An t-Eilean Mu Thuath |
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Subject: Lyr Add: AN T-EILEAN MU THUATH From: GUEST,Guest Date: 24 Jun 04 - 01:48 AM Bhithinn cho taingeil nam cuidicheadh neach sam bith le seo h-òran. Gabh mo leisgeul air mo Ghàidhlig bhriste... Sheinn Capercaillie seo... AN T-EILEAN MU THUATH An t-eilean mu thuath, an iomull a' chuain An t-eilean 's an d'fhuair mi m'àrach Far an d'fhuair mi 's mi òg bainne fìorghlan ri òl 'S bha m'anam tigh'nn beò 's a' fàs leis An t-eilean a tuath, an t-eilean tha fuar 'Se Leódhas bho thuath mo ghràidh e Far nach cluinn mi ri m'bheò bhi sealg no bhi 'g òl No làmhadh no òrd air an t-Sàbaid Nach mis' tha gu truagh gu tùrsach 's fo ghruaim Bho chuir mi ri tuath mo chùlaibh Nuair choisich i dìan chuir i curs' oirre 'n iar 'S thug dorchadas dhìomsa Mùirneag Chan eil math domh no stàth bhi tuiream 's a' chàs Chan aithreachas tràth a th'ann domh Chan urrainn mi snàmh gu cuideachd mo ghràidh No coiseachd air tràigh do Leódhas An t-eilean mu thuath, an iomull a' chuain An t-eilean 's an d'fhuair mi m'àrach Far an d'fhuair mi 's mi òg bainne fìorghlan ri òl 'S bha m'anam tigh'nn beò 's a' fàs leis Chuirinn luach air freagairt. 'S mathaid th'e èibhinn gu bheil mi a' sgrìobhadh sa' Ghàidhlig agus tha mi gur faigheachd air eadar-theangachadh! Tapadh leibh! |
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Anyone translate? (Scottish Gaelic) From: GUEST,Philippa Date: 24 Jun 04 - 04:44 AM 'S e òran eile mu chianalas a th'ann. another song of homesickness,as guest should know as s/he is able to write in Gàidhlig "bhriste"; Lewis,the island to the north at the edge of the sea, where he was raised (on fresh milk!). Guest, an aithne dhuibh an làrach-lìn Gaidhlig-B? a webpage and mailing list for Gaelic learners (including some very fluent participants)can be located via the Sabhal Mòr Ostaig website, www.smo.uhi.ac.uk/liosta . A good place to practice skills in writing and reading Gàidhlig. I'm going to see whether I can find "An t-Eilean Mu Thuath" at the Capercaillie website mentioned above (24 Nov 03) |
Subject: RE: An t-Eilean Mu Thuath From: GUEST,Philippa Date: 24 Jun 04 - 06:16 AM Apparently the reason "An t-Eilean Mu Thuath" is not on the Capercaillie site is that it wasn't on the original issue of "The Blood is Strong" album but was added to the CD. The author is given as John MacLeod of North Tolsta, Lewis, died 1911. Guest writes that it is funny to be writing in Gaelic and asking for a translation. I agree; s/he is probably as capable as I or most of the other Mudcatters with Gaelic (bar a native speaker like Aodh of S Uist) of translating these lyrics. But I think from my web searching that there may be an "official" translation in existence already? |
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Anyone translate? (Scottish Gaelic) From: greg stephens Date: 24 Jun 04 - 07:04 AM |
Subject: RE: An t-Eilean Mu Thuath From: Joe Offer Date: 25 Jun 04 - 02:48 AM Per request, today's messages were moved to their own thread. Previously, they were in Anyone translate (Scottish Gaelic). |
Subject: RE: An t-Eilean Mu Thuath From: GUEST,Philippa Date: 25 Jun 04 - 04:50 AM to clarify, the original thread had a general title but had previously focussed on just one song, 's fhada leam an oidche gheamraidh Greg Stephens, what is that you were saying? |
Subject: Lyr Add: ISLE TO THE NORTH (from Finlay Macneill) From: ciarili Date: 25 Jun 04 - 12:02 PM This translation comes from the album notes of Fonn Is Furan by Finlay MacNeill The isle to the north, by the edge of the ocean, The isle where I was brought up, Where I got when young the purest milk to drink And my soul came alive and grew with it. The isle to the north, the island that's cold It is Lewis, the isle of my love Where I'll never hear hunting or drinking Or chopping or hammering on the Sabbath I am very sad, depressed and poor Since I turned my back on the north, When the boat got underway she set a course for the west And darkness swallowed up the hill of Muirneag It won't do me any good to lament my state My feeling of remorse is not new to me I can't swim across to the people of my affections Or walk on the shore of Lewis |
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