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Lyr Add: An Maidrin Rua / Red Fox

Related thread:
Clancy's Madrine Rua / Maidrin Rua- origin trad? (13)

Philippa 28 Jan 99 - 02:53 PM
Wolfgang 29 Jan 99 - 09:43 AM
alison 05 Feb 99 - 11:29 PM
Annraoi 06 Feb 99 - 07:54 AM
Philippa 06 Feb 99 - 12:39 PM
Annraoi 06 Feb 99 - 09:24 PM
Wolfgang 07 Feb 99 - 04:43 AM
Annraoi 07 Feb 99 - 09:58 PM
Philippa 08 Feb 99 - 07:30 AM
Warsaw Ed 20 Jun 02 - 06:29 PM
Alice 20 Jun 02 - 10:49 PM
GUEST,Philippa 21 Jun 02 - 05:51 AM
GUEST,Philippa 21 Jun 02 - 04:17 PM
Warsaw Ed 21 Jun 02 - 06:27 PM
Alice 21 Jun 02 - 11:53 PM
GUEST,Philippa 14 Oct 03 - 01:26 PM
Big Tim 21 Jul 04 - 03:10 AM
Felipa 11 Aug 21 - 03:50 PM
Helen 11 Aug 21 - 04:55 PM
Felipa 12 Aug 21 - 09:38 AM
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Subject: Lyr Add: AN MAIDRÍN RUA
From: Philippa
Date: 28 Jan 99 - 02:53 PM

There was a request for this bilingual song in the "macarónachas" thread


Ar ghabháil aduaidh dom thar Sliabh Luachra
'Gus mise 'cur tuairisc mo ghéanna;
Ar chasadh dom anuas 'sea fuaireas a dtuairisc
Go raibh maidrín rua dá maoireacht

Curfá [chorus]:
Ó Maidrín rua, rua, rua, rua, rua,
An maidrín rua tá dána.
An maidrín rua 'na luí sa luachair,
Is barr a dhá chluas in airde.

"Good-morrow fox," "Good-morrow, Sir."
"Pray what is that you're eating?"
It's a fine fat goose I stole from you,
And will you come and taste it?"

"Oh no indeed, ní háil liom í,
Ní bhlaisfinn pioc di ar aon chor,
But I vow and I swear you'll dearly pay
For my fine fat goose you're eating.

Hark, hark, find her, Lily and Piper
Cruinnigí na gadhair lena chéile;
Hark, hark, Trueman, tá leisce orm cuma,
Is maith an fear cú thú Bateman.

Tallyho lé na bhonn, Tallyho lé na bhonn,
Tallyho lé na bhonn, a choileáinin;
Tallyho lé na bhonn, Tallyho lé na bhonn,
Agus barr a dhá chluais in áirde.

Greadadh croí cráite chugat a Mhaidrín Ghránna
Do rug uaim m'ál breá géanna,
Mo choiligh mhóra bhreátha, mo chearca bhí go hálainn,
Is mo lachain bheaga b'fhearr a bhí in Éirinn.

Translation From: johnm (in Macarónachas, 11 Dec 1998)

Chorus: The little red fox, the little red fox so ugly
The little red fox lying among the rushes
And the top of his two ears sticking up

Verse 1.
As I was walking up over Sliabh Luachra
Seeking information about my geese
I was told, as I turned to come back,
That a little fox had got them

2. (In English) Good morrow fox, good morrow sir
Pray what is it that you're 'ating?"
"A fine fat goose I stole from you,
And will you come and taste it?"
"O no, indeed (Gaelic) I do not want it,
I wouldn't taste a pick of it,
(In English) But I vow and swear you'll dearly pay
For that fine fat goose you're 'ating."

3. Hark, hark Find her, Lily and Piper.
Gather the dogs together.
Hark, hark, Truman, you lazy hound. [or , "I hate to lie" note it's 'orm' - on me, not 'ort', on you]
Bateman, you're a good dog.

4. Tally ho, on the scent, tally ho, on the scent,
Tally ho, on the scent, [or 'on their heels'], little puppies
Tally ho, on the scent, tally ho, on the scent,
And the top of his two ears sticking up.

4. A distressed and sore heart to you, you bad fox
That took from me my lovely flock of geese,
My fine big cock, my beautiful hens,
Any my ducks, the nicest in the whole of Ireland.

Sometimes the last two verses of the chorus are sung in English, "And he lying in the furze/and the top of his two ears were peeping".

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Subject: RE: An Maidrín Rua
From: Wolfgang
Date: 29 Jan 99 - 09:43 AM

Ah Philippa,

you remembered that request! Thanks a lot for the lyrics.


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Subject: Tune Add: AN MAIDRIN RUA
From: alison
Date: 05 Feb 99 - 11:29 PM


Thanks to a GIF from Philippa.... here's the tune




Timebase: 480

TimeSig: 4/4 24 8
Key: D
Tempo: 100 (600000 microsec/crotchet)
1440 1 69 030 0238 0 69 030 0002 1 66 032 0238 0 66 032 0002 1 62 031 0478 0 62 031 0002 1 66 029 0478 0 66 029 0002 1 69 037 0478 0 69 037 0002 1 69 043 0478 0 69 043 0002 1 69 059 0238 0 69 059 0002 1 71 034 0238 0 71 034 0002 1 69 050 0238 0 69 050 0002 1 66 034 0238 0 66 034 0002 1 69 043 0478 0 69 043 0002 1 69 049 0238 0 69 049 0002 1 66 028 0238 0 66 028 0002 1 62 022 0238 0 62 022 0002 1 62 044 0238 0 62 044 0002 1 66 032 0478 0 66 032 0002 1 69 040 0238 0 69 040 0002 1 69 041 0238 0 69 041 0002 1 66 033 0478 0 66 033 0002 1 64 036 0958 0 64 036 0002 1 62 033 0478 0 62 033 0002 1 69 049 0478 0 69 049 0002 1 74 037 0238 0 74 037 0002 1 74 034 0238 0 74 034 0002 1 74 046 0221 1 74 049 0015 0 74 046 0244 1 73 027 0014 0 74 049 0704 0 73 027 0002 1 71 057 0238 0 71 057 0002 1 69 029 0238 0 69 029 0002 1 71 036 0238 0 71 036 0002 1 69 050 0238 0 69 050 0002 1 66 032 0238 0 66 032 0002 1 64 048 0238 0 64 048 0002 1 64 026 0238 0 64 026 0002 1 62 044 0238 0 62 044 0002 1 59 036 0238 0 59 036 0002 1 62 038 0238 0 62 038 0002 1 64 042 0238 0 64 042 0002 1 66 027 0238 0 66 027 0002 1 62 033 0238 0 62 033 0002 1 64 042 0478 0 64 042 0002 1 64 038 0478 0 64 038 0002 1 62 042 0958 0 62 042 0002 1 62 042 0478 0 62 042 0002 1 69 042 0478 0 69 042 0002 1 62 044 0238 0 62 044 0002 1 64 026 0238 0 64 026 0002 1 66 038 0238 0 66 038 0002 1 67 041 0238 0 67 041 0002 1 69 037 0478 0 69 037 0002 1 69 042 0478 0 69 042 0002 1 69 049 0238 0 69 049 0002 1 71 040 0238 0 71 040 0002 1 69 044 0238 0 69 044 0002 1 66 027 0238 0 66 027 0002 1 69 042 0718 0 69 042 0002 1 66 027 0238 0 66 027 0002 1 62 035 0478 0 62 035 0002 1 66 034 0478 0 66 034 0002 1 69 044 0462 1 66 033 0014 0 69 044 0483 0 66 033 0001 1 64 036 0958 0 64 036 0002 1 62 028 0478 0 62 028 0002 1 69 040 0478 0 69 040 0002 1 74 040 0478 0 74 040 0002 1 74 049 0478 0 74 049 0002 1 73 038 0718 0 73 038 0002 1 71 036 0238 0 71 036 0002 1 69 049 0238 0 69 049 0002 1 71 037 0238 0 71 037 0002 1 69 046 0238 0 69 046 0002 1 66 038 0219 0 66 038 0002 1 64 048 0499 1 62 045 0014 0 64 048 0224 0 62 045 0002 1 59 032 0238 0 59 032 0002 1 62 038 0238 0 62 038 0002 1 64 049 0238 0 64 049 0002 1 66 030 0238 0 66 030 0002 1 62 029 0238 0 62 029 0002 1 64 032 0478 0 64 032 0002 1 64 038 0478 0 64 038 0002 1 62 042 0958 0 62 042 0002 1 62 041 0478 0 62 041

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T:An Maidrin Rua

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Subject: RE: An Maidrfn Rua
From: Annraoi
Date: 06 Feb 99 - 07:54 AM

Something strange is happening to your text, Philippa. Annraoi

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Subject: RE: An Maidrfn Rua
From: Philippa
Date: 06 Feb 99 - 12:39 PM

I'm fairly sure the vowels with accent marks appeared correctly when I originally posted the song. Wolfgang, do you remember?

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Subject: RE: An Maidrfn Rua
From: Annraoi
Date: 06 Feb 99 - 09:24 PM

Someone is trying to "fix" MudCat. They're succeeding admirably. What a shambles !!! :-(( Annraoi

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Subject: RE: An Maidrfn Rua
From: Wolfgang
Date: 07 Feb 99 - 04:43 AM

Philippa, it was perfect to the best of my recollection. Yes, the fixing is responsible. If in my recent posts a swedish letter appears where I had but typed a European apostrophe ('), why shouldn't some Gaelic letters turn out to appear as a German letter (our "esszett", which is printed as á; but I'm not sure you see it in the way I type it). My recommendation: Wait until the fixing is finished. Perhaps then everything's back in proper print.


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Subject: RE: An Maidrfn Rua
From: Annraoi
Date: 07 Feb 99 - 09:58 PM

johnm, Bh¡ an maidr¡n rua "d na" = bold. Had he been 'ugly', he would have been "gr nna". Annraoi

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Subject: RE: An Maidrfn Rua
From: Philippa
Date: 08 Feb 99 - 07:30 AM

special note to Alice Flynn regarding Annraoi's correction of "gr nna" to "d na": in other words, he had a "brass neck" to steal the birds.

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Subject: RE: An Maidrín Rua
From: Warsaw Ed
Date: 20 Jun 02 - 06:29 PM

Does any one have the lyrics to this as "Red Fox" as sung by the Clancy and Makem Families on their "Irish Folk Songs and Airs" Ed

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Subject: RE: An Maidrín Rua
From: Alice
Date: 20 Jun 02 - 10:49 PM

Ed, I think I posted them in another thread on this song. Try a forum search. If my memory fails and I didn't post them, I do have their songbook with the version they recorded.

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Subject: RE: An Maidrín Rua
From: GUEST,Philippa
Date: 21 Jun 02 - 05:51 AM

Alice, I think you did post it on the Macarónachas thread, as "an Maderine Rua".

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Subject: RE: An Maidrín Rua
From: GUEST,Philippa
Date: 21 Jun 02 - 04:17 PM

Well, Alice, you posted a version 23(?) Dec 1998 at Macarónachas/Bi-lingual songs but it isn't identical to Bobby Clancy & family's version with "top of his two ears were peeping" in the chorus. Some lines such as "good morrow, Fox, Good morrow Jack, pray tell me what's that you're eating" are the same. That verse is also in Johnm's submission I re-posted in this thread. I don't recall Clancy's having the lines about Lily and Piper. They did have "Tallyho lé na bhonn, Tallyho lé na bhonn, and we'll catch them"

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Subject: RE: An Maidrín Rua
From: Warsaw Ed
Date: 21 Jun 02 - 06:27 PM

Many thanks to Alice and Philippa. Ed

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Subject: Lyr Add: MADERINE RUE (Peg Clancy, Robert Clancy)
From: Alice
Date: 21 Jun 02 - 11:53 PM

Hi, Philippa, I just took a look at that old 1998 thread and the version in English I posted is the one I adapted for me to sing, based on Mary O'Hara's version, and not the one in the Clancy's songbook. I guess I'll add the Clancy version to this thread, since it is current.

This is how it appears in the Irish Songbook 75 Songs, the Clancy Brothers & Tommy Makem. You can purchase this songbook online.

"Adapted with new words by Peg Clancy and Robert Clancy."

Maderine rue, rue, rue, rue, rue,
Maderine rue ta graine,
Maderine rue, and he hidin' in the *firs [furze],
And the tops of his two ears were peepin'.

As I came walking over the hill,
I spied a fox and he atin',
A cute little fox and he hidin' in the firs [furze],
And the tops of his two ears were peepin'.

"Good morrow , fox," "Good morrow, sir"
"Pray, what is that you're atin'?"
"A fine fat goose I stole from you,
And will you come and taste it?"

"Oh, no, indeed, bold fox," I said,
"How dare you boldly taunt me?
For I vow and swear that you'll dearly pay
For that fine fat goose you're atin'."

"Bad cess to you, you bold bad fox,
That stole my geese and ate them,
My great big cock, my fine fat hens,
And the nicest little ducks in Erin."

Tally ho le na baun, tally ho le na baun,
Tally ho le na baun, and we'll catch him,
Tally ho le na baun, tally ho le na baun,
And the tops of his two ears were peepin'.

*I think the editor of the songbook made a mistake in using the word "firs" instead of "furze". - Alice Flynn

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Subject: Lyr Add: Little Red Fox
From: GUEST,Philippa
Date: 14 Oct 03 - 01:26 PM

An adaptation of An Maidrín Rua by Francis a Fahy, published in Walton's ''Sing an Irish Song'', book 10 (Dublin, no date, priced at 6d)(I don't recall having heard this version sung by anyone)

F.A. Fahy

The Little Red Fox is a raider sly,
In the misty moonlight creeping;
With a morsel to his taste he hurries off in haste,
While the farm-yard's soundly sleeping.
''A duck!'' says he, ''has charms for me,
Likewise a young cock crowing;
But a fine fat goose is most of use,
To a family young and growing.''

Oh! Little Red Fox, Rex Fox, Red Fox,
Oh! Little Red Fox, none bolder,
Little Red Fox, creeping through the rocks,
With a fat goose o'er his shoulder.

The Little Red Fox is a family man,
By his own fireside reposing,
Till the cry of the hound shows his lair is found -
There's no time left for dozing.
''I'm off,'' says he, ''don't wait for me,
There's a long, long road before me,
But home I'll be in time for tea,
When I put this trial o'er me.''

Oh! Little Red Fox, Rex Fox, Red Fox,
Oh! Little Red Fox, none bolder,
Little Red Fox, stealing through the rocks,
And the tips of his two ears peeping.

The Little Red Fox is a hero bold,
And he rates his foes but meanly,
With a turn, twist and wind; they're left fat behind,
And he rests on the hill serenely.
''I like, '' says he, ''the breeze from the sea,
And the view up here is glorious,''
And sweet from below comes the merry 'Tally-ho'
And the hounds' melodious chorus.

Oh! Little Red Fox, Rex Fox, Red Fox,
Oh! Little Red Fox, none bolder,
Little Red Fox, flying o'er the rocks,
And his brush through the keen air sweeping.

The Little Red Fox is a gallant knight,
When the hour of stress has found him,
He crouches at the feet of the beauty of the meet,
While yelping foes surround him.
''Fair maid,'' sys he, ''were it not for thee,
some sport I'd show them daily,
But my brush I yield to the fairest of the field,
And I die at her dear feet gaily.''

Oh! Little Red Fox, Rex Fox, Red Fox,
Oh! Little Red Fox, none bolder,
Little Red Fox, taken 'mong the rocks,
For the love of two bright eyes dying.

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Subject: RE: Lyr Add: An Maidrin Rua
From: Big Tim
Date: 21 Jul 04 - 03:10 AM

Sean o Sé sings the Fahy version on his "Irish Heritage" album (1997)I've just noticed that he sings Fahy's English language verses along with the traditional Irish chorus, below (from Phillipa's post).

Curfá [chorus]:
Ó Maidrín rua, rua, rua, rua, rua,
An maidrín rua tá dána.
An maidrín rua 'na luí sa luachair,
Is barr a dhá chluas in airde.                                    

Oh! Little Red Fox, Rex Fox, Red Fox,
Oh! Little Red Fox, none bolder,
Little Red Fox, stealing through the rocks,
And the tips of his two ears peeping.

He seems to be combining the two versions, the old and the new, and very effectively too.

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Subject: RE: Lyr Add: An Maidrin Rua
From: Felipa
Date: 11 Aug 21 - 03:50 PM

a recording by John Spillane and unnamed children, using the macaronic/bilingual version of An Maidrín Rua which you find at the top of this thread, minus the verse which names the foxhounds:

Learn to sing An Maidrín Rua

sung by Joe Heaney aka Seosamh Ó hEanaí

sung all in Irish

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Subject: RE: Lyr Add: An Maidrin Rua
From: Helen
Date: 11 Aug 21 - 04:55 PM

This track by The Pogues An Maidrin Rua always makes me laugh. Not because it isn't beautifully rendered as an instrumental, but because of Shane MacGowan yelling at everyone to get back to work. It starts out as someone tuning a banjo and other instruments come in and it just builds up and up from there and then peters out at the end with Shane yelling "Oi!" in the background.

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Subject: RE: Lyr Add: An Maidrin Rua / Red Fox
From: Felipa
Date: 12 Aug 21 - 09:38 AM

collected from Mícheal Ó Miodhcháin of Dún Uí Chabhthaig/Dunnycove, Co Cork

Your muses nine with me combine,
And help me make narration,
Whilst I relate poor Reynard's fate,
And where the hunters chased him
Níl Béurla binn agam faraoir,
Ná teanga mhilis Gaodhluinn
Ach dá bhfuiginn-se cunntas ó na h-ughdair
Do 'neósfainn brígh mo scéil díbh
In sweet Doneraile do chaitheas mo saoghal,
And all my generations
Gan buairt gan baoghal till the Mallow Rakes
Disturbed my habitation

I viewed the pride of Castle Hyde,
'Nuair a shíleas dul i gcré ann
To my grief and woe the earth was closed
Agus do chaitheas cur chum Sléibhte.
Through Kilworth Hill, though hunted still,
Do sciobas gé bhreágh mhéith liom,
O' Molly Mór from near the door
Amach as lár a tréite

Then Molly Mór unlocked the door,
Do luígh sí is do bhéich sí,
She clapped her hands and called her dogs,
Is dubhairt gur chreachas féin í.
Hulla, hulla, Tinder, Lily and Grinder!
Sríd na gadhair le n-a chéile,
Hark, Lark, Trueman ! ar phleasg na cúma
Ba mhaith an fear-chúil Bateman.

I answered her " Ná bí go h-olc,
Ill make you mince for Aister, " [Easter]
Do d'lacha bheaga bhuidhe 's do d'chearca baga mísle
If you sit down and taste it
She answered this "Ní bhlaisfead pioch"
I'll report you to the neighbours
Ach má mhairimse go seachtmhain ó indiu
You'll pay for what you're aiting. [eating]

Through Carkir Pike I took a strike,
Do bhí uaisle an dá chondae ann,
When I heard horns sound and cry of the hounds
Agus é roimh éirighe na gréine.
'Tis then I knew I'd no time to lose
'Nuair a dhearcas iad 'na dtáintibh
Through Shanballymore I took a stroll
Is amach tré Mhóir Siar Séanach
Out through Rockmill and Fuincheon's Glen
Nó go sroiseas Baile 'n Mhistéala
Where I saw the court and all confused
Is an áit go léir tré chéile

The ranting jade did me complain
Is sé gile an uain do chráidh mé,
Through Mortellstown, I took my round,
Agus siar go Cnoc Árd Phádraig,
Through Russell's Court I ran very mute
Agus síos go Sráid na Batha,
Where I cried " Repail " agus Gráinne Mhaol, [Repeal]
Is Tallyho lem' sháilibh

Through Mulberry Lane I took my way,
Agus síos go Gleann na n-Óithigh,
Where the huntsmen sounded horns loud,
And called the hounds around me,
Saying "Fiddler, Fifer, Silver, Diamond,
Jumper, Juno, Danger,"
Within Padmill they did me pen,
I own I was a "Schemer"

* Maidirín is spelled the way the word is actually pronounced, like madereen or madehreen (little dog/little fox), Ruadh is the older spelling of rua (red). Similarly, ughdair would now be spelled údair (of the author) and saoghal is now spelled saol (life, world), baoghal =baol (danger). Dubhairt=dúirt(said), éirighe=éirí (rising; éirighe/éirí na gréine, rising of the sun), seachtmhain ó indiu= seachtain ó inniu (a week from today, má mhairimse go seachtmhain ó indiu, if I live a week from today). "Gaodhluinn" is a Munster (Kerry, Cork etc) word for the Irish language.

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