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BS: Had to wait for a Peacock!

Darowyn 26 Jan 09 - 03:10 PM

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Subject: RE: BS: Had to wait for a Peacock!
From: Darowyn
Date: 26 Jan 09 - 03:10 PM

I once had a phone call from a friend who worked in a school which had formerly been a mansion house, and still had peacocks in the grounds.
He was asking for help because a peacock had wandered into his classroom and had him pinned in the store cupboard. I went round on my motorbike and chased it out with a metre rule.(I felt safe in helmet and leathers!).
More dramatically, I was riding a 500cc Suzuki up Staxton Brow outside Scarborough one morning, when I went round a bend and found a very large Jersey Bull grazing from the hedge and taking up nearly all the road. I got the bike stopped, and since the bull appeared unfriendly- verging on aggressive, turned round and pulled into the nearest farm, knocked on the door and told them there was a bull out in the lane. Men appeared from nowhere in seconds, and a full-scale panic ensued. I was not aware how expensive a top flight bull is, and the idea of some sunday driver damaging the animal with a car worth half as much caused a great deal of concern from the entire farming community.
It appears that Jersey bulls are a bit unpredictable, so I had done the right thing in running away!
I also ran under a dog once.
I was driving a kart, and it was a big dog, so there was no possibility of running over it. It ended up sitting across my knee until the kart stopped, then it got off and ran away with no damage to either party.

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