Subject: BS: Why Am I Locked Out of Mudcat??? From: GUEST,Locked Out Date: 12 Jun 09 - 07:38 PM I have tried unsuceessfully to post here in Mudcat since accusing the CIA or FBI of being in on the assasinations of JFK, RFK and MLK in the 60s and guess what??? I am locked out... I even tried to post from a library but used my handle... Somethin' very fishy going on here... B**ert
[You were ok in the 'partner songs' thread this morning. Check your cookies] |
Subject: RE: BS: Why Am I Locked Out of Mudcat??? From: CarolC Date: 12 Jun 09 - 07:46 PM Busted!!!! |
Subject: RE: BS: Why Am I Locked Out of Mudcat??? From: Bee-dubya-ell Date: 12 Jun 09 - 08:10 PM Be glad you were only locked out. They could have had you disappeared, you know. |
Subject: RE: BS: Why Am I Locked Out of Mudcat??? From: Jeri Date: 12 Jun 09 - 08:16 PM Bobert, I'd guess you got cross-threaded with some spam because I don't think any of us would block you on purpose. |
Subject: RE: BS: Why Am I Locked Out of Mudcat??? From: GUEST,Me... Date: 12 Jun 09 - 08:20 PM Kinda like sneakin' back into yer ghouse after yer parents have thrown you out... Real wierd... Had several "access denied"... Geeze... Guess you can't say nuthin bad about the CIA or the FBI... Even if it was somethin' they might have been ivolved in some 50 years ago... Yo, my fellow Catters... If I have been successfully assasinated (lotta that going around these days) ya'll can email me at I mean, who knows, this might be my last post if it takes so ya'll write down that email address 'cause somethin' goin' on here, what it is ain't exactly clear, man with a gun over there, tellin' me I gotta be aware... Never thought that would happen here... But it has... B***rt |
Subject: RE: BS: Why Am I Locked Out of Mudcat??? From: Jeri Date: 12 Jun 09 - 08:23 PM Try to log in, bobert. |
Subject: RE: BS: Why Am I Locked Out of Mudcat??? From: GUEST,Sneakin' in... Date: 12 Jun 09 - 08:37 PM Well, somethin' going on... I feel like I am sneakin' here and there in my own house... Kinda wierd... I do kmnow there are certain threads that won't take any of my post and I get "access denied"... Reckon this is like putting thorozine in folks... Well,Ralph, we'll let him post on the "gardening" thread but nuthin' political... "Access denied"... Anyone ever gotten that one??? I mean, I ain't some frothin' at the mought gun tottin' lunitic here... Yet someone here thinks I am and I can't even defend myself... What the Hell is this??? Russia??? ( Larry the Cable Guy)... B**ert |
Subject: RE: BS: Why Am I Locked Out of Mudcat??? From: Janie Date: 12 Jun 09 - 08:53 PM Have you reset your cookie, luv? If you are feeling paranoid, I can recommend some medications;>) Darlin' Beaubear, whatever is going on is a glitch, not a Mudcat conspiracy. Now get thee to the gardening thread. I gotta a question about those azalea seedlings from the P-Vine and you that I am gonna go post right now. |
Subject: RE: BS: Why Am I Locked Out of Mudcat??? From: GUEST,Beaubear... Date: 12 Jun 09 - 09:10 PM Janie, yeah, I'm feeling real paranoid... This mornin' I tried to post to the "DC shooters" thread and it wouldn't take... So I went to the library and used their computer and tried using "GUEST, Bobert" as my handle and it wouldn't take it... Then tonight I came here and tried to post to the "DC Shooter" thread and got "Access denied"... Then I logged off and have had limited success in posting to various threads... I donno... Seems purdy stright forward to me that since accusing the CIA and/or the FBI in the assasinations in the 60's that I've been runnin' underground to post anything... Paranoid??? Yeah!!! B~ |
Subject: RE: BS: Why Am I Locked Out of Mudcat??? From: maeve Date: 12 Jun 09 - 09:19 PM Hang in there, Bobert. It will be cleared up. maeve |
Subject: RE: BS: Why Am I Locked Out of Mudcat??? From: catspaw49 Date: 12 Jun 09 - 09:20 PM YO!!! Lovingly Suggested, |
Subject: RE: BS: Why Am I Locked Out of Mudcat??? From: Janie Date: 12 Jun 09 - 09:21 PM Use your good brain, Darlin' and think about it. There may well be a glitch somewhere, but it is only a glitch. |
Subject: RE: BS: Why Am I Locked Out of Mudcat??? From: Jeri Date: 12 Jun 09 - 09:22 PM I notice you're ignoring me. Try logging in. If that doesn't work, you can sign your GUEST messages as 'Bobert'. The alternate identities may be deleted. I don't see any reason at all why you can't log in. If the usual way doesn't work, go to the FAQ and follow the directions for clearing your cache and logging back in. |
Subject: RE: BS: Why Am I Locked Out of Mudcat??? From: maeve Date: 12 Jun 09 - 09:24 PM Spaw has such a way with words, Bobert, and I suspect he and the moderator who left you a teeny tiny note are correct. I think you'd best follow his instructions. Janie is waiting to ask you a question about those azaleas that you sent her, so get to it, eh? m |
Subject: RE: BS: Why Am I Locked Out of Mudcat??? From: maeve Date: 12 Jun 09 - 09:25 PM What Janie and Jeri said. m |
Subject: RE: BS: Why Am I Locked Out of Mudcat??? From: Amos Date: 12 Jun 09 - 09:30 PM Whut Spaw said. A |
Subject: RE: BS: Why Am I Locked Out of Mudcat??? From: Janie Date: 12 Jun 09 - 09:33 PM Sweetpea, leave the right brain out of it. Get into left brain. And answer my azalea question. If clearing cache, deleting temporary files, and resetting cookies doesn't work, pm Joe or Max. The one thing I am absolutely sure about is you are not being deliberately denied access by Mudcat or the Feds. xxoo, Janie |
Subject: RE: BS: Why Am I Locked Out of Mudcat??? From: heric Date: 12 Jun 09 - 09:46 PM Can't you just TRY the thorazine? |
Subject: RE: BS: Why Am I Locked Out of Mudcat??? From: Riginslinger Date: 12 Jun 09 - 09:48 PM I don't know, Nancy Pelosi has a beef the with CIA and San Francisco loves it. |
Subject: RE: BS: Why Am I Locked Out of Mudcat??? From: Sorcha Date: 12 Jun 09 - 09:56 PM If he can't log in and has to appear as a Guest, he CAN'T PM anybody! Better send an email. |
Subject: RE: BS: Why Am I Locked Out of Mudcat??? From: Slag Date: 12 Jun 09 - 10:15 PM HUH, (pause) Did you pay your dues? |
Subject: RE: BS: Why Am I Locked Out of Mudcat??? From: Bill D Date: 12 Jun 09 - 10:28 PM Hey, BeauBob... iffn you caint get it, try clicking **RELOAD** up top,,,, (not 'refresh') That should get all the current settings on Mudcat's side. Plain old 'refresh' might just get the same copy of Mudcat you had when the trouble started. |
Subject: RE: BS: Why Am I Locked Out of Mudcat??? From: Janie Date: 12 Jun 09 - 10:32 PM Bobert, Check your e-mail. I forgot that you can't pm if you can't log in. |
Subject: RE: BS: Why Am I Locked Out of Mudcat??? From: artbrooks Date: 13 Jun 09 - 12:57 AM You are locked out. Max hates you and Joe is (and has always been) a CIA agent. Or else you could try a reboot - that always works for me. |
Subject: RE: BS: Why Am I Locked Out of Mudcat??? From: Joe Offer Date: 13 Jun 09 - 03:31 AM What Art said. Hey, it's gotta be one or the other, right? -Joe- |
Subject: RE: BS: Why Am I Locked Out of Mudcat??? From: Bobert Date: 13 Jun 09 - 08:08 AM This is a test... B~ |
Subject: RE: BS: Why Am I Locked Out of Mudcat??? From: Jeri Date: 13 Jun 09 - 08:17 AM C+ |
Subject: RE: BS: Why Am I Locked Out of Mudcat??? From: Bobert Date: 13 Jun 09 - 08:19 AM Hey, at least it wasn't another F... Yesterday was FsDay... B;~) |
Subject: RE: BS: Why Am I Locked Out of Mudcat??? From: maeve Date: 13 Jun 09 - 08:33 AM A+ for perserverance, Bobert. maeve |
Subject: RE: BS: Why Am I Locked Out of Mudcat??? From: frogprince Date: 13 Jun 09 - 08:34 AM Bobert...Keep your head down...there are squirrel hunters out in the woods. Maybe turkey hunters, too. |
Subject: RE: BS: Why Am I Locked Out of Mudcat??? From: Bobert Date: 13 Jun 09 - 08:40 AM That ain't all that funny, f-prince... Ya' see, our closet neigbor is about 1/4 mile from here and he has a mental problem and lots of guns and ammunition... He has set up a little shooting range behind his house... Problem is that we are, ahhhhh, behind the shotting range... Twice in the last year we've had to call the sheriff after bullets zinged overhead... Thanks for the A+, maeve... I really don't deserve an A+... Maybe a B-... Okay, a C+ ain't all that bad either... My nother used to refer to Cs as "Gentleman Cs"... B~ |
Subject: RE: BS: Why Am I Locked Out of Mudcat??? From: Rapparee Date: 13 Jun 09 - 09:14 AM That sounds like the title to a song: "Bobert's Got A Nut Case For A Neighbor" It could even be set to the music of that classic Christmas song, "Grandma Got Run Over By A Reindeer." Scans the same. |
Subject: RE: BS: Why Am I Locked Out of Mudcat??? From: frogprince Date: 13 Jun 09 - 09:48 AM Yikes, Bobert. Is there a chance in the world of getting the guy's guns legally confiscated before he hits somebody? |
Subject: RE: BS: Why Am I Locked Out of Mudcat??? From: Jeri Date: 13 Jun 09 - 09:52 AM Rap, that's a good idea for a song, even if there's a slight pot/kettle conflict. Bobert, I would have given you a higher score, but you only wrote one sentence and never really ended it. You spelled the big words ('this' and 'test') right though, but to exceed a C, you have to have some in there with more than one sillyball. |
Subject: RE: BS: Why Am I Locked Out of Mudcat??? From: Amos Date: 13 Jun 09 - 11:10 AM I don't know why you are in a position to pass judgement on the silliness of Bobert's balls, Jeri. Is there a secret here? A |
Subject: RE: BS: Why Am I Locked Out of Mudcat??? From: Bobert Date: 13 Jun 09 - 12:38 PM Hey, leave my poor ol' ablls outta this, ya'll... Sheeesh... Is nuthin' sacred???? (Ya' know, this *is* Mudcat, Bobz...) Nevermind... Sorry, Jeri, but I live in a poor county and we ain't can't afford them long words... Maybe if I get me a winnin' lottery ticket then I can get a few to throw out there... You know, like the words that Amos buys... He must be loaded... B;~) |
Subject: RE: BS: Why Am I Locked Out of Mudcat??? From: Bill D Date: 13 Jun 09 - 12:42 PM Amos is in California, and they are about to go they are selling off big, weird words real cheap....he's prob'ly got enuf for a couple more years. |
Subject: RE: BS: Why Am I Locked Out of Mudcat??? From: Little Hawk Date: 13 Jun 09 - 01:04 PM "Is nuthin' sacred????" Only 3 things are sacred. William Shatner. Winona Ryder. Dachshunds. |
Subject: RE: BS: Why Am I Locked Out of Mudcat??? From: Stilly River Sage Date: 13 Jun 09 - 01:13 PM Bobert, I think you should shift from putting up a deer fence to putting up a lead shield on that side of your property. (Whether the shield is made of lead or just stops lead is up to you. But a nylon deer fence isn't gonna do it!) SRS |
Subject: RE: BS: Why Am I Locked Out of Mudcat??? From: artbrooks Date: 13 Jun 09 - 01:21 PM Maybe you should ask Dolly Parton for an old bra. You could string it up along that side of the house, and it would catch stray bullets and sling 'em back the other way. |
Subject: RE: BS: Why Am I Locked Out of Mudcat??? From: Stringsinger Date: 13 Jun 09 - 01:33 PM Bobert, please read Thom Harmann's and Lamar Waldron's book, "Ultimate Sacrifice". Makes the best sense of anything I've read on the subject. |
Subject: RE: BS: Why Am I Locked Out of Mudcat??? From: gnu Date: 13 Jun 09 - 01:46 PM "Nuttin" sacred? |
Subject: RE: BS: Why Am I Locked Out of Mudcat??? From: Bobert Date: 13 Jun 09 - 03:04 PM First of all, I'd like to go on record of confessin' to havin' a couple big words in my holster... Jus' savin' 'um for the right occasion... Hey, wait, this is the right occasion: "polimorphis perverse guilt"!!! Whaddayathink now about this ol' hillbilly??? Don't mess with Texas, gol danged it... 'Er dachshunds either... Shatner??? Well, ahhhhhh, whad he ever do??? He can't sing... He can't act... He's blimped out like the Goodyear thing... He's washed up... No, he's not wasshed up 'cause in order to be washed up you had to be something to begin with, right??? Might of fact, seein' as balls have allready been iontroduced to this thread, I wouldn't let Shatner carry LH's dog's jock strap... And lastly, the deer fence will work, Maggie... I have the light duty stuff around my veggie garden and haven't had a deer in there since I put it up 4 years ago... And that is the light duty stuff... Lead walls??? Now there's an idea??? Dolly Parton's bra??? Whew, I ain't even going there... Not that I wouldn't, mind you, if I was a single guy and she was, too... Single, that is... Not guy... B~ |
Subject: RE: BS: Why Am I Locked Out of Mudcat??? From: Little Hawk Date: 13 Jun 09 - 03:06 PM Speaking of which, you ought to see Bill Shatner's bra... |
Subject: RE: BS: Why Am I Locked Out of Mudcat??? From: Amos Date: 13 Jun 09 - 03:35 PM WHich LH has mysteriously acquired a high degree of expertise about, for which explanations are better left unvoiced... |
Subject: RE: BS: Why Am I Locked Out of Mudcat??? From: GUEST,Guest. J Edgar Date: 13 Jun 09 - 04:55 PM Joe Offer is not, and has never been, a member of any official govt organisation, nor is he involved in any intelligence gathering for any govt controlled organisation. I trust this will bring to an end this subverive thread.
-Joe Offer, who is very proud of having been a Spy in Berlin and a U.S. Government Investigator- (but I once was investigated by the FBI for Impersonation of an Agent) [I was insulted that anybody would think I would want to be an FBI agent] |
Subject: RE: BS: Why Am I Locked Out of Mudcat??? From: Slag Date: 13 Jun 09 - 04:59 PM C++, it has all the answers and makes the grade. Hey I got me one of them Dolly's a Part'in brazziers at a white elephant sale. Now me and the little lady have a tandem hammock! Bobert!, are you sure your neighbor is a nut case? or maybe he's just a bad shot! Keep your Kevlar underwear handy. |
Subject: RE: BS: Why Am I Locked Out of Mudcat??? From: wysiwyg Date: 13 Jun 09 - 05:05 PM Y'all misssed it? Bobert refers to a CLOSET neighbor, not closest. Yup, he's got hisseff a househostage in a closet dungeon down the hall. If he cleans house, P-Vine's bound to find it.... ~S~ |
Subject: RE: BS: Why Am I Locked Out of Mudcat??? From: Little Hawk Date: 13 Jun 09 - 05:52 PM I'm using one of Bill's old bras here as a double hanging plant holder on the rear deck. If I could get hold of one of Dolly's castoffs, I'd be able to replace that quonset hut that fell down and double my storage space. |
Subject: RE: BS: Why Am I Locked Out of Mudcat??? From: Slag Date: 13 Jun 09 - 06:23 PM Sweet, LH, sweet! |
Subject: RE: BS: Why Am I Locked Out of Mudcat??? From: DougR Date: 13 Jun 09 - 07:00 PM Bobert: I figured they'd catch up to you one of these days. :>) DougR |
Subject: RE: BS: Why Am I Locked Out of Mudcat??? From: heric Date: 13 Jun 09 - 07:16 PM Nobody comes here for intelligence gathering. |
Subject: RE: BS: Why Am I Locked Out of Mudcat??? From: Bobert Date: 13 Jun 09 - 07:17 PM First of all, the guy is nuts... He shoots his gunn sometimes 300 times a night... Hmmmmmm??? That didn't come out the way it was meant... Real gun!!! Not some phalic thing here... I ain't that way at all, folks... Ask the P-Vine... She'll tell ya'll... I loves all womenz... I loves 'um if they big 'er if they is midgets... I loves 'um no matter what color they come in... I loves 'um when they is cranky and I loves 'um on those rare occasions when they ain't cranky... That, makes me no closet-out-of-the-closet-er-nuthin'-havin'-to-do-with-closets Bobert... Now as fir Dolly Parton's bra... I understand that used ones make for nice parachutes... Not that I'm gonna jump out of no plane with Dolly's bra but then again I ain't gonna jump out of no plane... No sir... I'll wreck the sumabich first... I have experience in wreckin' a plane and lived to tell about it but no jumpin'... What else??? Yeah, I didn't think that Joe Offer worked at the CIA or FBI and I'm purdy sure that he had nuthin' to do with no assasinations in the 60s... B~ |
Subject: RE: BS: Why Am I Locked Out of Mudcat??? From: Richard Bridge Date: 13 Jun 09 - 08:40 PM Do tomatoes figure in this somewhere? |
Subject: RE: BS: Why Am I Locked Out of Mudcat??? From: Joe Offer Date: 13 Jun 09 - 09:10 PM Bobert, I'm sorry I laughed off your problem. I was off at a music conference and in a hurry, so I didn't give you the attention you deserved. Jeri figure it out and fixed it - and the problem was here on our side. She's quite a bit smarter than I am. -Joe- |
Subject: RE: BS: Why Am I Locked Out of Mudcat??? From: Bobert Date: 14 Jun 09 - 10:43 AM Well, Joe, all's well that ends well... Did have me a little paranoid there fir awhile... I mean, I'd hate to go the way of Martin G... Know what I mean??? B~ |
Subject: RE: BS: Why Am I Locked Out of Mudcat??? From: gnu Date: 14 Jun 09 - 10:49 AM Bobert! Ten lashes with a wet noodle for that! "He who's name cannot be spoken." is acceptable, but not too often. |
Subject: RE: BS: Why Am I Locked Out of Mudcat??? From: Amos Date: 14 Jun 09 - 12:20 PM Naw, Bobes, old whoozy was all bad, and you, why, you ain't half-bad... A |
Subject: RE: BS: Why Am I Locked Out of Mudcat??? From: McGrath of Harlow Date: 14 Jun 09 - 05:52 PM "...the problem was here on our side..." That sounds intriguing, if somewhat uninformative. Of course uninformative answers do tend to be the most intriguing... That after all is the basis for the conspiracy industry. |
Subject: RE: BS: Why Am I Locked Out of Mudcat??? From: Ebbie Date: 15 Jun 09 - 03:01 AM "First of all, the guy is nuts... He shoots his gunn sometimes 300 times a night..." He's just keepin' the elephants away, Bobert. |
Subject: RE: BS: Why Am I Locked Out of Mudcat??? From: Bobert Date: 15 Jun 09 - 06:51 AM Well, that's agood thing, Eb... Wish the deer would follow suit... Not half bad, Amos??? You want me to sing "Honey" at the next Getaway, do ya'??? I'm kinda with you, McG... I have kinda wondered how I could get "access denied" when trying to get into Mudville without someone, who has to power to do that, thinkin', "Geeze, ol' Boberdz done went too far this time"... and then havin' to rethink that position... I think we need a Mudburg "Truth Commission" and see if we can't get to the bottom of this... I'd hate to think that one could get MG'd here fir, ahhhhh, saying bad stuff about Dylan, Shatner or Spawz potty habits... B~ |
Subject: RE: BS: Why Am I Locked Out of Mudcat??? From: catspaw49 Date: 15 Jun 09 - 04:02 PM Listen Bobertz......If you decide to sing "Honey" for Amos at the Getaway, I wrote some alternate lyrics awhile back that make it a lot more palatable............. See the tree, how big its grown And now you're dead I can't get blown I've got an itch. When you were alive It cost twenty-five Why did you always charge so much You fuckin' bitch Our tree grew large, it fell on you Now you're gone, my balls are blue I can't get laid. So now I've started shagging sheep And sometimes chickens in their sleep But they want paid. Oh Honey I miss you Cause when you were alive I could at least get a hand job For a buck fifty-five. Spaw |
Subject: RE: BS: Why Am I Locked Out of Mudcat??? From: Amos Date: 15 Jun 09 - 04:04 PM Your voice is so relaxing, Spaw--you're hitting new lows!!!! A |
Subject: RE: BS: Why Am I Locked Out of Mudcat??? From: Charley Noble Date: 15 Jun 09 - 09:49 PM Spaw- That's a fuckin' awesome song. "Bobert's Got A Nut Case For A Neighbor" And the next line should be: And his neighbor's got a nut case too. Wherever will it ever end? Cheerily, Charley Noble |