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Dave Swan/Oak, Ash, & Thorn CD

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Big Mick 01 May 01 - 08:32 AM
Big Mick 01 May 01 - 08:46 AM
Susan from California 01 May 01 - 09:17 PM
catspaw49 01 May 01 - 09:40 PM
Big Mick 01 May 01 - 09:48 PM
Banjer 01 May 01 - 09:50 PM
GUEST 01 May 01 - 10:06 PM
Lonesome EJ 02 May 01 - 01:02 AM
Liz the Squeak 02 May 01 - 01:07 AM
katlaughing 02 May 01 - 02:50 AM
katlaughing 02 May 01 - 03:07 AM
Peter Kasin 02 May 01 - 04:24 AM
Dave Swan 02 May 01 - 11:05 AM
Rick Fielding 02 May 01 - 11:42 AM
katlaughing 02 May 01 - 12:39 PM
katlaughing 11 May 01 - 01:46 PM
MAG (inactive) 11 May 01 - 02:33 PM
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Subject: Dave Swan/Oak, Ash, & Thorn CD
From: Big Mick
Date: 01 May 01 - 08:32 AM

Well folks, I have received my advance copy of Oak, Ash & Thorn's new CD. It is called "Old Enough To Drink". What a wonderful effort this one is.

Let me begin by telling you that don't know who Dave Swan is. He is a long term Mudcatter who goes the extra distance when it comes to helping others. He is one of the Senior Partners in the firm of Fielding, Patterson, Swan and Lane, Layabouts-at-Large. He, Doug Olsen, and Tom Wagner have been singing together for over 20 years. They are very well known in the Bay area, and are gaining a reputation for their English style unaccompanied singing. Dave is also known to annoy oxen from time to time, but that is another story...............

I wish I could find something to be just a little critical of on this CD so that I am not accused of pandering. But the simple fact of the matter is that this is a wonderful effort. It is a live recording done at several venues over a few months. It was produced by Danny Carnahan and he deserves much credit for a great effort. The song selection is varied and will alternately cause you to smile and laugh out loud, or get very reflective, or any of a number of feelings. As I mentioned previously, these fellows have sung together for over 20 years. It shows in their work. Thanks for putting "Fear No More" on this, Dave. Now I know what it is supposed to sound like.

Mick's opinion is that you should own this CD even if this isn't a genre you are interested in. It is done so well, that the well rounded musician/performer should have it in his/her collection. Those of you who are fan's of harmony done the way it ought to be done will love this. I know I do. the way, Dave........I will be grabbing a couple off of this CD for The Conklin Céilí Band. Starting with "Sober Bestiary".......great song........

All the best,


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Subject: RE: Dave Swan/Oak, Ash, & Thorn CD
From: Big Mick
Date: 01 May 01 - 08:46 AM

I have got to start proofreading before I hit the submit button.........I wonder if I can get a submit button to put on .........never mind......anyway, that second para in my original post is a terrible example of my should have started:

Let me begin by telling those of you who don't know of Dave Swan who he is..........

And a little further down the para:

are gaining a reputation around the world..........


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Subject: RE: Dave Swan/Oak, Ash, & Thorn CD
From: Susan from California
Date: 01 May 01 - 09:17 PM

Hey Big Mick, couldya please let us know when and where this will be available? :-)

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Subject: RE: Dave Swan/Oak, Ash, & Thorn CD
From: catspaw49
Date: 01 May 01 - 09:40 PM

Holding the position of "Ultimate Layabout" in the firm, I can tell you that this is great listening!!! More in a moment, but first this word............

Oak, Ash, and Thorn can be found on the web at Christ that is original isn't it?......Anyway, there you will find their CD's and they can be ordered right on the spot!!

I too received my copy and like Mick, was mightily impressed. These guys are simply wonderful and if you'll fill a stein and sit back, you will be transported to a favorite pub with a friendly crowd. You'll love it! And what do some others say......Try this!

To find a group of a capella singers performing in a style familiar to our family for 200 years, was a pleasure indeed..................Bob Copper, The Copper Family

OR...Try this one..........

Bless you Merry Gentlemen for a rollicking good musical time!............Ronnie Gilbert, The Weavers

Whatever I have to say is miniscule compared to those real heavies who know more about group singing then I will ever learn.

El Swanno, you guys have outdone yourselves. Bruce O. may think you are a "hoax" and that he knows "tradition.".........My friend, you and the guys are certainly no hoax and indeed YOU ARE THE TRADITION!!!

So are you gonna' give up the fishnets and the half a gorilla suit?


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Subject: RE: Dave Swan/Oak, Ash, & Thorn CD
From: Big Mick
Date: 01 May 01 - 09:48 PM

Anyone who calls these guys a hoax clearly doesn't know the music. They are excellent, and the production of this CD is excellent.

Dave................I don't care if you give up the fishnets and gorilla suit, but the bit with the chicken suit and that cute little Nazi accent..........aaahhhhh, be still my quivering..........never mind.............or the thing with the tee shirt with a map of Poland, and you play the Stuka divebomber............


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Subject: RE: Dave Swan/Oak, Ash, & Thorn CD
From: Banjer
Date: 01 May 01 - 09:50 PM

Any body that would drive a rescue truck from Ohio to California by way of every podunk widespot in the road including but not limited to Key West Fl, and other scenic spot, almost giving his DC a coronary is tops in my book..aand now to add this to his laurels!!!
BTW guys, how does one gain membership in the organization of Fielding, Patterson, Swan and Lane, Layabouts-at-Large? I would send an application but my membership in Procastiantors Unanimous must be sent first, I am almost signed up for their 1998 season!
I will go to the website and check out the tape...

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Subject: RE: Dave Swan/Oak, Ash, & Thorn CD
Date: 01 May 01 - 10:06 PM

So, can it be downloaded at Napster ; ) ?

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Subject: RE: Dave Swan/Oak, Ash, & Thorn CD
From: Lonesome EJ
Date: 02 May 01 - 01:02 AM

Banjer, it's a very exclusive and high-powered firm. I've been working with them for years, and though Spaw keeps promising me a partnership, my duties still consist primarily of refilling their beer mugs, helping them find their carkeys, replacing the refills in the Glade Plug-ins, and removing remnants of pepperoni pizza and Old El Paso Salsa from the boardroom walls after their frequent nightly meetings. Not for the weak of heart.

Seriously tho folks, sounds like a great CD for my need list.

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Subject: RE: Dave Swan/Oak, Ash, & Thorn CD
From: Liz the Squeak
Date: 02 May 01 - 01:07 AM

I wondered where you were getting the food parcels you sent me!

Sounds like a good one, have to wait until tonight before I can play, it's 6.00am and the rest of the inhabitants here are fast asleep..... only insomniacs like me are awake and clicking....


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Subject: RE: Dave Swan/Oak, Ash, & Thorn CD
From: katlaughing
Date: 02 May 01 - 02:50 AM

Well, I will order the CD, but what I really want to know is how, in this day and age, a firm like Layabouts At Large can get away with their sexist hiring practises and only have male employees? Or, have you been hiding the puir little wimmin behind the coffemaker? Whatever happened to the ERA, Equal Pay for Equal Work and the Big Mick who claims to represent all union members, even those without the dangly bits! I tell you, it's enough to make me start a protest, why I oughta....We are Rosa's lovely daughters / we are no man's blushing bride/ We are Rosa's lovely daughters / and we will not be denied! C'mon, wimmin join in!

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Subject: RE: Dave Swan/Oak, Ash, & Thorn CD
From: katlaughing
Date: 02 May 01 - 03:07 AM

And another thing...SIX WEEKS!! Ya send the MEN advanced copies and then tell ME it could take up to SIX WEEKS!! **BG**

Just put my order through and really cannot wait to hear you guys...I love good harmony and acapella. Thanks Mick for letting us know and Spaw for the link. When is El Swanna going to do a CD? Or, has she already?


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Subject: RE: Dave Swan/Oak, Ash, & Thorn CD
From: Peter Kasin
Date: 02 May 01 - 04:24 AM

Someone called you guys a hoax?!?? When you were invited onstage at the Freight by the Copper family to sing with them, the respect they have for you, and the pleasure they had in singing with you that night was evident to all. It was a joyous evening! Some hoax.


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Subject: RE: Dave Swan/Oak, Ash, & Thorn CD
From: Dave Swan
Date: 02 May 01 - 11:05 AM

Thanks to everybody for the kind words. We had a good time doing the CD, and we hope that carries through to the recording.

I've just placed a copy on the Mudcat Auction. I hope folks will bid it up in benefit of the Mudcat.



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Subject: RE: Dave Swan/Oak, Ash, & Thorn CD
From: Rick Fielding
Date: 02 May 01 - 11:42 AM

Bravo! Well sung, well arranged, great choice of songs. You folks should be proud of yourselves. Top drawer in every respect. And....I was wearing my Piedmont Fire Dept. Sweatshirt when it arrived!

Sorry it took so long to post this Dave, but we're entertaining Harvey Andrews from Birmingham this week. He's just finishing up a Canadian tour. We've been talking music, life and all that til the wee hours. Just heard his newest CD and he has Artisan doing the back-up vocals....those folks are EVERYWHERE! Say hi to Pam. I'm back working on the new album, so her great contribution will see the light of day soon.


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Subject: RE: Dave Swan/Oak, Ash, & Thorn CD
From: katlaughing
Date: 02 May 01 - 12:39 PM

Hey! I just got a very nice email from band member Tom, who says I am their very first customer to use the online purchase facility they've just added to their website AND, he's sending it out within a couple of days, so....I take back what I said about the six weeks deal!**BG**

Thanks to you all!


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Subject: RE: Dave Swan/Oak, Ash, & Thorn CD
From: katlaughing
Date: 11 May 01 - 01:46 PM

WOW!! What a beautiful CD...gorgeous harmony. Rog and I have btoh really enjoyed listening and the coasters, in leather, with their logo, are a very nice touch!! It pays to be the first to use a service!!

The only thing I was frustrated about is, I'd like to know who was singing which solo, so I'd know which was our El Swanno. Didn't see any indication on the liner notes, did I miss something. I would imagine after singing together for so many years, it probably doesn't matter to you guys, you blend so well, but I'd still like to know.*BG*

THANKS, this is a fave, already!!


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Subject: RE: Dave Swan/Oak, Ash, & Thorn CD
From: MAG (inactive)
Date: 11 May 01 - 02:33 PM

I love harmony singing, which is why I'm bidding on the Mudcat copy Swan so generously donated. Are you guys like the Voice Squad? (I love their stuff.)

Now, how about the Copper Family? How come stores, even the good ones, don't have their stuff, and it's not listed on the little automated doohicky thing?

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