demeaning community organizing. I'm talking about grabbing the political debate by the throat. The country is already angry about what's happened over the last seven-plus years -- he shouldn't be afraid to give voice to that anger. Obama has spent years adopting a non-threatening persona; but he can't let his fear that appearing like an "angry Black man" (a stereotype not- too-subtly fueled by Fox News) will turn off swing voters keep him from channeling the disgust and outrage felt by so many voters --swing and otherwise.

McCain's team, in an effort to distract, is going to keep doing what they're doing -- diverting voters and the media with a tantalizing combination of personal trivia and small lies. It doesn't matter if they're caught in them -- in fact, all the better. Because they know there is no way in hell they can win if this election is about the big truth of the Bush years.

McCain's real running mate is George Bush and the failed policies of the Republican Party. Even if they are dressed up in a skirt, lipstick, and Tina Fey glasses.

Arianna Huffington is the co-founder and editor-in- chief of The Huffington Post, a nationally syndicated columnist, and author of twelve books. She is also co-host of "Left, Right & Center," public radio's popular political roundtable program.

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Subject: RE: BS: Lipstick on a Pig
From: Jim Dixon
Date: 11 Sep 08 - 06:58 AM

Where exactly in the Bible does it refer to "going down ... in the biblical sense"?

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Subject: RE: BS: Lipstick on a Pig
Date: 11 Sep 08 - 08:37 AM

Anyone paying attention to the crap going on in the Department of the Interior? Wonder why an investigation that started in 2006 happens to make the news mid-election campaigning?

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Subject: RE: BS: Lipstick on a Pig
From: Riginslinger
Date: 11 Sep 08 - 08:42 AM

If the Democrats really wanted change, they would have offered the American public a candidate the public could trust.

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Subject: RE: BS: Lipstick on a Pig
From: GUEST,number 6
Date: 11 Sep 08 - 08:57 AM

I agree with you Rigin ... with the current candidates the country is still deeply devided .... only a serious shakeup, and I mean a serious shakeup / wakeup can solve the issues .... otherwise the status quo remains the same ... I'll be interested in seeing what the content of the politikal BS threads will be a year from now here in the Mudcat, regardless of who wins the 'kupi doll' in this election carnival.


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Subject: RE: BS: Lipstick on a Pig
From: GUEST,Guest from Sanity
Date: 11 Sep 08 - 10:00 AM

I thought Obama was PROMISING CHANGE!....NOT MORE OF THE SAME??   Attacking Palin, is like Bush attacking Iraq....ITS THE WRONG TARGET, STUPID!!!!!!!!!!
He should stick to his issues, and or attack the Presidential candidate,
not the VP choice....but she got to him and his self consumed ego!!!
His irrational behavior in this matter,(even with all his bullshit bktracking), is not CHANGE......ITS MORE OF THE SAME!!!!!!!!

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Subject: RE: BS: Lipstick on a Pig
From: WFDU - Ron Olesko
Date: 11 Sep 08 - 10:02 AM

"Where exactly in the Bible does it refer to "going down ... in the biblical sense"? "

Page 198.

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Subject: RE: BS: Lipstick on a Pig
From: Donuel
Date: 11 Sep 08 - 10:07 AM

Again Sanity GUEST hits the nail on the head,

It is about Stupidity and hitting yourself in the head.
Be Careful Sanity GUEST, we worry about you.

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Subject: RE: BS: Lipstick on a Pig
From: Donuel
Date: 11 Sep 08 - 10:15 AM

unposted cartoons

Obama in Virginia), "Are the Republicans going to deliver health care, education? I suggest you ask McCain and Palin HOW. th..."

Ann Coulter suddenly jumps up and starts yelling "He called Govenor Palin a HO, he called her a Ho, you heard him, he called Palin a HO!! SEXIST PIG he called her a Ho ... gasp...pretend to faint.

Picture of a Colossal Trojan Moose with lipstick on is outside the castle gates.
A pig on the drawbridge blocks its advance and says
"I just don't trust you"

(a small pit bull's head is seen peeking out of the Moose's butt
and barracuda are seen in the moat)

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Subject: RE: BS: Lipstick on a Pig
From: GUEST,Guest from Sanity
Date: 11 Sep 08 - 10:16 AM

I know Donuel, I worry about me, too....and the rest of our country. Clear thinking people are a tiny minority, anymore!
C, B Sharp, but B Natural!!...wink

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Subject: RE: BS: Lipstick on a Pig
From: Bobert
Date: 11 Sep 08 - 10:24 AM

"A candidate the public can trust" = White!!!

That is the bottom line here, Rigs, and though alot of folks can'r or won't admit it that is what the MCCain campaign is hitting thru personal attacks which have nothin' to do with policy... They are going right to white America's fears of black people...

I heard a white guy on NPR a little while ago being interviewed with a number of other people of various ethnis backgrounds and he purdy much said what the Repubs have given him when he said, "I'm not against a black man being president, just not this black man..." Yeah, right, pal... Like which black man would you want as president would have been my question had I been the interviewer...


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Subject: RE: BS: Lipstick on a Pig
From: Amos
Date: 11 Sep 08 - 10:29 AM

HAng tough, folks, and let the man move, for chrissakes. He ain't even in office yet! And, to get in, he has to give them pressies a sop or two, eh?


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Subject: RE: BS: Lipstick on a Pig
Date: 11 Sep 08 - 02:21 PM

And on the humerous side:
I just sent out a company wide memo. We have a large glass pig in the company kitchen for pennies - collected for a local charity. She sports VERY LARGE RED LIPS. My memo reads:

Penny has asked that the Giving Committee makes it absolutely clear that her make-up job is not a political comment just an unfortunate coincidence. She loves the $20 but would appreciate pennies as well.

Give lots and give often!

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Subject: RE: BS: Lipstick on a Pig
From: Genie
Date: 11 Sep 08 - 02:39 PM

Jim Dixon asked: "Where exactly in the Bible does it refer to "going down ... in the biblical sense?"

Didn't you ever hear the old spiritual "Go Down, Moses?"


; D

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Subject: RE: BS: Lipstick on a Pig
From: Genie
Date: 11 Sep 08 - 02:52 PM

Guest from Sanity,
If you bothered to read or listen to what Obama actually said in that "lipstick" speech, you'd see that it was neither John McCain nor Sara Palin that he was calling a "pig," it was the policies of the Bush/Cheney administration, which McCain wants to continue.

Sadly, I cannot find the video of Obama's actual speech on line any more, but here is what he said in the "lipstick" portion:
([Here's John McCain's message to Washington] "... Watch out George Bush! Except for economic polici, health care policy, tax policy, education policy, foreign policy and Karl Rove style policy, we're realy gonna shake things up in Washington.   
That's not change!
That's keeping the same thing and calling it something different. You can't ... You can put lipstick on a pig ... (crowd roars and applauds) and it's still a pig. You can't wrap an old fish in newspaper and expect not to smell as bad after 8 years. ... "

If you think Barack was alluding to Palin as the "pig," you've either been grossly misled by YouTubes and blogs and ads that have taken the "pig" comment out of context and deliberately, inaccurately attached it to a picture of Palin or to her convention speech -- or you're deliberately choosing to distort the plain facts that are right in front of your nose.

I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and assume that you, like a lot of the public, have heard only the spin and distortions and not the actual facts.



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Subject: RE: BS: Lipstick on a Pig
From: artbrooks
Date: 11 Sep 08 - 02:54 PM

Bobert sez, Like which black man would you want as president...? Uh - Clarence Thomas?

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Subject: RE: BS: Lipstick on a Pig
From: Amos
Date: 11 Sep 08 - 03:28 PM


In your energetic leap for anything that allows histrionic, you got the actual facts upside down, amiga.

Chill out and read what the man actually said.


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Subject: RE: BS: Lipstick on a Pig
From: mg
Date: 12 Sep 08 - 01:05 AM

Genie..I totally disagree with you. When I heard what he had said I went, oh no, he couldn't have. Nobody had to connect any dots for me. Now, again, I do not believe it was intentional. I do not think it was conscious. I believe he is a gentleman. But I do think it was shocking, seeing as she had just made the comment about the pit bull with lipstick. It was quite possibly a Freudian slip. It could have been a simple coincidence or gaffe. If she had not had the lipstick comment, and he had said the lipstick on the pig, not a big deal. To me, it instantly linked. It is not false outrage. It is real outrage to something that was not meant to be offensive. And it is not an expression I am familiar with..I have probably heard it in my lifetime, but it is not common to my experience. I thought it was something he had made up. So again, I do not think he meant any disrespect, but because of the timing, I think it was a big booboo on his part. I think he should just briefly have said I meant no offense, it is an expression I have used often (which I think he has now said) and others, including McCain have used it. I didn't connect it with Gov. Palin's joke, but I can see how others could have. And she shoudl have graciously said, no problem. I know you didn't mean to say it on purpose. mg

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Subject: RE: BS: Lipstick on a Pig
From: Genie
Date: 12 Sep 08 - 01:26 AM

Mary, I don't think it was a Freudian slip at all, given how commonly that metaphor has been used in the political scene for a long time, including the past year or two.   That said, since Palin had used a different "lipstick on an animal" metaphor so recently, it would have been better if he'd thought ahead how those words were likely to be perceived by some of his own supporters and grabbed by his opponents as ammunition.
It's kind of like the many common expressions that are about "dark" and "light," which have nothing to do with race but might be perceived otherwise if Obama's opponents used them.

I think he clearly was not referring to Palin as the "pig," even subconsciously. If he had her in mind at all -- his remarks were about McCain or about the joint ticket -- in his metaphor, she was the "lipstick" on the "pig" of the ticket's policies.

It would have been better if he'd used a different metaphor -- though I can't think of a good substitute.   But since the media have made such a brouhaha about it, I'd like to see Obama and the Dems RUN WITH IT. Make it utterly clear that McCain and Palin are trying to put "lipstick" on the "pig" of the Bush-Cheney-Rove tactics and policies that they continue to embrace.

G : )

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Subject: RE: BS: Lipstick on a Pig
From: Amos
Date: 12 Sep 08 - 02:21 AM

"HERE'S THE QUESTION voters should be asking themselves this week: Just how stupid does the McCain-Palin campaign think I am?

The answer: Dumb enough to hoodwink with charges so contrived and cynical they make your teeth ache.

Let's start with the most insidious of the assertions: that Barack Obama has supported teaching "comprehensive sex education" to kindergartners. The McCain campaign has put up an ad making that claim, citing legislation Obama voted for as an Illinois state senator.

Actually, the intent wasn't to teach young kids all about sex, but rather how to recognize improper physical contact, says Kelvy Brown, legislative coordinator for the Chicago Department of Public Health, which backed the bill.

"It was about teaching them what's not appropriate when it comes to touching, fondling, those types of things," Brown said.

Further, the 2003 legislation stipulated that any school sex education program had to be "age and developmentally appropriate" and have a parental opt out.

As the nonpartisan campaign watchdog has made clear, this is a thoroughly dishonest ad.

No matter. The McCain campaign has shown it's ready and willing to say preposterous things to win.

Now, it's true the Obama camp has been guilty of some distortions of its own. Still, it's the McCain team that has made leveling false or misleading accusations its modus operandi.

Witness this week's other foray into flimflam: the charge that Obama had called GOP vice presidential nominee Sarah Palin a porcine politico on Tuesday by saying "you can put lipstick on a pig - it's still a pig."

That expression is one that McCain himself has used a number of times, most notably to criticize Hillary Clinton's 2007 healthcare proposal. And in context, it's clear Obama invoked the phrase to portray McCain's policies as a continuation of the Bush administration's, and not to disparage Palin.

Indeed, the notion that it was a barb belittling Palin is so self-evidently absurd that Republican Mike Huckabee refused to play along. "It's an old expression," he told Fox News' Sean Hannity. "I do not think he was referring to Sarah Palin."

Of course he wasn't. And yet, the McCain camp quickly put up a Web ad portraying it as a sexist remark, and on Wednesday McCain spokespeople and surrogates served up similar accusations of disrespect on TV. Pressed about those claims on MSNBC, McCain senior policy adviser Nancy Pfotenhauer stumbled into a revealing moment. "It doesn't matter what the media thinks," she said. "What matters is what the American people think."

Translation: If we can dupe voters into believing Obama disparaged Palin, we can score political points.

Sadly, one of the McCain allies pushing this manufactured controversy has been former Massachusetts acting governor Jane Swift, who on a Tuesday McCain campaign conference call flatly accused Obama of calling Palin a pig.

On Wednesday, I noted to Swift that a reading of Obama's remarks simply doesn't lend credence to that charge. And, further, that McCain has used the same expression himself.

Well, replied Swift, Palin's convention speech joke about lipstick meant the word was very much associated with her in the public mind. "If it didn't intend to bring her into it, why would you choose that particular" formulation? she asked.

What's more, she said, some in the crowd listening to Obama had also taken his comment as a reference to Palin.

Think those arguments are flimsy? Well, consider her further contention: "Nobody but Barack Obama . . . can know what he intended," but the fact that she and others had found it offensive meant that he should "make the whole thing go away by saying, 'I shouldn't have said it.' "

So, let's see: Obama employs an everyday expression to make a legitimate political argument. His opponent's camp then strains an Achilles in a ludicrous attempt to twist his comment into a sexist insult.

And now, to end the controversy, Obama should apologize?

There's some pretzel logic for you.

McCain and Swift are the ones who should apologize.

Voters, meanwhile, should be insulted that the McCain campaign is trying to peddle them this kind of transparent trumpery."

Scott Lehigh on

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Subject: RE: BS: Lipstick on a Pig
From: mg
Date: 12 Sep 08 - 03:22 AM

No. Contraire. It is not an everyday expression everywhere in America. I have pretty much not consciously ever heard is not an expression many people are familiar with. They did not have to have a ludicrous attempt to twist the comment into anything because she had just made the lipstick on the pitbull comment. It was right there. It was a primal wham. Unintended to be sure but it is totally obvious to me that this was a major oops moment. He should have just quickly explained himself and gone on with a simple apology, which should have been quickly accepted. mg

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Subject: RE: BS: Lipstick on a Pig
From: GUEST,Guest from Sanity
Date: 12 Sep 08 - 03:24 AM

Actually, I did hear the quote, several times....if you think he meant it ONLY as he 'innocently' said he meant it AFTERWORDS, then, you missed the double en tender that it was supposed to be, that actually was pretty slick. Just think, he could have said, 'Lipstick on a pit bull, is still a bitch'.....
Now get back in your bottle....

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Subject: RE: BS: Lipstick on a Pig
From: akenaton
Date: 12 Sep 08 - 03:31 AM

Seems to me the Dems have once again snatched defeat from the jaws of victory.
I Obama really wants CHANGE, he should have said so in words that the ordinary voters could understand, like Mrs Palin did.
Or perhaps Mr Obama doesn't want to be too specific about what sort of CHANGE he wants......might upset the people who pull his strings...Ake

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Subject: RE: BS: Lipstick on a Pig
From: GUEST,Guest from Sanity
Date: 12 Sep 08 - 03:49 AM

Here here!! Ake...Bravo!
Actually he also doesn't was to 'inform' the voting public, what the 'Change' is....his numbers would plummet even further....but I don't think his rah-rah pom pom crowd, would grasp it, as they are star struck
groupies...thinking they are so 'inside' and hip. Nothing is further from the truth....but what the hell?....they just don't(or can't) get it.

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Subject: RE: BS: Lipstick on a Pig
From: Genie
Date: 12 Sep 08 - 03:51 AM

Mary, with all due respect, the fact that you aren't conscious of having heard that expression does not mean that "it is not an expression many people are familiar with."

I found many, many fairly recent examples of the use of the expression in politics and the public eye just by googling it (and I posted the link here). Several of those were from this election cycle and/or from Presidential candidates who ran this year.   I've also seen a number of polical cartoons using that metaphoric imagery. Usually there's no woman or animal actually being referred to.

Now I agree that the CROWD at Obama's rally took it as a double entendre.   It's also conceivable that this particular metaphor came to his mind more quickly, unconsciously, because the word "lipstick" had been used so prominently during the RNC speech by Palin. Watching the video of Barack making that speech, it did look like he was kind of speaking off the cuff, rather than spouting memorized words. He is probably very familiar with the expression, just as John McCain is.   Upon hearing the crowd's reaction, Obama was quick to add another metaphor, that you can't expect an old fish to stop smelling bad "after 8 years" (an obvious reference to Dubya's policies) just because you wrap it in newspaper.   (Some in the anti-Obama camp went so far as to label the "smelly fish" metaphor as anti-woman too. Talk about reaching!)   

Everyone in the public eye is capable of saying something that can be taken out of context and used against them in the court of public opinion -- especially people who have to give interviews and do town halls all the time.   But one thing Obama is not is stupid.   I cannot imagine that he deliberately chose verbal imagery as a sexist insult to any woman, when it would have been easy to predict how his opponents and/or the media would pounce on it.   As we've pointed out over and over, it IS a common expression and a very apt one for the point he was making about McCain's policies.

Every once in a while I encounter some new word, phrase, or piece of information that's totally new to me but that just about everyone else seems to think is old hat.   I expect that's what's going on here, with you not being aware of how common this expression is.

Genie : )

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Subject: RE: BS: Lipstick on a Pig
From: GUEST,Guest from Sanity
Date: 12 Sep 08 - 03:58 AM

Now I agree that the CROWD at Obama's rally took it as a double entendre.   It's also conceivable that this particular metaphor came to his mind more quickly, unconsciously, because the word "lipstick" had been used so prominently during the RNC speech by Palin.

yeah, it wasn't HIS fault he was playing to the crowd.....and 95% of forest fires are caused by trees!

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Subject: RE: BS: Lipstick on a Pig
From: akenaton
Date: 12 Sep 08 - 03:59 AM

HEY GUEST!.....Go look at the information just posted by Amos in the other "what does Palin remind you of" thread. Its about the succession of American States and the views of Americans on the "broken" US form of government.

Very interesting and very big of Amos to post it...Ake

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Subject: RE: BS: Lipstick on a Pig
From: GUEST,Guest from Sanity
Date: 12 Sep 08 - 04:04 AM

Ake, I just mean about the wart hog?...I replied..

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Subject: RE: BS: Lipstick on a Pig
From: akenaton
Date: 12 Sep 08 - 04:05 AM

"Lipstick"?....seemed a good idea at time by some little Dem script writer.
In reality..."It's politics STUPID!!!!"

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Subject: RE: BS: Lipstick on a Pig
From: akenaton
Date: 12 Sep 08 - 04:07 AM

Sorry guest ....I meant the "Presidential campaign" thread!

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Subject: RE: BS: Lipstick on a Pig
From: GUEST,Guest from Sanity
Date: 12 Sep 08 - 04:13 AM

Hands on my hips...tapping my mean I have to go look again???....wagging my head...awwww...ok(actually I read it earlier) I couldn't believe my eyes, that Amos posted it...AND STILL LIKES OBAGMA!

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Subject: RE: BS: Lipstick on a Pig
From: Richard Bridge
Date: 12 Sep 08 - 05:35 AM

Assuming just for the moment that Obama did intend to use it to refer to Palin, it's a really good "gotcha" and there's nothing wrong with it.

The hullabaloo is about as daft as the fact that my step-daughter when working for Intel got a disciplinary for saying "Merry Christmas". Quite rightly she told them where to stick it.

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Subject: RE: BS: Lipstick on a Pig
From: Riginslinger
Date: 12 Sep 08 - 07:33 AM

I think they have a bunch of Hindus working at Intel!

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Subject: RE: BS: Lipstick on a Pig
From: WFDU - Ron Olesko
Date: 12 Sep 08 - 09:39 AM

If they are this upset by an old expression, think how quickly they would implode on a world stage when they will be compared to much worse than a pig.   McCain and Palin do not have the cojones to serve in the executive office. Plain and simple and obvious to anyone with open eyes. They do not have the experience to deal with this little crap and the bigger issues will destroy them.

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Subject: RE: BS: Lipstick on a Pig
From: Riginslinger
Date: 12 Sep 08 - 10:13 AM

Oh Bummer got all jacked out of shape when McCain proclaimed himself to be the agent of change, and there were no pigs involved. Imagine how he would self-destruct when confronted with bigger issues.

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Subject: RE: BS: Lipstick on a Pig
From: Amos
Date: 12 Sep 08 - 11:36 AM

For some reason every time I see that stout-faced woman's picture, I keep thinking of a pig wearing lipstick!! Is this bad? Am I losing it? Help me, doctor.

Actually, on reflection, I think there are certain attributes that make the connection appear.

One is a certain tendency to be porcine in her appetite for Federal money, and in her savage, almost grunting, defense of her own wallow and her swinish suspicion of anyone not vowing loyalty to her and her banners.

Another is the highly energized advance to the trough, driven solely by appetitie, and never by reflection.

Another is a certain pretension to being more "ordinary" than she actually is being. I can imagine Miss Piggy pirouetting and calling out "Moi is a hockey-maman and moi is also a moose-chasseur!" Trying to wedge that down-home profile into the highest offices in the land is pretty piggish.


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Subject: RE: BS: Lipstick on a Pig
From: Amos
Date: 12 Sep 08 - 11:38 AM

"Since Sarah Palin was added to the Republican ticket, there have been multiple reports about her skepticism regarding the science behind global warming. Last night, during her ABC interview, Palin was pressed on her beliefs, and got a little defensive.

"Show me where I have ever said that there's absolute proof that nothing that man has ever conducted or engaged in has had any effect or no effect on climate change. I have not said that," Palin told Charlie Gibson.

Well, what has she said? The AP takes a closer look, and concludes Palin's remarks to ABC are "at odds with her previous statements."

[I]n the past Palin has said she does not believe global warming is caused by human activity. She has told the Internet news site Newsmax, "A changing environment will affect Alaska more than any other state, because of our location.... I'm not one, though, who would attribute it to being man-made."In an interview with a Fairbanks newspaper within the last year, Palin said: "I'm not an Al Gore, doom-and-gloom environmentalist blaming the changes in our climate on human activity." ABC cited the interview as being at odds with her statement.

I can appreciate Palin being embarrassed about her beliefs now; she's obviously well outside the scientific mainstream. If I were her, in my first national television interview, I'd be tempted to distance myself from right-wing talking points, too.

But Palin's record is Palin's record, and the fact remains that she's so far out there, she's rejected the connection between global warming and human activity. Indeed, she's done so more than once. This not only tells us something important about Palin's understanding of public policy, it also tells us a great deal about how she perceives and considers evidence that runs counter to her ideology." (CBS)

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Subject: RE: BS: Lipstick on a Pig
From: akenaton
Date: 12 Sep 08 - 11:49 AM

My god!
What's wrong with you lot? This isn't about who's right or wrong, this is about getting (x)million morons to vote for you!

Once elected they will all act in the same way regardless.
Look what the Dems did when they got a majority in the two houses.
Congratulated Bush on what a good job he was doin'!!

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Subject: RE: BS: Lipstick on a Pig
From: GUEST,Guest from Sanity
Date: 12 Sep 08 - 12:30 PM

From: Amos
Date: 12 Sep 08 - 11:36 AM

For some reason every time I see that stout-faced woman's picture, I keep thinking of a pig wearing lipstick!! Is this bad? Am I losing it? Help me, doctor.
The answer is...YES!, actually you never had, what you think you're losing...
Ake, ..You got the picture!!

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Subject: RE: BS: Lipstick on a Pig
From: Bobert
Date: 12 Sep 08 - 12:45 PM

Here's the bottom line, "my friends":

Until McCain finds that distortions and lieing are hurting his poll numbers he will continue to distort and lie... I mean, why not???

The sex-ed for kindergarteners is a lie, the Obama tax proposal is a lie, the lipstcik on a pig is a lie but like who is calling them on these lies other than Obama himself??? The press, in general, isn't... The heavies in the Democratic Party want no part of calling McCain a liar...

Face it, there is only so much of a load that Obama can carry...

Wgat really bugs me is that the press has knuckled under to the usual elction cycle crybaby act of the Repubs over this misconception of it being "The Liberal Media" and until the media gets it's sea legs it's gonna run scared of pissin' off McCain...

And, of course, if they keep their collective media heads in the sand then it is going to make an Obama vitory very difficult...


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Subject: RE: BS: Lipstick on a Pig
From: Little Hawk
Date: 12 Sep 08 - 12:52 PM

"This isn't about who's right or wrong, this is about getting (x)million morons to vote for you!"

Exactly. ;-)

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Subject: RE: BS: Lipstick on a Pig
From: Donuel
Date: 12 Sep 08 - 12:54 PM

Good point bobert, I've said it manyt imes in many ways myself.

There are ~ 125,344,754,599,088,222 bottom lines

one of those botom lines is 'Sarah is every bit as intelligent as George W Bush -----But she is far more religious!

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