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In appreciation of Dolly Parton

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Acorn4 10 May 10 - 11:50 AM
Acorn4 10 May 10 - 11:52 AM
open mike 10 May 10 - 01:30 PM
GUEST,DWR 10 May 10 - 02:38 PM
Tootler 10 May 10 - 03:59 PM
topical tom 11 May 10 - 09:51 AM
Arkie 11 May 10 - 10:46 AM
katlaughing 06 Sep 10 - 01:21 PM
Alan Day 06 Sep 10 - 01:41 PM
Desert Dancer 06 Sep 10 - 03:04 PM
Joe Offer 13 Dec 20 - 09:49 PM
Acorn4 14 Dec 20 - 04:38 AM
Steve Gardham 14 Dec 20 - 02:46 PM
GUEST,Learaí na Láibe 14 Dec 20 - 04:52 PM
robomatic 14 Dec 20 - 10:16 PM
Georgiansilver 16 Dec 20 - 08:08 AM
The Sandman 17 Dec 20 - 10:25 AM
Dave the Gnome 28 Oct 21 - 02:44 AM
PHJim 28 Oct 21 - 09:47 AM
GUEST,.gargoyle 29 Oct 21 - 09:52 PM
keberoxu 08 Nov 23 - 06:32 PM
Felipa 19 Jan 25 - 03:12 PM
GUEST,gillymor 19 Jan 25 - 03:57 PM
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Subject: RE: In appreciation of Dolly Parton
From: Acorn4
Date: 10 May 10 - 11:50 AM

This is my favourite from Dolly - almost operatic!

a href="">Eagle when she Flies

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Subject: RE: In appreciation of Dolly Parton
From: Acorn4
Date: 10 May 10 - 11:52 AM

Try that link again:_

Eagle when she Flies"

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Subject: RE: In appreciation of Dolly Parton
From: open mike
Date: 10 May 10 - 01:30 PM

wildflowers - as sung in a movie--playing her autoharp--unfortuantely cut short by another character's converssation,but you can hear some
of her here:

I could not find a clip by Dolly but here is home recording by a group (wildflowers)

There is some info on the TRIO albums (1987,1999) on Emmy Lou's
site Trio (with Emmy Lou Harris, Linda Ronstadt and Dolly Parton)
Warner Bros. 1987 and

Dolly has a "theme park" in her name

she is a supporter of the Great Smoky Mountains National Park
and has created an album of songs "Sha-Kon-O-Hey! Land of Blue Smoke"
to benefit this group:,936.html

I certainly appreciate Dolly and here are a few more links..

how many "official" web sites can one artist have?

she has been promoting children's literacy

here is her 2002 album

in 2005 she did this album which included a lot of songs from the 60's
including stairway to heaven

She is truly a great, creative and generous woman!

Meanwhile, Dolly Parton says she's not sure about the damage to her home in Nashville. She has not been home since the flood. However, her place is next to a river.

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Subject: RE: In appreciation of Dolly Parton
Date: 10 May 10 - 02:38 PM

It's a bit late to be calling attention to it now, but on 15 Nov 08 - 12:31 PM Old Flames was attributed to her, but it was actually written by Pebe Sebert and Hugh Moffatt. I would also have been wrong in my attribution if I hadn't just now looked it up. I would have said just Hugh Moffatt.

But to get back to what she does with a song, Old Flames, Love Is Like A Butterfly, Coat of Many Colors or any number of other songs - she turns them into something enduring. I wish the Country/Pop singers of today could find a way to do the same.

One of my favorite albums was A Real Live Dolly. I still have that album and remember it fondly. Hard to believe that it was forty years ago. This writer, Hugh "Skip" Trotter of WSEV AM & FM in Sevierville, Tennessee, tells about it better than I can.

"A Real Live Dolly" came home to Sevier County, Tennessee, April 25, 1970, to cut a real live album. This date will long be remembered by Dolly and the overflow audience that came to hear her. The album could have been made anywhere, but Dolly chose to come home to her alma mater, Sevier County High School, for the performance. During her career she will make stacks of albums, but this one has a special significance, for with this performance she established the Dolly Parton Scholarship Foundation. Scholarships from this fund will enable some worthy students at Sevier County High School to obtain a college education. She has asked that a portion of this fund be used to purchase basic instruments and equipment for the school band. The establishment of this scholarship foundation is a sincere expression of Dolly's love for other people and loyalty to her home folks in Sevier County. The foundation is a project for which she has great plans.

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Subject: RE: In appreciation of Dolly Parton
From: Tootler
Date: 10 May 10 - 03:59 PM

The link someone posted above to Love is Like a Butterfly is broken, so here is another

Like some others I thought at one time she was just another blond country singer. Then I happened to come across a documentary on the TV in which she featured. She came across in that as a perceptive individual who was not seduced by the fame and hype that surrounds her and there was a serious and thoroughly professional performer underneath all the glitz.

Here she is singing "Deportee" aka "The Plane Wreck at Los Gatos"

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Subject: RE: In appreciation of Dolly Parton
From: topical tom
Date: 11 May 10 - 09:51 AM

One of my all-time favorite country singers!A frank fascinating woman with a broad spectrum of songs!Bravo, Dolly!

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Subject: RE: In appreciation of Dolly Parton
From: Arkie
Date: 11 May 10 - 10:46 AM

In DWR's post there was mention of Dolly's concert at the Sevierville High School in 1970. I was a woodcarver at Silver Dollar City, Tennessee (which became Dollywood) a year or two later) in the mid-seventies and was in the sixth or seventh row at the High School for one of those benefit concerts. Dolly had the whole band on stage and put on one heck of a show. I don't know how long those benefits continued but it was not a one shot deal. One thing that amazed me was how Dolly played guitar with two inch fingernails.

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Subject: RE: In appreciation of Dolly Parton
From: katlaughing
Date: 06 Sep 10 - 01:21 PM

Fresh Air on NPR has been featuring Country Music this week. They are finishing it up with a 2001 interview with Dolly Parton, esp. about her later CDs featuring her "roots" music. You may listen to this charming, superb interview HERE. Here's a blurb:


Dolly Parton made her debut at the Grand Ole Opry in 1959 when she was just 13. Since then, she's written thousands of songs, including "Coat of Many Colors," "Jolene" and Whitney Houston's "I Will Always Love You."

Parton is one of the few performers who has been successful enough to start her own theme park. But the philanthropist, actress and singer-songwriter wasn't always wealthy. She grew up, as she puts it, "dirt poor" in a one-room cabin in the mountains of East Tennessee.

In a 2001 interview on Fresh Air, Parton describes how her interest in music started when she was sitting on her front porch, listening to country songs and traditional mountain music.

"I started playing guitar and writing serious songs when I was about 7 years old," Parton said. "My mother was always fascinated with the fact that I could rhyme so much stuff. She has stuff in a trunk, and many years ago, she said, 'Here's some stuff you may want to look at. Here's the stuff you used to write 'fore you could write it down.' She used to write it down. I've been doing it all my life."

Parton says she always knew that she would get to Nashville.

"I knew that I had to go," she says. "It wasn't that I wasn't proud of who I was and where I was from. But I had a dream, and I just couldn't imagine myself [like my mother]. ... I wanted to do something with my music. I knew I was going to leave when I was 18 years old. And I graduated from high school on a Friday night, and I left for Nashville on Saturday morning. I was ready to go."

This interview was originally broadcast on Jan. 23, 2001.

Well worth listening to. Also there is a Charlie Rich interview following.

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Subject: RE: In appreciation of Dolly Parton
From: Alan Day
Date: 06 Sep 10 - 01:41 PM

I enjoy her singing with just the banjo.She is a lovely player and singer.I seriously feel that her other enhancements have in many ways distracted many from her musical talents.

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Subject: RE: In appreciation of Dolly Parton
From: Desert Dancer
Date: 06 Sep 10 - 03:04 PM

Country music week on Fresh Air

also, this page

Here's the lineup (in reverse order, actually), all linked from those pages. All of these are rebroadcasts, but brought together for the theme this week:

Dolly Parton: Singing Songs From The Heart And Soul
Charlie Rich: The Silver Fox With A Big Country Sound
Carolina Chocolate Drops And A String Band Tradition
Doc Watson: An Old-Time Folk Musician With Soul
John Doe: A Punk Rocker Goes A Little Country
Ricky Skaggs: A Bluegrass Musician Returns To Roots
Charlie Louvin: A Louvin Brother Carries On
Waylon Jennings: An Outlaw Opens Up Musically
Willie Nelson: The Songwriter Reflects On His Hits
George Jones: A Wild Reputation, A Big Texas Sound
Bobby Braddock: Spelling Success With Country Songs
Merle Haggard Reflects On His Outlaw Country Past
Charlie Haden: A Bassist With A Country Pedigree
Jimmie Dale Gilmore: A Honky-Tonk Sound From Texas
Johnny Cash: A Ghost Rider, Still Stirring Souls


Puns In Country Music Songs Done Right

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Subject: RE: In appreciation of Dolly Parton
From: Joe Offer
Date: 13 Dec 20 - 09:49 PM

Here in the United States, Dolly Parton has become the new symbol of Christmas, since most of our other public and religious figures have proved to be corrupt. Dolly, we still believe in you!

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Subject: RE: In appreciation of Dolly Parton
From: Acorn4
Date: 14 Dec 20 - 04:38 AM

Maybe she should run for President next time?

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Subject: RE: In appreciation of Dolly Parton
From: Steve Gardham
Date: 14 Dec 20 - 02:46 PM

I'd vote for her any time.

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Subject: RE: In appreciation of Dolly Parton
From: GUEST,Learaí na Láibe
Date: 14 Dec 20 - 04:52 PM

Dolly on vacation in Ireland:

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Subject: RE: In appreciation of Dolly Parton
From: robomatic
Date: 14 Dec 20 - 10:16 PM

Dolly is one of the greats! We are lucky she is still with us.

She has a greatness of soul that is always with her, but her songs and her presentation has no condescension. She is a straight-from-the-heart writer and performer. And gutsy.

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Subject: RE: In appreciation of Dolly Parton
From: Georgiansilver
Date: 16 Dec 20 - 08:08 AM

Very talented lady and the one with the Biggest hits!!

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Subject: RE: In appreciation of Dolly Parton
From: The Sandman
Date: 17 Dec 20 - 10:25 AM

well she has donated a lot of money towards the vaccine hasnt she?i think thats praiseworthy she is maybe more effctive as a free agent than a president, presidents. power is limted they are to some extent puppets of the big money boys, like the armaments industry or monsanto

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Subject: RE: In appreciation of Dolly Parton
From: Dave the Gnome
Date: 28 Oct 21 - 02:44 AM

Just listening to her "Legends" Album in the car. She is a very clever writer. One phrase from "In the good old days (When times were bad)" is an absolute cracker to tell people who go on about how things were better in the past

No amount of money could buy from me
The memories that I have of then
No amount of money could pay me
To go back and live through it again


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Subject: RE: In appreciation of Dolly Parton
From: PHJim
Date: 28 Oct 21 - 09:47 AM

I had always dismissed her as a sequined big hair country singer and didn't really know much about her until I heard Maria Muldaur sing "Tennessee Mountain Home" and and thought, "I'll have to look up the person who can write a song like that."

Maria Muldaur - Tennessee Mountain Home

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Subject: RE: In appreciation of Dolly Parton
From: GUEST,.gargoyle
Date: 29 Oct 21 - 09:52 PM

circa mid 70's

Do you know why Dolly Parson's waiste is so small?

    Nothing grows well in the shade.


Heard from an old codger at the time, into his early 70's. Recently told to a male cab driver when we saw a billboard - he took serious offence and all conversation stopped for the next 20 miles

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Subject: RE: In appreciation of Dolly Parton
From: keberoxu
Date: 08 Nov 23 - 06:32 PM

Ms. Parton is on the cover of Newsweek
promoting a fashion-themed memoir,
Behind the Seams: My Life in Rhinestones

AND she's putting out an album covering rock songs.
The grass does not grow beneath her feet. Good on her.

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Subject: Happy Birthday, Dolly Parton
From: Felipa
Date: 19 Jan 25 - 03:12 PM

19 Jan is Dolly Parton's birthday

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Subject: RE: In appreciation of Dolly Parton
From: GUEST,gillymor
Date: 19 Jan 25 - 03:57 PM

Jerry Garcia called her his favorite singer.

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