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Lyr Req: All on a Gorm'l Day (Beers Family)

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GUEST,fraxillina 15 Jul 09 - 12:08 PM
Jim Dixon 22 Jul 09 - 10:57 PM
Murray MacLeod 23 Jul 09 - 06:28 AM
Murray MacLeod 23 Jul 09 - 06:30 AM
cnd 23 Feb 20 - 04:12 PM
GUEST,# 17 Mar 21 - 10:25 PM
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Subject: Lyr Req: All on A Gorm'l Day
From: GUEST,fraxillina
Date: 15 Jul 09 - 12:08 PM

This is a Beers Family song, from the recording "Dumbarton's Drums." If anybody has the lyrics (or knows where I can find them online) I'd really appreciate it. Thanks!

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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: All on a Gorm'l Day
From: Jim Dixon
Date: 22 Jul 09 - 10:57 PM

The Folk Music Index says the Beers Family's album "Dumbarton's Drums" was an LP that came out in 1967.

I can't find any evidence that that album has ever been reissued, or that ALL ON A GORM'L DAY has ever appeared on any other recording.

It also says ALL ON A GORM'L DAY was written by Robert Beers.

So it's not likely we'll get an answer unless someone who has that album sees this.

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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: All on a Gorm'l Day
From: Murray MacLeod
Date: 23 Jul 09 - 06:28 AM

How badly do you want the lyrics ?

You can buy the album Here

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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: All on a Gorm'l Day
From: Murray MacLeod
Date: 23 Jul 09 - 06:30 AM

oops, you can buy the album Here

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Subject: Lyr Add: ALL ON A GORM'L DAY (Beers Family)
From: cnd
Date: 23 Feb 20 - 04:12 PM

The album Dumbarton's Drums by the Beers Family is now available on Spotify. You can read the liner notes of the album here where Robert Beers explains the song as follows:

"All on a Gorm'l Day One day I was driving along, and I thought about some strange animal. So I wrote a ditty about them."

Here's my transcription of it, though a lot of the words are some nonsense words and could probably be spelled any number of ways.

As I went into town one day
I saw a strange thing on the way
A wuggle hiponostomay
All on a market day

Oh, it was long and it was thin
And it had hair upon its chin
It had a most hypostrous grin
A hiponostomay

It's true, it's true!
Exactly what I saw
It's true, it's true!
Before my very eyes

As I went into town one day
I saw a strange thing on the way
A gorml' elophontomay
All on a market day

It had a tail upon its nose
It came from Afferdafferbose
Where people never wear their clothes
An elophontomay

It's true, it's true!
Exactly what I saw
It's true, it's true!
Before my very eyes

As I went in to town one day
I saw a strange thing on the way
A nurdo crocodoodlemay
All on a market day

Its back looked like a pocket book
Some feller caught it on a hook
It ate him when he tried to look
A crocodoodlemay

It's true, it's true!
Exactly what I saw
It's true, it's true!
Before my very eyes

As I went in to town one day
I saw a strange thing on the way
An eple crapplepandamay
All on a market day

On its bare skin it had some hair
Which made it look just like a bear
It doesn't come from anywhere
An crapplepandamay

It's true, it's true!
Exactly what I saw
It's true, it's true!
Before my very eyes

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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: All on a Gorm'l Day (Beers Family)
From: GUEST,#
Date: 17 Mar 21 - 10:25 PM

The Beers Family singing the song.

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