Subject: BS: Trick 'r Treat... From: Bobert Date: 31 Oct 05 - 07:22 PM Boo! |
Subject: RE: BS: Trick 'r Treat... From: bobad Date: 31 Oct 05 - 07:23 PM Yikes! |
Subject: RE: BS: Trick 'r Treat... From: GUEST,amergin Date: 31 Oct 05 - 07:31 PM I'm in my kilt and an aluminum foil hat.,....trying to keep the republican party from controlling my mind... |
Subject: RE: BS: Trick 'r Treat... From: John MacKenzie Date: 31 Oct 05 - 07:40 PM Give Hardiman the fiddler his hat back at once, it goes with my tortilla hat. G |
Subject: RE: BS: Trick 'r Treat... From: Ebbie Date: 31 Oct 05 - 08:33 PM I just visualised the two of you marching along together. LOL |
Subject: RE: BS: Trick 'r Treat... From: The Fooles Troupe Date: 31 Oct 05 - 08:35 PM So did I - put on something more than just those hats! |
Subject: RE: BS: Trick 'r Treat... From: jimmyt Date: 31 Oct 05 - 08:45 PM Hey Amergin. I am loosely in the republican party and let me tell you , we can't even manage to control our own minds these days! I am thinking of reviving the Bullmoose Party til we see some decent people step forward from either party. We gave out Halloween candy from 5 thirty til 8 PM when we finally ran smack out of candy. Had over three hundred tonight! What a rush of candy eaters and me being a dentist! wha ha ha hah!!!!!! |
Subject: RE: BS: Trick 'r Treat... From: bobad Date: 31 Oct 05 - 09:10 PM A definite conflict of interest there jimmy. Did you dress as Carrie? |
Subject: RE: BS: Trick 'r Treat... From: Bobert Date: 31 Oct 05 - 09:28 PM Real intellegent, Martin... What do you do for an encore??? Drool??? You are one sick individual... Bobert |
Subject: RE: BS: Trick 'r Treat... From: Paul Burke Date: 01 Nov 05 - 04:17 AM Bobert, you tricked me before I even had a chance to give you a treat. No Uncle Joe's Mint Balls until next year for you! Siriusly, though, I asked the kids who came round last night what their trick was- all but one were totally nonplussed. I rather admired the spirit of one little group who came round twice, in different disguises. |
Subject: RE: BS: Trick 'r Treat... From: Liz the Squeak Date: 01 Nov 05 - 04:20 AM We had a fun time last night... but some naughty boys were throwing eggs whether they got a treat or not. We scored a bag of chips (fries) from the local Fried Chicken shop, and some lollipops from the shop! The off licence declined to contribute. LTS |
Subject: RE: BS: Trick 'r Treat... From: greg stephens Date: 01 Nov 05 - 04:41 AM Costumes definitely improved on last years, here in Penkhull(Stoke, England). The guys are a little better I think, too,though still pretty pathetic compared to a generation ago. I should explain to non-Brits unfamiliar with our customs, a guy is an effigy, commonly of Guy Fawkes but it can be anything, that kids use to collect money in the lead-up to Nov 5. When I was a kid, the guys were commonly more Guy Fawkesy, mostaches, Elizabethan hat. Nowadays they are drifting towards a more Halloweeny look, maybe a Scream mask on some stuffed clothes. I saw one kid on Sunday with a very good kit, a guy mounted on a little trailer attached to his bike so that he could change venues quickly. He had the classic crappy head on the guy, though, a paper bag stuffed with newspaper, with a felt-penned face. |
Subject: RE: BS: Trick 'r Treat... From: greg stephens Date: 01 Nov 05 - 04:45 AM The spread of American style costumed collecting is certainly spreading like lightning here in England, but I am glad to see that the scallies are still operating guys in the daytime. There is one crucial difference between the old guys and the new trick or treats, you see. The kids in the witches hats and devils tridents just sweets put in their bags. The lads outside the shops with a guy get hard cash, which can be converted into cigarettes, illicit fireworks, or cider. |
Subject: RE: BS: Trick 'r Treat... From: gnu Date: 01 Nov 05 - 05:03 AM I thought the past few years were poor BUT, even thought it was warm and dry, we had a total of nine. And, that includes three that were too old to be 'Weeners. Ten years ago we use to get well over a hundred. I guess people are scared to allow their kids to eat "strange" treats. Anyone want 160 little chocolate bars? |
Subject: RE: BS: Trick 'r Treat... From: Liz the Squeak Date: 01 Nov 05 - 05:31 AM Greg Stephens ~ it's not an American custom - This is how it all began..... Chocolate? Why thank you Gnu, I'd be only too happy to take them off your hands.... LTS |
Subject: RE: BS: Trick 'r Treat... From: GUEST,leeneia Date: 01 Nov 05 - 10:27 AM Despite Canadian efforts to send cold air and rain down, we had nice weather and 206 kids. We enjoyed it. We gave chocolate kisses to the older kids and peppermints to the toddlers. There were lots of parents along. I broke the peppermints (using icepick and tack hammer) ahead of time so they would not be a perfectly round choking hazard. By the way, I have read that the reports of dangerous candy being given our are merely urban tales. Come to think of it, any I have heard are always from an unspecified area on the other side of town. We had purple lights on our porch, draped in artistic curls and loops. They gave the DH a chance to express his love for modern art and sculptural forms. |
Subject: RE: BS: Trick 'r Treat... From: Duane D. Date: 01 Nov 05 - 10:42 AM This is a scary thread. I spent about three hours last night at Brewster Yard Haunt in Brewster, NY. Check out their webpage if you have time. Duane. |
Subject: RE: BS: Trick 'r Treat... From: Duane D. Date: 01 Nov 05 - 10:45 AM I don't know what I did wrong with the blue clicky. Try this instead: You'll just have to copy and paste.
[you left the left bracket and 'a' off of <a href] |
Subject: RE: BS: Trick 'r Treat... From: greg stephens Date: 01 Nov 05 - 11:37 AM Liz the Squeak: I hate to disagree, but it absolutely is an American custom, or at least it is in the present form in which it is spreading in England. The witches/horror movie type costumes, the collecting of sweets after a knock on the door, the use of the phrase trick or treat, the whole thing is lifted directly from American movies. None the worse for that, and it fits very neatly into a long standing tradition of disguise, bad behaviour, and collecting money or food at this time of year, whether with or without performance of songs or plays (eg Antrobus Soulcakers". A generation back the local traditions(in the parts of England with whicjh I am familiar) tended to revolve around money-collecting with Guys, plus Mischief Night bad behaviour(generally on Nov 4, not Halloween. The changes since then have been almost exclusively American and media driven. Of course, all of these things link back to age-old customs. The songs, incidentally, seem to have vanished round here (Stoke), though the traditional phrase "spare a penny for the guy, mister" is still in use among the young children. But believe me, plastic tridents, bags for sweets and witches hats come from America.And why not? |
Subject: RE: BS: Trick 'r Treat... From: gnu Date: 01 Nov 05 - 01:39 PM A bit off, but.... years ago I was at "the" club in my town on Halloween. I noticed a fully decorated Xmas tree in the corner and thought to myself that they were pushing the season. As I walked by the tree, buddy asked me for a light for his smoke... best costume I ever saw! |
Subject: RE: BS: Trick 'r Treat... From: GUEST Date: 01 Nov 05 - 03:30 PM Picture of Amergin's everyday wear. |
Subject: RE: BS: Trick 'r Treat... From: Richard Bridge Date: 01 Nov 05 - 05:47 PM Greg, agreed - the blackmail element seems wholly American, is retrograde, and ought to go back there. Perhaps we could organise something that parallels the noble activities of the ladies of Piccadilly during the war. The Yanks were overpaid, oversexed, and over here. The ladies of Piccadilly contived to take advantage of the oversexed status, relieve them of the overpayments, and send them home with syphilis... |
Subject: RE: BS: Trick 'r Treat... From: Jerry Rasmussen Date: 01 Nov 05 - 06:16 PM We had a memorable Halloween, although it couldn't touch two years ago when Colin Kemp, Theresa, Noreen and Alan were here. All in all, we had 107 kids.. a high, for us. Best moments... I keep dog treats, because there are always people who bring their dogs along... sometimes in costume. Someone had a very old, wide-backed yellow Lab and when I offered her a dog treat, she took it for a moment and then let it drop to the ground. (Dogs can't spit... don't have the lips for it.) I tried a second one, as they are different flavors... imitation beef, imitation chicken, imitation cat.. The dog let the second one drop too. I commented... "even the dogs are conniseurs today.) As I was leaving, the dog realized that there weren't going to be any other choices and changed it's mind and gobbled down both treats. Later, three kids came to the door, and the first two said "Trick or Treat," and I handed them some candy. The third one was just standing there, and didn't say anything. He was busy talking on a cell phone. Lord, deliver me.. Jerry |
Subject: RE: BS: Trick 'r Treat... From: Donuel Date: 01 Nov 05 - 06:23 PM Yeah, time to splinter the Repub party! Go Bull Mooses! I mean Bull Moose... or is it Meese? |
Subject: RE: BS: Trick 'r Treat... From: LilyFestre Date: 01 Nov 05 - 07:51 PM Giok...LOL! The tin foil hat to match the tin foil......OUCH! *G* Michelle |