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look for a Song made up of other songs

02 Oct 18 - 05:21 PM (#3954275)
Subject: look for a Song made up of other songs

Im trying to find a song on the DT thats made up of lots of pieces of other songs. I know ive seen it but cant remember the name or enough of it to search for it (ive tried and failed) does anyone know it?

02 Oct 18 - 05:50 PM (#3954282)
Subject: RE: look for a Song made up of other songs
From: Steve Gardham

Such songs have been popular for many centuries. They are usually called medleys. Try Googling 'medley' or try it in the search box.

03 Oct 18 - 03:48 AM (#3954320)
Subject: RE: look for a Song made up of other songs
From: GUEST,Jess. J

Thanks for the reply steve.
I wasnt as clear as i could have been when i Put the origonal post up. (3hrs of frustreated searching will do that to a person in the small hours)

The song is not a strait medly as i am familiar with them (eg. Wild rover sung to ghost riders or one song borrowing anothers chorus) every line is from a diferent song. Its like the top 50 most popular pub songs shoved into one.

Any help gratefully received

03 Oct 18 - 05:28 AM (#3954330)
Subject: RE: look for a Song made up of other songs
From: FreddyHeadey

Maybe it'd be called a mashup rather than a medley?
Any clues or leads here? :

It'd be handy if you could post even a few of the words\songs you recollect.

03 Oct 18 - 06:11 AM (#3954335)
Subject: RE: look for a Song made up of other songs
From: GUEST,Jess. J

What i can remember is, it was sung in first person, the singer talking about how he had had all these things happen in his life (which could also be read to mean he had sung all of these songs the lines were borrowed from)
Like had gold in great store and been exiled to americay and shiprecked and jilted in love i think.
I cant exactly remember any of the words

Im pritty sure it included snippets from
Wild rover
Mountains pf morne
Whiskey in the jar
Irish rover
And about 2 dozen others

03 Oct 18 - 08:40 AM (#3954355)
Subject: RE: look for a Song made up of other songs
From: Mo the caller

From the post above I don't think this is the one you want , but The Egg came to mind.

03 Oct 18 - 08:58 AM (#3954359)
Subject: RE: look for a Song made up of other songs
From: Mo the caller

This thread

03 Oct 18 - 09:08 AM (#3954362)
Subject: RE: look for a Song made up of other songs
From: Dave the Gnome

Dunno if it is the one you want but Stanley Accrington does one. Worth dropping him an email?

03 Oct 18 - 09:44 AM (#3954374)
Subject: RE: look for a Song made up of other songs
From: oldhippie

Not what you're looking for, but there is a song combining two Eric Bogle tunes, Nobody's Moggy Now and No Mans Land. It can be found on the Roundworm CD. Listen here:

03 Oct 18 - 09:58 AM (#3954377)
Subject: RE: look for a Song made up of other songs
From: Cool Beans

Not the one you seek, but this song mentions 20 other songs.

03 Oct 18 - 10:25 AM (#3954383)
Subject: RE: look for a Song made up of other songs
From: FreddyHeadey

ref DtG ... Stanley Accrington certainly is a likely suspect.
He has form ... this one made up from the titles of country songs

03 Oct 18 - 12:30 PM (#3954421)
Subject: RE: look for a Song made up of other songs
From: GUEST,Jess. J

Wow, thanks for all the replies everyone. Some really good music suggestions. Sadly none of the above songs is the one im after.

Its definetly in the digi trad somehwere. Im sure at some point i will manage to find it again (i found it by accident the first time while useing the keyword search).

I had a look through the parodies section (all 365 of them) but none of the song titles rung a bell and none of the ones i open was the right one. Its probubly in there somewhere though. When im less tired i’ll have a dig through all of them.

03 Oct 18 - 01:45 PM (#3954449)
Subject: RE: look for a Song made up of other songs
From: Jim Carroll

The oe my mother used to sing was made up of titles - I knew some of them but most were before my time
The tune was that of the first song which, I think came from the depression

'I want some money,'
To give it to the 'Sheik of Araby'
'Oh, ain't it funny'
'Old pal, why don't you answer me?'
'Tippi canoe', 'Jealous of you'
'Hiawatha's melody of love,'
'Here comes old beaver'
'Floating down the stream to you'

Jim Carroll

03 Oct 18 - 04:20 PM (#3954513)
Subject: RE: look for a Song made up of other songs
From: Steve Gardham

Jess, as I wrote earlier the phenomenon you describe has the proper technical appellation MEDLEY, i.e., a song made up entirely of a catalogue of song titles or well-known song extracts.

'Wild Rover' sung to 'Ghost Rider' is definitely not a medley. I don't know if this type has a proper name yet, probably not. In the early nineteenth century they were very common often with just the title 'Medley' or something like 'Farmer's Medley' with a theme, but they were popular in earlier centuries also.

If it included 'Wild Rover' and 'Mountains of Mourne' the chances are that it is a very modern example, i.e., post 1960.

03 Oct 18 - 04:25 PM (#3954514)
Subject: RE: look for a Song made up of other songs
From: Steve Gardham

BTW Jim's example is perfect!

03 Oct 18 - 04:27 PM (#3954515)
Subject: RE: look for a Song made up of other songs
From: Steve Gardham

Whilst 'The Egg' is indeed a medley, it also uses other devices such as pun and parody.

03 Oct 18 - 05:07 PM (#3954524)
Subject: RE: look for a Song made up of other songs
From: FreddyHeadey

here's another which it probably isn't :

The Wild Rover (reformed) by The Shambles

I've been a 'Wild Rover', now I've seen the light
I won't be 'Leaving Liverpool' every night
I've packed up my songbook, and you'll understand
I'll not tie it up with a 'Black Velvet Band'


03 Oct 18 - 05:45 PM (#3954534)
Subject: RE: look for a Song made up of other songs
From: Bat Goddess

Off main topic (but apropos a couple posts above), "Wild Colonial Boy" also works to the tune of "Ghost Riders In the Sky"...with a chorus of "Too ra li oh, too ra li ay, the wild colonial boy".

Another short song made up of song titles was written by Jerry Bryant, "A Shanty In Old Shanty Town":

Only a shanty in old shanty town
Away you Santee and blow the man down.
Where haul away, Joe goes down to Hilo
And Stormalong's drinkin' with Reuben Ranzo.
Shallow Brown, Hieland Laddie, and Jack's in kahoots,
And so we will pay Paddy Doyle for his boots.
And with Boney we'll roll that old woodpile on down
To a shanty in old shanty town.


03 Oct 18 - 06:23 PM (#3954542)
Subject: RE: look for a Song made up of other songs
From: rich-joy

I'm sure I recall a Mudcat thread from ages back that talked of a song/s made up from Ballad titles and/or the "famous folkie lines" to be found within many of them.
I think it was published in one of those OAK Publication songbooks.
Sorry I don't have time at present to search it out :)


03 Oct 18 - 07:18 PM (#3954555)
Subject: RE: look for a Song made up of other songs
From: GUEST,Phil D'Conch

American Pie - This'll be the day... that I die, &c.

In Tin Pan Alley it was a pastiche not a medley. Old time TV was a Song of Song Titles (clev-er) Today it's a shout out or Easter egg.

03 Oct 18 - 09:19 PM (#3954571)
Subject: RE: look for a Song made up of other songs
From: GUEST,Kristoffer Ross

Then there's the "60's Mudley" that Mike Agranoff sings:
YouTube Link Here
Even if it has no relation to what you're searching for, it's well worth the two-minutes you'll spend listening.

04 Oct 18 - 09:42 AM (#3954586)
Subject: RE: look for a Song made up of other songs
From: Steve Gardham

Ah yes, I'd forgotten the title 'Song of Songs'. Still prefer the simple 'Medley' but that word has wider meanings I suppose. Perhaps the most famous of the mid 19thc was Arthur Lloyd's 'Song of Songs' which was indeed just a medley of titles. I have a copy of the original sheet music with a charming coloured Concanen engraving on the cover. Lloyd is dressed in a very clownish way holding a piece of sheet music in his hand. It has 9 double stanzas, a total of about 72 song titles. The best use for us today is with dating the songs mentioned.

06 Oct 18 - 11:05 AM (#3955071)
Subject: RE: look for a Song made up of other songs
From: CupOfTea

This inquiry brought back vividly the astonishment and delight I felt when my late friend Tim Wallace performed a pastiche of lines from folksongs popular in the 60s & 70s. Much like what was done in the Mike Agranoff video referenced above, but Tim did it ALL himself- just him with his guitar, shifting key, time signature and all with each new phrase from a new song. Wish I could pull up the lyrics, or even the title - which was something like "3-minute folksong" because it was as brilliant as anything else he wrote, so much of which never got properly recorded. The most stellar moment with this song was when he performed it as his local contribution to a Phil Ochs song night. Sunny Ochs was in the wings having hysterics - laughing so hard she was holding her sides.

Joanne in Cleveland, still missing Tim

PS for some recorded and accompanied versions of some of Tim's songs, search for "Smoking Fez Monkeys" on YouTube. I was astonished to find the lyrics to his "You Don't Even Care" on the Traditional Lyrics page when searching for a recording

09 Oct 18 - 04:09 AM (#3955568)
Subject: RE: look for a Song made up of other songs
From: r.padgett

The Egg of course


09 Oct 18 - 02:21 PM (#3955717)
Subject: RE: look for a Song made up of other songs
From: Tattie Bogle

Not what Guest is looking for, but a friend in Edinburgh has written his own Michael Marra tribute song, including many references to and quotes from Michael's songs.

09 Oct 18 - 03:57 PM (#3955728)
Subject: RE: look for a Song made up of other songs
From: Tunesmith

Has nobody mentioned the BLUES!

10 Oct 18 - 07:52 AM (#3955831)
Subject: RE: look for a Song made up of other songs
From: GUEST,MikeOfNorthumbria (sans cookie)

Also worth a look is Stan Kelly's "Come all ye and go back again" - which consisted of (about) 6 4-line stanzas, the first three all composed of generic 'first lines' and the last three of generic 'last lines'.

A quick google reveals that it's already here:


10 Oct 18 - 09:29 AM (#3955851)
Subject: RE: look for a Song made up of other songs
From: Lighter

Poole & Foster's clever "Song of All Songs" (1863) is in the DT.

18 Apr 24 - 03:12 AM (#4201178)
Subject: RE: look for a Song made up of other songs
From: GUEST,Phil d'Conch

Another from 1863:


When I was in the Isis frigate up the straits, it was an invariable custom of our old Commodore, Sir Thomas Staines, to turn the hands up to dance and skylark during the dog watch; and many a happy hour was thus whiled away; all ennui and monotony seemed at once dispelled. Dancing, singing, jumping, or anything fancy dictated, helped to enliven the din; here two or three sets were reeling and jigging away their hardest –– here, between the guns, was going on a trial of strength; in another part three or four tars might be seen trying who could hang highest and longest head downwards by their toes, on a ratline; but with one group chock for'ard I have now most to do; and here, without palaver, it is: –– 'Come, Jack, give us a song –– summut with a chorus; and while we chant, you can think of the next verse.' — 'I can't sing; that is, I can sing werry well, 'cos I got plenty 'o wind; but just as I clears out, and ought to strike up, either the tune or the words sneaks out o' my mind; and blow'd if I arnt took all abach.'— Then,' said a messmate, 'why don't ye do as the Ship's Fiddler does in a like quandary?' –– 'What's that?' said Jack, 'I should like to larn.' –– 'Why, when you axes him to play, he thinks of a yarn he's got by heart, so made up that one line sails into another; and afore he's done you'd make sure he could jabber all the tunes in the world, in a quarter less than no time; but here he comes, axe him to give us what he calls his index, whatever that means.' And up came the fiddler, who, as requested, at once repeated the following, which was quite enough to awaken Jack's memory: –– 'God save the Queen' and 'Nancy Dawson;' may they never want 'Drops of Brandy' to drink 'A Health to all Good Lasses.' So come, ‘My Jolly Waggoner,' and, as we go 'Over the Mountains,' we'll call on the 'Unfortunate Miss Bailey,' and her cousin, 'Lucy Long,' who wear those pretty 'Bonnets so Blue;' and then 'We Won't go Home till Morning,' but call on 'Captain Mulligan' and Paddy Carey,' on 'St. Patrick's Day,' and get' Biddy the Basket Woman,' to go with us. 'Still so Gently' let us 'March on, March on,' like 'Hearts of Oak,' and call on “The Lass of Richmond Hill.' I kissed under “The Mistletoe Bough,' so often 'Coming through the Rye;' then, if 'The Fine Old English Gentleman,' and 'Tekeli' will persuade 'Uncle Ned' to 'Rosin the Bow,' we'll have a 'Country Dance.' 'Gentle Zitella' and 'The Maid of Lodi' can dance 'The Bath Waltz,' while 'The Highland Laddie' and 'Alice Gray' can show off in 'The Cacoucha;' then we'll send “The Plough Boy,' in the 'Low-backed Car,' to 'Kelvin Grove,' to fetch 'Jeannette and Jeannot,' and get 'Sally in our Alley' to bring 'The Cabin Boy.' 'Oh, Susannah,' tell me. 'In the Dead of the Night,' when 'We're all a Noddin,' Will you Come to the Bower,' and hear 'The Woodpecker,' close by our 'Cottage near a Wood;' for, oh, 'Remember Love,' what I told you 'On the Banks of Allan Water.' 'Oh, Drink to me only with thine Eyes,' for 'Life let us Cherish,' as 'The Post Captain' said, 'When Pensive he Thought on’ ‘Katty Darling.' Oh, 'Don't you Remember,' Miss, 'The Days when we went Gipsying,' by 'The Brave Old Oak,' when 'Robin Adair' said to 'Peggy Bawn's mother, 'Pray Goody,' let me and my 'Young Love,' that sweet 'Girl I left Behind Me,' dance. The 'Tarentella,' for 'The Beating of my Own Heart,' like 'The Thorn' in the 'Last Rose of Summer,' makes 'Home Sweet Home' like a 'Coal Black Rose;' so I say 'Begone Dull Care,' and 'Away with Melancholy.' So will you 'Meet Me by Moonlight,' my dear, for 'Is there a Heart that Never Loved' 'Kate Kearney,' that duck of an 'Exile of Erin?' Do come, and bring 'Jenny Jones' with you, for I know 'All's Well,' particularly 'When the Rosy Morn Appearing' 'Round the Huge Oak.' It will be so nice; 'Darby Kelly,' and 'Sweet Kitty Clover' on her 'Cork Leg' can meet us. 'Within a mile of Edinburgh,' and 'Dame Durden' will sing 'The Bay of Biscay;' then, when you 'See the Conquering Hero Comes' whistling. 'The Canadian Boat Song,' or 'Green Grow the Rushes, oh,' never mind; if 'My Lodging is on the Cold Ground,' the 'Copenhagen Waltz' among the 'Banks and Braes' will soon warm us; as for 'Poor Mary-Ann,' I don't like her — 'Oh, no, we never Mention Her;' but if 'The Devil among the Tailors' plays 'Blue Beard's March,' we'll think of •'Auld Lang Syne,' although there'll be ‘Nae Luck about the House' if 'Paul and Virginia' don't sell us some more 'Brooms, Green Brooms.' Yes, for sure as 'Britannia Rules the Waves,' there will be 'Such a Gettin' up Stairs' — such a 'Clare de Kitchen,' that you won't know 'Who's dat Knocking at the Door;' and when 'The Wandering ministrel' plays 'The Sicilian Mariner's Hymn,' he won't be heard. 'Oh, Dear! What can the Matter be?' said Mary Blane;' if you don't have me 'Jessy the Flower of Dumblane' will; and as 'Slow Broke the Light' 'Mynheer Von Dunck' was singing 'Here's a Health to those far Away,' he fell into 'The Sea, The Sea,' and then cried out, 'Oh, Think of Me! oh, Think of Me!”
[The Merry Companion for All Readers, Merry, 1863]

18 Apr 24 - 05:04 AM (#4201181)
Subject: RE: look for a Song made up of other songs
From: GUEST,Mike Yates

I may have this totally wrong - but are you looking for 'An S-O-N-G', where every line comes from a different song. (See Frank Purslow's book 'Marrow Bones')? Freda Palmer also had a similar piece in her repertoire.

18 Apr 24 - 09:53 PM (#4201218)
Subject: RE: look for a Song made up of other songs
From: GUEST,.gargoyle

A favorite with me:
Hymn "Hash Chorus"

Every day with Jesus
I'll be walking on the King's Highway.
Tell me the old, old story,
I love it better every day, Hallelujah!
I will make you fishers of men
if you'll only follow me.
Hallelujah, what a Saviour!
I'm from sin set,
you're from sin set,
we're all from sin set free!


I was told ... by a much elder lady ... this song was frowned upon by some in the ministry ... for making fun of traditional hymns.

22 Apr 24 - 11:21 AM (#4201395)
Subject: RE: look for a Song made up of other songs
From: The Og

The song "Yes. We Have no Bananas" is made up of snippets of other melodies (except for the word "bananas), For example "Yes, we have no" is to the opening "hallelujah" from "the Hallelujah Chorus. "We have no bananas today" is the melody of (I think) "Bring back my bonnie to me." Others I forget!

22 Apr 24 - 11:41 AM (#4201397)
Subject: RE: look for a Song made up of other songs
From: The Og

Found it! See as follows...

Hallelujah, Bananas! Oh, bring back my Bonnie to me
I dreamt that I dwelt in marble halls—the kind that you seldom see
I was seeing Nellie home, to an old-fashioned garden: but,
Hallelujah, Bananas! Oh, bring back my Bonnie to me!

22 Apr 24 - 01:57 PM (#4201408)
Subject: RE: look for a Song made up of other songs
From: The Sandman

We will go tandem as man and wife
On a Sunday morn, wiv a dozen pals or more
with the wee cooper from fife
if i cant have this maid on the shore shore shore

23 Apr 24 - 05:21 PM (#4201465)
Subject: RE: look for a Song made up of other songs
From: Richard Mellish

Didn't someone on one of the Mudcat singarounds sing a song consisting of the titles of numerous songs?

29 Apr 24 - 03:52 PM (#4201783)
Subject: RE: look for a Song made up of other songs
From: The Sandman

joe ofter wpulr possibly know

29 Apr 24 - 08:18 PM (#4201796)
Subject: RE: look for a Song made up of other songs
From: GerryM

I think The Sandman is saying, "Joe Offer would possibly know".