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Folklore: MudLore of the Week 2/4/2008

04 Feb 08 - 09:43 PM (#2253706)
Subject: Folklore: MudLore of the Week 2/4/2008
From: catspaw49

For lack of anything better to do and because we have grown so much over the years, I thought I'd start a weekly series reviewing the "Lore of the 'Cat." Here's a chance to look back and laugh at ourselves or maybe cry or maybe just shake our heads......maybe all of that at the same time.

Each week I'll resurrect an old thread for your perusal with a little background. Some will be just a few years old while others will date back to the beginning with all points in between as fair game. Some of you will find out where certain Mudcat jokes have come from and others will bury their heads when they read what silly things they may have posted in the past. As I've read through some I know I've had a few thoughts.............Sometimes we find out that the more things change, the more they stay the same. Anyway, here's...................

WEEK #1 February 4, 2008

Ever notice the occasional condom references around here? Back in '99 we were just beginning to get to know each other. Most of us were new to the net and our first years had been pretty tentative about sharing any personal info, even our ages or the most general geographic location. But we started running a lot of those stupid boiler plate threads like, How Old is a Mudcatter, Where does a Mudcatter Live, Is a Mudcatter Married, and on and on. It was really silly and Art Thieme, bless him, just couldn't take it anymore. So only to point out how ludicrous the threads were, he started the one thread he'll never live down. It became the longest thread on the 'Cat at the time but it did also show us how nuts we were acting and loosened the place up a lot!

Poor Art......He'll always feel chagrined over the thread but it added an element of good natured joviality that had been a bit lacking before and as a "community" we took a giant leap forward. Here it is for your perusal.....LOL....We were a pretty stiff (pardon the Art Thieme style pun) back then. BTW, it links to a second part as loading in the old days used to be a big problem and a lot of early threads are in segments.

What Brand Condoms Do Mudcatters Prefer


04 Feb 08 - 09:45 PM (#2253708)
Subject: RE: Folklore: MudLore of the Week 2/4/2008
From: katlaughing


04 Feb 08 - 10:01 PM (#2253723)
Subject: RE: Folklore: MudLore of the Week 2/4/2008
From: wysiwyg

Go Spaw!

Lotta petards around here. Hoist and heave!


05 Feb 08 - 09:11 AM (#2254014)
Subject: RE: Folklore: MudLore of the Week 2/4/2008
From: Big Mick

I really like the idea of this thread, Spaw. I hope you will use it, at some point, to right one of the great injustices of the Mudcat. I refer, of course, to the usurping by that phoney ass chimp Chongo, of the throne of "Simian of the Mudcat". My girlfriend Koko just mopes around and cries, muttering "I was first, this ain't right". Now if I can defend her honor without arousing her, in the carnal sense, I will be fine.

Chongo.......hhhaaaaarrrrrrummmmppppppppphhhhh......friggin' copycat Monkey ...... an aper in the truest sense of the word....... Friggin' monkey come lately...... wait, Koko..... noooooooooooo...... that wasn't a question, ........ shit ...... the biggest damned Irishman you have ever seen, goes running for the woods with an amorous gorilla in hot pursuit, and she is wearing negligee...........

05 Feb 08 - 09:39 AM (#2254031)
Subject: RE: Folklore: MudLore of the Week 2/4/2008
From: Rapparee

Isn't "Koko" Irish Gaelic for "Hot To Trot"? I think it was the P-Celt root word for "Curragh", the name of the racetrack in Kildare, but I'll have to check my references.

Yup, I was correct (I'd say I was right, but Amos would chide me for being a Republican).

Anyway, the original races were between BIG Irishmen who were doing their best to escape amorous apes. The apes were mostly females, but once in a while one of the Irishmen got a surprise and was captured by a male. They would then repair to the local for a pint and fag, this being the days when you could smoke in the pubs, and write songs about the English depressors.

All of this happened long before Strongbow's boys, of course, even before all of the Irish bull happened at Cooley. The Irish were happy and would tell happy tales of wars and hurly and chopping off their own hands and other happy things, but their physicians were short of short flat wooden boards with which to hold down the Irish tongue when peering down Irish throats. These had to be imported from England (which was then called "East Eire Land" from which evolved our word "England") and whenever they were used the usee went for days without telling jokes or tales about Huck Fianna, one of the national heroes.

Which is why the boards were called "English Depressors" and why males would go ape writing songs about them. (These songs were usually written during the second ringing of the Angelus. The bellringers of Ireland almost always fouled up the first ringing, and so the bell had to be rung a second time. This is why the songs about the "English Depressors" are also called "Re-bell songs.")

05 Feb 08 - 10:56 AM (#2254088)
Subject: RE: Folklore: MudLore of the Week 2/4/2008
From: Stilly River Sage

This should be interesting. Is it purely a social experiment, or will there be a culinary component as well? I'm thinking of the cornbread and stew threads--there were some memorable food discussions back when Rick Fielding was producing mayhem in his kitchen and looking for advice.


05 Feb 08 - 01:00 PM (#2254191)
Subject: RE: Folklore: MudLore of the Week 2/4/2008
From: catspaw49

Well Maggie, I'm thinking bits of everything that have gotten us to wherever in the hell we are now and the culinary parts will definitely be included.....and so will the apes and possums and daily thoughts and assorted casts of other characters....probably find a stray possum as well, not to mention the hokey pokey and Spancil Hill!

Mudcat history through the threads! Enjoy.

I hope some have read at least parts of the condom thread.........(;<))


05 Feb 08 - 01:14 PM (#2254205)
Subject: RE: Folklore: MudLore of the Week 2/4/2008
From: katlaughing

Oh, yeah...I did, Spaw! Classic, esp. the reminders of which ones were best for dive-bombing one's friends!


05 Feb 08 - 01:26 PM (#2254216)
Subject: RE: Folklore: MudLore of the Week 2/4/2008
From: Rapparee

Hey, I only tell history as I saw it happen.

05 Feb 08 - 05:53 PM (#2254472)
Subject: RE: Folklore: MudLore of the Week 2/4/2008
From: catspaw49

Since the thread relates in a way to a great punny man, I'll allow that post to stay Rap......but only to honor Art.


05 Feb 08 - 07:21 PM (#2254549)
Subject: RE: Folklore: MudLore of the Week 2/4/2008
From: GUEST,.gargoyle

A repeat of Friday night's session? You REALLY don't want to go their again.... do you?


05 Feb 08 - 11:25 PM (#2254746)
Subject: RE: Folklore: MudLore of the Week 2/4/2008
From: Nancy King

Well, I'm almost embarrassed to admit that I did read through the whole damn thing. It was a slow evening at work, and it's a good thing no one can see what's on my terminal while I'm on the information desk... Just the occasional snort of amusement...

I like the idea of resurrecting some of these old threads -- I'd missed that one earlier.

I do have a favor to ask: There were several posts buried in there that referred to a post by "Frank i.t.s." ("Frank in the swamp" I think) in the thread titled "What does a Mudcatter Look Like? (truth opt.)" Several people then remarked how hilarious Frank's description of himself was. I tried to find that thread via the filter, but could only come up with part 2 of it, which had only about 3 posts, none particularly amusing. Can someone find the original? I could use a bit of hilarity.


05 Feb 08 - 11:37 PM (#2254752)
Subject: RE: Folklore: MudLore of the Week 2/4/2008
From: GUEST,.gargoyle


Mudcat needs a change in editorial "clone privlages." A half dozen folks have had their "forum postings" hanging in limbo....and they then appear like "a donkey.",P.

Sorry to have left you in this situation.

Removal of postings is left to the immediate date/time "clone on the throne." Unfortunately, the current policey is removing GOOD discussion from the threads...because a some "clones" don't like another non-member.


Thankfuly, one of the "greater clones" came back from dinner tonight....and has removed another "lesser clone's" privilages.

06 Feb 08 - 12:03 AM (#2254763)
Subject: RE: Folklore: MudLore of the Week 2/4/2008
From: catspaw49

What the hell are you talking about Greg? These two posts here are kinda' hard to decipher. You and the Absolut been chumming up?   BTW, I plan one of these about you (sorta') so I know you'll be happy about that. I'll treat ya' right.......

Nancy, I'll see if I can find that. He'd post some funny stuff at times......come to think of it, most of the time! I'll check around on it.(;<))


06 Feb 08 - 12:11 AM (#2254766)
Subject: RE: Folklore: MudLore of the Week 2/4/2008
From: katlaughing

Here ya go, Nancy: click...just for the heck of it, here's what he said:

Seven & half foot long, seven inches between the eyes. My youthful yellow banding long ago gave way to a deep charcoal, but my belly skin is still white. Have most of the ridges on my back & tail, though they're a bit worn from scrapes with all the old bulls. My tongue & throat are a delightfully ghastly death white, teeth are yellow, except for the one that's missing thanks to a waterskier who wouldn't let go the damn rope!

Frank i.t.s.

06 Feb 08 - 02:12 PM (#2255167)
Subject: RE: Folklore: MudLore of the Week 2/4/2008
From: GUEST,Masked Mudcatter

Well Spaw you have done it this time. I can see how this will likely be embarassing because it already is. That is why I am the Masked Mudcatter!

06 Feb 08 - 06:38 PM (#2255434)
Subject: RE: Folklore: MudLore of the Week 2/4/2008
From: Nancy King

Thanks, Kat!

Amusing, yes, but perhaps oversold. Maybe ya hadda be there...


07 Feb 08 - 08:02 PM (#2256442)
Subject: RE: Folklore: MudLore of the Week 2/4/2008
From: catspaw49

You're right Nancy.......But then again, I was there and somehow it seemed I remember it being funnier...................Oh well, I can still give it a "cute."
