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BS: Polygamy a Protected Practice in Canada?

Sandy Mc Lean 25 Nov 10 - 11:49 PM
Q (Frank Staplin) 26 Nov 10 - 01:38 PM
3refs 27 Nov 10 - 03:00 AM

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Subject: RE: BS: Polygamy a Protected Practice in Canada?
From: Sandy Mc Lean
Date: 25 Nov 10 - 11:49 PM

Under the Canadian constitution education is the responsibility of the province so the government of BC controls the act, but home schooling is not a constitutional right. The BC government can change it tomorrow and take control of educating children away from religious wingnuts and make them conform to uniform standards of teaching. In other words if they don't or won't meet required standards for the children's education the government could and should intervene. If the government of BC has not placed uniform standards in place then they damn well should do so quickly! This is nothing short of child abuse and the shame on the BC government remains!

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Subject: RE: BS: Polygamy a Protected Practice in Canada?
From: Q (Frank Staplin)
Date: 26 Nov 10 - 01:38 PM

Many people in British Columbia consider home schooling a constitutional right, and legislative members will not vote against it.
Personally, I believe in strong standards, but I don't see them taking hold in B. C. for everyone.

One of the most interesting exceptions to uniform education is in Alberta, where the 166 Hutterite colonies educate their children to a modified standard, mostly basic subjects, to age 15, grade 9 equivalent, in English and their version of Low German. The children are treated as adults at age 15. The local public school board provides the teachers and the Hutterite colony provides the facilities, for which they charge the local school board.

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Subject: RE: BS: Polygamy a Protected Practice in Canada?
From: 3refs
Date: 27 Nov 10 - 03:00 AM

"The principle drawback to polygamy maybe multiple Mothers in Law!!!!"
The very thought caused me physical pain!

Let's just change all the laws that inhibits/prohibits any one person from doing whatever that one person wants to do. Furthermore, if two or more people find compatibility in what ever it is they do....AMEN!
The other side is: There's more of me than there is of you, and me says you can't do that!

That doesn't count for much in this country these days! "Individual Rights" doesn't mean you can screw everyone else!

100,000 dead Canadians lay dead on foreign soil and I'd bet not many would be too happy about the "individuals" that find our traditions and customs to be offensive.

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