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ADD: If You Miss Me at the Back Of The Bus


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GUEST,Simon 11 Nov 00 - 05:47 AM
Susan of DT 11 Nov 00 - 06:01 PM
Susan of DT 11 Nov 00 - 06:45 PM
Azizi 05 Jul 07 - 09:27 PM
Azizi 06 Jul 07 - 04:40 PM
GUEST,Seku Neblett aka Carver Neblett aka Chico Ne 25 Feb 08 - 09:35 PM
Azizi 26 Feb 08 - 09:26 AM
Jim Carroll 26 Feb 08 - 02:38 PM
Joe Offer 14 Sep 24 - 05:24 AM
Mark Ross 17 Sep 24 - 12:48 PM
Joe Offer 17 Sep 24 - 03:19 PM
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Subject: Back Of The Bus (Rosa Parks)
From: GUEST,Simon
Date: 11 Nov 00 - 05:47 AM

The tune for this song is beyond my ability to turn into notes. Does anyone have the tune?

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Subject: RE: Tune Req: Rosa Parks - Back Of The Bus
From: Susan of DT
Date: 11 Nov 00 - 06:01 PM

You can get the lyrics from the DT, put either [front of the bus] or [back of the bus] in the blue search box, but we don't have the tune entered. I know it and suspect it is a hymn tune, but I know very few hymn names. Can someone help Simon with the tune?

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Subject: RE: Tune Req: Rosa Parks - Back Of The Bus
From: Susan of DT
Date: 11 Nov 00 - 06:45 PM

Stupid me - it is "Oh Mary, Don't you Weep, Don't You Mourn". Which is also in the digital tradition, also without a tune, but since it is a more popular song, you may know it.

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Subject: RE: Back of Bus Songs
From: Azizi
Date: 05 Jul 07 - 09:27 PM

Charley, you mentioned that Leland thought this was a thread on freedom songs. I take it that Leland is the same person as Harou. [?]

Haruo [20 Jul 01 - 06:40 PM] posted a verse to If You Don't See Me At The Back Of The Bus {also known as If You Miss Me In [or "From"] The Back Of The Bus"}

Here's verses to that song as I hearing them sung:

If you don't find me at the back of the bus
If you can't find me back there.
Come on up to the front of the bus.
I'll be sittin up there.
I'll be sittin up there.
Come on up to the front of the bus
I'll be sittin up there.

If you can't find me in the schoolroom
If you can't find me in there
Come on out to the picket line
I'll be standin right there
I'll be standin right there
Come on out to the picket line
I'll be standin right there

If you can't find me in the picket line
If you can't find me out there
Come on down to the jail house
I'll be singin in there
I'll be singin in there
Come on down to the jail house
I'll be singin in there

If you can't find me in jail house
If you don't see me in there
Come on over to the church yard
I'll be prayin out there
I'll be prayin out there
Come on over to the church yard
I'll be prayin out there.

[Here are some additional verses from a 1963 book on Civil Rights songs edited by Guy and Candie Carawan, published by Oak Publications; New York ; p. 50; {Library of Congress Number 63-23278}. I lost the cover page of the copy I reproduced and don't have a title page].

If you miss me from the front of the bus,
and you can't find me nowhere,
Come on up to the driver's seat,
I'll be driving up there. etc.

If you miss me from Jackson State,
and you can't find me no where
Come on over to Ole Miss,
I'll be studyin' over there. etc.

If you miss me from knockin' on doors
and you can't find me nowhere
Come on down to the registrar's room,
I'll be the registrar there. ect.

If you miss me from the cotton field,
and you can't find me nowhere.
Come on down to the court house,
I'll be voting right there. etc

If you miss me from the picket line,
and you can't find me nowhere.
Come on down to the jail house,
I'll be rooming down there. etc.

If you miss me from the Mississippi
and you can't find me nowhere
Come on down to the city pool
I'll be swimming in there. etc.   


Btw, some time ago I posted words to this song on my website along with this note: "adapted from the song composed by C. Neblett".

Though I posted that note then, now I don't have a clue where I got that information from. Which song did C. Neblett write? Please help, Q or anyone else!


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Subject: RE: Back of Bus Songs
From: Azizi
Date: 06 Jul 07 - 04:40 PM

Q asked me to post the text of these two pms that he sent me last night/this morning:

BACK OF THE BUS- legal title of "If You Miss Me at the Back of the Bus," composed by Carver Neblett, copyright Sanga Music, Inc., BMI Work No. 76696.

Sung by Kim and Reggie Harris (with Peter Yarrow (of P, P, and M) and Bethany and Rufus; the cd "Let My People Go." [NOT the current 2005 release by Kim and Reggie Harris]

Current affiliation of Carver Neblett not known by BMI; probably deceased.

Expect invoice for my finder's fee.

Regards, Q

Also recorded by Harry Belafonte.


I got it [information about "If You Miss Me at the Back of the Bus"] from about three or so websites and didn't keep a copy. Those BMI, ASCAP etc. websites take time to peruse and sort out the info, and I don't want to go through them again.

Added notes: Written in the 1950s but I couldn't find the date- one would have to write BMI, giving the work number 76696, to get that.
At one site the song was noted as traditional/Neblett, but it was not one of those with the recording data and list of licensed performers, and a lot of sites, like wackypedia, have as much fiction as fact.

I would guess that Neblett might have used a tune, or revised one, that he borrowed, but this is a song written in the folk revival heyday of the 1950s, and unless one knew Peter Yarrow or someone else who worked with Neblett, the facts may be hard to find.

The words are copyright, but one probably would have to have the old Belafonte recording to know what the original words were. I couldn't find sheet music. Peter (Yarrow), Paul and Mary also may have recorded as well as sung it, but I don't have any of their recordings.

Regards, Q


Thanks Q!

I'll be on the look out for that invoice.


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Subject: RE: Back of Bus Songs
From: GUEST,Seku Neblett aka Carver Neblett aka Chico Ne
Date: 25 Feb 08 - 09:35 PM

"If you miss me at the back of the bus" was composed and copywrited by Carver Neblett, aka, Seku Neblett . The original title was "If you miss me in the Mississippi River and you can't find me nowhere, come on down to the swimming pool and I'll be swimming down there". The song was written during a trial sourounding protest at the public swimming pool in Cairo, Illinois. The brother of one of the defendants drowned in the river because the public pool did not admit people of African decent. As the song spread throught the south, the people changed the the song into, "If you miss me at the back of the bus". Thank you, Seku Neblett, Charles Neblett's brother. -

I am very much alive and still struggling for "The Liberation, and Unification of Africa and all
of her scattered and suffering People and for the forward progress of the human family.

Thank you,

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Subject: RE: Back of Bus Songs
From: Azizi
Date: 26 Feb 08 - 09:26 AM

Thanks for that information, Seku.

It's important to make sure that the history about the origin of these types of songs is preserved along with the songs themselves.

Your efforts on behalf of human rights for all are greatly appreciated.

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Subject: RE: Back of Bus Songs
From: Jim Carroll
Date: 26 Feb 08 - 02:38 PM

Was fascinated by the story that Bob Dylan had to be shamed into taking part in the Civil Rights protests.
His manager said he could not afford the fare, so actor-singer Theodor Bikel bought him a ticket, leaving our 'revolutionary hero' no choice.
Jim Carroll

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Subject: RE: Tune Req: Rosa Parks - Back Of The Bus
From: Joe Offer
Date: 14 Sep 24 - 05:24 AM

Another gospel song that has this melody is "Come On Up to Bright Glory," the third song on this video.

I wonder which came first, "Bright Glory" or "O Mary Don't You Weep." The lyrics for "Back of the Bus" are certainly tied to "Bright Glory."

Thread #147120   Message #3408335
Posted By: dick greenhaus
21-Sep-12 - 02:36 PM
Thread Name: Req. Songs about Buses
Subject: Lyr Add: BACK OF THE BUS (2 songs)

THere seems to be few titled "Back of the Bus"
Here's two:

Old ladies just wanna get around town,
they don't want to sit next to something brown,
You're vile, disgusting, revolting and black
so keep walking nigger and get in the back

Back of the bus, back of the bus, we don't want you to sit near us (x2)

That stupid fucking chimp Rosa Parks was a cunt,
that brain-damaged monkey tried to sit in the front,
she forgot that she was from an inferior class,
If she was here now i'd kick her primate ass

Back of the bus, back of the bus, we don't want you to sit near us (x2)

You stupid fucking ugly nigger piece of shit,
You'd better find yourself another place to sit,
When you get on the bus you'd better walk by,
'Cause if you sit in the front you're gonna die.

Back of the bus, back of the bus, we don't want you to sit near us

If you miss me from the back of the bus
and you can't find me nowhere
come on up to the front of the bus
I'll be riding up there.
I'll be riding right there,
I'll be riding right there.
if you miss me from the back of the bus
I'll be riding right there.

If you miss me from Jackson State
and you can't find me nowhere
come on over to "ole Miss"
I'll be studying right there.
I'll be studying right there,
I'll be studying right there.
if you miss me from the Jackson State
I'll be studying right there.

If you miss me from the cotton fields
and you can't find me nowhere
come on down to the court house
I'll be voting right there.
I'll be voting right there
I'll be voting right there.
if you miss me from the cotton fields
I'll be voting right there.

If you miss me from the picket line
and you can't find me nowhere
come on down to the jailhouse
I'll be rooming down there.
I'll be rooming right there
I'll be rooming right there.
if you miss me from the picket line
I'll be rooming right there.

If you miss me from the Mississippi River
and you can't find me nowhere
come on down the the city pool
I'll be swimming in there.
I'll be swimming right there
I'll be swimming right there.
if you miss me from the Mississippi
illllll beeeeee rigggghht thereeeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrrrr.

source: Find more similar lyrics on

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Subject: RE: Tune Req: Rosa Parks - Back Of The Bus
From: Mark Ross
Date: 17 Sep 24 - 12:48 PM

If You Miss Me At The Back of the Bus was recorded by Pete Seeger on that wonderful live recording from 1963 at Carnegie Hall.

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Subject: ADD: If You Miss Me at the Back Of The Bus
From: Joe Offer
Date: 17 Sep 24 - 03:19 PM

Pete Seeger's Carnegie Hall lyrics are almost the same as what Dick Greenhaus posted above.


If you miss me at the back of the bus
and you can't find me nowhere
Come on over to the front of the bus
I'll be riding up there.
I'll be riding up there,
I'll be riding up there.
Come on over to the front of the bus
I'll be riding up there.

If you miss me on the picket line
and you can't find me nowhere
Come on over to the city jail
I'll be rooming over there.
I'll be rooming over there
I'll be rooming over there.
Come on over to the city jail
I'll be rooming over there.

If you miss me in the Mississippi River
and you can't find me nowhere
Come on over to the swimming pool
I'll be swimming right there.
I'll be swimming right there
I'll be swimming right there.
Come on over to the swimming pool
I'll be swimming right there.

If you miss me in the cotton fields
and you can't find me nowhere
Come on over to the courthouse
I'll be voting right there.
I'll be voting right there
I'll be voting right there.
Come on over to the courthouse
I'll be voting right there.

If you miss me at the back of the bus
and you can't find me nowhere
Come on over to the front of the bus
I'll be riding up there.
I'll be riding up there,
I'll be riding up there.
Come on over to the front of the bus
I'll be riding up there.

from We Shall Overcome The Complete Carnegie Hall Concert, June 8, 1963
by Pete Seeger

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