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Lyr Add: California Joe (John Wallace Crawford)


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Art Thieme 11 Oct 99 - 07:13 PM
Art Thieme 11 Oct 99 - 07:22 PM
Dale Rose 11 Oct 99 - 07:27 PM
Dale Rose 11 Oct 99 - 07:32 PM
Mudjack 11 Oct 99 - 09:32 PM
catspaw49 11 Oct 99 - 09:59 PM
Cara 11 Oct 99 - 10:12 PM
Frank of Toledo 12 Oct 99 - 01:36 AM
Art Thieme 12 Oct 99 - 11:30 AM
Gene 12 Oct 99 - 12:17 PM
Sandy Paton 12 Oct 99 - 04:13 PM
Art Thieme 12 Oct 99 - 08:42 PM
Art Thieme 20 May 03 - 08:28 PM
GUEST,Michael Morris 28 Feb 06 - 10:09 PM
GUEST,Dale 28 Feb 06 - 10:29 PM
Jim Dixon 10 Feb 08 - 01:44 PM
GUEST,Art Thieme 10 Feb 08 - 05:51 PM
Francy 10 Feb 08 - 07:10 PM
oldhippie 11 Feb 08 - 07:29 AM
open mike 26 Apr 11 - 12:17 PM
Steve Gardham 26 Apr 11 - 01:56 PM
Steve Gardham 26 Apr 11 - 02:11 PM
open mike 27 Apr 11 - 03:31 AM
Steve Gardham 27 Apr 11 - 02:16 PM
Midchuck 27 Apr 11 - 03:28 PM
Steve Gardham 27 Apr 11 - 03:42 PM
GUEST 29 May 17 - 12:07 AM
Joe Offer 29 May 17 - 03:10 AM
GUEST,Meade Acers 16 Sep 17 - 12:33 AM
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Subject: Lyr Add: CALIFORNIA JOE (John Wallace Crawford)
From: Art Thieme
Date: 11 Oct 99 - 07:13 PM

Moses Embree Milner--better known as California Joe---was born in Kentucky in 1829. He went west and became a skillful trapper and mountain man. He served as a scout in the Mexican War (1846-1848) and spent several years in California before establishing a cattle ranch in Oregon. He married, had 4 sons and later left to wander the West. His reputation as a scout prompted George Armstrong Custer to promote him to Chief Of Scouts for the Washita Campaign but he was demoted when Custer found him drunk. The 2 men, however, were fast friends and exchanged many letters. Wild Bill Hickok (born 5 miles from here in Troy Grove, Illinois) said, only a few days before his death, that his pistol and California Joe were the two best friends he ever had. When Wild Bill was murdered by Jack McCall, Joe was out on the prairie and when he got back to town, he made sure that McCall knew he wasn't welcome in town any longer. Less than 2 months later, on Oct. 29th, as Moses "California Joe" Milner stood talking to friends at Fort Robinson, Nebraska, a man named Newcomb shot him in the back with a Winchester rifle after a long feud between the two men. Newcomb escaped justice.
This song "CALIFORNIA JOE" was written by John Wallace Crawford about 1875
. He was better known as Captain Jack Crawford--The Poet Scout of the Black Hills. Born in County Donegal, Ireland on March 4th, 1847, Crawford came to the U.S. as a boy. He served with the 48th Pennsylvania Volunteers in the American Civil War and was wounded several times. In the 1870s he was well known in Nebraska and at one time served as a mail carrier between Sidney and the Red Cloud Indian Agency.


CALIFORNIA JOEbr> (John Wallace Crawford)

Now folks, I don't like stories nor am I going to act
A part around the campfire that ain't a truthful fact,
So fill your pipes and listen; I'll tell you--- let me see---
I think it was in '50---from then to '63.

You've all heard tell of Bridger; well I used to ride with Jim,
And many a hard says scoutin' I've done longside of him,
Once near old Fort Reno a trapper used to dwell,
We called him Mad Jack Reynolds and the scouts all knew him well.

One night in the spring of '50 we camped on Powder River,
We killed a calf of buffalo and cooked a slice of liver,
While eating quite contented I heard 3 shots or 4,
Put out the fire and listened---we heard a dozen more.

We knew that old man Reynolds had moved his traps up here,
So picking up our rifles and picking up our gear,
We moved as fast as lightning---to save was our desire,
Too late--the painted heathen had set the house on fire.

We hitched our horses quickly and waded up the stream,
While down close among the waters I heard a muffled scream,
And there among the bushes a little girl did lie,
I picked her up and whispered, "I'll save you or I'll die".

Lord, what a ride---Old Bridger, he covered my retreat.
Sometimes that child would whisper in a voice so low and sweet
"Poor papa.--- God will take him to mama up above.
There is no one left to love me.---There is no one left to love."

The little one was 13 and I was 22,
I says, "I'll be your father and love you just as true."
She nestled on my bosom--her hazel eyes so bright
Looked up and made me happy through the close pursuit that night.

One month had passed and Maggie---we called her Hazel Eye,
In truth was going to leave me -- was going to say goodbye,
Her uncle, Mad Jack Reynolds --- long since reported dead,
Had come to claim my angel---his brother's child he said.

What could I say? We parted, Mad Jack was growing old.
I handed him a banknote and all I had in gold,
They rode away at sunrise and I rode a mile or two,
And parting says, "We'll meet again, Mag; may God watch over you."

(time passes)

By a laughing dancing brook a little cabin stood,
And weary with a long day's scout, I spied it in the wood,
The pretty valley stretched beyond and the mountains towered above,
Like some painted picture---or a well-told tale of love.

'Twas one grand panorama---the brook was plainly seen,
Like a long thread of silver in a cloth of lovely green,
The laughter of the water, the cooing of the dove,
And near it's willow branches I heard the cooing of a dove.

While drinking in the grandeur I rested in the saddle,
I heard a gentle rippling like the dipping of a paddle,
And turning to the eddy a strange sight met my view,
A maiden with a rifle in a little birch canoe.

She stood up in the center with her rifle to her eye,
I thought for just a moment my time had come to die,
I doffed my hat and told her that if it was all the same,
To drop her little shooter for I was not her game.

She dropped the deadly weapon and leaped from the canoe,
Says she, "I beg your pardon---I thought you were a Sioux,
Your long hair and your buckskin looked warrior-like and rough,
My aim was spoiled by sunlight or I'd have killed you sure enough.

"Perhaps it would have been better if you had dropped me then," says I,
"For surely such an angel could bear me to the sky."
She blushingly dropped her eyelids---her cheeks were crimson red,
One half-shy glance she gave me and then hung down her head.

I took her little hand in mine--I wondered what it meant,
And yet she drew it not away but rather seemed content,
We sat upon the mossy bank and her eyes began to fill,
The brook was rippling at our feet---the dove was cooing still.

I smoothed her golden tresses and her eyes looked up to mine,
She looked in doubt, then whispered, "'Tis such a long long time."
Strong arms were thrown around me---"I'll love you, or I'll die."
I clasped her to my bosom--my long lost Hazel Eye.

The rapture of that moment was almost heaven to me,
I kissed her mid her teardrops, her merriment and glee,
Her heart near mine was beating when sobbingly she said,
"My dear long lost preserver--they told me you were dead."

"But oh, those parting words, Joe, have never left my mind,
You said, 'We'll meet again, Mag.'---and rode off like the wind
Oh, how I have prayed, Joe, for you who saved my life,
That God would send an angel to guide you through all strife.

"The one who claimed me from you, my uncle, good and true,
Is sick in yonder cabin and he's talked so much of you,
'If Joe was living darlin', he said to me last night,
'He would care for Maggie when God puts out my light.'"

We found the old man sleeping---"Hush Maggie---let him rest."
The sun was slowly sinking in the far off golden west,
And though we talked in whispers, he opened up his eyes,
"A dream---a dream", he whispered---"alas, a dream of lies."

She drifted like a shadow to where the old man lay,
"You had a dream, dear uncle---another dream today?"
"Yes, I saw an angel as pure as mountain snow,
And near here at my bedside was California Joe."

"I'm sure I'm not an angel, dear uncle, that I know--
These arms are brawny, my hands are too, my face is not like snow--
Now listen while I tell you for I have news to cheer,
Hazel Eye is happy for Joe is really here."

It was but a few days after the old man said to me,
"Joe, boy, she is an angel---and good as angels be.
For 3 long months she hunted, trapped for me and nursed me too,
God bless you, boy, I believe it---she is safe along with you."

The sun was slowly sinking when Maggie my wife, and I
Came riding through the valley now with teardrops in our eyes,
A year ago today we dug on Mad Jack's mossy grave,
We laid him neath the daisies---her uncle true and brave.

And comrades, every springtime is sure to find us there,
As something in the valley seemed always fresh and fair,
And our love is freshly kindled while resting by the stream,
Where two hearts were united in love's sweet happy dream.

Yes, our love was newly kindled while resting by the stream,
Where two hearts were united in love's sweet happy dream,
Now you've hear the story and this you ought to know,
That Hazel Eye is happy with California Joe.

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Subject: RE: Lyric add: California Joe
From: Art Thieme
Date: 11 Oct 99 - 07:22 PM

The above version of my personal favorite story song was mostly from a great singer, JIM RINGER !!! It's on the one record Jim made for Sandy Paton's Folk Legacy Records in Sharon, CT. To me, it's by far, the best record that Jim Ringer ever made.

It's also the best record ever put out by Folk Legacy.(Again, just one man't opinion.)

Art Thieme

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Subject: RE: Lyric add: California Joe
From: Dale Rose
Date: 11 Oct 99 - 07:27 PM

That's sure a good one, Art. I've listened to Jim Ringer's version many times over the years. Don't think he did it the one time I heard him (and Mary) live, though. Have you heard California Faith, the followup song that Debbie McClatchy did? I think that was her composition, but I could be completely wrong on that. (I just checked the Folk Music Index. It was on Homemade Goodies, Fretless 106, 1974 and they don't list any other versions.)

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Subject: RE: Lyric add: California Joe
From: Dale Rose
Date: 11 Oct 99 - 07:32 PM

You're thinkin' on the same wavelength as I am tonight, Art! While I was composing mine, you were entering your second post, and after I hit the send button, I sure wished I had said something about the FOLK LEGACY album ~~ it is a definite favorite of mine.

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Subject: RE: Lyric add: California Joe
From: Mudjack
Date: 11 Oct 99 - 09:32 PM

Right on Art, Jim Ringer's Hard Times album is by all means his greatest work.

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Subject: RE: Lyric add: California Joe
From: catspaw49
Date: 11 Oct 99 - 09:59 PM

Geezuz...It must be something in the air. I was going to treat myself (for missing the getaway) to 2 new CD's from Sandy. I had picked out 4 just this morning and he was one! I guess that makes Jim Ringer a definite now. Sometimes some strange coincidences come up around here.

Seriously, very strange.


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Subject: RE: Lyric add: California Joe
From: Cara
Date: 11 Oct 99 - 10:12 PM

I saw Debbie McClatchy perform at the Getaway (Reuben's Train) andshe was fantastic. Those of you who've never heard her should check it out. I want a voice like hers.

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Subject: RE: Lyric add: California Joe
From: Frank of Toledo
Date: 12 Oct 99 - 01:36 AM

Mudjack and I worked for months and months putting together a tribute to Jim Ringer for the Mary McCaslin concert we had in Toledo Oregon last Friday. I did the Title cut from the album "Waiting For The Hard Times to Go", Mudjack did "Every Bush And Tree" and we sang "Paradise" Together. I wanted so much to do "Californa Joe" but my brain couldn't get all the verses together in the time allowed. But Art, you're so right; one of the best story songs I've heard and Jim was and is the real thing. We had a great concert and I'm still on a musical high because of Mary, Jim"s songs and being able to share the stage with Mudjack for one fine evening of unforgettable music.... And thank you Barbara (Blessing) and Mark for being there......

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Subject: RE: Lyric add: California Joe
From: Art Thieme
Date: 12 Oct 99 - 11:30 AM


I just tried to send you a personal message & was told you ain't a member. Strange.

Anyhow guy, I just want to check on your e-mail address. The one I have for you may be wrong I think.

And did those 3 cassettes of S.H. stuff get to you---also the e-mail with the songs therein encased and delineated?? If not, I'll send it again. My PC is acting up a bit. Keeps wanting my password over & over while I'm still connected! Will I ever learn this thing?


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Subject: Lyr Add: JIM BRIDGER (from Johnny Horton)
From: Gene
Date: 12 Oct 99 - 12:17 PM

Art, here's another Leon Payne composition,
unfortunately, many are unaware of this
extremely talented storytelling songwriter.
Leon Payne also wrote two Hank Williams, Sr.
songs: 1/ Lost Highway and
2/ They'll Never Take Her Love From Me.

Recorded by Johnny Horton
Writer: Leon Payne

Once there was mountain man, who couldn't write his name
Yet he deserves a front row seat, in history's hall of fame
He forgot more about the Indian, than we will ever know
He spoke the language of the Sioux, the Blackfoot and the Crow.

Lets drink to old Jim Bridger, yes, lift your glasses high
As long as there's a USA, don't let his memory die
That he was makin' history, never once occured to him
But I doubt if we'd a been here, if it weren't for men like Jim.

He spoke with General Custer and said, "Listen Yellow-Hair!"
"The Sioux are a great nation, so treat 'em fair and square,
Sit in on their war council, don't laugh away their pride."
But Custer didn't listen, at Little Big Horn Custer Died.


There's poems and there legends that tell of Carson's fame
Yet, compared to Jim Bridger, Kit was civilized and tame
These words are straight from Carson's lips, if you place such store by him
If there's a man who know this God-...forsaken land, it's Jim.

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Subject: RE: Lyric add: California Joe
From: Sandy Paton
Date: 12 Oct 99 - 04:13 PM

Another trapper song: "Broken Hand" on Ed Trickett's new CD. Yes, it's available from Folk-Legacy.


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Subject: RE: Lyric add: California Joe
From: Art Thieme
Date: 12 Oct 99 - 08:42 PM


There's a sound---a kind of gutsy edge to Ed's singing on this that's more forceful than anything I've ever heard him do. Do you hear that? It's a wonderful album. I love it! And "BROKEN HAND", the song about Tom Fitzpatric, the trapper, leads it off. Another song with this "feel" is on Skip Gorman's CD called __A GREENER PRAIRIE__. The song is "The Emigrant's Lament For Oregon". If I was still pickin' I'd have learned it a year ago. And Skip's "Blue Mountain" is the best I've ever heaqrd that song done. (Even better than my own record of it. ;-) I first learned that song from Frank Hamilton who had it on his __FOLSINGER'S FOLKSINGER__ LP for Concerdisc Records. It's great to see such fine songs about that era and it's men. (There were no women out West in the trapping era except Native-Americans.) I see the efforts of Walkin' Jim Stoltz in recent times as being rather reminiscent of some of those folks' adventures.


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Subject: RE: Lyric add: California Joe
From: Art Thieme
Date: 20 May 03 - 08:28 PM


Just a reminder to you all that JIM RINGER's record that contains this wonderful song is now available from Sandy Paton's FOLK LEGACY RECORDS in Sharon, CT----------- and it is now on CD !!!

Art Thieme

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Subject: RE: Lyr Add: California Joe (from Jim Ringer)
From: GUEST,Michael Morris
Date: 28 Feb 06 - 10:09 PM

California Joe

Sung by Bill Jackson at Arvin FSA Camp 8-12-41 from Voices From the Dust Bowl

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Subject: RE: Lyr Add: California Joe (from Jim Ringer)
From: GUEST,Dale
Date: 28 Feb 06 - 10:29 PM

Thanks, Michael! I listened to that version a few months ago, and didn't think even once about mentioning it here.

Had Jim's first album out just yesterday.

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From: Jim Dixon
Date: 10 Feb 08 - 01:44 PM

Here's how the poem appears in The Poet Scout: A Book of Song and Story By Jack Crawford, 1889, page 36ff. I have taken the liberty of reformatting it so that each stanza consists of 4 lines of 6 beats rather than 8 lines of 3 beats. (I like it when each line ends in a rhyme.)

Jack Crawford

WELL, mates, I don't like stories, nor am I going to act
A part around this camp-fire that ain't a truthful fact.
So fill your pipes and listen. I'll tell you—let me see,
I think it was in Fifty, from that till Sixty-three.

You've all heard tell of Bridger. I used to run with Jim,
And many a hard day's scouting I've done 'longside of him.
Well, once, near old Fort Reno, a trapper used to dwell.
We called him old Pap Reynolds. The scouts all knew him well.

One night—the spring of Fifty—we camped on Powder River.
We killed a calf of buffalo, and cooked a slice of liver.
While eating, quite contented, we heard three shots or four,
Put out the fire and listened, then heard a dozen more.

We knew that old man Reynolds had moved his traps up here,
So, picking up our rifles and fixing on our gear,
We mounted quick as lightnin'. To save was our desire.
Too late; the painted heathens had set the house on fire.

We tied our horses quickly and waded up the stream.
While close beside the water, I heard a muffled scream;
And there among the bushes a little girl did lie.
I picked her up and whispered: "I'll save you, or I'll die!"

Lord, what a ride! old Bridger, he covered my retreat.
Sometimes the child would whisper, in voice so low and sweet:
"Poor papa, God will take him to mamma up above.
There's no one left to love me—there's no one left to love."

The little one was thirteen, and I was twenty-two.
Said I: "I'll be your father, and love you just as true."
She nestled to my bosom, her hazel eyes, so bright,
Looked up and made me happy, though close pursued that night.

A month had passed, and Maggie (We called her Hazel Eye),
In truth, was going to leave me—was going to say "good-by."
Her uncle, mad Jack Reynolds—reported long since dead—
Had come to claim my angel, his brother's child, he said.

What could I say? We parted. Mad Jack was growing old.
I handed him a bank-note and all I had in gold
They rode away at sunrise. I went a mile or two,
And, parting, said: "We'll meet again—may God watch over you."

* * * * *

Beside a laughing, dancing brook, a little cabin stood,
As, weary with a long day's scout, I spied it in the wood.
A pretty valley stretched beyond, the mountains towered above,
While near the willow bank I heard the cooing of a dove.

'Twas one grand panorama, the brook was plainly seen,
Like a long thread of silver in a cloth of lovely green.
The laughter of the waters, the cooing of the dove,
Was like some painted picture—some well-told tale of love.

While drinking in the grandeur, and resting in my saddle,
I heard a gentle ripple like the dipping of a paddle.
I turned toward the eddy—a strange sight met my view:
A maiden, with her rifle, in a little bark canoe.

She stood up in the centre, the rifle to her eye.
I thought (just for a second) my time had come to die.
I doffed my hat and told her (if it was all the same)
To drop her little shooter, for I was not her game.

She dropped the deadly weapon, and leaped from the canoe.
Said she: "I beg your pardon. I thought you were a Sioux.
Your long hair and your buckskin looked warrior-like and rough.
My bead was spoiled by sunshine, or I'd killed you, sure enough."

"Perhaps it had been better you dropped me then," said I,
"For surely such an angel would bear me to the sky."
She blushed and dropped her eyelids. Her cheeks were crimson red.
One half-shy glance she gave me, and then hung down her head.

I took her little hand in mine—she wondered what I meant,
And yet she drew it not away, but rather seemed content.
We sat upon the mossy bank—her eyes began to fill—
The brook was rippling at our feet, the dove was cooing still.

I smoothed her golden tresses. Her eyes looked up in mine,
She seemed in doubt—then whispered: "'Tis such a long, long time
Strong arms were thrown around me—I'll save you, or I'll die."
I clasped her to my bosom—my long-lost Hazel Eye.

The rapture of that moment was almost heaven to me.
I kissed her 'mid her tear-drops, her innocence and glee.
Her heart near mine was beating. While sobbingly she said:
"My dear, my brave preserver, they told me you were dead."

But, oh! those parting words, Joe, have never left my mind.
You said: 'We'll meet again, Mag,' then rode off like the wind.
And, oh! how I have prayed, Joe, for you, who saved my life,
That God would send an angel to guard you through all strife.

"And he who claimed me from you. My uncle, good and true—
Now sick in yonder cabin—has talked so much of you.
'If Joe were living, darling,' he said to me last night,
'He would care for Maggie when God puts out my light.'"

We found the old man sleeping. "Hush! Maggie, let him rest."
The sun was slowly sinking in the far-off glowing west,
And, though we talked in whispers, he opened wide his eyes.
"A dream—a dream!" he murmured, "Alas! a dream of lies!"

She drifted like a shadow to where the old man lay.
"You had a dream, dear uncle—another dream to-day?"
"Oh, yes, I saw an angel, as pure as mountain snow,
And near her, at my bed-side, stood California Joe."

"I'm sure I'm not an angel, dear uncle, that you know.
These arms are brown, my hands, too—my face is not like snow.
Now, listen, while I tell you, for I have news to cheer,
And Hazel Eye is happy, for Joe is truly here."

And when, a few days after, the old man said to me:
"Joe, boy, she ar' a angel, an' good as angels be.
For three long months she's hunted an' trapped an' nurs'd me, too.
God bless ye, boy! I believe it—she's safe along wi' you."

* * * * *

The sun was slowly sinking when Mag (my wife) and I
Came riding through the valley, the tear-drops in her eye.
"One year ago to-day, Joe—I see the mossy grave—
We laid him 'neath the daisies, my uncle, good and brave."

And, comrades, every spring-time was sure to find me there—
A something in that valley was always fresh and fair.
Our loves were newly kindled while sitting by the stream,
Where two hearts were united in love's sweet, happy dream.

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Subject: RE: Lyr Add: California Joe (John Wallace Crawford)
From: GUEST,Art Thieme
Date: 10 Feb 08 - 05:51 PM

I had totally forgotten this old thread. Thanks for digging it out.
I heard that Mary McCaslin has RECORDED THIS SONG recently. That surely only seems completely natural...
Art Thieme

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Subject: RE: Lyr Add: California Joe (John Wallace Crawford)
From: Francy
Date: 10 Feb 08 - 07:10 PM

I found an old tape of California Joe, recorded by Mrs Alice Isringhouse, June 15th, 1959 in Holly Grove, Arkansas...and yes it is on Mary's cd, recorded last year, I think.......And you're right Art; Jim Ringer's album on Folk Legacy is great.. I particularly like the title song "Waitin' For The Hard Times".....Frank of Toledo

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Subject: RE: Lyr Add: California Joe (John Wallace Crawford)
From: oldhippie
Date: 11 Feb 08 - 07:29 AM

Art is correct, Mary McCaslin recorded California Joe recently on her CD Better Late Then Mever. And, Debby McClatchy did write the California Faith sequel she sings. Great songs, especially played together.
    I couldn't figure out why there was a need for a new thread, so I combined the two. Messages below are from the new thread.
    -Joe Offer-

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Subject: Lyr Req: California Joe by Jim Ringer
From: open mike
Date: 26 Apr 11 - 12:17 PM

California Joe was originally a poem written by Captain Jack Crawford and published in his 1886 book, The Poet Scout. Jim Ringer learned California Joe from his cousin and grandmother and he recorded it in 1972 on his Folk Legacy album, Waitin' for the Hard Times to Go. His family had a wealth of old songs that were handed down through the generations.

although a search did not turn this up...i found it in the digital tradition...

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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: California Joe by Jim Ringer
From: Steve Gardham
Date: 26 Apr 11 - 01:56 PM

You don't make it clear whether you have found or still need the lyrics. There's a full version with tune in Logsdon 'The Whorehouse Bells were Ringin' p173. It's too long to type out here, but I can scan it and send you it by email if you PM me with your email address.

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Subject: RE: Lyr Add: California Joe (John Wallace Crawford)
From: Steve Gardham
Date: 26 Apr 11 - 02:11 PM


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Subject: RE: Lyr Add: California Joe (John Wallace Crawford)
From: open mike
Date: 27 Apr 11 - 03:31 AM

I had found the song in the dt after i composed the message
i wonder why it did not come up when i searched the mudcat search
it showed up when i did a general web search..

I had that Logsdon book once....and would love the page if you can scan and send to me at I lost the book in the
fire that ate my house and 60,000 acres of forest near me...

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Subject: RE: Lyr Add: California Joe (John Wallace Crawford)
From: Steve Gardham
Date: 27 Apr 11 - 02:16 PM

No problem, but I wouldn't advise giving out your email address here as address trawlers can pick it up and flood you with spam. Always best to put in a ? instead of @ or better still PM it. Your experience made me shudder when I read it, for both wood and paper.

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Subject: RE: Lyr Add: California Joe (John Wallace Crawford)
From: Midchuck
Date: 27 Apr 11 - 03:28 PM

I have that book too. Anyone with an interest in cowboy and western songs, or with a dirty mind, ought to have it. For those with both (such as myself), it should be considered an absolute necessity.


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Subject: RE: Lyr Add: California Joe (John Wallace Crawford)
From: Steve Gardham
Date: 27 Apr 11 - 03:42 PM

Marvellous book.

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Subject: RE: Lyr Add: California Joe (John Wallace Crawford)
Date: 29 May 17 - 12:07 AM

That song was enough to make me want to hear Jim Ringer every time he played in the Bay Area, Yeah the record was great but hearing this song live just blew me away

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Subject: RE: Lyr Add: California Joe (John Wallace Crawford)
From: Joe Offer
Date: 29 May 17 - 03:10 AM

Here's the Jim Ringer recording:

And the recording by Mary McCaslin:

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Subject: RE: Lyr Add: California Joe (John Wallace Crawford)
From: GUEST,Meade Acers
Date: 16 Sep 17 - 12:33 AM

G                                        C                      G
Well folks I don't like stories nor am a I going to act
                            C                   D                      G
A part around a campfire what ain't a truthful fact
                                     C          D                      G
Fill up your pipes and listen Ill tell you let me see
    C                   D             C          G
I think it was in '50 from then till 53'

(chord progression continues)

You've all heard tell of Bridger
I used to ride with him
and many a hard days scoutin' I did longside of Jim
and back near old fort Reno a trapper used to dwell
We called him Mad Jack Reynolds the scouts all knew him well

In the spring of fifty we camped on Powder River
We killed a calf of buffalo and cooked a slice of liver
while eating quite contented we heard three shots or four
put out the fires and listened, we heard a dozen more

We all knew old Jack Reynolds had moved his traps up here
so picking up our rifles and hitching up our gear
we moved as quick as lightning to save was our desire
too late the painted heathens had set the house on fire

we turned our horses quickly and waded down the stream
and close beside the water I heard a muffled scream
and there among the bushes a little girl did lie
I picked her up and whispered "I'll save you or I'll die"

God what a ride old Bridger had covered my retreat
so times the child would whisper in a voice so low and sweet
"dear Papa god will take you to Mama up above, no-one left to love me, there's no-one left to love"

The little girl was 13 and I was 22, said I ill be your papa and Ill love you just as true
she nestled to my bosom and her hazel eyes so bright, looked up and made me happy through the close pursuit that night

one year had passed when Maggie, we called her hazel eyes in truth was going to leave me had come to say goodbye
her uncle mad jack Reynolds long since reported dead
had come to claim my angel, his brother's child he said

what could I say, we parted Mad Jack was growin' old
I handed him a banknote and all I had in gold
They rode away at sunrise, I went a mile or two
In parting said we'll meet again may god watch over you

while resting by a babbling brook a little cabin stood
and weary from a long days ride I saw it in the wood
the pleasant valley stretched beyond the mountains towered above
like some painted picture or a well told tale of love

drinkin in the sweetness and resting in the saddle
I heard a gentle rippling like the dipping of a paddle
and turning to the water a strange sight met my view
a pretty girl was seated in a little birch canoe

she stood up in the center a rifle to her eye
I thought for just a moment my time had come to die
I tipped my hat and told her if it was all the same to drop her little shooter for I was not her game

she dropped the deadly weapon and leaped from her canoe
she said I beg your pardon I thought you were a Souix
your long hair and your buckskins looked warrior like and rough
my bead was spoiled by sunshine or I'd a' killed you sure enough

perhaps it would be better had you killed me here said I
for surely such an angel could bare me to the sky
she blushed and dropped her eyelids her face was crimson red
one shy glance she gave me and then hung down her head

then her arms flew around me "I'll save you or I'll die"
I held her to my bosom my long lost hazel eyes
the rapture of that moment was heaven unto me
I kissed her then amid her tears her merriment and glee

her heart gainst' mine was beating when sobbingly she said
my dear long lost preserver they told me you were dead
the man who claimed me from you my uncle good and true lies ill in yonder cabin and he talks so much of you

if Joe where living' Darlin' he said to me last night
he'd care for you dear Maggie when god puts out my light
we found the old man sleepin' hushed Maggie "let him rest"
the sun was slowly sinkin' in the far off golden west

although we talked in whispers he opened wide his eyes
a dream, a dream he, he murmured alas a dream of lies
she drifted like a shadow to where the old man lay
you had a dream dear uncle another dream today

oh yes I saw an angel as pure as drifted snow and standing close beside her was California Joe
she said I'm not an angel dear uncle this you know these little hands and this face were never white as snow

but listen while I tell you for I have news to cheer, your hazel eyes is happy for truly Joe is here
then just a few days later the old man said to me, Joe boy she is an angel or as good as angels be

for three long months she's hunted and Joe she's nursed me too
and I believe that she'll be safe alone my boy with you
then but a few days later Maggie, my wife and I, went riding from that valley with tear drops in our eyes

for there beside the cabin within a new made grave
we laid him neath the daisies, her uncle good and brave
hereafter every gentle spring will surely find us there
at his graveside in the valley we'll keep it fresh and fair

our love was newly kindled while resting by the stream
and two hearts where united in love's sweet happy dream
and now you've heard my story and this you ought to know
that hazel eyes is happy with California Joe

(this is Jim RInger's version, the chord progression here is very simplified)

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