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Can't find Paltalk sessions

GUEST,Mark Cohen (visiting) 15 Oct 01 - 03:20 AM
nutty 15 Oct 01 - 03:48 AM
Mark Cohen 15 Oct 01 - 06:34 AM
Mark Cohen 15 Oct 01 - 06:36 AM
Grab 15 Oct 01 - 08:11 AM
dwditty 15 Oct 01 - 08:38 AM
Steve in Idaho 15 Oct 01 - 03:16 PM
Jon Freeman 15 Oct 01 - 06:55 PM
Jon Freeman 15 Oct 01 - 10:14 PM
Mark Cohen 16 Oct 01 - 03:50 AM
alison 16 Oct 01 - 04:11 AM
Uncle_DaveO 16 Oct 01 - 08:29 PM
Jon Freeman 16 Oct 01 - 08:45 PM
Mark Cohen 16 Oct 01 - 10:37 PM
Joe Offer 16 Oct 01 - 11:39 PM
Jon Freeman 17 Oct 01 - 03:12 AM
Joe Offer 07 Jun 02 - 03:20 AM
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Subject: Can't find Paltalk sessions
From: GUEST,Mark Cohen (visiting)
Date: 15 Oct 01 - 03:20 AM

I've seen several threads recently that have mentioned PalTalk sessions. I was a regular at the old HearMe Sunday sessions, and have been on PalTalk a few times, but for the past few months it seems that every time I log onto PalTalk there is no Mudcat session going on. I realize that my time zone (currently 6 hours earlier than Mudcat (Eastern US) time and 10 hours earlier than GMT) makes it a bit awkward, but can anybody tell me if there are any regular sessions now? I miss you guys!


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Subject: RE: Can't find Paltalk sessions
From: nutty
Date: 15 Oct 01 - 03:48 AM

Hi MARK .....The only regularly organised session for mudcatters is on a Thursday evening in the MUDCAT SNUG (THIS IS A CLOSED ROOM THE PASSWORD IS DT ). It is opened by catters in the UK at around 9pm GMT (4pm EST).
There used to be another on a Tuesday evening - after Max,s radio show - but I'm not sure if that is continuing

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Subject: RE: Can't find Paltalk sessions
From: Mark Cohen
Date: 15 Oct 01 - 06:34 AM

Thanks! That's noon for me (after daylight savings time ends this month it will be 1PM), and that's good because Thursday is my afternoon off. This coming Thursday I'll be on my way to Colorado to see my daughter, but I'll try to make it the following week.


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Subject: RE: Can't find Paltalk sessions
From: Mark Cohen
Date: 15 Oct 01 - 06:36 AM

Oops! Can't subtract late at night. That would be 10AM Hawaii time. I'll have to try a couple hours later and hope it's still going. Thanks again!

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Subject: RE: Can't find Paltalk sessions
From: Grab
Date: 15 Oct 01 - 08:11 AM

Set up your own room, with a suitable name to indicate it's live folk music, and specify that it's live playing only (no sing-along/karaoke allowed). If you do it, they will come... ;-)

Incidentally, have you got "show adult groups" turned on? If not, do so, otherwise you won't see most rooms.


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Subject: RE: Can't find Paltalk sessions
From: dwditty
Date: 15 Oct 01 - 08:38 AM


There are a number of live rooms - usually at least two running every night. While they are not specifically Mudcat rooms, there are several 'catters who frequesnt them. Be sure to check the "Show Adult Rooms" box and look for any room that has "Live" in its name. If you add me (dwditty) to your Pal list, you can see if I am on when you sign in. (Add others as well.) You can them PM me, and I will give you an invite.

While there is a lot of fopular stuff done, the people are always appreciative of any genre done well. Our own Fair One blew the room away with her whistle last night - many never having heard such music before. Likewise, Jon Freeman has amazed rooms with his playing. C'mon by.

BTW, these rooms are open at all hours. I'm sure you can find some to meet your time zone and schedule.

When I see you, I'll sing "Let's Talk Dirty in Hawaiian."


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Subject: RE: Can't find Paltalk sessions
From: Steve in Idaho
Date: 15 Oct 01 - 03:16 PM

You may add my name, Norton1, to your list. I don't go often but am in process of setting up my schedule for opening the Mudcat room up one night a week. If the winter gets tough I will also open it on Sunday afternoons for a bit. I do plan on a regular schedule by the end of October. Hope that helps.


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Subject: RE: Can't find Paltalk sessions
From: Jon Freeman
Date: 15 Oct 01 - 06:55 PM

dwditty, I'm not sure about me ever amazing anyone but I think it is quite fair to say that these live rooms, as well as being appreciative of different genres, also appreciate the use of other instruments and unacompanied singing as well as the more common singer/guitar combination. The overall mix is mostly popular but peoples taste there seem to be pretty eclectic.

Thinking again on being amazed, the talent in these rooms never ceases to amaze me (although they accept all abilities and, rightly IMO, do not take kindly to critics in the room). Sometimes I just like to go there purely to listen...


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Subject: RE: Can't find Paltalk sessions
From: Jon Freeman
Date: 15 Oct 01 - 10:14 PM

A good room that I've been in for the last 2 hrs and about to leave is "Live Music For Serious Musicians" at the top of the Paltalk list. Don't be put off by the title, it is not expecting musical genuises. Of mudcatters, Musicman and Songman are there now.


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Subject: RE: Can't find Paltalk sessions
From: Mark Cohen
Date: 16 Oct 01 - 03:50 AM

Thanks, all, I'll give those ideas a try. Guess I've been looking for the Mudcat brand name and will have to branch out.


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Subject: RE: Can't find Paltalk sessions
From: alison
Date: 16 Oct 01 - 04:11 AM

"Neil's Barn Jam" is usually good too...

and thanks for the kind words dw..... it was fun



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Subject: RE: Can't find Paltalk sessions
From: Uncle_DaveO
Date: 16 Oct 01 - 08:29 PM

I invite any Mudcatters to flag my handle (DaveOesterr) as a buddy.

I've been hanging out in the Live Music for Serious Musicians room quite a lot lately. It is EXTREMELY well administered, and there's a lot of VERY good playing/singing. (And I play and sing there too.)

Dave Oesterreich

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Subject: RE: Can't find Paltalk sessions
From: Jon Freeman
Date: 16 Oct 01 - 08:45 PM

Now the thread has been refreshed, I've just thought of more... for those who want just the folky stuff (and I feel that way sometimes even though I like other mixes), keep an eye out for Toledo Folk run by Mudcatter Francy/Frank of Toledo. Sometimes he opens it for playing recordings based on a theme and sometimes for live music but either way, it is a great room. Frank usually gives notice in a thread here before opening.

Also, seing Alison in this thread, reminds me. If you see "Celtic Friends" open, give it a go. It certainly suits a mood of mine where I like a mix of CDs and playing/singing.


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Subject: RE: Can't find Paltalk sessions
From: Mark Cohen
Date: 16 Oct 01 - 10:37 PM

Hey Joe! Any chance of adding a list like this to the FAQ thread?


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Subject: RE: Can't find Paltalk sessions
From: Joe Offer
Date: 16 Oct 01 - 11:39 PM

Good idea, Mark. For now, I added a link to this thread on the Mudcat Site Map and PermaThread index. When I get back from my travels, I'll see if we can develop something more permanent.
-Joe Offer-

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Subject: RE: Can't find Paltalk sessions
From: Jon Freeman
Date: 17 Oct 01 - 03:12 AM

Here is a link to the "Live and Unplugged" website which has info on most of the live rooms, and other bits including pictures of many of the players who frequent these rooms. They really have become quite a community built soley on the friendship and co-operation of those that join in and or run rooms.


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Subject: RE: Can't find Paltalk sessions
From: Joe Offer
Date: 07 Jun 02 - 03:20 AM

What are current procedures for joining PalTalk sessions? Anybody want to write something up that I can add to the FAQ?
-Joe Offer-

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