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Lyr Req: Georgie (Child #209, from Baring-Gould)


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Jeep man 30 Jun 01 - 09:37 AM
GUEST 30 Jun 01 - 09:51 AM
Malcolm Douglas 30 Jun 01 - 09:58 AM
Jeri 30 Jun 01 - 10:02 AM
Malcolm Douglas 30 Jun 01 - 02:31 PM
Stewie 30 Jun 01 - 07:11 PM
Roberto 02 Jun 05 - 10:23 AM
Roberto 03 Jun 05 - 07:09 AM
Mick Pearce (MCP) 03 Jun 05 - 07:23 AM
Mick Pearce (MCP) 03 Jun 05 - 07:39 AM
Roberto 03 Jun 05 - 07:43 AM
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Subject: GEORGIE
From: Jeep man
Date: 30 Jun 01 - 09:37 AM

I have this song on tape and I don't know who sings it or the correct name of the song. It is about a lady who pleads in the kings court to save the life of "Georgie".

Help will be appreciated. Jeep

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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: GEORGIE
Date: 30 Jun 01 - 09:51 AM

It's in the DT here as Geordie.

Lots of people have sung it. Martin Carthy's version being a personal favourite.

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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: GEORGIE
From: Malcolm Douglas
Date: 30 Jun 01 - 09:58 AM

There are a number of sets of the song here, under various names; they are listed, together with links to further information, in this thread:  Tune Add: & Lyr Add: Geordie

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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: GEORGIE
From: Jeri
Date: 30 Jun 01 - 10:02 AM

It's a Child ballad, #209, and there are five versions here. (I searched for "#209")
This one is titled Georgey
Hope this is the one you're looking for. If not, please give us any additional information you can and we'll keep trying.

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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: GEORGIE
From: Malcolm Douglas
Date: 30 Jun 01 - 02:31 PM

Georgie was the most common name for the song in Southern England (and, later, the USA) and a lot of traditional sets have been found, some within the last twenty years.  Links to all the texts in the DT and Forum, together with others at Lesley Nelson's site and broadside copies at the Bodleian, are in the thread I've already pointed to.  There are also three American sets at  The Max Hunter Folk Song Collection, but they are not yet available online.

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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: GEORGIE
From: Stewie
Date: 30 Jun 01 - 07:11 PM

There's a powerful recording of Child #209 in the Blue Ridge Institute series by S.S. 'Sam' Russell of Smyth County, Virginia, in 1936 under the title 'As I Walked Over London Bridge': Various Artists 'Virginia Traditions: Ballads from British Tradition' Global Village Music CD 1002. The sound quality is poor, but the performance is arresting.


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Subject: Lyr Req: georgie #209 from baring-gould
From: Roberto
Date: 02 Jun 05 - 10:23 AM

GEORGIE from Dead Maid's Land, Traditional songs from Devon and Cornwall from the collection of Sabine Baring-Gould. Tune given by John Woodrich. Please, help complete and correct this text. And I'd like to get the staff notation of the tune as well. Thanks. R

As I rode over London Bridge
'Twas on a morning early
I spied there a maiden fair
Lamenting for her Georgie

Oh, Georgie ne'er stole ox or cow
Nor calves he ne'er stole any
But six King's deer he stole, I know
And sold them at Broadhembury

Come saddle me my milk-white steed
Come saddle it so easy
To my good Lord Judge I'll ride with speed
To beg the life of Georgie

And when she came into the hall
There were lords and ladies many
And she did fall on her knee and calls
Spare me the life of Georgie

I have got sheep, I have got cows
Oxen I have plenty
And thine they be, I swear and vow
Spare me the life of Georgie

The judge looked o'er his left shoulder
Lady, I pray, be easy
Your plea (?), fair maid, you've come too late
May the Lord have mercy on Georgie

He shall be hanged in a chain of gold
Such as you ne'er saw any
And he shall ..... gentleman bold
Was loved by a virtuous lady

Now I for him shall weep and pray
And I for him shall sorrow
And may God speed on my dying day
My Georgie dear .....

Were I at the top of ... Hill
Where times I have been many
With god broadsword and pistol too
I'd fight for the life of Georgie

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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: georgie #209 from baring-gould
From: Roberto
Date: 03 Jun 05 - 07:09 AM

The singer in this recording of Georgie is Tim Laycock. Does anyone know how to contact him? R

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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: georgie #209 from baring-gould
From: Mick Pearce (MCP)
Date: 03 Jun 05 - 07:23 AM


I can't help with this version, but Tim Laycock recorded with Doug Bailey's Wildgoose Records and he could probably put you in touch with Tim (or Tim in touch with you). Doug can be reached at

Alternatively, you could try and contact him through the New Scorpion Band info & contact page.


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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: georgie #209 from baring-gould
From: Mick Pearce (MCP)
Date: 03 Jun 05 - 07:39 AM

I should have mentioned that for anything to do with Baring-Gould it's worth looking at Martin Graebe's pages Sabine Baring-Gould and the folk songs of South-West England, and as luck would have it, if you go to the Songs page you'll find a link to a pdf of Georgie (3rd link down) which you can download.

Your missing words in that version are:

  For it shall be told, he was a gentleman bold

  My Georgie and me good morrow.

  Were I at the top of Prockter's hill.

The 3rd line of verse 6 appears to be different:
  He has confessed, he shall not be pressed

I haven't checked the complete song against the version you posted, just the gaps, so you may find other differences.

I hope this helps.


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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: georgie #209 from baring-gould
From: Roberto
Date: 03 Jun 05 - 07:43 AM

Thank you very much, Mick! R

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