boar's head DigiTrad: BILLY BARLOW CRICKETTY WEE CUTTY WREN CUTTY WREN (2) PLEASE TO SEE THE KING Related threads: (DTStudy) DTStudy: Cutty Wren (43) Civil War Song (15) Help: Who was The Wren? (46) Folklore: Happy St. Stephen's Day! Get the Book! (2) Folklore: need info about 'Wrenning' (40) (origins) Origins: Just what is a Cutty Wren? (40) Lyr Add: version of the Wran Song (6) (origins) Origins: Hunting the Wren (17) Hunting the Wren (8) Wren Hunting - Scotland et al. (7) Lyr Add: an old Cutty Wren (2)
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Subject: RE: LYR SEND - The King From: Susan of DT Date: 08 Feb 97 - 11:00 AM Thanks for the extra verse. We had the song as Please to See the King - one of several wren ritual songs. Look under @ritual to see a bunch of these and several other ritual type songs. |
Subject: Lyr Add: PLEASE TO SEE THE KING From: Moira Cameron, moirakc@internorth.com Date: 08 Feb 97 - 05:24 AM A version of this was also recorded by Steeleye Span, and many others. It is called "Please to See the King" It is a traditional wrenning song; see also "Cutty Wren" for another example. Joy, health love and peace Be all here in this place. By your leave, we will sing Concerning our king. Our king is well dressed In silks of the best, In ribbons so rare, No king can compare. We have travelled many miles Over hedges and stiles In search of our king, Unto you we bring. We have powder and shot, To conquer the lot. We have cannon and ball To conquer them all. Bold Christmas is past, Twelfth night is the last; So we'll bid you adieu-- Great joy to the new.
Subject: Lyr Add: THE KING From: bottarel@ipruniv.cce.unipr.it Date: 08 Feb 97 - 04:53 AM Missing in DT: THE KING (Traditional English) Health, love and peace be all here in this place. By your leave, we shall sing concerning our King. Our king is well dressed in silks of the best. In ribbons so rare, no king can compare. We have travelled many miles, over edges and stiles, In search of our King, unto you we bring. We have powder and shot to conquer the lot. We have cannon and ball to conquer them all. Old Christmas is past. Twelfth-tide is the last. And we bid you adieu. Great joy to the new. (Recorded by Loreena McKennitt at Church of Our Lady, Guelph) |
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