Subject: RE: BS: X-File Worm removed from my finger... From: Cluin Date: 04 Apr 06 - 04:03 PM Sitting on the hopper this morning, just about to bear down, when this evil green-headed thing pushes up from between my legs. Now I've had some evil things down there before now, but nothing like this freak! Then, it looks up at me and asks me if I've seen its daddy, Bobert. I was expecting something from Bobert, but not this, gawd knowz! So I grabbed it by the neck and we had a grand old tussle rolling around on the bathroom floor, me choking it and it strangling me with a few loops around my throat. (It's grown quite a bit before you unleashed it on the world, Bobert!) Just before I blacked out, I managed to beat it senseless against the bathtub, chipping quite a bit of the enamel in the process. Then I stuffed the bastard back into the toilet and flush it back down. I don't know where it'll surface again, but I've got the bathroom door boarded shut and am using the neighbour's toilet right now. So beware, all! |
Subject: RE: BS: X-File Worm removed from my finger... From: Charley Noble Date: 04 Apr 06 - 04:34 PM See what you've started, Bobert? Now how much are you going to sell the screen rights for? 'Fess up, you're just trolling for more of our good creative stuff. You'll harvest it and make millions, maybe even thousands! Charley Noble |
Subject: RE: BS: X-File Worm removed from my finger... From: frogprince Date: 04 Apr 06 - 04:38 PM Have ya-all checked Charlie Noble's link? "Bone-eating snot flower"; hmmm, any mudcat guests looking for a name to use when joining? Then again, think of all the little Native American kids who were named "Buffalo Eyes", or "Little Hawk", or something, and how lucky they were that their pa didn't hear about this critter. |
Subject: RE: BS: X-File Worm removed from my finger... From: Bee-dubya-ell Date: 04 Apr 06 - 05:40 PM Don't plan on making that movie! Sounds way too much like Dreamcatcher and you probably don't have enough money to defend yourself against a plagiarism suit filed by Stephen King. |
Subject: RE: BS: X-File Worm removed from my finger... From: Bobert Date: 04 Apr 06 - 06:12 PM Sorry, Cluin, but that worm was jus' some copu cat worm prolly trying to get some kinda child support... I did not have sex with that worm's mother.... Well, I looked at the piccure of the whale worm but its pink... My worm was green... No, well, not all of it... Only it's head was green and the rest a puss-ey white... So far the ceptic tank is holdin' it's own and the WGSR has given me some comfort with a calculation that there is an 80% chance that the worm died in the ceptic tank thus ending this most bizarre chapter in my bizarre life... But I do keep checkin' myself out fir other green spots that might be worms but so far, so good... Bobert |
Subject: RE: BS: X-File Worm removed from my finger... From: Charley Noble Date: 04 Apr 06 - 08:55 PM The link to the "Zombie" whale bone worms is fascinating. Consider this discussion: Their reproductive system is extraordinary - certainly in the case of the Pacific Osedax. "The female Pacific worms keep males inside their tube as a sort of little harem that fertilises eggs as they are released into the water column," explained Dr Glover. Too much information. Charley Noble |
Subject: RE: BS: X-File Worm removed from my finger... From: Ebbie Date: 04 Apr 06 - 09:40 PM Bobert, is it your contention that the worm backed into your finger? If it went in the normal way, as someone remarked above, that wasn't the head of the worm you bit. Unless -shudder- you are assuming that worm and its family were living inside you and looking for an easy way out? Get thee to a physician! |
Subject: RE: BS: X-File Worm removed from my finger... From: Rapparee Date: 04 Apr 06 - 09:41 PM That ol' worm's been around a while, Bobert. |
Subject: RE: BS: X-File Worm removed from my finger... From: Bobert Date: 04 Apr 06 - 09:53 PM Ebbie, Are you even suggestin' that I it into the worm's butt??? Hey, listen, I might have done a few whacky things in my life but I ain't no worm butt biter.... No, mam... That's where I draw the line... No bitin' of a worms behind fir this ol' hillbilly... Hey', okay, I'll eat possum that ain't been too long dead on the road but worm butt bitin'??? Like I said, I'll take a pass...Where's that wiezel, Martin Gibson... He's bite a worm's posterior in a heartbeat but, hey, he's from Chicago??? That IS my final asnwer on the subject.... for now, anyway.... Bobert |
Subject: RE: BS: X-File Worm removed from my finger... From: GUEST,dianavan Date: 05 Apr 06 - 03:14 AM I hope its not this: |
Subject: RE: BS: X-File Worm removed from my finger... From: Ebbie Date: 05 Apr 06 - 11:48 AM lol |
Subject: RE: BS: X-File Worm removed from my finger... From: frogprince Date: 05 Apr 06 - 11:59 AM Dianavan's link |
Subject: RE: BS: X-File Worm removed from my finger... From: GUEST,Art Thieme Date: 05 Apr 06 - 10:10 PM Here is a very punny variation on a Thieme: If we all got this from being here at Mudcat---and subsequently everyone on line got it---and then everyone on the entire planet got it-----and everyone had to get wormed----that would truly be global worming... Oh, the humanity!! Art |
Subject: RE: BS: X-File Worm removed from my finger... From: Stilly River Sage Date: 05 Apr 06 - 10:12 PM Look out, Art's just worming up. . . |
Subject: RE: BS: X-File Worm removed from my finger... From: Bee-dubya-ell Date: 05 Apr 06 - 10:32 PM I already told ya my theory that it was an infected splinter that just looked like a worm. Ebbie agrees with me. She and I are going to break away from the rest of this thread and form a splinter group. |
Subject: RE: BS: X-File Worm removed from my finger... From: Charley Noble Date: 05 Apr 06 - 11:00 PM And no one gave me any credit for observing way back "You're lucky. It might have been a fluke!" They are hedious little beasts and they also warned us about 'em in Ethiopia. But Art as the master does deserve credit for his effort. Sublime, simply sublime! Cheerily, Charley Noble |
Subject: RE: BS: X-File Worm removed from my finger... From: Rapparee Date: 06 Apr 06 - 08:51 AM It's a Thieme effort. |
Subject: RE: BS: X-File Worm removed from my finger... From: Donuel Date: 06 Apr 06 - 11:40 AM 45 years ago I had a flying insect hatch from my left elbow. There are lots of life forms out there. |
Subject: RE: BS: X-File Worm removed from my finger... From: Charley Noble Date: 06 Apr 06 - 04:12 PM I'll be chiggeed! We were also warned in the Peace Corps not to run around barefoot in Ethiopia. It was also said that "though the water was delicious, it would keep you on the run!" Charley Noble |
Subject: RE: BS: X-File Worm removed from my finger... From: Ebbie Date: 06 Apr 06 - 05:31 PM 'fluke' has a different connotation on the west coast, Charley. I expect that you have whales on the east coast too. Not mentioning it was, I imagine, just a fluke. |
Subject: RE: BS: X-File Worm removed from my finger... From: Bobert Date: 06 Apr 06 - 06:01 PM You all can count me in the splinter group, Beezer... Heck, you see's d'd worm??? Chemotherapy??? Neither of 'um is fir me... Yes, I'm sure it was a splinter with a green head and worm like body, which was prolly just puss 'er somethin'... I prolly should have kept it but, okay, I did the surgery quite descretly while at one of the P-Vine's azalea club meetings... Yeah, I was fallin' alseep and din't want to embarrass her by either snorin' or fallin' outtas my chair... Them people take those danged palnts way too serious... So I took out my trusty, rusty pocketknife and did the removal while folks argues over just how pink this slide was over the other slide (like who really cares???)... Once I pried the disgustin' thing out I put it in a kleenex and throwed it out.... That is my latest story... Bobert |
Subject: RE: BS: X-File Worm removed from my finger... From: Rapparee Date: 06 Apr 06 - 06:18 PM THREW IT OUT?!?!?!?! Litter Alert! Litter Alert! |
Subject: RE: BS: X-File Worm removed from my finger... From: Ebbie Date: 06 Apr 06 - 09:43 PM Dang. Some days ya just cain't win. |
Subject: RE: BS: X-File Worm removed from my finger... From: Stilly River Sage Date: 07 Apr 06 - 12:46 PM Charley, I did post a quick one-line response. It was a groan or a snort or an "ouch" or something, but it seems to have disappeared. It did not go unnoticed! SRS |
Subject: RE: BS: X-File Worm removed from my finger... From: Rapparee Date: 07 Apr 06 - 05:31 PM I actually did notice, Charlie, but did my best to ignore it. I thought it a terrible thing to deLIVER that way.... |
Subject: RE: BS: X-File Worm removed from my finger... From: Helen Date: 10 Apr 06 - 04:07 AM Thanks for nothing, Bobert. Now when I see this thread title I see a graphic picture of you biting a worm's bum and spitting it out. And thanks for nothing, too, Becca72, for sending me that mind picture of Bobert dragging his arse on the carpet. The day I first read this thread I was eating my dinner, and it has taken me 8 days to be able to come back and read it again. Just to find out if the worm has been identified, and if Bobert is still living and not threatened in his home by alien worms, of course. Not just so that I could be totally disgusted all over again. :-) Helen |
Subject: RE: BS: X-File Worm removed from my finger... From: Bobert Date: 10 Apr 06 - 05:46 PM Well, yeah, I'm still alive after allegedly bitin' the worms butt... BTW, I don't recall ever 'fessin' up to actually bitin' its butt... Sorry that it ain't been identified as yet but seein' as the hole where it came outta of has healed up and I ain't felling too much worser that my usual then hopefully this little chapter will find a "The End" to put behind it.... But thank you everyone fir yer support during this most difficult time.... Bobert |
Subject: RE: BS: X-File Worm removed from my finger... From: Rapparee Date: 10 Apr 06 - 08:49 PM It's inside, its spores slowly using the warmth of Bobert's body to hatch out into sporophytes that will metamorph into evil devilspawn.... |
Subject: RE: BS: X-File Worm removed from my finger... From: SINSULL Date: 10 Apr 06 - 09:34 PM That's a pretty picture - Bobert dragging his ass on the carpet. Actually Ed, the Cat, did just that today. He had a bit of a turd stuck in there. Another pretty picture. Hope everyone washes their hands before eating. |
Subject: RE: BS: X-File Worm removed from my finger... From: Bobert Date: 10 Apr 06 - 10:19 PM This thread going down like the Titanic... Ed's ass, Sins??? Times must be tough 'round the Catbox these days... Ed's ass??? Geeze o Pete... Now all we need is ther Reg Boyz to show up fir a flagilation seminar.... Ed (the cat's) ass??? |
Subject: RE: BS: X-File Worm removed from my finger... From: The Fooles Troupe Date: 11 Apr 06 - 08:14 AM "I can't sleep with the lights on," I can sleep with the lights on, but I can't sleep with a h... oh this is a family thread, isn't it? |
Subject: RE: BS: X-File Worm removed from my finger... From: frogprince Date: 11 Apr 06 - 03:43 PM I can't sleep with a halogen lamp shining in my eyes either, Foolestroupe. |