Subject: BS: i found a troll From: the lemonade lady Date: 16 May 09 - 05:38 AM what do i do with it? I've told Joe but at this moment in time it's still there and the abuse is unbelieveable. sal |
Subject: RE: BS: i found a troll From: Richard Bridge Date: 16 May 09 - 05:42 AM You stamp on the bridge (not this Bridge). |
Subject: RE: BS: i found a troll From: Dave Hanson Date: 16 May 09 - 05:50 AM Ya need a GREAT BIG HUGE billy goat gruff. Dave H |
Subject: RE: BS: i found a troll From: Matthew Edwards Date: 16 May 09 - 06:11 AM The troll Sal found is doing serious damage; joking about him is joining in his game. Until one of the moderators responds however there is nothing anyone can do - but it is a serious weakness of this forum that anonymous GUEST messages are visible until such time as somebody gets round to deleting them. I hope that there is a chance that the perpetrator can be detected and punished - but I won't hold my breath as I'm sure they will have covered their tracks. Matthew Edwards |
Subject: RE: BS: i found a troll From: maeve Date: 16 May 09 - 06:37 AM Send a PM to katlaughing, Jeri, and/or Mick. |
Subject: RE: BS: i found a troll From: maeve Date: 16 May 09 - 07:04 AM I've send out some other PMs to moderators who are likely to be in and able to take action. I respectfully suggest waiting for one of them to take care of it. maeve |
Subject: RE: BS: i found a troll From: kendall Date: 16 May 09 - 07:07 AM The moderators cant be , nor do they have the time to m0nitor every thread. Which one is it in? |
Subject: RE: BS: i found a troll From: Matthew Edwards Date: 16 May 09 - 07:13 AM I've also sent PMs to Joe and other moderators. Thanks to maeve for some most sensible and constructive advice. Matthew Edwards |
Subject: RE: BS: i found a troll From: maeve Date: 16 May 09 - 07:14 AM PM sent, Kendall maeve |
Subject: RE: BS: i found a troll From: goatfell Date: 16 May 09 - 07:14 AM who is this 'troll' |
Subject: RE: BS: i found a troll From: McGrath of Harlow Date: 16 May 09 - 07:31 AM It's an imperfect world, but some imperfections matter less than others. |
Subject: RE: BS: i found a troll From: Matthew Edwards Date: 16 May 09 - 07:40 AM McGrath of Harlow wrote: >It's an imperfect world, but some imperfections matter less than others. The postings were extremely offensive, and even slanderous; they were not trivial imperfections. They have now been deleted, but they did matter a lot. Matthew Edwards |
Subject: RE: BS: i found a troll From: semi-submersible Date: 16 May 09 - 08:25 AM Admirable restraint shown by Sal and all. |
Subject: RE: BS: i found a troll From: Sandra in Sydney Date: 16 May 09 - 09:38 AM Kendall, I believe moderators look at recent posts when they log on & remove the offensive ones sandra |
Subject: RE: BS: i found a troll From: kendall Date: 16 May 09 - 10:03 AM If they had discovered this one it wouldn't have lived as long as it did. |
Subject: RE: BS: i found a troll From: Jeri Date: 16 May 09 - 10:10 AM 'THEY' know how much you people love trolls. I'm pretty sure at least two moderators have seen this thread. You move the food dish 3 feet away, you're STILL feeding the trolls. Nevertheless, I think people need somebody to whom they can feel superior and at least we're not currently fucking up music threads. |
Subject: RE: BS: i found a troll From: Jeri Date: 16 May 09 - 10:25 AM I'm sorry. My sarcasm was borne of frustration. |
Subject: RE: BS: i found a troll From: wysiwyg Date: 16 May 09 - 10:27 AM In response to the question, I can offer this. WHen I've had one biting my ass, I've found it helpful to remember that 99% of Catters, whether they've told me lately or not, do really know me, see my better side more often than not, and know the difference between the crap a troll posts and the Real Deal. That lets me breathe, in peace, during the time it takes before the mateial is removed. I usually find myself occupying some of that time by reassuring inflamed PMers that I'm fine, that it's going to be handled, and to please leave it alone in the thread. Some REALLY skilled Catters put jokes into their PMs instead, and simply draw my attention off the upset. They just have a gift for putting the loony at the disposal of the temporarily unbalanced. :~) It IS awkward to get help on these matters without a Help forum. Sometimes email and/or PMs are just the way to go. You can always PM a couple of mods and copy it to email to Joe to let him know what you requested. If you know who some of the mods are, you can look at posting history to see which are online at that time of day/timezone. ~S~ |
Subject: RE: BS: i found a troll From: gnu Date: 16 May 09 - 11:08 AM I have personally copied such posts and sent them to as many mods as I thought MIGHT be able to respond IF they were at the puter and IF they were on site or IF they were checking their email. At least six in the past several months. Response was almost immediate for half of those. Note that Joe MAY have been doing sommat else at 5:38AM Mudtime on a Saturday. But, you did the right thing, no matter what Joe was up to. >;-) |
Subject: RE: BS: i found a troll From: Joe Offer Date: 16 May 09 - 11:40 AM Thanks - Not a big deal, especially when it's in an old thread. We go through all Guest messages several times a day, and delete the nasty ones. But yeah, I'm in the Pacific time zone, three hours later than Mudcat time. This guy hit just after I went to bed. -Joe- |
Subject: RE: BS: i found a troll From: ClaireBear Date: 16 May 09 - 12:03 PM Later in the sense of earlier -- right, Joe? Otherwise you must be in one of those temporal anomalies one hears about. |
Subject: RE: BS: i found a troll From: GUEST,The lemonade lady Date: 16 May 09 - 12:12 PM I assume this troll knew what time you go to bed, Joe. If i were the target i'd sue for what was posted, trouble is no one can find the troll i presume. |
Subject: RE: BS: i found a troll From: McGrath of Harlow Date: 16 May 09 - 12:43 PM When a troll needs terminating alerting Joe and Co is sufficient, and it'll get sorted out before very long. As appears to have happened in this case. A thread like this serves as a reward for the troll, though I'm sure it wasn't intended as that. "...a serious weakness of this forum that anonymous GUEST messages are visible until such time as somebody gets round to deleting them implies that it should be impossible for anyone to post as a GUEST, which would be the only way to achieve that. I think we'd collectively lose more by that than we'd gain. |
Subject: RE: BS: i found a troll From: Leadfingers Date: 16 May 09 - 01:00 PM The ONLY thing to do is NOT post to an Obvious Troll Originated thread ! |
Subject: RE: BS: i found a troll From: Leadfingers Date: 16 May 09 - 01:01 PM Other than a PM to any Mods that you know of , of course ! |
Subject: RE: BS: i found a troll From: Bobert Date: 16 May 09 - 01:05 PM Well, I don't think of it in terms of finding trolls because there are better things to do with one's time than hunting for them... But not to worry, they will find you... I've had a couple or four of the ankle biters here over the years... Most a5re just blowhards and they huff and puff and blow their own selves up on time... Good luck with yers but know that he or she will move along when he or she is all blown out... B~ |
Subject: RE: BS: i found a troll From: Big Mick Date: 16 May 09 - 01:12 PM Yeah, folks. One of us is usually around. In this case it was Jeri. It is best to just PM Joe, myself, Jeri or Kat if you see this. Starting a thread, in this case, didn't really hurt much, but usually it is not a good idea. A pm works better. gnu is very good about this, and his idea works well. All the best, and let's let this thread die. Mick |
Subject: RE: BS: i found a troll From: gnu Date: 16 May 09 - 01:24 PM I dunno if THIS is a good idea... maybe. If there was a "troll alert" permathread which had instructions at the top regarding who to PM with a denotation as to the time of day assciated with Mudtime. EG... Mod X is in the time zone Mudtime -2. I know the subject is well covered in the newbie permathreads, but there is a lot of info there. Maybe a permathread just about trolls? I dunno about posting to the troll alert permathread with a copy of the offending post??? Anyway, it's an idea for discussion and refinement among the mods and admins... maybe??? |
Subject: RE: BS: i found a troll From: Jeri Date: 16 May 09 - 01:50 PM Gnu, PM somebody. The object is to, excuse me, NOT GIVE THEM THE ATTENTION THEY WANT. NOT FEED THEM. NOT EVEN NOTICE THEM. (I feel better now) So a thread just for trolls is not a good idea. Lets play 'guess that original': I finded a troll That finded the whole board bitching But I didn't see that the troll troll-ed me, oh no I started to bitch Cuz all them people wuz bitching Oh if I'd only seen, that the troll troll-ed me Or has time re-written I sat there and read, typed "ass wipe, you're DEAD!" I broke the rule, sent it like a fool, oh, I'm such a tool The mod finaly came, And finded the whole board a-bitching Oh have you heard? Mods get the last word. Peace out. |
Subject: RE: BS: i found a troll From: heric Date: 16 May 09 - 01:59 PM I had the same tune in mind, but refrained: I found a troll. Which started the whole world crying. But I didn't see, That the joke was on me. I fed the troll. Running my hands over my eyes. And I fell out of bed. Hurting my head from things that I said. Oh, no, I started to cry. Which started the whole world laughing. Oh, if I'd only seen that the troll was like me. Oh, no, the troll was like me. Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh. |
Subject: RE: BS: i found a troll From: gnu Date: 16 May 09 - 02:41 PM Jeri... huh? Do you mean, ask Joe? Max? about the idea of a troll permathread? I think I just did. But, I could double up with Max, although I dunno if I should... I think that should be left to The Original. It's his call. |
Subject: RE: BS: i found a troll From: Jeri Date: 16 May 09 - 02:46 PM No gnu, I meant to PM about troll alerts. |
Subject: RE: BS: i found a troll From: gnu Date: 16 May 09 - 02:50 PM Oh... I think I may have alluded to same above. My most recent allusion was to a possible permathread regarding that very PM process and edification of newbies as to how this might be most efficiently accomplished. |
Subject: RE: BS: i found a troll From: Matthew Edwards Date: 16 May 09 - 02:53 PM I don't join in BS threads much because I find people too often read what they want they want to see in other people's messages, although it is getting much the same 'upstairs'. McGrath of Harlow infers from my words that I want to exclude Guest postings. I don't. I am concerned that very offensive material can remain visible for quite a while before it is removed. I'm happy that the moderators reacted quickly once they had been alerted. However Sal and I, acting independently of each another, felt concerned that it was a long wait. In my case I didn't know who to contact besides Joe, and I'm grateful to maeve for her intervention. I can appreciate Jeri's exasperation with the very existence of this thread but I honestly don't feel that this thread did anything to 'feed' the troll. However moderating any online forum is a really difficult task, and I do value the balance that Joe and all the other moderators achieve. I don't have an answer to all the issues; I just follow Bruce Olson's invaluable advice "Muddling through always works"! Matthew Edwards |
Subject: RE: BS: i found a troll From: Jeri Date: 16 May 09 - 03:02 PM Sorry. I misread it. No, I'm not for that. These alerts make people feel like they're doing something constructive. Most of the time, they're not. Once in a while, we miss something and then you can PM Joe maybe the next day. If there are a couple of people who PM me once in a while, it's a different story than being a designated mostly-ineffective complaint target whom everybody PMs. In this case, I would have seen the messages before I got the PMs, but I was alarmed at the number of new PMs I got, so I checked those first. |
Subject: RE: BS: i found a troll From: kendall Date: 16 May 09 - 03:21 PM I believe that if we ignore the trolls they will simply take that as a green light to post more filth. Delete, delete, delete. |
Subject: RE: BS: i found a troll From: Big Mick Date: 16 May 09 - 04:03 PM We will delete as soon as we are aware. 99% of the time we catch it very quickly. If any mudcatter sees something we missed, feel free to pm Joe, Mick, Jeri or Kat and we will review it. Ain't rocket science, folks. But giving the trolls ANY response is foolish and definitely not helpful. Just drop us a line. Appreciate it, Mick |
Subject: RE: BS: i found a troll From: Janie Date: 16 May 09 - 04:16 PM i found a troll Awww, Mom, can we keep it? Suggest this thread now be closed for the afore stated reasons. Too lazy to pm all the mods to suggest it. |
Subject: RE: BS: i found a troll From: GUEST,.gargoyle Date: 16 May 09 - 04:19 PM It is wonderful to see the mods responding with humor and song - this is the old MC.
It has been a long time since the flinty recesses of my stoney heart have been sparked to flame with a thread such as the sour-lady's posting. I had believed all of my kindred family had virtually vanished from MudCat. ONE Good responce can keep a troll well feed for a Long Time. Knowing WHO has "sensitive levers" that may be gently manipulated greatly increases the intermitent payout important to a troll;s comfort. Perhaps, we are warming up for the great "goblin wars of summer" when the kiddies are out of school.
A solution - Give the sour-one authority to become the "official troll alert authority" and grace her with the LAN home phone numbers scanning the globe of when Sacramento is on the road, the one who never sleeps at the Junction Switch may fill in and when the offence is noted in India a UK BigMac may remove the craving to scream. (Surey, for all the glorious pay and perqs the mods get - a phone call at 3:00 a.m. is not above the job description?) Regarding trolls in the upper kingdom. There is now more troll food up there. No One appears to want to be down here...therefore someone who did not get their permit for a refreshment concession "Needs Musical Festival Help." Someone who hates the BNP posts under a "St George Day Banner of song" Rather than greater 'troll control" we need a couple moderators with better noses for "Crap Detection" and the diapers should be cleaned and tossed "below the line."
As a troll - I enjoy baiting. I particularly enjoy baiting moderators - and there are two here that are such easy prey the fun of the game is almost gone. The two responding to this thread I have never trapped. They have given The LemonySnicket excellent advice and seasoned it with humor and song.
Subject: RE: BS: i found a troll From: Matthew Edwards Date: 16 May 09 - 04:25 PM Jeri wrote:- These alerts make people feel like they're doing something constructive. Most of the time, they're not. and Mick added:- ANY response is foolish and definitely not helpful. That makes a lot of sense. Sorry if I have done anything to make the problem worse. Matthew |
Subject: RE: BS: i found a troll From: skarpi Date: 16 May 09 - 04:27 PM hmmm :>) I thought all trolls were in Iceland , I thought I trained them to stay at home . kv Skarpi |
Subject: RE: BS: i found a troll From: gnu Date: 16 May 09 - 05:08 PM Okay... no more. Why bother? Have fun with it. No sweat off my balls. |
Subject: RE: BS: i found a troll From: GUEST,lox Date: 16 May 09 - 05:30 PM Skarpi, Are you saying that the little green men aren't just a figment of my imagination? That explains your comments on a previous thread!! |
Subject: RE: BS: i found a troll From: GUEST,The lemonade lady Date: 16 May 09 - 05:47 PM So my turn to be attacked cos i started this thread. Bring it on Troll! |
Subject: RE: BS: i found a troll From: skarpi Date: 16 May 09 - 07:16 PM No is not attack in any point lemonade lady , here ia m not far away from homes of fairytails among them are trolls , and another great little folks . we are a little strange here up in the North Atlantic ocean ....... is there a raven around you .? well take good care of him please . all the best Skarpi Iceland . |
Subject: RE: BS: i found a troll From: Ebbie Date: 16 May 09 - 07:50 PM Skarpi, the ravens in Juneau, Alaska, are special. They seem to be wise and discerning creature. Is that how they are in Iceland? (I like ravens. They enjoy life a lot. Eagles, on the other hand, don't seem sure that they are on the right planet. Or maybe it is humans they object to.) |
Subject: RE: BS: i found a troll From: Joe Offer Date: 16 May 09 - 08:23 PM Jeri and I seem to be thinking along the same lines. The tune that came to me was "I started a joke" - doesn't exactly scan to Jeri's words, but close. I found some really great ravens one winter morning at the McDonald's near the airport in Anchorage. Alaska ravens are fascinating birds - but what do they have to do with trolls? I think it's important to note that we review all Guest messages several times a day, and delete Guest Spam and trolling as soon as we find it. In general, such things don't constitute an emergency. There's no need to worry about it, and no need to tell us about it. We'll clean it up when we do our "rounds." -Joe- |
Subject: RE: BS: i found a troll From: Lox Date: 16 May 09 - 08:26 PM I think Skarpi has just gone stark raven mad myself ... ... I hope you don't clean up any of his trolls Joe, they may need a bath, but I think they like it that way. |
Subject: RE: BS: i found a troll From: robomatic Date: 16 May 09 - 08:33 PM Has there been a raven thread? I'd contribute. They leave Anchorage in the Spring and they left us to the seagulls two weeks ago. |
Subject: RE: BS: i found a troll From: SINSULL Date: 16 May 09 - 08:59 PM My Freddie brought a dead one home. I can't imagine he killed it but who knows? It was as big as he is. |
Subject: RE: BS: i found a troll From: Lox Date: 16 May 09 - 09:18 PM A dead troll? See if you can have its head mounted over the fireplace in the mudcat tavern .... ... now now ... i don't mean mounted in that way ... this isn't the viagra thread here you know ... get a job!!! |
Subject: RE: BS: i found a troll From: heric Date: 16 May 09 - 09:25 PM My shih tzu killed a starling yesterday swear to god, wearing a bow in her hair. I'm thinking about entering her in a few fights to see how she does. |
Subject: RE: BS: i found a troll From: Jeri Date: 16 May 09 - 09:44 PM Heric, I didn't think starlings had hair! Joe? We're AGREEING?! Shoot me now! (I am not serious) I keep watching these stupid reality shows, and I've noticed a couple things. 1) Whoever says 'I'm not here to make friends. This is a COMPETITION!' is usually gone pretty fast after that, and 2) When the judges or other authorities ask 'Why should YOU win this?' answering, 'because I really REALLY WANT it! I worked really REALLY HARD!' is just stupid. I'm guessing everybody really wants it and worked hard. As much as I sympathize, what matters is effectiveness. I understand why people want to report stuff. I'm just saying wanting to isn't why they should. If it were effective, I'd be all for it. Mind you, if I'm going to get PMs from 17 people (all of whom expect a reply) saying 'xcVoPtiB posted a message about buying cheap Canadian cat nostrils 10 seconds ago. DELETE IT NOW!!!' I'll do it, but I want a raise, a 401K (are those worth anything these days?) and I'm not going to work on Saturdays and alternate Tuesdays. I really don't mind the odd PM about crap messages, but I'd rather not be inundated. The Help forum was closed. I believe it was closed because it wasn't set up with the idea that messages might ever need to be deleted and trolls had found it a good hunting ground. Also, people were posting tons of 'delete this' messages and some seemed to be playing 'beat the clock' with moderators. I would get on line, delete spam, go to the Help forum and then read notices about stuff I'd just deleted. Many of those messages weren't intended to make Mudcat better, but to vent about messages that pissed people off. See, EVERYBODY'S honked off about something. There will be trolls and spam. The messages will be deleted, but maybe not as fast as you want. And I know I will keep getting messages asking me to zap them. Hopefully, we'll keep the negatives to a minimum and not get too mad at each other. (Joe it scans fine! You aren't syllabicating (OMG, that's a real word!) correctly. Bite me.) |
Subject: RE: BS: i found a troll From: Joe Offer Date: 16 May 09 - 11:06 PM I'd never put a bow on my shih tzu, I swear! My shih tzu Ralph is ALL DOG, named after Ralph Cramden. The vet calls him obese, but I think he's just taking after his namesake. How sweet it is! -Joe- |
Subject: RE: BS: i found a troll From: katlaughing Date: 16 May 09 - 11:14 PM Jeri, do you come with condiments? |
Subject: RE: BS: i found a troll From: GUEST,The lemonade lady Date: 17 May 09 - 02:36 AM I didn't mention who the victim was and yet some of you seem to have found the thread. Did you trawl through all of them to find it? |
Subject: RE: BS: i found a troll From: Ebbie Date: 17 May 09 - 02:39 AM "My shih tzu killed a starling yesterday swear to god, wearing a bow in her hair" heric Man. You are good. I never can tell a male from a female starling. |
Subject: RE: BS: i found a troll From: Dave Hanson Date: 17 May 09 - 03:04 AM Female starlings are the ones that never shut up. Dave H |
Subject: RE: BS: i found a troll From: Ebbie Date: 17 May 09 - 03:20 AM Oh, whoa. Females are also the sex in many species that kill, you know. |
Subject: RE: BS: i found a troll From: Liz the Squeak Date: 17 May 09 - 03:23 AM Time differences is a big problem.. Many mudcatters are just logging on as half of the others toddle off to bed. When a troll or a flamer strikes in the 'dark hours', those few hours when there is least activity, then it's bound to hang around for a while. In an ideal world there would be a moderator in every time zone, permanently staring at the computer but that ain't going to happen. I do recall there was a call for more moderators in the UK/Europe time zone, but that was shortly before Max moved so I don't think it ever got properly sorted, as he had other things on his mind. Maybe a gentle nudge to remind him about setting up those UK Mods once he's settled? In the meantime... I found a troll yesterday.. he's a Danish troll and he's playing the melodeon. I found him behind the calendar. I really should tidy the mantlepiece more often! LTS |
Subject: RE: BS: i found a troll From: kendall Date: 17 May 09 - 07:45 AM I think we should all remember that the mods do this for free. What do you want for nothing, a refund? |
Subject: RE: BS: i found a troll From: Jeri Date: 17 May 09 - 08:33 AM Sal, people PM'd a few of us, but I (and probably others) would have noticed one person posting 28 messages and checked it out anyway. The 'Messages since last visit' view (Quicklinks menu) will give you the idea. |
Subject: RE: BS: i found a troll From: artbrooks Date: 17 May 09 - 09:25 AM I think that a troll who plays the melodeon should be terminated as soon as possible. Hell, I think anybody who plays...never mind. |
Subject: RE: BS: i found a troll From: Dave Hanson Date: 17 May 09 - 09:31 AM I'm a troll fol di rol, I'm a troll fol di rol, I'm a troll fol di rol, And I'll eat you for my supper. Dave H |
Subject: RE: BS: i found a troll From: Dave Hanson Date: 17 May 09 - 09:32 AM Yes I have been to the pub. Dave H |
Subject: RE: BS: i found a troll From: maple_leaf_boy Date: 17 May 09 - 04:08 PM I wrote couple of lines for a song, to the tune of "Wraggle Taggle Gypsies". Well, there was a troll, that a came to this site; To pester, jester, and claw and bite. But when it thought that its quest was complete; We chased it back 'neath its bridge, when we clicked "Delete." |
Subject: RE: BS: i found a troll From: skarpi Date: 17 May 09 - 04:31 PM Ebbie , yes the Raven behave just the same here . its a great bird . kv Skarpi |
Subject: RE: BS: i found a troll From: gnu Date: 17 May 09 - 05:11 PM Ravens are awesome. They rule the deep bog country up Kent County. Not even the bald eagles stand a chance of a meal if they decide otherwise. And these are the northern ravens... as for size, they could easily eat house cats. Never seen a house cat up in the bog country. Eagles must get em before they get up there. |
Subject: RE: BS: i found a troll From: Ebbie Date: 17 May 09 - 05:22 PM Although we have more ravens in town in the wintertime, they are ubiquitous all year. We have many stories about them - not only do we whities but the Native Alaskans also, and probably much earlier. In fact, we have a large mural on the side of our municipal building painted by a Native that depicts 'When Raven Discovered Man'. It shows Raven prying open a clamshell revealing Man while Wolf, Killer Whale, Bear, Eagle and Frog look on in amazement. As someone said, animals know everything - they just don't know that they do. I suspect ravens know it. |
Subject: RE: BS: i found a troll From: gnu Date: 17 May 09 - 05:31 PM Seems to me, Ebbie, we have talked about ravens a few times. Must see if there are any threads to that effect or perhaps try to recall where those discussions began??? |
Subject: RE: BS: i found a troll From: Ebbie Date: 17 May 09 - 09:19 PM I think too that we did, robo, but none other than songs show up in the subject line. |
Subject: RE: BS: i found a troll From: Liz the Squeak Date: 18 May 09 - 05:52 AM My Raven is sitting on the printer. He wouldn't eat a housecat, because he is one... we wanted a name for a black cat that was a bit more original than 'Sooty'... LTS |
Subject: RE: BS: i found a troll From: Spleen Cringe Date: 18 May 09 - 10:51 AM Screw the trolls. It's the ogres who scare the shit out of me... |
Subject: RE: BS: i found a troll From: GUEST,Mr Red Date: 18 May 09 - 10:59 AM Trolls like ravin |
Subject: RE: BS: i found a troll From: Joe Offer Date: 18 May 09 - 11:14 AM By the way, posting Troll Alert! messages is not at all helpful. Posting such messages only serves to alert the troll that you're paying attention and ready to do battle. And if you do battle here, even for the most righteous or reasons, you're likely to have your messages deleted. Thanks. -Joe- |
Subject: RE: BS: i found a troll From: kendall Date: 18 May 09 - 05:04 PM A stream of filth from some nit wit brings out the old law man in me. People who think the rules dont apply to them piss me off. |
Subject: RE: BS: i found a troll From: gnu Date: 18 May 09 - 05:18 PM Ahhhh... I never suggested that, Joe. Don't think I did. Can you point me to where I did? Or are you talking about someone else?
-Joe- |
Subject: RE: BS: i found a troll From: goatfell Date: 19 May 09 - 04:25 AM watch out 3 billy goat gruff |