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Lyr ADD: Fáinne Geal an Lae / Dawning of the Day


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mg 13 Jun 10 - 05:16 PM
Young Buchan 14 Jun 10 - 01:51 PM
GUEST,mg 14 Jun 10 - 02:05 PM
Commander Crabbe 14 Jun 10 - 06:03 PM
Commander Crabbe 14 Jun 10 - 06:21 PM
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Subject: Lyr Req: Gaelic - tune is Dawning of the Day
From: mg
Date: 13 Jun 10 - 05:16 PM

I love whatever Sean Cannon is singing..

Is it a translation into Irish of Raglan Road or is it some preceding words to Dawning of the Day or something else?

It has convinced me to try to learn a few phonetic songs in Gaelic..probably not starting with this. Alas, I have no ear for language but I will try anyway. mg

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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Gaelic - tune is Dawning of the Day
From: Young Buchan
Date: 14 Jun 10 - 01:51 PM

Haven't heard the recording you refer to, but is it this?

Maidin moch do ghabhas amach
Ar bhruach Locha Léin
An Samhradh 'teacht 's an chraobh len' ais
Is ionrach te ón ngréin
Ar thaisteal dom trí bhailte poirt
Is bánta míne réidhe
Cé a gheobhainn le m'ais ach an chúileann deas
Le fáinne geal an lae

Ní raibh bróg ná stoca, caidhp ná clóc
Ar mo stóirín óg ón speir
Ach folt fionn órga síos go troigh
Ag fás go barr an fhéir
Bhí calán crúite aici ina glaic
'S ar dhrúcht ba dheas a scéimh
Do rug barr gean ar Bhéineas deas
Le fáinne geal an lae

Do shuigh an bhrídoeg síos le m'ais
Ar bhinse glas den fhéar
Ag magadh léi, bhíos dá maíomh go pras
Mar mhnaoi nach scarfainn léi
'S é dúirt sí liomsa, "Imigh uaim
Is scaoil ar siúl mé a réic"
Sin iad aneas na soilse ag teacht
Le fáinne geal an lae

That's the gaelic of the song usually translated -
At early morn I once had been where the Lene's waters flow etc.

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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Gaelic - tune is Dawning of the Day
From: GUEST,mg
Date: 14 Jun 10 - 02:05 PM

I don't know. I will listen to it sure is pretty though. mg

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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Gaelic - tune is Dawning of the Day
From: Commander Crabbe
Date: 14 Jun 10 - 06:03 PM

It is actually the Gaelic "Dawning of The Day" ie. 'Fáinne Geal an Lae'

A recording by the Cassidys (Na Casaidigh) can be found here;

English lyrics:

One morning early I went out
On the shore of Lough Leinn
The leafy trees of summertime,
And the warm rays of the sun,
As I wandered through the townlands,
And the luscious grassy plains,
Who should I meet but a beautiful maid,
At the dawning of the day.

No cap or cloak this maiden wore
Her neck and feet were bare
Down to the grass in ringlets fell
Her glossy golden hair
A milking pail was in her hand
She was lovely, young and gay
Her beauty excelled even Helen of Troy
At the dawning of the day.

On a mossy bank I sat me down
With the maiden by my side
With gentle words I courted her
And asked her to be my bride
She turned and said, "Please go away,"
Then went on down the way
And the morning light was shining bright
At the dawning of the day.


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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Gaelic - tune is Dawning of the Day
From: Commander Crabbe
Date: 14 Jun 10 - 06:21 PM


Meant probably not actually!!

The tune is probably 'Fáinne Geal an Lae' as YB suggests with the posted lyrics.


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