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Lyr Req: Any songs about a bad dishonest fox?

14 Oct 11 - 11:39 AM (#3238906)
Subject: Lyr Req: Any songs about a bad dishonest Fox ???
From: GUEST,Emberto Uco

so any appropriate songs for a bad Fox chased off for getting caught in the act ???

14 Oct 11 - 11:46 AM (#3238910)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Any songs about a bad dishonest Fox ???
From: GUEST,Umberto Eco

or a fat slow fox that's not as cunning as it thinks it is ???

come on please.. gotta be something timely and amusing to learn words & tune of
for a Fri night pub singalong..

14 Oct 11 - 11:49 AM (#3238913)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Any songs about a bad dishonest Fox ???
From: GUEST,Emberto Uco

oops.. sorry got my name wrong - confused it with that cultural philosopher bloke again..

14 Oct 11 - 12:08 PM (#3238918)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Any songs about a bad dishonest Fox ???
From: theleveller

"A MOMENT afterwards
there were most awful
noises -- barking, baying,
growls and howls, squealing
and groans.

   And nothing more was ever
seen of that foxy-whiskered

The Tale of Jemima Puddleduck by Beatrix Potter

14 Oct 11 - 12:10 PM (#3238920)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Any songs about a bad dishonest Fox ???
From: John MacKenzie

Political joke thread!

14 Oct 11 - 12:20 PM (#3238927)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Any songs about a bad dishonest Fox ???
From: GUEST,Emberto Uco

or maybe I should just use my less formal name - Ukulele Bert..??

yes John, this is a 'serious' request for a 'topical' trad song to quickly learn up for tonight's light hearted boozy session..

14 Oct 11 - 12:31 PM (#3238937)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Any songs about a bad dishonest Fox ???
From: John MacKenzie

Liam Fox quits as defence secretary

14 Oct 11 - 01:35 PM (#3238959)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Any songs about a bad dishonest Fox ???
From: Richard Bridge

Daddy FOx - but change the last verse?

Gentlemen of High Renown?

14 Oct 11 - 01:40 PM (#3238960)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Any songs about a bad dishonest Fox ???
From: GUEST,Azoic

Do you actually mean Faux news?

14 Oct 11 - 01:58 PM (#3238968)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Any songs about a bad dishonest Fox ???
From: Lonesome EJ

I don't know about bad or dishonest, but this is a great tune about a Fox doing what seems natural.
"he didn't mind the quack quack quack or the legs all dangling down-o"

14 Oct 11 - 02:00 PM (#3238969)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Any songs about a bad dishonest Fox ???
From: McGrath of Harlow

And nothing more was ever
seen of that foxy-whiskered

But I'm afraid that won't be true in this case...

14 Oct 11 - 02:08 PM (#3238975)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Any songs about a bad dishonest Fox ???
From: Big Al Whittle

Liam - he's not Irish, is he?

14 Oct 11 - 03:09 PM (#3239016)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Any songs about a bad dishonest Fox ???
From: Micca

Heres a modest offering
tune "Fox went out on a chilly night"

Fox went off on freebie bash
He took his best man who needed cash
And Foxy knew this wouldn't wash
Within the Ministry guidelines oh!

They met abroad It was no crime
Ignore the tabloids and the Times
Liked it enough for 19 times
And really loved Dubai Oh

"I've done no wrong" he loudly cried
To keep my buddy by my side
The MOD was open wide
To let my "adviser" in Oh!

My Integrity is still intact
I haven't lied and that's a fact
Maybe shaded the truth , but out of tact
To shield the Werrity Oh

I told the Commons He's just a mate
It's not a matter for debate
What if his costs are on the slate
of an Outside interest group Oh?

My jobs defence as you all know
I'm cutting costs every where I go
I need advice that doesn't show
From others in the trade oh!

14 Oct 11 - 03:12 PM (#3239017)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Any songs about a bad dishonest Fox ???
From: John MacKenzie

I think that it's time Barak Obama got the lead out of his ass.

14 Oct 11 - 03:16 PM (#3239020)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Any songs about a bad dishonest Fox ???
From: Micca

Sorry left out the last verse

But now they say I must resign
And on the Bench no longer shine
But shed no tear I while be fine
For Dave will bring me back Oh!

14 Oct 11 - 03:20 PM (#3239022)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Any songs about a bad dishonest Fox ???
From: ClaireBear

What was that wonderful, spine-tingling song that someone sang at the Getaway about a fox and some children -- the one with a refrain that always began "the walls are high..."?

14 Oct 11 - 03:56 PM (#3239036)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Any songs about a bad dishonest Fox ???
From: John MacKenzie

Do you think Arsenal will win the cup this year?

15 Oct 11 - 03:20 AM (#3239241)
Subject: Lyr Add: MADERINE RUE (Peg & Robert Clancy)
From: mayomick

"Adapted with new words by Peg Clancy and Robert Clancy."

CHORUS: Maderine rue, rue, rue, rue, rue,
Maderine rue ta graine,
Maderine rue, and he hidin' in the furze,
And the tops of his two ears were peepin'.

As I was walking over the hill,
I spied a fox and he atin',
A cute little fox and he hidin' in the furze,
And the tops of his two ears were peepin'.

"Good morrow, fox." "Good morrow, sir."
"Pray, what is that you're atin'?"
"A fine fat goose I stole from you,
And will you come and taste it?"

"Oh, no, indeed, bold fox," I said.
"How dare you boldly taunt me?
For I vow and swear that you'll dearly pay
For that fine fat goose you're atin'." CHORUS

"Bad cess to you, you bold bad fox,
That stole my geese and ate them,
My great big cock, my fine fat hens,
And the nicest little ducks in Erin." CHORUS

Tally ho le na baun, tally ho le na baun,
Tally ho le na baun, and we'll catch him,
Tally ho le na baun, tally ho le na baun,
And the tops of his two ears were peepin'.


15 Oct 11 - 06:24 AM (#3239292)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Any songs about a bad dishonest Fox ???
From: Susan of DT

Claire: Mr Fox

[added a few minutes later: it WAS in the DT and even I could not find it - MISTER Fox, rather than Mr Fox and I was the one who entered it]

15 Oct 11 - 06:32 AM (#3239295)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Any songs about a bad dishonest Fox ???
From: Susan of DT

How about the Devil as a fox?
Black Fox

15 Oct 11 - 06:41 AM (#3239297)
Subject: Lyr Add: MR FOX (John Pole)
From: Jim Carroll

As nobody else seems to have put it up
Jim Carroll


Outside Mr. Fox's garden
Three maids playing with a golden ball,
Jenny threw it up and Susan caught it
Mary bounced it over the wall.
The wall is high
Mr. Fox has a little red eye.

In she ran to fetch it back again.
The garden gate stood open wide
It was quickly closed and locked behind her.
Mr. fox was Just inside.
The wall is high.
His smile is cruel and his eyes are sly.

He said. I'll keep your ball. Miss Mary.
I shall have it and here you'll stay.
You'll keep my house and be my servant.
And never go out for a year and a day.
The wall is high
The long grass shivers and the tall trees sigh.

Spring and summer passed like shadows
She watched the green leaves fade and fall.
She walked alone in the empty garden
And Mr. Fox said — nothing at all.
The wall is high
Never a soul comes near nor by.

Three strange things he did forbid her.
Never you touch my iron box.
Never go near the thirteenth bedroom
Nor near the bed, said Mr. Fox.
The wall is high.
Don't you dare to ask me why.

Mary she rose up one morning
She saw an iron box on a shelf
But of all the rooms at Mr. Fox's
Bedrooms there were only twelve.
The wall is high,
Mary don't you peep or pry.

One day Mr. Fox went walking
In that box she found a key,
It fitted a door she'd never unfastened
And when she opened it, what did she see?
The wall is high
The door said STOP and the key said FLYl

In Mr. Fox's thirteenth bedroom
A naked sword hung on the wall
In a silver bowl on the bed's blade counterpane.
Mary saw her golden ball.
The wall is high,
The bed said COME and the sword said DIE!

In she ran to get her ball again
To snatch it off the great black bed.
Out crept Mr. and leapt at her
His teeth flashed white and his eyes burnt red.
The wall is high...........

15 Oct 11 - 12:27 PM (#3239420)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Any songs about a bad dishonest Fox ???
From: ClaireBear

Wow! Thanks, Susan and Jim. I had heard OF Mister Fox but not heard it -- until the Getaway, anyway. What a song!

15 Oct 11 - 01:30 PM (#3239449)
From: Jim Carroll

Flushed with success, I'll chance my arm on a song entitled (around here at least) 'The Fox Chase' about a land agent in the 19th century who kills a landlord in a dispute, flees on foot chased by men with dogs, runs around 200 miles and eventually escapes to America
Jim Carroll
Not a real fox, but one of the finest narrative ballads in Ireland.
Jim Carroll


I am a bold and undaunted fox that never was before on tramp,
My rent, rates and taxes I was willing for to pay,
I lived as happy as king Saul and loved my neighbours great and small,
I had no animosity for either friend or foe,

I made my den in fine good land between Tipperary and Knocklong,
Where my forefathers lived for three hundred years or more,
But now of late I was betrayed by one who was a fool or knave,
He told me I should quit the place and show my face no more.

But as soon as he evicted me, I thought, 'twas time that I should flee,
I stole away his ducks and geese and murdered all his drakes,
I knew I could no longer stand because he had the hounds at hand,
I tightened up my garters and then I was away.

But soon there was a great look-out by land and sea to find me out,
From Dublin quay to Belfast Town along the raging sea,
By telegraph they did insert this great reward for my arrest,
My figure, size and form (forearm) and my name without a doubt.

They wore their brogues, a thousand pair, this great reward for to
But still there was no tidings of me or my retreat,                     
They searched Tipperary o'er and o'er, the cornfields round
But they si went on to Wexford, but there did not delay.

Through Ballyhale and Stranmore they searched the woods as they went on,
Till they got very hungry at the approach of day.
Now search the world both far and near, the likes before you did not
A fox to get away so clear as I did from the hounds.                              

They searched the rocks, the gulfs, the bays, the ships and liners at the quays,
The ferryboats and steamers as they were going to sea,
Around the coast they took a steer from Poolbeg lighthouse to Cape
Killarney Town and Sweet Tralee, and then crossed into Clare!

And when they landed on the shore they searched Kilrush from top to toe,
The bathing baths in Miltown, called otherwise Malbay,      
And Galway being a place of fame they thought it there I would
But still there journey was in vain for I gave them leg bail

They searched the train at Oranmore as she was leaving for Athlone,
And every waggon, coach and car as that went along the road,
And Connemara being remote, they thought it there I would resort,
Then when they got weary they resolved to try Mayo.

In Balinrobe they had to rest until the hounds were quite refreshed,
From thence they went to Westport and searched it high and low,
To Caslebar they took a trot, they heard I was in Castlerock,
But still they were delude, there I lodged the night before*,

At Swinford Town as I sat down I heard a dreadful cry of hounds.
I took another notion to retaliate the chase,
And I being weary from the road I took a glass at half past four,
Then I was renovated while the hounds were getting weak,

The night being dark in Castlebar, I knew not how to make my way,
I had neither den nor manger to shield me from the cold,
But when the moon began to shine I said I'd make for a foreign
I'm in the land of liberty and three cheers for Michael Hayes,

20 Oct 11 - 08:06 PM (#3242190)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Any songs about a bad dishonest Fox ?

Satan is a sly old FOX
If I could, I would lock him in a box
Lock him in a box, and throw away the key
For all the tricks, he's played on me.
I am glad that I'm a Christian
I am glad that I'm a Christian
I am glad that I'm a Christian
And I am walking with the Lord.

20 Oct 11 - 08:30 PM (#3242198)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Any songs about a bad dishonest Fox ???
From: GUEST,suegorgeous away in S Yorks

What about Reynardine? sort of fits...