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BS: Trying to sell me watches now.... ???

15 Jan 08 - 01:11 PM (#2237068)
Subject: BS: Trying to sell me watches now.... ???
From: Little Hawk

Among the 30 or more spam emails I get every day...mostly dealing with VIAGRA, penis enlargements, mortgages, pharmaceuticals, and the usual crap like that....I am now receiving several messages a day from several different outfits trying to sell me "Replica Watches", "High quality watches", and so on...

Why????????? From whence cometh this sudden flood of ads for watches? And why to me?

I have not worn a watch or shown any interest in doing so for the last 35 years! I don't want a watch. They bug me.

Did I somehow end up on a consumer list somewhere as someone who wants a new watch? Did someone make a clerical error?

I do not get spam about Winona Ryder or wooden sailing ship replicas or fine keyboards or anything else like that that I actually DO want. It's unjust.

I want something done about it.

They can take their steenkin' watches and put them where the sun don't shine, cos I don't need no steenkin' watches!!!

15 Jan 08 - 01:21 PM (#2237076)
Subject: RE: BS: Trying to sell me watches now.... ???
From: Becca72

When you figure out how to stop them, please let me know so I can use it to stop the penis enlargement emails coming to me. I do not have a penis and therefore do not need one enlarged...

15 Jan 08 - 01:21 PM (#2237077)
Subject: RE: BS: Trying to sell me watches now.... ???
From: bobad

Would you perhaps be interested in a large kielbassa.

15 Jan 08 - 01:24 PM (#2237079)
Subject: RE: BS: Trying to sell me watches now.... ???
From: Peace

You are just lucky, LH. Reply to one of the ads saying the you will NOT cut off five inches just because they think you should have a 10" penis. Alternately, put the penis people in touch with the watch people. (Recall the Yiddish joke? "If you were a mohel, what would YOU hang in the window?") Looks like a win/win from here.

15 Jan 08 - 01:57 PM (#2237101)
Subject: RE: BS: Trying to sell me watches now.... ???
From: Mrrzy

Well, nobody is wearing watches anymore, maybe that's why; there have been articles about this, how now that everyone has a cell phone, a computer, and who knows what-all other gadgets that incidentally have clocks, watches are no longer a fashion statement, and the watch industry is probably fighting back...

15 Jan 08 - 02:04 PM (#2237104)
Subject: RE: BS: Trying to sell me watches now.... ???
From: Peace

Well, the watch industry certainly has the time for it, Mrrzy.

15 Jan 08 - 02:04 PM (#2237105)
Subject: RE: BS: Trying to sell me watches now.... ???
From: Becca72

I still wear a watch and no one is emailing me about it. In fact, I wear a watch on my right wrist...and I'm right-handed...that always throws people.

15 Jan 08 - 02:09 PM (#2237108)
Subject: RE: BS: Trying to sell me watches now.... ???
From: Emma B

I've had 4 emails for Rolex watches in the last week - it's not about telling the time - it's about the 'label'!

some fascinating names though :)

15 Jan 08 - 02:27 PM (#2237126)
Subject: RE: BS: Trying to sell me watches now.... ???
From: Bill D

LH...I guess you are on a 'watch list'.

15 Jan 08 - 03:03 PM (#2237160)
Subject: RE: BS: Trying to sell me watches now.... ???
From: Amos

IT's SPAM, LH. That means it is sent to any email address the spammer can get ahold of.

Taking it personally is like believing that Ringo Starr is actually sending you secret drum messages with his tom-tom, hidden inside the tracks of an old Beatles album.


15 Jan 08 - 03:29 PM (#2237177)
Subject: RE: BS: Trying to sell me watches now.... ???

But he was...I just know he was...

15 Jan 08 - 03:33 PM (#2237178)
Subject: RE: BS: Trying to sell me watches now.... ???
From: Wesley S

LH - I'm sure they've just monitored how often you post here at the Mudcat and have decided that you have too much time on your hands. I expect I'll start getting those any day now.

15 Jan 08 - 04:06 PM (#2237205)
Subject: RE: BS: Trying to sell me watches now.... ???
From: Little Hawk

Best comment yet, Wesley! ;-)

Amos, I have in fact picked up coded messages hidden in recordings by none other than Ringo Starr, Pat Benatar, Jimi Hendrix, and Juice Newton. They all advise me that I should "watch out for Amos". On one Beatles album you can clearly hear the phrase "Amos is a tosser" being repeated over and over again in the background vocals. If you play "Revolution # 9" and slow it down some you will hear the words, "destroy the bloody tosser...Amos must die!" quite clearly. I am sure it's John Lennon who is saying it.

15 Jan 08 - 04:21 PM (#2237216)
Subject: RE: BS: Trying to sell me watches now.... ???
From: Rapparee

I send for everything I get an email for. I tell 'em to send it to

15 Jan 08 - 04:33 PM (#2237226)
Subject: RE: BS: Trying to sell me watches now.... ???
From: JennieG

I don't need a "Gen-u-ine imitation Rolex" watch as I have two (watches not Rolexes). I don't need a "designer handbag replica" either. And, like Becca above, I certainly don't need a penis enlargement either.

But those university degrees.....well now, that could be a different story......! those emails arrive in my inbox at work, and I work in a high school.

It's a bit of a joke innit?


15 Jan 08 - 04:38 PM (#2237232)
Subject: RE: BS: Trying to sell me watches now.... ???
From: bankley

are the batteries included or do you have to buy your the penis enlarger ?..... I ordered one of them once and they sent me a magnifying glass..

15 Jan 08 - 04:39 PM (#2237233)
Subject: RE: BS: Trying to sell me watches now.... ???
From: Becca72

LOL, Jennie.. I get emails offering me schooling to become a travel agent...I was one for 3 years and you can't make any $$$ doing it nowadays!

15 Jan 08 - 04:47 PM (#2237246)
Subject: RE: BS: Trying to sell me watches now.... ???
From: Bobert

Well, LH, you jus' tell them sumabiches that I gotta watch fir ya'... It was made in Russia and has a red hammer and sickle on the face of and last I wound it it kept perfect time, juts 20 years behind...

But seriously, once they have you they have you... Congress passed a no-Spam law a while back but that don't help you folks in Canadaburg... Might of fact don't help us either 'cause I still get spam... No watches yet... Just the usual weener 'n pills stuff...


15 Jan 08 - 05:21 PM (#2237269)
Subject: RE: BS: Trying to sell me watches now.... ???
From: Little Hawk

Yeah, eh? "That clock won't tick." ;-)

Well, I heard that this one fool actually went and ordered an Acme penis enlargement kit...$35.

The package arrived in the mail a week later. It consisted of a piece of a cutting board...and a large wooden mallet.

The instructions: Get your penis out and place it on the board. Strike penis forcefully with mallet. Penis will swell noticeably within the next few hours and will retain its larger size for some time thereafter. Repeat as often as necessary. Lifetime guarantee.

15 Jan 08 - 05:23 PM (#2237270)
Subject: RE: BS: Trying to sell me watches now.... ???
From: John MacKenzie

O U C H !!

15 Jan 08 - 05:26 PM (#2237276)
Subject: RE: BS: Trying to sell me watches now.... ???
From: Rapparee

Tracy Polk just sent me this message:

"Isn't it degrading, when they call your pen!s a "wee-wee"?
Don't let them mock you anymore! Use VPXL to change your pen!s size for bigger one!"

Why would I need a bigger pen? Nobody stands around saying, "Ha ha! Look at his little tiny wee-wee pen!" My pen fits my hand quite nicely, and in fact I have several pens that do. Even a fountain pen.

How is this degrading and why?

15 Jan 08 - 05:28 PM (#2237278)
Subject: RE: BS: Trying to sell me watches now.... ???
From: John MacKenzie

The writes of man?

15 Jan 08 - 06:17 PM (#2237308)
Subject: RE: BS: Trying to sell me watches now.... ???
From: artbrooks

Well, it WAS watches for a while, but now they are back to cheep Canuck drugs and on-line gambling.

15 Jan 08 - 06:33 PM (#2237322)
Subject: RE: BS: Trying to sell me watches now.... ???
From: Bobert

Gol danged, LH... I been riped off... I patented the same kit except it was for "takin'-yer-mind-off-whatever-else*was*buggin'-you"... Worked like a charm...

BTW, that axe won't grind...



15 Jan 08 - 07:21 PM (#2237342)
Subject: RE: BS: Trying to sell me watches now.... ???
From: gnu

My ISP's (Rogers) mail service has a "bulk folder". All known spam, and anything I and others report as spam, goes in that folder. I empty it without even opening it. I don't need a bigger penis.

15 Jan 08 - 07:42 PM (#2237353)
Subject: RE: BS: Trying to sell me watches now.... ???
From: Little Hawk

Oh, I also have my email set up so that all the bulk mail goes into a bulk folder....but the problem is that certain normal mail from people that I DO want to hear from somehow ends up in there I still have to take a quick look through the bulk folder to separate out those few legitimate messages before I delete the rest.

It's not a big deal, really. It takes all of about 15 or 20 seconds to spot the very few messages I want to keep and move them into my inbox.

15 Jan 08 - 08:00 PM (#2237361)
Subject: RE: BS: Trying to sell me watches now.... ???
From: Bobert

But, LH...

That email won't send...

Now there's the makin's of a blues song...

15 Jan 08 - 08:01 PM (#2237362)
Subject: RE: BS: Trying to sell me watches now.... ???
From: Bee-dubya-ell

Why watches? Simple. First, you buy whatever it is they're selling to make your schlong the size of Secretariat's. Then you buy the Viagra they're selling so your new super-sized crank will inflate to truly enormous proportions and attain a hardness roughly equivalent to a 6 on the Mohs' scale. It's not unlikely that such a Gargantuan member achieving a full erection will use up so much of your blood supply that you'll pass out due to cerebral oxygen deprevation. The watch is so whoever finds you can take your pulse.

15 Jan 08 - 08:12 PM (#2237367)
Subject: RE: BS: Trying to sell me watches now.... ???
From: Nick

Perhaps it's a measure of the length of your member as to how many watches you can get on it - a bit like how many budgerigars you can sit on it. Something of a status thing (the Viagra is presumably to help you keep up with the Joneses)

British people will be aware of the phrase "Got the time on yer cock?" and this is all probably something to do with it.

15 Jan 08 - 08:15 PM (#2237368)
Subject: RE: BS: Trying to sell me watches now.... ???
From: Peace

That's not a clock. It's a sundial.

15 Jan 08 - 08:36 PM (#2237383)
Subject: RE: BS: Trying to sell me watches now.... ???
From: catspaw49


The laughs are on you! It was me....Do you hear? ME-ME-ME!!!

I sent them your name and addy and told them you were filthy rich and would buy anything!!! HA!!! It was me!! And why? Because you're a miserable peckerhead, a broke-dick mamalucca of the first order without any redeeming social value!

Just wait til the bowel deodorant ads start coming!!!! Up your ass will have a whole new meaning for you and your hopelessly Canuck ass. Just fuckoff ya' jagov!!!!!

Woody Allen my rosey red ass cheeks.........MWAH-HA-HA.....

You're screwed Dude!


15 Jan 08 - 08:48 PM (#2237386)
Subject: RE: BS: Trying to sell me watches now.... ???
From: Peace

Be still my beating heart . . . .

15 Jan 08 - 09:52 PM (#2237423)
Subject: RE: BS: Trying to sell me watches now.... ???
From: Little Hawk

Aww fer Chrissake....!

Now I am picturing a gigantic hardon with about 35 or 40 budgerigars all lined up on it in a row, their little pink feet sticking out from under their feathery bellies...all chittering away nervously...

Not exactly what I want to visualize when I shut my weary eyes.

15 Jan 08 - 09:55 PM (#2237424)
Subject: RE: BS: Trying to sell me watches now.... ???
From: Rapparee

And the mess those birds leave....

15 Jan 08 - 09:59 PM (#2237426)
Subject: RE: BS: Trying to sell me watches now.... ???
From: bobad


15 Jan 08 - 10:07 PM (#2237429)
Subject: RE: BS: Trying to sell me watches now.... ???
From: Peace

Is someone gonna break into a chorus of "Bird On a Wire"?

15 Jan 08 - 10:19 PM (#2237434)
Subject: RE: BS: Trying to sell me watches now.... ???
From: The Fooles Troupe

The idea is very old, really - see Gather ye pigeons while ye may ... :-)

15 Jan 08 - 10:27 PM (#2237438)
Subject: RE: BS: Trying to sell me watches now.... ???
From: Amos

So now, when his guru suggests he try visualizations, he will see bird-shit on his schlong. Good move, Spaw.

I think of you, and see bird-shit on my schlong.
It keeps me thinking all the whole day long.
I tell my Guru, but he says
I must be doing something wrong,
When my third eye
Keep Visuali-
Zing Bird Shit on My Schlong.

Yeah, it is kinda like the ultimate revenge to han a guy with a nasty meme like that...


15 Jan 08 - 10:36 PM (#2237443)
Subject: RE: BS: Trying to sell me watches now.... ???
From: Little Hawk

I don't think it was my schlong I was envisioning, it was probably somebody else's. Whose, I don't know. That's what so disturbing about it.

16 Jan 08 - 06:53 AM (#2237568)
Subject: RE: BS: Trying to sell me watches now.... ???
From: GUEST,Nick

And are all the budgies wearing watches?

What make?

16 Jan 08 - 07:17 AM (#2237579)
Subject: RE: BS: Trying to sell me watches now.... ???
From: John MacKenzie

Why Avia of course.


16 Jan 08 - 07:18 AM (#2237580)
Subject: RE: BS: Trying to sell me watches now.... ???
From: The Fooles Troupe

I bet I know where the budgies got their watches cheap!!!! - in bulk.... :-)

16 Jan 08 - 07:58 AM (#2237597)
Subject: RE: BS: Trying to sell me watches now.... ???
From: Mr Red

ah - Mr Red gets these so does the postmaster at the same domain

I wear a red watch at times - you try finding a halfway decent watch at 3 GBP in red - once in 7 years, but I need another soon.

16 Jan 08 - 01:04 PM (#2237786)
Subject: RE: BS: Trying to sell me watches now.... ???
From: Little Hawk

If all the watches in the world were suddenly gone, I wouldn't even notice.

16 Jan 08 - 01:33 PM (#2237808)
Subject: RE: BS: Trying to sell me watches now.... ???
From: Wesley S

No - but everyone else would notice how late you were arriving someplace. { Jeez - that Little Hawk - he's ALWAYS late }

I've always thought that pocket watches were pretty cool. I have one that belonged to my dad that doesn't work. And I have one of my own - that deoes work - for dress up occasions.

16 Jan 08 - 01:36 PM (#2237812)
Subject: RE: BS: Trying to sell me watches now.... ???
From: Little Hawk

You're so wrong. I am almost never late. I have a clock in my car, you see, and it's quite accurate. There are also numerous clocks visible in stores, on who needs a watch?

16 Jan 08 - 02:38 PM (#2237865)
Subject: RE: BS: Trying to sell me watches now.... ???
From: Nick

The budgies were probably originally bought on hire purchase

Always consider as well - "A man with one watch knows what time it is; a man with two watches is never quite sure. ~Lee Segall"

16 Jan 08 - 05:32 PM (#2237986)
Subject: RE: BS: Trying to sell me watches now.... ???
From: Rapparee

If each budgie had a watch, would they be wristwatchers? Suppose each budgie had an alarm clock and all the alarms went off at the same time -- would this become some sort of kinky new sex thing?

16 Jan 08 - 05:52 PM (#2237998)
Subject: RE: BS: Trying to sell me watches now.... ???
From: John MacKenzie

But at my back I always hear
Times wingéd chariot hurrying near.


16 Jan 08 - 06:15 PM (#2238016)
Subject: RE: BS: Trying to sell me watches now.... ???
From: Bill D

anyone with a computer...(and that sort of includes everyone reading this)... should always have time right on their screen

16 Jan 08 - 06:33 PM (#2238028)
Subject: RE: BS: Trying to sell me watches now.... ???
From: Rapparee

No, what you have on the screen is whatever time the computer is set at.

16 Jan 08 - 07:42 PM (#2238082)
Subject: RE: BS: Trying to sell me watches now.... ???
From: Nick

Does anybody really know what time it is?
I don't
Does anybody really care?

16 Jan 08 - 07:57 PM (#2238087)
Subject: RE: BS: Trying to sell me watches now.... ???
From: artbrooks

I turn my computer on and the time is set automatically. Is it somehow linked to Bill Gates' watch?

16 Jan 08 - 09:35 PM (#2238161)
Subject: RE: BS: Trying to sell me watches now.... ???
From: Little Hawk

Yes, it is. If someone mugs Bill Gates and takes his watch, most of the computers in the world will immediately lose track of what time it is, causing an international crisis...possibly even the outbreak of the Third World War!

17 Jan 08 - 07:55 AM (#2238306)
Subject: RE: BS: Trying to sell me watches now.... ???
From: Mr Red

Or Steve Jobs would quickly get as rich as Bill the Gate.

17 Jan 08 - 09:29 AM (#2238357)
Subject: RE: BS: Trying to sell me watches now.... ???
From: Rapparee

You can set your computer time and date to whatever you wish. It was probably set at the store or by the installer, or your ISP might be supplying it automatically. I use a product called "Atomic Clock" -- you can ping various atomic clocks around the world and your PC will be automatically set to the correct time for your time zone.

Or go to -- the official US time service, operated by the US Naval Observatory. (No www's there.)