Subject: Second Saturday Shanty Session From: curmudgeon Date: 26 Jan 03 - 10:48 AM It's less than two weeks until the second Second Saturday Shanty and Forebitter Session will be held at the Press Room in Portsmouth NH from 3:30 to 7:30 PM. The first was a great hit with all who were there, both singers and listeners, and the next will be as good if not better. Mark your calendars for 8 February. Now, who's coming? Tom |
Subject: RE: Second Saturday Shanty Session From: Charley Noble Date: 26 Jan 03 - 11:00 AM I've reminded the rest of Roll & Go as well as the China Sea Marine Trading Co. folks. Someone should remind Capt. Morse; he may be too busy scraping the snow off his roof to patch into Mudcat. Cheerily, Charley Noble, who plans to attend |
Subject: RE: Second Saturday Shanty Session From: GUEST,Julia Date: 26 Jan 03 - 09:06 PM Kendall, I believe, is off to warmer climes (personally I think Florida is for the birds..) Or maybe he was trying to get rid of me with that e-mail saying he was going away. We will regretfully , not be there either. Perhaps next time- best, Julia |
Subject: RE: Second Saturday Shanty Session From: Barry Finn Date: 26 Jan 03 - 10:01 PM Sorry to hear you won't be there Julia, it's a treat to hear you guys, which is to seldom for me. What's up with Kendall, he gets his voice back & won't treat anyone to a peep? Well, I'll be seeing you there Tom, it was a great time. Barry |
Subject: RE: Second Saturday Shanty Session From: kendall Date: 26 Jan 03 - 10:16 PM I got a letter from the man who owns the Spirit of the Suwannee music park in Live Oak Florida, and, he made me an offer I couldn't refuse. |
Subject: RE: Second Saturday Shanty Session From: Uncle Jaque Date: 27 Jan 03 - 02:06 AM Well, Kendall; good gigs being a little few and far between up this way combined with temps from 10 or 15 below zero at night to about that above in the daytime for the past couple of weeks, and I caint say's what I blames ya! Are we apt to see you back here in Yankeeland come Spring? Have a ball! |
Subject: RE: Second Saturday Shanty Session From: Charley Noble Date: 27 Jan 03 - 08:47 AM Kendall, now when they request it be sure and sing them that Snowbird Song!!!!;~) Cheerily, Charley Noble |
Subject: RE: Second Saturday Shanty Session From: Jeri Date: 27 Jan 03 - 05:50 PM Way down south where the yankees go Way down in Florida When the wind chill gets to 30 below And they've burned the woodpile down |
Subject: RE: Second Saturday Shanty Session From: SINSULL Date: 27 Jan 03 - 05:56 PM The only good thing about Kendall's leaving is that it almost insures a thaw for us abandoned in Portland, ME. I will be at the shanty sing and can offer a ride from Portland to anyone needing one. or a room for that matter if someone needs a place to crash. |
Subject: RE: Second Saturday Shanty Session From: GUEST,Kendall Date: 27 Jan 03 - 07:36 PM That's good, Jeri. Is there more? |
Subject: RE: Second Saturday Shanty Session From: Jeri Date: 27 Jan 03 - 07:47 PM No Kendall, but there could be... I'll get back to you. |
Subject: RE: Second Saturday Shanty Session From: Charley Noble Date: 31 Jan 03 - 06:17 PM Well, let's refresh this one. SPLASH!!!! |
Subject: RE: Second Saturday Shanty Session From: breezy Date: 31 Jan 03 - 08:07 PM Heard a song tonight entitled 'The Anti-Shanty-Song' Not for the sensitive amongst us/you. Its a right cockney p-take. A member of Herga rit it.Thats all I'll say.Some bright spark.I'll say no more. |
Subject: RE: Second Saturday Shanty Session From: Jeri Date: 31 Jan 03 - 08:13 PM Breezy? Share? Pretty please? You could PM it to me. I promise to either give credit to the author or lie about their identity according to their wishes. |
Subject: RE: Second Saturday Shanty Session From: Brían Date: 01 Feb 03 - 12:31 AM I'm looking forward to going. I would be interested in a ride down and back if anyone is leaving from Portland, ME. Brían |
Subject: Lyr Add: THE ANTI CHANTEY (David Stone) From: Charley Noble Date: 01 Feb 03 - 10:07 AM Breezy- You wouldn't be thinking of this one:;~) THE ANTI CHANTEY (Words and Music by David Stone "Just a crazy idea I had for a sea chantey all about the sea, but not about the sea...You'll see!") Chorus: So sing of Havarti and Colby and cheddar, Of Gouda and old Camembert (Camembert) To hell with your navy and souther' seas baby It's cheese that we'll sing about here... Let's not sing of ship or of ropes or of riggings Let's not sing of sailors out ploughing the sea Let's not sing of dreamers out seeking their fortunes Let's not sing of ships, why not sing about cheese. (CHO) Cheerily, Charley Noble So sing of Havarti and Colby and cheddar,
Let's not sing of ship or of ropes or of riggings
I've ne'er been a sailor, I've not shipped aloft
Let's not sing of grog or of stale bread or salt beef
Let's not sing of Frisco, Cape Horn nor Tahiti
So come all you old sailors don't take this to heart |
Subject: RE: Second Saturday Shanty Session From: curmudgeon Date: 02 Feb 03 - 08:59 AM Great hearing from all of you. It looks like another fine session coming up. Uncle Jaque, does your post to this thread mean that you're planning to attend? |
Subject: RE: Second Saturday Shanty Session (NH) From: Bat Goddess Date: 03 Feb 03 - 09:44 AM Hey, Charley -- yesterday I sang "Race of Long Ago" for the first time in public (using the words cuz I haven't actually learned it yet). I don't count the time at the last China Seas Shanty Sing cuz I had never actually sung it before at that time. Linn |
Subject: RE: Second Saturday Shanty Session (NH) From: Charley Noble Date: 03 Feb 03 - 11:49 AM Linn- Look forward to hearing "Race of Long Ago"; maybe I'll follow it up with C. Fox Smith's "Flying-Fish Sailor" if I can get Jeri to play fiddle out of Gm. I'm also working hard on Jon Campbell's "Frederick's of Galilee" but the darn thing keeps unravelling... Cheerily, Charley Noble |
Subject: RE: Second Saturday Shanty Session (NH) From: Bat Goddess Date: 03 Feb 03 - 12:07 PM Charley -- looking forward to hearing "Frederick's". I've heard Jerry Bryant sing it but I can't remember the tune. He did it in the same set as the parody of "A Shanty From Old Shantytown" that I sang at the last session. Linn |
Subject: RE: Second Saturday Shanty Session (NH) From: RoyH (Burl) Date: 03 Feb 03 - 01:47 PM Bat Goddess, I love that song. I sing it too. One day I hope be at that session to hear you sing it. Or to sing it for you. Shanty sessions are just great. Have a good time there folks. Burl |
Subject: RE: Second Saturday Shanty Session (NH) From: Naemanson Date: 03 Feb 03 - 01:51 PM I guess I'll be there. Hope I can make it and stay there this time. |
Subject: RE: Second Saturday Shanty Session (NH) From: Bat Goddess Date: 03 Feb 03 - 01:58 PM Burl! That means next time you're in this neck of the woods (or harbour of home) you'll have to actually stop the car! (And I still have to transcribe "Millworker's Children" and learn it.) Brett -- Sorry about the Friday night session. It was louder and more populated (early) than usual. Linn |
Subject: RE: Second Saturday Shanty Session (NH) From: curmudgeon Date: 03 Feb 03 - 05:51 PM Keep those comments coming! Lets try to keep this thread going until sat. AM in the off-chance that it will be read by others who might show up. Brett - Let me add my apologies for Friday. It is indeed an ill wind that blows two harps into a session, and doesn't have the decency to blow them out again -- Tom |
Subject: RE: Second Saturday Shanty Session (NH) From: Charley Noble Date: 03 Feb 03 - 10:34 PM |
Subject: RE: Second Saturday Shanty Session (NH) From: Jeri Date: 04 Feb 03 - 12:43 PM You know, if someone were to re-adjust the floorboards in the path leading away from the table (which inevitably gets plugged up so you have to thrash your way out) to be VERY uneven, it might work. I'd buy a machete, but it's slightly possible some overly sensitive soul might object. I left early, but I've been doing a lot of that lately. I really don't enjoy feeling murderous. (Usually no specific target.) To anyone reading, I'm talking about the Friday sessions. The last (and first) shanty session was EXTREMELY civilized, polite, and quiet except for the gentle, tasteful strains of shanties and forebitters. |
Subject: RE: Second Saturday Shanty Session (NH) From: SINSULL Date: 04 Feb 03 - 04:22 PM Must have been rough if even Tom wasn't particularly happy. I just heard a hilarious parody of Barrett's Privateers re: Wagner's Ring. Doubt if I can learn it in time but down the road maybe. I am driving from Portland, Brian. PM me for a ride. I suspect Charlie will have room in his van as well. Would it be evil of me to show up at a Friday session with a kazoo? Anyone care to join me? |
Subject: RE: Second Saturday Shanty Session (NH) From: Jeri Date: 04 Feb 03 - 04:40 PM SINS, it was written by Mary LaMarca. (The parody.) Re kazoo and does anyone care to join you - not at the Press Room, but I'll send flowers later on. |
Subject: RE: Second Saturday Shanty Session (NH) From: Charley Noble Date: 04 Feb 03 - 05:16 PM Looks like Judy, Nor and Brian and in the van with me. Don't know what Uncle Jaque is up to. Kendall's in Florida. And Bunker and Sharon are halfway through an antique show week-end in Bath. Maybe I can get Dick Dufresne to come as well. Cheerily, Charley Noble |
Subject: RE: Second Saturday Shanty Session (NH) From: curmudgeon Date: 04 Feb 03 - 07:01 PM This is indeed a promising lineup. And there is no exceptionally foul weather in the forecast. See you on Saturday - Tom |
Subject: RE: Second Saturday Shanty Session (NH) From: Brían Date: 04 Feb 03 - 07:45 PM I laugh just thinking about that Barrett's Privateers parody:-) I'm looking forward to this. Thanks Sinsull I think I have a ride with Charlie and co. Brían |
Subject: RE: Second Saturday Shanty Session (NH) From: Bat Goddess Date: 04 Feb 03 - 09:32 PM Jeri -- haven't you ever noticed that I usually have a kazoo (and a few other non-Press Room licensed, ah, "instruments") in the bottom of my purse? I just like to know they're there . . . By the way, "Götterdaämerung, I was told The Nibelung made a ring of gold You'll feel the fire, shed some tears When the Valkyries ride with their burning spears And the voice of Siegfried fills your ears." It's brilliant (thanks, Lamarca, for writing it!). Linn |
Subject: RE: Second Saturday Shanty Session (NH) From: SINSULL Date: 04 Feb 03 - 09:59 PM Mary has changed the lyics slightly and for the better but specifically requested that they NOT be published on line. She prefers Oral Tradition and will pass it on to any who request it. |
Subject: RE: Second Saturday Shanty Session (NH) From: Jeri Date: 04 Feb 03 - 10:22 PM And then there's "Mickey's Mousketeers" (gosh darn them all) and "Garnet's Homemade Beer" (the 'official' parody). Linn, I've never noticed the kazoo. SINSULL - just kidding. I have a nose flute. The first time I ever tried to play it, I did great. After that, forget it. The guy who gave it to me had created a device out of rubber bands to hold it on his face so he could |
Subject: RE: Second Saturday Shanty Session (NH) From: Charley Noble Date: 05 Feb 03 - 09:02 AM Of course, not only is there the "kazoo" but there's also the fabled "wazoo", ("Wazoo?" "Oh, tell us more!") but since this is a family-friendly website, perhaps, I should tastefully refrain... Cheerily, Charley Noble |
Subject: RE: Second Saturday Shanty Session (NH) From: Naemanson Date: 05 Feb 03 - 09:55 AM Since we are revealing secrets I suppose I can confess that I usually have a kazoo in the bag with my bones collection. Maybe we could organize a kazoo version of an O'Carolan tune some Friday night when the Angel Band is there. They can't kill all of us. |
Subject: RE: Second Saturday Shanty Session (NH) From: Just another Dave Date: 05 Feb 03 - 02:25 PM Could some one please post directions or an address for The Press Room?? (I'll be driving up from the South on I-95.) There is an outside chance that I might be able to get to this one. And ...well... if not this one then a future one. Thanks. Dave De Angelis |
Subject: RE: Second Saturday Shanty Session (NH) From: curmudgeon Date: 05 Feb 03 - 06:33 PM The Press Room is at 77 Daniel Street (US Rt, 1 South) across from the Federal Bldg., the ugliest structure in town. Take I-95 North to the Portsmouth Traffic Circle exit. From the circle, proceed north on the Rt. 1 By-Pass. Take the second exit, Maplewood Ave. Turn right at the stop sign. Go left at the first stop light. At the stop sign go right. After the next stop sign, go left. Bow Street curves around up and down hill to Daniel St. At this stop sign, go right and park wherever you can. Sometimes it is necessary to circle the block a few times. If this proves too much, proceed all the way on Daniel St. to the square and take a right at the stoplight. There is a parking garage at the end of that street. Press Room phone is 603-431-5186. Hope to see you some Saturday -- Tom |
Subject: RE: Second Saturday Shanty Session (NH) From: Naemanson Date: 06 Feb 03 - 10:24 AM Dave! Hope to see you there. Brett |
Subject: RE: Second Saturday Shanty Session (NH) From: GUEST,Julia Date: 06 Feb 03 - 07:45 PM Okay, so what's this about 2 harps and and ill wind...!?Something like Aeolian pollution? Watch it, Tom, or I'll whip out my gatling dart thrower(aka harp) and nail you to the Press room wall!! Objecting to two hammered dulcimers I can understand, but harps? Humph! You're as bad as the policeman in Bar harbor who asked me to move along for "disturbing the peace" when I played my harp in the park there one day. He said nothing to the goons with the boombox across the way. Still I can understand that you just couldn't take all those resonant healing vibes wafting through the place, undoing all your knots.... Never mind- I'm not a fan of Carolanization either. I promise if I bring my harp to one of your sessions, I'll be gentle... Love Julia |
Subject: RE: Second Saturday Shanty Session (NH) From: Jeri Date: 06 Feb 03 - 08:00 PM Julia, get about 20 people with instruments together. Then have a session. In an elevator. Stop at the 4th floor and add 2 full sized harps and put 'em right smack in front of the door. It wasn't a musical problem - there just wasn't room. And one was so close to me I kept hitting her harp with my elbow every time I played a down-bow on my fiddle. |
Subject: RE: Second Saturday Shanty Session (NH) From: SINSULL Date: 06 Feb 03 - 08:52 PM And to think I could have shown up with my half price bongo drums from Ames "Going Out Of Business' sale. Another opportunity missed. |
Subject: RE: Second Saturday Shanty Session (NH) From: GUEST,Julia Date: 06 Feb 03 - 09:40 PM jeri- that'll teach you to use the whole bow! What are you, one of the VYO-LYN- ists? Seriously, it must have been a mess. Any one should use discretion in such a situation.Glad I wasn' t there. The ironic part is that, with harps anyway, unless you have an exceptional instrument that really speaks well (as mine does) and you 're an "assertive" player (which I am) nobody can hear you in a session anyway! So they take up a lot of space fer nuthin'.... Bongos- now there's thought- smaller than a harp... Now how would you like Fred to bring his 28" bodhran? or how about his 6 foot thingy- I mean didgereedoo (Didgeree- don't) Julia |
Subject: RE: Second Saturday Shanty Session (NH) From: Jeri Date: 06 Feb 03 - 09:51 PM I have a didge - can't play it though. It might be interesting to have one in a session. We've got a bunch of bodhrans. (What's the name for a group of 'em? A boistrosity of bodhrans?) I ain't no durned VYO-whatsit. I play like I drive - never turn around when I've gone too far. So you and Fred are coming Julia? Hope so! |
Subject: RE: Second Saturday Shanty Session (NH) From: Uncle Jaque Date: 07 Feb 03 - 12:46 AM Regrets, Mateys, but Aunt Mahtha & me is to attend a banquet in Portland Saturday Evening. I surely hopes to make it to at least one of these sessions before Summer, though! Have a ball! |
Subject: RE: Second Saturday Shanty Session (NH) From: Bat Goddess Date: 07 Feb 03 - 08:43 AM 28" bodhran? I think that's still smaller than the bodhran-like drums the Throat Singers of Tuva use. Julia -- it's a matter of space, not taste. And Friday night we ran out of room even before two harps showed up. Linn |
Subject: RE: Second Saturday Shanty Session (NH) From: Charley Noble Date: 07 Feb 03 - 09:56 AM Hmmm! Maybe we could add some verses about Fred's "6 foot thingy" to one of them old navy drinking songs, or one of them pumping shanties. This shanty swap shows promise of rivaling one of Dr. Dogbody's famous sessions. Now how did that man lose his leg? Cheerily, Charley Noble |
Subject: RE: Second Saturday Shanty Session (NH) From: Jeri Date: 07 Feb 03 - 10:54 AM To the tune of "Five Foot Flirt": And can you explain last Saturday In a session in Old Portsmouth town When And found it quite hard to sit down An instrument that big and stiff is grand, but It was only a digerido And the thought we all had, was he wasn't so bad But he shoulda been kissin' you You've a 6 foot thing... |
Subject: RE: Second Saturday Shanty Session (NH) From: Charley Noble Date: 07 Feb 03 - 11:03 AM LOL Charley Noble |
Subject: RE: Second Saturday Shanty Session (NH) From: GUEST,Julia Date: 07 Feb 03 - 11:30 AM Well, the secret to playing "that thingy" is embouchure and circular breathing.......! And you thought I just played the harp...... I'll leave now |
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