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ADD: An Buachailin Ban/Fair-Haired Boy

GUEST,Dimphne 16 Dec 00 - 12:27 PM
Jimmy C 16 Dec 00 - 12:59 PM
Áine 16 Dec 00 - 01:05 PM
Peg 18 Dec 00 - 02:06 PM
Jim Dixon 08 Dec 04 - 11:37 PM
GUEST,Philippa 09 Dec 04 - 06:12 AM
GUEST,an bhean úd thuas 09 Dec 04 - 06:27 AM
GUEST 10 Dec 04 - 04:27 AM
Giollarua 12 Oct 07 - 04:12 AM
GUEST,Kathy Tully Schneider 10 Mar 21 - 09:38 PM
GUEST,# 11 Mar 21 - 07:21 PM
Felipa 12 Mar 21 - 09:54 AM
Felipa 12 Mar 21 - 10:20 AM
cnd 12 Mar 21 - 11:00 AM
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Subject: LYR: An Buachailin Ban
From: GUEST,Dimphne
Date: 16 Dec 00 - 12:27 PM

Would anyone have or know where I could find the lyrics to An buachailin ban? I'd be interested in having a look at any English translations as well if they're out there.

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From: Jimmy C
Date: 16 Dec 00 - 12:59 PM

I hope these are the words you are looking for. I have heard this song referred to as " An Buachailin Bawn" and also " An Buachailin Donn"

My true love he dwells in the mountain
Like a war eagle fearless and free
By the side of the low-tuning fountain
That wanders through sweet Annalee
His soul has more valour and honour
Than a King with a palace and crown
For the blood of the race of O'Connor
Fills the veins of my Buachaillin Donn

Soft" Cead mile Failte" I give him
When he comes every Sunday to me
And what can I do but believe him
When he whispers " A Chuisle mo croi";
For his look is so truthful and tender
From his bright roving eyes of dark brown
That I'm sure e'en a lady of splendour
Would be coaxed by my Buachaillin Donn

My father has riches in plenty
And suitors for me in his eye
But Oh, let my age come to twenty
If I don't bid them all the Goodbye
For I sigh for a life in the mountains
Far away from the dust of the town
With a song of the low tuning mountains
And the love of my Buachaillin Donn



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Subject: RE: LYR: An Buachailin Ban
From: Áine
Date: 16 Dec 00 - 01:05 PM

You can click here for the Irish lyrics.

-- Áine

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Subject: RE: LYR: An Buachailin Ban
From: Peg
Date: 18 Dec 00 - 02:06 PM

Karan Casey sings a haunting version of this on her "Songlines" album...

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From: Jim Dixon
Date: 08 Dec 04 - 11:37 PM

Copied from Anne Cooke's Home Page:


From the singing of Karen Casey, who learned it from the singing of Áine Uí Cheallaigh, a wonderful traditional singer living in Ring, County Waterford. This is actually a revolutionary song partly disguised as a love song. The title means "The Fair-Haired Boy" which is code for Bonnie Prince Charlie (1720-1788). His combined army of highland clansmen and Irish troops from the Continent was defeated by the Duke of Cumberland's forces at Culloden in 1746. Escaping to France after weeks as a fugitive in Scotland, Bonnie Prince Charlie continued to symbolize the hopes among many Irish of some day overthrowing English rule. The translation to English is by Oisín Ó Siochrú.

Tá mó chroíse go tsláth lag 's i lár mo chuid saothair
Tagann lán tocht im chléibhse cé nár mhéin liom á rá
Tá an díbirt i ndán dom ó bháin bheannaibh Éireann
Is fánach mo shaolsa 's is déarach mo chás
Is cuimhin liom an tráth úd mo ghrá ghil na n-ae istigh
Thugas grá searc is géilleadh do d'chaomh roisc thar chách
A Rí ghil na n-árann do b'fhearr liom go n-éagfainn
I láthair mo ghaolta is mo bhuachaillín bán

Tá críoch Inis Failbhe go lán fad' i ndaor bhroid
Go cráite 's go céasta i ngéibhinn na namhad
Nó an fíor nach foláir duit go brách bheith go déarach
A oileáinín bhig mhaorga na naomh is na mbard
Ó guímse go hard ar an Ard Athair Naofa
Chun ár agus léir-scrios do dhéanamh ar Sheán
Do dhíbir na táinte thar sáile 'na gcéadta
Is chuir fán orm féinig ó mo bhuachaillín bán


My heart beats faintly and my efforts are weakened
A grief, too deep for words, fills my breast
For I am to be banished from the fair hills of Erin
Aimless my life then and tragic my fate
I recall, my soul's delight in days gone by
My love surrendered to your bewitching gaze
Merciful God, I would for rather perish
Here with my own folk and my fair-haired boy

The fair land of Erin lies in bondage so brutal
The sad tormented prisoner of her foes
Is it her fate then to be forever weeping
That proud little isle of the saint and the bard
I shout this my prayer to Great God Our Father
"Let death and destruction be the fate of John
Who banished so many across the great water
And parted forever my fair land and me"

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Subject: RE: Am Buachaille Ban
From: GUEST,Philippa
Date: 09 Dec 04 - 06:12 AM

You may also be interested in the Scottish Gaelic song Am Buachaille Bàn(as recorded by Cliar)
Am Buachaille Bàn (as recorded by Capercaillie)
(both links to the celticlyricscorner webpages)

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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: An Buachailin Ban
From: GUEST,an bhean úd thuas
Date: 09 Dec 04 - 06:27 AM

see also An Buachaill Bán by Séan Ó Coiléan (Irish Aisling poem, with translation given)

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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: An Buachailin Ban
Date: 10 Dec 04 - 04:27 AM


This morning's programme of Nead na Fuiseoige on Radio na Gaeltachta includes a version of An Buachaillín Bán from Donegal. It will be there for less than 24 hours.

Click "Éist le Clár" on LHS
Click "Ceol/Music" in list on next page
Scroll to bottom of list where "Nead na Fuiseoige" is.

Don't know if this is on record by Annie Eoghain Éamoin or if it is from RnaG/RTÉ archives.

Text very similar to some of the Donegal texts being discussed on the "Thug mé rúide/An Caisideach Bán" thread at the moment!

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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: An Buachailin Ban
From: Giollarua
Date: 12 Oct 07 - 04:12 AM

Best version I've ever heard was by the late Nioclás Tóibín.

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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: An Buachailin Ban
From: GUEST,Kathy Tully Schneider
Date: 10 Mar 21 - 09:38 PM

Does anyone have English lyrics to this. I heard someone sing a song to this air in English. It threw me, as I have never heard it in English. It was not a straight translation, but more of a "light" version of it, as Ned of the Hill is to Eamonn an Chnoic. Just curious. Thank you and I agree, I really like Nioclas Toibin's version. Sorry...haven't figured out how to do fadas on my laptop.

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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: An Buachailin Ban
From: GUEST,#
Date: 11 Mar 21 - 07:21 PM

An Buachaillin Ban <----- the double 'l' changes search results and that may be of use to someone in future.

That said, there is a good version of it at

although I can't speak to the translation given on that YouTube link.

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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: An Buachailin Ban
From: Felipa
Date: 12 Mar 21 - 09:54 AM

isn't the translation in Beth Boyle's comment at the Iarla Ó Lionáird youtube video the same as what Jim Dixon posted earlier? Looks okay to me (apart from a typo on the word "prisoner". The "John" referred to in the last verse (Seán, ar Sheán)is John Bull(the English/British).

Buachaill is normally spelled with a double "l!.

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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: An Buachaillín Ban
From: Felipa
Date: 12 Mar 21 - 10:20 AM

The 2004 links to Scottish Gaelic songs calle "Am buachaille bàn" no longer work, even though the Celtics Lyrics Corner website is still on line. NOT the same song as the Irish, but the title is very similar (and has the same meaning as the title of Irish song.


you'll find links near the top of those pages to other versions of Am Buachaille Bàn".

and Seán Ó Coilleáin's aisling "An Buachaill Bán" verses can be viewed at and -with translations to French and English - at

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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: An Buachailin Ban
From: cnd
Date: 12 Mar 21 - 11:00 AM

Felipa, a useful site for dead links is If ever you come across a dead site, there's a decent chance it's been captured there.

For the link Jim Dixon posted:
Clár Cinn le hÁine Cooke

Links by Philippa:
Gun Tàmh - Am Buachaille Bàn
Crosswinds - Am Buachaille Ban

The link from GUEST,an bhean úd thuas:
A little bit of Culture - An Buachaill Bán - Séan Ó Coiléan

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