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Hello i'm new around here

05 Jun 02 - 07:05 PM (#723903)
Subject: Hello i`m new around here
From: frankyz

I just thought i`d introduce myself, and say hello to all you good folks out there. Not to sure how everything work around here, but i`m sure you will correct me if i do something i am not supposed to. Ok a bit about myself. I am 45, a guitar teacher, and i live on the south coast of england. I want to get to know a lot more about folk music, old and trad, with a view to performing. so any sugestions as to what is popular, and what people are listening to at the moment, i would be very greatfull. cheers to you all.

05 Jun 02 - 07:12 PM (#723909)
Subject: RE: Hello i`m new around here
From: GUEST,ozmacca

G'day frankyz. Welcome to one of the best sources of all-round folk type knowledge, information and sheer entertainment around.... No, strike that "one of". I've only been around here a couple of months myself but it's terrific. Just don't take anything too seriously and you'll fit right in... That's what they told me anyway..........

05 Jun 02 - 07:14 PM (#723912)
Subject: RE: Hello i`m new around here
From: michaelr

Hi Franky, welcome to the `Cat! There are a lot of folks here, with all sorts of approaches and preferences. I listen mostly to Irish and Scots groups, such as Lunasa, Capercaillie, etc. I'm also fond of women singers like Kate Rusby and Niamh Parsons.

Look through some old threads if you will, there's stuff there for days...


05 Jun 02 - 07:35 PM (#723922)
Subject: RE: Hello i`m new around here
From: GUEST,An Pluiméir Ceolmhar at home

Welcome, Frankyz. Stick around, and you'll age very quickly. After just a few months I feel like a senior citizen already.

Make yourself a large pot of tea/coffee (depending on which side of the Atlantic you live on), write off the next few hours, set the message filter to 30 days and click on "refresh". Then sit back and enjoy the fun. You'll discover a whole bunch of fiendly people, a few whose views may surprise you, and a handful of assholes with poisonous personalities who post as Guest but don't manage to spoil things for everyone else.

05 Jun 02 - 07:43 PM (#723926)
Subject: RE: Hello i`m new around here
From: Áine

Welcome, welcome, welcome, frankyz! I'll just say 'yep' to all the good things already said about the Mudcat, so's not to waste your time . . . It's great to see another guitar teacher on the forum . . . be prepared to have your brains picked (pardon the pun) by several of us here. Especially myself, who's self-taught and always lookin' to learn something new.

Hope you stay around and enjoy the place as much as I have in the four-plus years I've been here!

All the best, Áine

(By the way, can I pick your brains in this thread??)

05 Jun 02 - 08:21 PM (#723944)
Subject: RE: Hello i`m new around here
From: Sorcha

Hello, and welcome to the zoo. We're only really dangerous at feeding come on in! I do mostly lyric/tune searches and am a fiddle player so chords don't mean doodly to me.

05 Jun 02 - 08:37 PM (#723947)
Subject: RE: Hello i`m new around here
From: Amos

Chords don't mean doodly to anyone, Sorcha. Must people think of them as a form of music....


05 Jun 02 - 09:18 PM (#723966)
Subject: RE: Hello i`m new around here
From: Ebbie

Fiendly, Guest An Pluimeir Ceolmhar (may I call you 'An'?) ? Only sometimes.


05 Jun 02 - 09:21 PM (#723969)
Subject: RE: Hello i`m new around here
From: Ebbie

Oh. Sorry. Welcome, Frankyz!

05 Jun 02 - 09:36 PM (#723984)
Subject: RE: Hello i`m new around here
From: Steve in Idaho

Welcome to the last bastion of Free Speech in the world! Take nothing seriously, unless you are having a bad day, but enjoy the place - lots to do and learn here!!


05 Jun 02 - 09:42 PM (#723990)
Subject: RE: Hello i`m new around here
From: Naemanson

Turn back! Go no further or you will be hooked into the best little mad house in the world.

Too late....

So, welcome. C'mon in, settle your gitbox in your lap and give us a song...

05 Jun 02 - 09:50 PM (#723991)
Subject: RE: Hello i`m new around here
From: Bobert

Yeah, Frankyz, welcome to the zoo. Be sure your shots are up to date because these folks, ahhhhh, bite. Not too hard most of the time but the shots are a good idea. Jus funnin... No, really, Iz only been around here for about 6 months and if there is anything you want to know about folks music, someone here knows it and will be generous to share. The BS threads are a tad dangerous but a few minutes in 'em every day will fight off the half heimers stuff, fit sure.


05 Jun 02 - 10:46 PM (#724007)
Subject: RE: Hello i`m new around here
From: khandu

Hello, Frankyz! Welcome to the strange but weird world of the Cafe. Lot of odd folk here to enjoy or despise. Most are quite enjoyable.

As to music, Have you looked here? Some of the best are listed on this page.

Be it blues, folk or, hell we even have some polka lovers here, you can find some fine discussions here.

So come on in, tell us something we don't know, and we will do the same for you!


05 Jun 02 - 10:54 PM (#724014)
Subject: RE: Hello i`m new around here
From: CarolC

hell we even have some polka lovers here

We're a forgiving lot, aren't we? But you know, this place just wouldn't be the same without Spaw, polkas or no polkas. I wouldn't mind if he'd let up a bit on the Lady of Spain fetish, though.

Welcome to the Mudcat, Frankyz!

05 Jun 02 - 10:57 PM (#724018)
Subject: RE: Hello i`m new around here
From: Mudlark

Just want to add my welcome, Frankyz. I'm a self-taught guitar picker and singer, with a preference for the good melodies and lyrics of folk music over the last 3 or 4 centuries, plus some Fats Waller and blues thrown in. If you are interested in astounding folk musicology, incredible recall, and good conversation, all of which I have found in the year I've been here, I know you will enjoy this site. The problem is getting anything ELSE done, once you start reading.

05 Jun 02 - 11:24 PM (#724037)
Subject: RE: Hello i`m new around here

I am withholding my welcome until you tell me whether you would inflict a barred F Chord on a totally new guitar student.
Mary, who never got to C

05 Jun 02 - 11:51 PM (#724048)
Subject: RE: Hello i`m new around here
From: Melani

Welcome! I think this thread is already giving you a good taste of the place. I play guitar sort of intermediately, penny whistle a little better, and some flute and dulcimer. I like Celtic music of all kinds, and sing a lot of sea chanties. I'm working on deadline now, and can't think of anything silly to say, so once again, welcome.

06 Jun 02 - 03:22 AM (#724096)
Subject: RE: Hello i`m new around here
From: Steve Parkes

Welcome aboard, mate!

Steve (who can do a barre F, but not a very good Bflat and has never managed a decent Eflat in 35 years!)

06 Jun 02 - 03:49 AM (#724104)
Subject: RE: Hello i`m new around here
From: An Pluiméir Ceolmhar

Ebbie, I posted that message rather late last night. when I checked in this morning, the "fiendly" leapt off the screen and hit me in the face! I trust that frankyz either didn't notice it or mentally corrected it.

"An" is the definite article in Irish, so to mondeverdise Paul Simon "You can't call me An". However, I'm quite happy to answer to "Plumber" or to "APC", as I recognise that my handle is unacceptably long.

06 Jun 02 - 03:50 AM (#724105)
Subject: RE: Hello i`m new around here
From: Scabby Douglas


(And please excuse Steve Parkes, who should know better -"E flat"! - Hah! As if there's any such key!)



06 Jun 02 - 03:59 AM (#724109)
Subject: RE: Hello i`m new around here
From: frankyz

WOW what a welcome. You sure are nice folks. I will get more into the site, when i have a bit of free time. 1 question, do you have a songwriters forum, and if not is it ok to put songs up in this forum. What lead me here was the search for "messing about on the river" a childhood favorite, BTW does any one have the chords? it`s easy to work out, as it is a basic 3 chord trick, but i feel there is a fourth chord missing. Once again thanks for the welcome, and i look forward to chat/banter/livley discussion, with you all, TTFN.

06 Jun 02 - 04:03 AM (#724110)
Subject: RE: Hello i`m new around here
From: mooman

Welcome to the madness Frankyz!

I'm sure 'Spaw will be along soon to perform the ritual initiation rites!

All the very best,


P.S. Only two (unwritten) rules here:

(1) Enjoy yourself!
(2) Do not feed the trolls!

06 Jun 02 - 04:21 AM (#724115)
Subject: RE: Hello i`m new around here
From: Nigel Parsons

Messing about sorry, it's only the words, if noone posts the chords in this thread, try a new thread something like "Chords Req:Messing about" and it'll probably generate a reply.

On the same theme. Welcome aboard!

06 Jun 02 - 04:24 AM (#724116)
Subject: RE: Hello i`m new around here
From: Bullfrog Jones

Welcome frankyz, and I'm sure you'll agree that if God had meant us to play a barre'd F he wouldn't have given us capos!



06 Jun 02 - 04:26 AM (#724117)
Subject: RE: Hello i`m new around here
From: mooman

P.S. Frankyz

If your on the South coast, this thread might interest you!

Best regards,

mooman (temporarily taking up the plug-o-matic reins from Larry!)

06 Jun 02 - 04:37 AM (#724122)
Subject: RE: Hello i`m new around here
From: Steve Parkes

My little brother tells me that B flat is something that only jazz guitarists and piano teachers are allowed to play in, so that explains it. (Though what he knows about it I can't say, since he plays the Bg Brass Toilet, aka saxophone!)

Steve (an unaccompanied singer with a guitar)

06 Jun 02 - 04:54 AM (#724128)
Subject: RE: Hello i`m new around here
From: greg stephens

Welcome frankyz. I play guitar banjo button accordion(melodeon) . Live in NW England.Teach guitar and percussion. Often on the south coast..where are you/ You should like it here. friendly folk. Some people have a bit of a down oin morris, bodhrans, banjos..the usual things people have a down on. And polkas, as you will have seen. me, I love polkas. im not very good at typing capital letters. as you have been warned, this is an open access place, so you will occasionally see things (mostly anonymous) which may make you realise you've lived a sheltered life (assuming you have lived a sheltered life). try to ignore them, they'll evenetually go away.Dont use irony, Americans dont understand it. And NEVER make provocative remarks.

06 Jun 02 - 05:45 AM (#724149)
Subject: RE: Hello i`m new around here
From: ozmacca

There's that Greg Stephens again, going on about how people have a down on things like morris, bodhrans and banjos. And never even mentions the Scots or Australians, even though I do play bodhran and sing (so I claim anyway)... Going on about polkas as well, as though they weren't an invention of the devil. Dear, dear me.... And to think such a once great intellect has had to sink to this. Really gets me provoked.. I think I'll write to the Times. "Dear sir, this is me writing...."

Honestly frankyz, you'll like it here... AND THAT'S AN ORDER!!!

06 Jun 02 - 05:52 AM (#724153)
Subject: RE: Hello i`m new around here
From: fat B****rd

Hello and welcome. Lots of freedom TO here as opposed to freedom FROM. All the best from the fB. F''k Trolls and Flamers.

06 Jun 02 - 08:18 AM (#724216)
Subject: RE: Hello i`m new around here
From: PeteBoom

Abandon hope all ye who enter here...

But - since you're here already - Have a good time. There are some decent folk mixed in with some outstanding folk. The are a few other, of course, but don't take things too seriously.

Cheers -


06 Jun 02 - 08:59 AM (#724240)
Subject: RE: Hello i`m new around here
From: MMario

Don't listen to them. The MudCat is *NOT* addictive - why - we can all quit anytime we want to...really...

06 Jun 02 - 09:08 AM (#724245)
Subject: RE: Hello i`m new around here
From: Pete Jennings

Welcome to the madhouse Frankyz. Don't worry about Ozmacca, he's one of those rampant Scots nationals who doesn't live there...


06 Jun 02 - 09:57 AM (#724278)
Subject: RE: Hello i`m new around here
From: Nigel Parsons

As the old saying goes: You don't have to be mad.....
The natives are friendly, if a little pedantic at times..
Pete Boom: That should be "All hope abandon, ye who enter here" although the misquote is better known!!


06 Jun 02 - 10:07 AM (#724287)
Subject: RE: Hello i`m new around here
From: Mr Happy

surely its; 'Hope ye abandon all who enter here'

06 Jun 02 - 10:09 AM (#724291)
Subject: RE: Hello i`m new around here
From: Nigel Parsons

Mr Happy: no, the "All" refers to "Hope" not to "Ye"

06 Jun 02 - 10:15 AM (#724296)
Subject: RE: Hello i`m new around here
From: SharonA

Welcome from "across the pond" in bee-yootiful Pennsylvania! Enjoy the music, ignore the trolls, be as pedantic (or non-pedantic) as you wish, and have fun!

06 Jun 02 - 11:00 AM (#724330)
Subject: RE: Hello i`m new around here
From: Ebbie

If I remember correctly, it's : Abandon! Hope ye all enterhere.

06 Jun 02 - 11:02 AM (#724331)
Subject: RE: Hello i`m new around here
From: MMario

I always thought it was "Enter here y'all with abandon"

06 Jun 02 - 11:03 AM (#724333)
Subject: RE: Hello i`m new around here
From: PeteBoom

Nigel - actually - we had that hanging over the office at a software firm I worked for once upon a time...

bunch of sick buggers we were - annoying AND misquoting in one fell swoop! ;-)

06 Jun 02 - 11:04 AM (#724334)
Subject: RE: Hello i`m new around here
From: 53

Good to have you aboard, I think that you'll find Mudcat quite interesting. Bob and Glenda.

06 Jun 02 - 11:08 AM (#724339)
Subject: RE: Hello i`m new around here
From: Dave Bryant

BE CAREFUL ! - They're ALL mad - except for ME of course !

Ha, ha, ha, hee, hee, hee......

06 Jun 02 - 11:09 AM (#724340)
Subject: RE: Hello i`m new around here
From: greg stephens

isnt it a translation from an Italian quote, in which case you can translate it how you like?

06 Jun 02 - 11:10 AM (#724342)
Subject: RE: Hello i`m new around here
From: katlaughing

Welcome to the MadMudcat, Frankyz, and hello from Colorado! Please be sure to check out the FAQs permathread, at the top of all of the threads. You'll find a Most Memorable Threads listing with links and also check out the Song Origins Permathread, too. When you the time, also be sure to click on LINKS and see what all is listed there.

Aine didn't say, but if you go into QUICK LINKS, you will find a Songbook which she maintains which has a bunch of stuff written by individual Mudcatters and Alan of Australia maintains a Tunebook, too. You can post your songs here, on the forum, just be sure to start a new thread for each one, as it is easier to find them that way.

If you want your Mudcatter hat and decoder ring now, without the usual three year waiting period or without a mandatory evaluation at the Neil Young Center for the Terminally Screwed, you will have to make a deposit of at least 500 lbs of kitty litter. That's so Spaw has some fresh stuff to kick up, back in the garden with the faeries.

Nice to see ya here,


06 Jun 02 - 11:24 AM (#724351)
Subject: RE: Hello i`m new around here
From: Steve Parkes

The original line is "Lasciate ogne speranza, voi ch'intrate", of course.

Steve "Strictly speaking, I'm a know-all, not a pedant" Parkes

06 Jun 02 - 11:26 AM (#724354)
Subject: RE: Hello i`m new around here
From: An Pluiméir Ceolmhar

The people in Bandon gave up hope years ago.

06 Jun 02 - 11:34 AM (#724366)
Subject: RE: Hello i`m new around here
From: Naemanson

And, since noone has mentioned it yet, you may want to check out the newcomer's perma-thread. It has good suggestions on posting and asking questions, how the site is set up and what organizations exist to help you rehabilitate should you choose to get out of here.

As an example, that question you asked half way down the thread would have been better as a separate thread. It would have stirred up a discussion of its own and not gotten lost in this thread. Still, you got what you were looking for, kinda.

06 Jun 02 - 11:35 AM (#724370)
Subject: RE: Hello i`m new around here
From: John J

Welcome aboard Frankyz.

John (In Manchester, about 250m North of the South coast)

06 Jun 02 - 12:11 PM (#724408)
Subject: RE: Hello i`m new around here
From: katlaughing

Sheesh, Naes!**BG** Okay, so I didn't call it the "Newcomer's" permathread, but I did mention it: Please be sure to check out the FAQs permathread, at the top of all of the threads. You turning into o'them hotshots wot won't read the whole thread?!**BG**


06 Jun 02 - 12:30 PM (#724420)
Subject: RE: Hello i`m new around here
From: Deda

Another welcome from Colorado--but I'm slightly nearer to you, being just east of the Rockies in Boulder. Glad someone could post the Dante line in its original, otherwise I would have felt compelled to dig it up myself and I can't read Italian. It could have taken me years.

This is a very fun place to goof around. If you like writing songs to order, or for a good laugh, check out the Challenge threads. We all write songs here -- and some of them are downright awful. Personally I could no more compose a tune than I could sing opera.

I'm here when I can escape from work, but usually not on weekends. Again, welcome aboard the Ship of Fools.

06 Jun 02 - 01:33 PM (#724460)
Subject: RE: Hello i`m new around here
From: RolyH

And Frankyz, if you put something up in the auction make sure you put the dates up in the right order, or we'll all be on Mars by the time it ends.Only a right butthead would do that........


06 Jun 02 - 03:17 PM (#724571)
Subject: RE: Hello i`m new around here
From: Paul from Hull

Welcome Frankyz, from another bit of the grim North!

06 Jun 02 - 10:16 PM (#724914)
Subject: RE: Hello i`m new around here
From: Celtic Soul

Welcome to the Cafe', Frankyz! Have yourself a virtual Guinness (no harm even if you don't like the real kind), a stool, and make yourself at home.

Don't throw any scraps to the trolls, however. They're wicked clever at making folk miserable.

Other than that, things around here are normally fairly nice...except for the occasional bout of curmudgeonliness.

But, anyway...have a great time!

06 Jun 02 - 11:24 PM (#724939)
Subject: RE: Hello i`m new around here
From: Blues=Life

Welcome Frankyz! I see you've been buried already in true Mudcat fashion. The prize for this thread has got to go to greg stephens for the following remark: "Dont use irony, Americans dont understand it. And NEVER make provocative remarks." A perfect example of "Do as I say, not as I do!" Greg, what a great line!



07 Jun 02 - 10:36 AM (#725236)
Subject: RE: Hello i`m new around here
From: InOBU

RUN! Before the Folkies eat your brain!!!! But, if you've already had your brain eaten... any where near Devizes, Wiltshire??? Cheers Larry (Trying to find other folkies to play with Mudcat's "Popular Halfwit..." who lives there)... Larry (InOBU) from rainy New York City...

07 Jun 02 - 10:49 AM (#725247)
Subject: RE: Hello i`m new around here
From: GUEST,Skarpi at work.

Frankyz , "velkominn " from Iceland. All the best skarpi Iceland.

07 Jun 02 - 03:39 PM (#725468)
Subject: RE: Hello i`m new around here
From: gnu

Friendly ?? You bet. They even let Bodhran players post. Welcome and enjoy.

07 Jun 02 - 04:01 PM (#725493)
Subject: RE: Hello i`m new around here
From: Naemanson

Sorry Kat. It's this topsy turvy life style, you see. My kid is finishing high school and going off to college, my house is sold, I'm getting married, I'm moving to Italy, and you expect me to notice things as well. I'd do better if the folkies hadn't eaten my brain.