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FSGW Getaway Program - 2003

23 Sep 03 - 08:52 PM (#1024000)
Subject: FSGW Getaway Program - 2003
From: Ferrara

The FSGW Getaway program is still under construction, but you can see where it stands, and follow its progress, at Getaway Program Link

Since the program is still Under Construction, we can use this thread for comments and suggestions.

If you offered to lead a workshop and haven't heard from me, you can PM me if you like. I still have LOTS of work to do here but I know people like to get a look at the program as early as possible.

A request. Please take all the thread creep either to the old Program thread 2003 FSGW Getaway - Ideas for Program, or start a new chit-chat thread.

Reason: I need to keep track of everyone's comments vis-a-vis the program, and I'm easily confused! So keep it on topic if you can?

23 Sep 03 - 11:09 PM (#1024071)
Subject: RE: FSGW Getaway Program - 2003
From: Naemanson

Sigh, I cannot make it after all. My class was disapproved. I am very disappointed.

24 Sep 03 - 02:10 PM (#1024421)
Subject: RE: FSGW Getaway Program - 2003
From: GUEST,Claymore

Rita, et al. Since I'm a lowly GUEST, could you have Joel Greer (from the Contra Dance class) or Ron Davies (from the waltz class) either come up on this thread or email me at or call me- Don Moore, home(304) 876-0215 or work (304) 728-5774, to set up a play list for both classes to practice on.

And remember that the only requirement for anyone who wants to join the 2nd Annual Foggy Mirror Contra Dance Band, is to be able to fog up a mirror if it is held under your nose...

Once we get some idea of the tunes the caller will need, I will do a thread on suggested tunes that most can play for both the waltzes and the contra dances.

BillD, where are you now that we need you???

24 Sep 03 - 02:31 PM (#1024441)
Subject: RE: FSGW Getaway Program - 2003
From: Ferrara

Claymore,THANK YOU for providing your contact information again this year! -- I had been looking for where-the-heck- did-I-file-that-number- last-year?" with no luck so far.

I'll be happy to check with Joel & Ron.

Also -- Dick Parks may want to lead one dance set again this year. Will check with him.

24 Sep 03 - 02:38 PM (#1024449)
Subject: RE: FSGW Getaway Program - 2003
From: Bill D

BillD?? What am I needed for? I don't do dance tunes..I play autoharp.

25 Sep 03 - 01:33 PM (#1024780)
Subject: RE: FSGW Getaway Program - 2003
From: GUEST,Claymore

Sorry Bill, You are right, it was Willie-O (and Jeri) who sailed in at the last moment to provide the fiddles we so desperately needed.

I would point out though, that I have played an autoharp since 1964, have two custom builts, and have used them numerous times at contra dances, especially as counter-point to HDs.

And now that I remember it, I recall Vixen and GutBucketeer playing at the dance also...

26 Sep 03 - 01:38 PM (#1025193)
Subject: RE: FSGW Getaway Program - 2003
From: GutBucketeer

Yes, there were two basses last year. A real one on one side and my old gutbucket on the other.

Rita, I just replied to your PM. Let me know what you think.


26 Sep 03 - 02:55 PM (#1025247)
Subject: RE: FSGW Getaway Program - 2003
From: Ferrara

You know, I made a very big mistake, I think, in saying I'd rather not have chit-chat on this thread. Thread creep! I mean to say, "Thread creep!" Chit-Chat is fine! -- Otherwise how do I know whether anybody's out there?????? Where are all the wisecracks? And the complaints?

I have in fact gotten some very nice PM's so far and some offers of help.

I doubt if anyone but me realizes how VERY helpful the Mudcatters' suggestions are, or how much more comfortable I feel because people have spoken up for what they'd like to see in the program.

Every year I swear I'll never do this again. After all, I have to do it right in the middle of the fall craft show season.... But, this year, the ideas that came flooding in via the earlier Mudcat thread made me feel that, gee, maybe I'll survive this one and even have a bit of energy left for the Getaway itself.

Right now I'm going over the original thread very slowly and carefully, and filling in some of the blanks in the program. I'm planning to do a daily update/progress report.

Right now I'd better try to make a little progress....


26 Sep 03 - 05:03 PM (#1025306)
From: Ferrara

Jim Bunch is going to do a homemade instruments workshop. Here is his great description of the workshop.

Leader: Jim Bunch ("JAB")

"To start I'll explain some of the types of home made instruments, and show how they sound etc. Then provide and go over instructions for one or two of them. We will then break into groups and go out on the porch and work on building the ones I explained that can be completed within the time slot.

"Simple and quick instruments that we may do during the session include:

A pop bottle kazoo
A tin-can fiddle (one or two strings)
A bamboo slide whistle (I still have to work out the prototype)
Wash basin tenors (smaller than a washtub bass)
Bobby pin kalimbas

"Other more complicated instruments that I can lay the ground work for, but will have to be worked on throughout the weekend include:

Stick dulcimers
Tin can banjos
A plastic basin Ukulele
Kalimbas from rake tines
Bamboo or conduit penny whistles
Bamboo pan pipes

"The goal would be to get participants to understand that people used to make instruments from what they had around them and use them to entertain themselves. You don't need power and computers and GameBoys, or fancy luthier-made instruments to make music.

"I've already been collecting some materials, and did something similar at boy scout camp this summer. At camp, we successfully made a gutbucket, a kalimba, a tin can banjo, a bamboo flute, a rhythm stick, and some bongos. We then played "Mama Don't Allow No Tenderfeet Whining Around here"... Leaders Bossing ... Staff slacking... etc." at the closing campfire. The easiest were the flute and rhythm stick. The hardest was the kalimba. I've also been working on how to make a kazoo out of pop bottles. I've found that the inner lining of cereal boxes makes great diaphragm material.

If that's alright with you I will start trying to stir up interest and figure out what we need in terms of additional supplies. "

26 Sep 03 - 05:07 PM (#1025308)
Subject: RE: FSGW Getaway Program - 2003
From: Ferrara


Several mudcatters mentioned that they are fiddlers. This is good news for the dance bands, and also it made me think that a fiddle styles workshop would be welcome.

Joel Bailes of FSGW is definitely going to be one of the leaders. Joel is a wonderful fiddler and all-around musician.

Now, are there fiddlers out there who have experience with a specific fiddle style or styles, and would like to help Joel lead this workshop? It doesn't matter if your style and Joel's overlap.

26 Sep 03 - 05:10 PM (#1025312)
Subject: RE: FSGW Getaway Program - 2003
From: Ferrara

Oh goodie. The fiddle workshop name showed up in boldface type. I'm sitting here feeling very proud of myself for taking one baby step into the murky world of html formatting :-)

I wonder whether some kind elf will please do the same for my post on home made instruments? (A good idea, but I thought of it one post too late....)

26 Sep 03 - 08:36 PM (#1025412)
Subject: RE: FSGW Getaway Program - 2003
From: Tinker

Hey Jim, if you post that supply list I'll be happy to start collecting odds and ends on this end. It's a good time to do it since I'm in a major cleaning mode... Let me know what kind of help you need.


26 Sep 03 - 09:16 PM (#1025432)
Subject: RE: FSGW Getaway Program - 2003
From: MMario

I've got some bamboo I could donate -

26 Sep 03 - 10:29 PM (#1025459)
Subject: RE: FSGW Getaway Program - 2003
From: Ferrara

Have re-posted the schedule with a bunch of workshops and leaders added, a link to the Mudcat Forum and one to details on Jim's workshop. Tomorrow I'll post more details on some of the workshops.

26 Sep 03 - 10:59 PM (#1025471)
Subject: RE: FSGW Getaway Program - 2003
From: Bert

Hey I just had another idea. How about an unusual instrument show off session?

Folks can bring along a few odd instruments from their collections. Should be fun and wouldn't really need much organizing.

26 Sep 03 - 11:22 PM (#1025478)
Subject: RE: FSGW Getaway Program - 2003
From: Ferrara

Not a bad idea!

I need to sit down and figure out how many hours of program I've already got set up, though. Every year, first I panic that I haven't got enough, then I panic because I realize there isn't room for everything.

26 Sep 03 - 11:28 PM (#1025482)
Subject: RE: FSGW Getaway Program - 2003
From: Bert

I guess it wouldn't have to be a session, just tell everyone to bring along any odd instruments that they might have. I'm sure they'd find each other once they were there.

28 Sep 03 - 03:15 PM (#1025881)
Subject: RE: FSGW Getaway Program - 2003
From: Susan A-R

Claymore, I'll look for more info on tunes for dancers. I'm a fiddler, and play a pretty varied mix of stuff (a few rags, some Quebec tunes, New England stuff, Irish and a bit of southern, and can play a mean harmony on waltzes, so let me know what I can do to be useful.

30 Sep 03 - 01:44 AM (#1026525)
Subject: RE: FSGW Getaway Program - 2003
From: Ferrara

Have added a few more workshops to the program. I have been checking the "ideas for program" thread and inviting some of the people to lead or co-lead workshops that they suggested.

Right now, I need to tally up the number of hours I have programmed to see how much room we have.

Needed: A co-leader for Foreign Languages. CET, I believe you were interested in this? FSGW member Peter Sailer will be co-leader, but I'd like one more person.

And, who were the people interested in Mixed-Up Songs? I think we have room for it and would like to have it if we can fit it in.

I'm going to ask the Shellback Chorus whether they have anyone who can co-lead English Music Hall with FSGW member Gail Snider. And, whether they have two people who'd like to volunteer to lead Rousing Choruses, since that's something they enjoy.

By the way, David Jones of Poor Old Horse will be here. I suspect his concert will include some English Music Hall songs, and he may contribute to the workshop.

For those who are new to the Getaway: Almost every workshop is participatory to some extent. Some are straight sing-arounds; in others, the leader(s) may give demos or sing/play examples of a certain type of music, then invite some audience participation. We almost never have a workshop that doesn't invite participation.

30 Sep 03 - 01:54 AM (#1026532)
Subject: RE: FSGW Getaway Program - 2003
From: Ferrara

FIDDLE STYLES. I was pleased to learn that there will be so many fiddlers here this year. I asked Joel Bailes of FSGW to lead a Fiddle Styles workshop.

Joel is fantastic. (He's also going to play Barrelhouse Piano for a jam in the gym, late Saturday afternoon.) Even though I haven't played fiddle in 35 years, I'm hoping to get to this workshop just to hear Joel talk and demonstrate various fiddle techniques.

Now, I would like to ask whether there are any other fiddlers coming who have experience with one or more distinct fiddle styles and would like to co-lead this with Joel. It doesn't matter whether or not Joel also plays in the same style(s).

Even if you don't want to co-lead, think about whether you might have something to contribute during the workshop. I hope this is going to be fun for all of the fiddlers who attend it.

BTW, here is the Program Link again.

01 Oct 03 - 09:18 AM (#1027173)
Subject: RE: FSGW Getaway Program - 2003
From: GUEST,Claymore

Rita et al.

I made contact with Dick Parks, Ron Davies, and Joel Greer, and will be receiving info via the phone on what worked from last year as well and what they suggest for this year. Once that info is collected, I will do two threads, one for the suggested waltzes, and one for the contra tunes. Once those threads have had a chance to percolate through the MudCat, and additional suggestions taken, I will then finalize the list and create 10 booklets (or more if requested) of the tunes for both the waltz class/dance and the contra class/dance. At the moment we are considering that some 15 waltzes will serve for the waltz class, and some six groups of three-tune medleys, (plus a waltz or two) will serve to cover us for the contra class. Those who have access to their own music can begin to practice prior to the Getaway.

For those folks (especially fiddlers) who can assist in playing at either or both of the classes, would you check your desired classes to see if there is a conflict between those classes and the two dances.

Rita, you may also want to check you proposed schedule to weed out the obvious conflicts such as the fiddle style class or any of the proposed "jams".

I expect to post the two threads sometime tomorrow, and will ask that anyone wanting input on this process hold off until those two threads appear.

Thanks, Don

01 Oct 03 - 12:37 PM (#1027344)
Subject: RE: FSGW Getaway Program - 2003
From: Fortunato

Just so nobody expects all fiddle tunes or all Patsy Cline in the The Old Time Country Jam at the Getaway, I'll clarify here. We will be using 'Mike Seeger's' definition of Old Time Country Music. Therefore, in addition to the great fiddle/banjo tunes that are thought of as "Old Time", the "Early Country" songs of that period will be enthusiastically received as well! Fiddle tunes and singing, too! That period being LOOSELY defined as the 1920's up through the second world war. I'm not particularly interested in definitions or splitting hairs (and certainly not hares), just lots of musical fun.

02 Oct 03 - 10:55 AM (#1027990)
Subject: RE: FSGW Getaway Program - 2003
From: Alaska Mike

"Out of the Frozen North" workshop will be "loosely" focused on nothern latitudes. Not just Alaska, but northern US, northern UK or northern Bermuda. There will be opportunity for everyone there to participate. So bring your songs, your voices and your sense of humor. This will be a fun workshop.

I look forward to meeting lots of new friends at this, my first Getaway. I know this weekend will be the highlight of our Autunm vacation. Thanks to the hardworking staff of FSGW for including this Alaskan troubador in your fabulous weekend. My wife and I can't wait to get there.

best wishes,

02 Oct 03 - 05:40 PM (#1028284)
Subject: RE: FSGW Getaway Program - 2003
From: Ferrara

Claymoore, and everyone, I will do my darnedest not to create obvious schedule conflicts. I even do my best every year not to schedule subtle conflicts -- "Oh, no! I can't put Irish opposite Labor Unions! Mick would have to clone his self...." etc.

And, Nancy King, Lorraine Van Buren and sometimes other folks help me set up the grid. But in the final analysis, it's up to the people who are coming to the Getaway to let me know which conflicts are the most painful! I'll post a tentative "grid" ASAP, that will also tell me whether I have room for any more workshops.

MANY THANKS to Fortunato, Alaska Mike, JAB & anyone else who puts up a discription of what their workshop is about! I would like to do it but -- I'm running out of hours-per-day pretty fast.

Rita Ferrara

02 Oct 03 - 06:19 PM (#1028311)
Subject: RE: FSGW Getaway Program - 2003
From: Ferrara

CRAFT & CD MARKETPLACE. The area between the Dining Hall and the TV room is used for some noodling & picking, but also it's our Crafts Marketplace.

If you have stuff you'd like to display for sale, feel free to bring it. This includes CD's, instruments, and crafts (your own, natch).

There will be no one assigned to keep an eye on stuff in the Marketplace. This has never been a problem but you should be aware. Leave your name, obviously, so buyers know who to talk to.

If you want light on your masterpieces, you'll need to bring it. And a LONG extension cord. There are booths in this area but few tables, and we need most of the tables for our Silent Auction.

Camsco Records usually has a booth in this area, and Folk Legacy when the Patons can make it (not this year, boo-hoo!)

SILENT AUCTION. This helps replenish our Getaway Scholarship Fund. It makes a difference, folks! We USE this fund.

Bring tapes & CD's you no longer play (or have duplicates), craft items, oddities ... Whatever. Use your imagination. And, try to make it stuff that people will want? IF it doesn't get any bids, you'll need to take it home with you (unless you're a Shellback). I'm thinking of auctioning off a 30-minute back rub (to be done during the Sunday Concert. :-) That way if no one bids (fat chance...) it won't be hard to pack up and take home.

Judy O (momnopp) will set up the Silent Auction on Friday, with sheets to describe the piece, tell who donated it, and record bids.

Judy Cook (Judy Cook) will handle the winning bids. Bidding closes at 6:10pm Sunday, about 10 minutes after the last workshop ends. Judy (C) will collect money and keep the records, and let people take away what they've bought.

PARKING PERMITS.Camp Ramblewood is hilly. Very hilly. Bill calls it Camp Escher because everything you want to get to is uphill from wherever you are.

For those of us who have difficulty doing a lot of walking up and down hills, there are parking permits available. You have to notify me or Charlie Baum ahead of time. This lets drive inside the Camp during the weekend. You can park right outside the various buildings where workshops are held (and the Dining Hall, and your cabin too, I think).

I think the camp limits the number of on-site parking permits.

Once you have a parking permit, Please Obey the Camp's Rules. They have specific areas by each building where parking is (and is not) permitted. You'll get instructions with the permit.

Please share. If you know where you're going next, you might ask whether anyone needs a ride. Some people may need the relief of a ride even though they don't want to drive everywhere.

End of announcements... Until we think of something else.

02 Oct 03 - 07:24 PM (#1028356)
Subject: RE: FSGW Getaway Program - 2003
From: momnopp

Hello, thread readers

Your star silent auctioneer here! If you are planning to bring something to auction, you are welcome to PM me to let me know, but it's not required. I might even get sufficiently organized to post the form on my Website before the 17th -- will wonders never cease!!!!

I think we can only accept American Dollars -- I don't even know what a Euro looks like! And heaven knows what one might be worth 15 minutes from now...

Anyway -- whether you want to contribute something or not (I like Rita's idea of a very portable donation!) you simply MUST plan to bid early, late, in between and then some. Invariably there are some people who leave before the bidding ends -- talk to me if you find yourself in this situation and we'll work something out.

P.S. If I have to cart anything home, I will only charge a small transportation and storage fee...

I can hardly wait to see you all -- this is going to be the best Getaway so far (they tend to get better with age :-)

Love you all,


02 Oct 03 - 11:49 PM (#1028510)
Subject: RE: FSGW Getaway Program - 2003
From: Ferrara

THANKS to all the people who have volunteered to lead workshops. I have to sort it all out but it is shaping up really well.

02 Oct 03 - 11:57 PM (#1028517)
Subject: RE: FSGW Getaway Program - 2003
From: Naemanson

This may not be the place to ask the question but I have to try. I got a message confirming my reservation for the getaway. I write back explaining that I would not make and that I had to cancel. Was that enough to get my registration fee back? I've been looking for the registration form on line but I cannot find it. I know the form has cancellation information on it.

03 Oct 03 - 12:06 AM (#1028522)
Subject: RE: FSGW Getaway Program - 2003
From: Ferrara

I just sent the following comments to a workshop leader via a PM. I decided it's applicable to a lot of workshops.

Most workshops are one hour. Attendance varies but 26 people is a likelier number than either 6 or 66. Most have 15 to 30 people.

A few concerts and workshops are what I call "Blockbusters." They tend to be very heavily attended and I make sure they're in a larger space. Country & Western is a good example.

But you never can tell what will be popular. And sometimes people drop in and out of several workshops in an hour because they're so afraid of missing something! If they drop in and leave, believe me it's no reflection on your workshop.

I guess you all realize that our workshops are participatory? Unless I've specified otherwise, the leader(s) can do a song at the start, one in the middle and one at the end, or if it's really crowded you may decide to skip the one in the middle and/or at the end.

You can make it a straight sing-around or skip around, but do try to make sure that people who get there at the start of the workshop get to sing if they want to. You can ask, "Who has a song?" but try to make sure most people get a chance before anyone sings twice.

If it's what I call a "Workshop-Concert," such as the Mountain Songs & Ballads, or the Irish Unaccompanied Songs, sometimes I want the leaders to have a chance to showcase their special repertoire. In this case, each leader may do two or even three songs/tunes at the start, with additional ones during the workshop. I'll try to let the leaders know when this is the case.

If you're doing a workshop on a theme, the leader has to decide whether it's a topic that needs any kind of discussion. Some things work better if you just start making music!

Unless something is labed as a Mini-Concert, I can't think of a single workshop that is not participatory. Some are jams, some are sing-arounds or less structured Song Swaps, as described above.


03 Oct 03 - 01:11 PM (#1028973)
Subject: RE: FSGW Getaway Program - 2003
From: Ferrara

I have received so many PMs and e-mails volunteering to lead workshops that don't have leaders listed. Almost everything is filled except someone who could co-lead Fiddle Styles.

There is always so much talent at the Getaway, but what I'm thrilled about is people's response to my requests for help.

The Getaway is a local, informal, participatory, grass-roots festival that has always been very good, musically, and keeps getting better since it expanded to an international informal grass-roots festival!

This year I have an embarrassment of riches, both in topics and in potential leaders.

I haven't been able to take advantage of all the offers of help or suggestions for workshops.

Better than the opposite problem, but in an ideal world -- there would be folks coming who wanted to be "Audience." As it is, we're almost all participants in one way or another.

That's what makes it so glorious though. Sharing music really brings people together.


03 Oct 03 - 01:15 PM (#1028976)
Subject: RE: FSGW Getaway Program - 2003
From: GutBucketeer

I would welcome a co-leader on the homemade instrument workshop. If anyone would like to volunteer just PM or email me. My email address is "jabunch @ umich . edu" (remove spaces).

03 Oct 03 - 01:20 PM (#1028979)
Subject: RE: FSGW Getaway Program - 2003
From: GUEST,MMario

hey! I do good "audience" !!!!

03 Oct 03 - 01:58 PM (#1029008)
Subject: RE: FSGW Getaway Program - 2003

Naemanson, PM me with your full name (again!) and I'll forward to Dennis Cook. I believe you'll qualify for a full refund.

Jim, Tinker volunteered to help with homemade instruments -- I lost track! Many apologies to you both. You can PM Tinker directly. I've just made a note to add her name on the schedule, let's hope I remember to read my note....

Is there anyone out there who HASN'T seen the definition of Age-Assisted Attention Deficit Disorder? (AAADD) :-)

MMario, you don't get full credit for doing good "audience" unless you're a non-participant. And I have SEEN you actually PARTICIPATING and not just at the Getaway, either! Okay, I'll give you half credit for effort....


03 Oct 03 - 02:12 PM (#1029017)
Subject: RE: FSGW Getaway Program - 2003
From: Fortunato

MMario sits on stairs very well, and sings a good ballad. He does give good audience, as well.

03 Oct 03 - 02:20 PM (#1029021)
Subject: RE: FSGW Getaway Program - 2003
From: GUEST,Ferrara - Different browser, no cookie

Yeah Fortunato it was that great sing-around with Jed Marum at your house that I was really thinking of. Wait a minute- -- this is thread creep -- but fun.

05 Oct 03 - 06:47 PM (#1030133)
Subject: RE: FSGW Getaway Program - 2003
From: Ferrara

Hellllpppp please!

Who offered to co-lead Mixed-Up Melodies with Laura Sailer of FSGW? I can't find your PM (par for the course... for those of us with AAADD).

I want to call it "Looney Tunes," but the idea is still the same. I need to have it at either 4 or 5pm Saturday.


05 Oct 03 - 09:38 PM (#1030213)
Subject: RE: FSGW Getaway Program - 2003
From: Big Mick

Rita, Kath Westra stayed with us this weekend while visiting her father. I believe she mentioned this one. Seems like it anyway.


05 Oct 03 - 11:58 PM (#1030248)
Subject: RE: FSGW Getaway Program - 2003
From: Ferrara

Thanks, Mick. Actually, Kathy is leading a workshop called "Where's Willie?" in which you can sing any song about Willie or William. Or Bill, I guess.... There should be no shortage of songs.

06 Oct 03 - 07:31 AM (#1030385)
Subject: RE: FSGW Getaway Program - 2003
From: Jeri

Who-boy... "Where's Willie"... yesiree, Bob - oughtta be interesting.
Has there ever been a public caning at a Getaway? Just wondering.

06 Oct 03 - 02:28 PM (#1030708)
Subject: RE: FSGW Getaway Program - 2003
From: momnopp

Jeri --

What you said! LOL

I've been wondering that very same thing, but I hardly thought that it required an entire workshop -- I rather thought it was a private matter.

Uh-oh, thread creep!


I can't wait to see you all,


06 Oct 03 - 05:29 PM (#1030821)
Subject: RE: FSGW Getaway Program - 2003
From: Bill D

public caning?, but some of the private ones were interesting ;>)

"WILLIE's fair, and Willie's rare, An Willie's wondrous bonny" so there might not be as many songs as you'd think, as fair and bonny Willies are busy elsewhere, thus accounting for the rarity.

06 Oct 03 - 07:21 PM (#1030871)
Subject: RE: FSGW Getaway Program - 2003
From: Snuffy

"It's been three years since I saw my Willie-o"

Must go on a diet.

06 Oct 03 - 07:24 PM (#1030874)
Subject: RE: FSGW Getaway Program - 2003
From: Alaska Mike

What about "Wally" songs? I think "Wallys" can fit in with "Willys" don't you? I'll practice up my "Wally" song just in case.


06 Oct 03 - 07:31 PM (#1030879)
Subject: RE: FSGW Getaway Program - 2003
From: Jeri

Snuffy, why I was sputtering up there was this (and it's a whole song, but I'll spare you the rest):
My willie hangs below my belly
And where it lies I do not know
For many long years I've been constantly wond'ring
If I'd ever again see my willie-O

06 Oct 03 - 07:35 PM (#1030881)
Subject: RE: FSGW Getaway Program - 2003
From: kendall

I'd like my part to be in the form of a workshop, or an interactive type thing. My voice is still not up to snuff, so, I wont be able to do all the talking. I want to explore humor in some depth, what makes us laugh and why. We can explore the different types of humor from slap stick to tall tales to really dry Maine humor.

06 Oct 03 - 08:46 PM (#1030932)
Subject: RE: FSGW Getaway Program - 2003
From: Ferrara

Kendall, You don't have to worry about doing all the talking in an FSGW comedy workshop! If this year is like all other years, you'll have plenty of would-be contributors -- possibly an excess! -- both to the discussion and to the music.   

FSGW "workshops" are really excuses to make music together, hopefully with some intelligent and interesting discussion to hold it all together. Sounds like you are giving some thought to making the discussion part as interesting and enjoyable as the music. Nice.


06 Oct 03 - 09:09 PM (#1030947)
Subject: RE: FSGW Getaway Program - 2003
From: GUEST,Marymac90

Hello Rita and Bill D!

My partner and I would like to come, but we are both out of work! He lives in Wilmington, so it's not terribly far away.

What is the fee to come for a day if you bring your own food? How do we get a permit to drive around the site because of disability? Do we need to go through the whole registration process to just come for a day? How can we get directions to the camp?

Please respond to me off the thread, because I have been out of the habit of checking Mudcat (tho I hope to get back INTO the habit sometime!) The best email address to use for personal mail for me is, or instant message me on Yahoo at Marymac90.

Hope to see you all soon!

Love to all,

Mary McCaffrey/Marymac90

07 Oct 03 - 08:48 PM (#1031523)
Subject: RE: FSGW Getaway Program - 2003
From: Ferrara

Marymac, can you read/download the registration form in Acrobat format that is shown here?

It's probably a lot safer for you to read it for yourself than for me to try to tell you what's what, given that my mind is as full of holes as a colander these days (it's that Age-Assisted Attention Deficit Disorder...)

I've e-mailed your parking permit request to Charlie Baum.

07 Oct 03 - 08:53 PM (#1031526)
Subject: RE: FSGW Getaway Program - 2003
From: Ferrara

Well, this is going to be an incredible program but -- the bad new is, I suspect EVERYONE is going to feel frustrated at not being able to clone themselves.

Heather Wood (of Poor Old Horse, formerly of The New Tradition) phoned yesterday to say she's able to make it. One more terrific talent....

For the people who asked for a "Follow The Leader" sing-around: I decided not to do that because I hoped Heather could come and do her "Songs from a Hat" workshop, which is similar.

She will have a hatful of themes and types of music, eg "Love," "Murder," "Sea Song," "Animals," don't know what all, and the next song has to be on that topic. People loved it when she did it a couple of years ago.

07 Oct 03 - 08:58 PM (#1031529)
Subject: RE: FSGW Getaway Program - 2003
From: Dani

Sounds like the Iron Folkie to me.


07 Oct 03 - 10:42 PM (#1031550)
Subject: RE: FSGW Getaway Program - 2003
From: Jeri

"...formerly of The New Tradition" - Rita meant YOUNG Tradition. It's probably DADA, which means 2/3 of a chord.
Hey - we're gonna have 66.6% of Poor Old Horse! This is going to be a GREAT year!

07 Oct 03 - 10:51 PM (#1031554)
Subject: RE: FSGW Getaway Program - 2003
From: Ferrara

Thanx Jeri.

Can you believe that Bill and I agreed to have a house concert here on Thursday? A week before the Getaway? I'm losing what little remains of my mind, between getting the house ready and trying to get the program nailed down.... But -- It's Martyn Wyndham-Reed, how could we say no? :-)

09 Oct 03 - 09:57 AM (#1032398)
Subject: RE: FSGW Getaway Program - 2003
From: Alaska Mike

Well the Getaway is only a week away. My wife and I are flying out to New York tonight and look forward to meeting so many of you Mudcatters next weekend. I will try to log on whenever possible to keep up with the latest. See you in Darlington.


09 Oct 03 - 03:15 PM (#1032603)
Subject: RE: FSGW Getaway Program - 2003
From: Fortunato

See you there, Mike. I'll be there on Saturday Morning, I expect unless Rita's moved our jam session to Sunday. chance

10 Oct 03 - 10:03 AM (#1033097)
Subject: RE: FSGW Getaway Program - 2003
From: jbailes

here is some description of the barrelhouse piano participatory workshop (which last i heard was saturday at 4). i will be at the piano with pearl bailes on mouthharp, doing old folk blues, jug band, primitive jazz, and primitive gospel. every number is a song with words (as opposed to "let's jam in E"). many have choruses, often a repeated line or lines. anyone with a song to lead to barrelhouse backup is welcome to come up to the piano and do it. we should cluster around the piano for critical mass as opposed to sitting in a big wide circle.
    the vocalist belts out a verse (and chorus if there is one) and then there is an instrumental solo or maybe a couple of them. vocals and solos alternate. vocalists (if they wish) are in charge; we follow them, try to back them up, and they designate the soloists by pointing, nodding, or calling.
    there'll be duets or trios on some of the solos/breaks. you'll hear things like: "reeds!" "harmonicas!" "washboard!" "guitars!"
"horns!" "fiddle and harmonica!" "mandolin and washtub bass!" "clarinet, recorder, and hurdygurdy!" "Bill Day!" etc. nonsoloists play supportively behind the soloists and vocalists.
leadfree corn whisky will be available.

10 Oct 03 - 12:22 PM (#1033202)
Subject: RE: FSGW Getaway Program - 2003
From: Bill D

dern! is it "play or BE played"?

10 Oct 03 - 03:21 PM (#1033314)
Subject: RE: FSGW Getaway Program - 2003
From: Fortunato

BillD/Ferrera is there a tentative schdule somewhere?

10 Oct 03 - 04:21 PM (#1033343)
Subject: RE: FSGW Getaway Program - 2003
From: Bill D

soon...your preferences are noted and decisions are a-making....maybe by tomorrow evening, Rita says, we can have a picture of it all. (Martyn Wyndham-Read has sung and is gone, and life is back to whatever passes for normal..*grin*)

10 Oct 03 - 07:19 PM (#1033433)
Subject: RE: FSGW Getaway Program - 2003
From: Ferrara

Well, I laid out a schedule -- still have to type it though, which could take a couple of hours due to the perversity of MS-WORD....

Please note: usually, one or two or even three people help me do this -- they tend to catch some of my worst mistakes -- so I'm gonna post it but --- I suspect there's gonna be a few comments of one kind or another.

The worst problem is that there are people who volunteered to lead workshops and I don't have their names on the list.

That's because I lost your PM's and my notes are too confused to read... AFTER I get the schedule up I'll check my notes again but IF YOU DON"T SEE YOUR NAME and you thought you had a workshop, Please let me know!

The second worst problem ;-) will be if I have you scheduled to be in two places at the same time.... If so, you probably should mention it.

Who is Signing off for a bit so I can tackle typing this thing....

10 Oct 03 - 07:29 PM (#1033442)
Subject: RE: FSGW Getaway Program - 2003
From: momnopp

Oh, how cool that Heather will be there! We (Dylan and I) met her in August in NY and my 14 year old kid was completely enthralled with her. Dylan will be tickled to learn that she'll be at the Getaway.

I can't wait I can't wait I can't wait I can't wait... :)

~jumps up and down~


10 Oct 03 - 07:45 PM (#1033449)
Subject: RE: FSGW Getaway Program - 2003
From: Noreen

It's only a week away....

Don't panic, Rita!

10 Oct 03 - 09:27 PM (#1033499)
Subject: RE: FSGW Getaway Program - 2003
From: Dani

Rita, you probably know way more about this than I do, but I find Excel SOOO much easier for chart things. Even if they are text, it seems easier to move cells around and handle rows and columns.

I'm lifting a glass to you tonight, in honor of the hard work you do to try to give everyone everything they want!! Hope you find what YOU want, too!


10 Oct 03 - 09:40 PM (#1033508)
Subject: RE: FSGW Getaway Program - 2003
From: Ferrara

Dani, how nice. What I want -- is to get to the Getaway in a moderately rested & healthy condition for a change, and to get to actually go to a bunch of the workshops I've set up....

Anyway, go to Program and look at the "2003 Schedule Grid" paragraph and you'll see my ROUGH draft, hand written layout. (You're right Dani, anything has to be better than MS-WORD, but it was in WORD when I inherited it 5 years ago and I've never experimented with anything else.

This is not as crowded a schedule as I thought. I'll be looking for feedback and for people to identify conflicts. I'll also be open to setting up more workshops -- but, you either have to be willing to be scheduled in one of the spaces that are blank right now, or find someone who really wants to change their workshop time and location.

It takes me about 2 minutes to access each page of the grid, and the hamsters are panting pretty hard by the time it loads....

It's also a little hard to read because I used a lot of abbreviations. I never dreamed I'd be putting those little sticky-note workshop titles up on the web.... Good Though.


10 Oct 03 - 10:17 PM (#1033518)
Subject: RE: FSGW Getaway Program - 2003
From: Ferrara

HELP, Please. One of the Shellbacks PM'd me and offered to help lead Miners & Mining, said he was from a family of miners. Would love to have you lead it with Keith Baldwin, but can't find your name in my notes. Please PM me again?

Thank you,
Rita the Disorganized Organizer

11 Oct 03 - 05:46 AM (#1033590)
Subject: RE: FSGW Getaway Program - 2003
From: Ferrara

Well, I've already had to rearrange Saturday afternoon workshops in the Theater Barn and TV Room. Don't think most people had time to look yet, so no harm done.

Sea Songs (aka Nautical&Maritime) was against Rousing Choruses, which was going to bug a lot of people; and Occupational Hazards was immediately before Problematic Change, a very similar workshop. Problematic Change has been moved to Sunday.

Thanks to Nancy King for the heads-up on Sea Songs conflicting with Choruses.
- Rita

11 Oct 03 - 07:00 AM (#1033605)
Subject: RE: FSGW Getaway Program - 2003
From: GUEST,Fortunato, over...

thanks, Rita, looks good. I'll miss some good things, but there you are. Your hard work is appreciated.

11 Oct 03 - 07:14 AM (#1033610)
Subject: RE: FSGW Getaway Program - 2003
From: Jeri

"Who's Here This Year" is gonna conflict with anything else, but it can't be helped unless it's scheduled when nothing else is going on. (Fat Chance, right?) Mining & Miners and Heather Wood are just too good to miss!

Sunday, you've got the Shellbacks overlapping the Pub Sing. If it were me, I'd flip them with Country & Western so the fans of English mostly-acapella music weren't torn. Folks could just stay put for Gail's English Music Hall workshop. It would also allow the Shellbacks to sleep a little later. ;-)

Rita, for crying out loud - there isn't one time slot where there aren't at least 2 and sometimes 3 workshops I wanna go to!!!

11 Oct 03 - 07:40 AM (#1033617)
Subject: RE: FSGW Getaway Program - 2003
From: Noreen

Can't flip that Jeri, or Barbara would have to be in two places at one (and I don't want to miss her ballad w/shop with Judy Cook).

Might be best to let the pub sing start WITHOUT the Shellbacks, so the rest of you get a chance...?!


But as you say, I don't want to miss *anything*!

11 Oct 03 - 08:02 AM (#1033627)
Subject: RE: FSGW Getaway Program - 2003
From: Jeri

See, that's why RITA does the schedule! The problem with the two acapella workshops is that not just the leaders but the vast hordes of potential attendees. Me, at least.

Rita, an Excel worksheet would be easier for you, but more difficult to web pagify. If done as a table in MS Word, you could save it as HTML. You want one, I can help.

11 Oct 03 - 09:42 AM (#1033671)
Subject: RE: FSGW Getaway Program - 2003
From: Tinker

Okay I admit I'm technologically challenged... I can't find a paragraph labeled "2003 Schedule Grid" I've read and reopened this link about 10 times... even shut down the computeur and tried again. Well, I guess I'll get back to work and try again later.. Sigh


11 Oct 03 - 09:50 AM (#1033676)
Subject: RE: FSGW Getaway Program - 2003
From: Bill D

what DO you see at that link, Tinker? It's the 4th line down for me...and then two links to the grids themselves

11 Oct 03 - 10:41 AM (#1033690)
Subject: RE: FSGW Getaway Program - 2003
From: Noreen

Saturday schedule
Sunday schedule

11 Oct 03 - 11:29 AM (#1033704)
Subject: RE: FSGW Getaway Program - 2003
From: Tinker

Bill I still bring up the old post

Last Updated: September 29, 2003

PROGRAM. A partial and incomplete list of workshops and other activities for the 2003 FSGW Getaway is shown below. Following that are some suggestions that were made but have not been incorporated into the Getaway program as of this date.

Somehow I don't get the updated version, but others seem to be doing fine. I can use Noreen's links THANK YOU !!


11 Oct 03 - 12:22 PM (#1033726)
Subject: RE: FSGW Getaway Program - 2003
From: Jeri

Click 'Refresh'(MSIE) or 'Reload'(Netscape).

Your browser is defaulting to a page in your cache. (Translation: your browser is a bum and is showing you something it already got for you and is too lazy to look for new stuff.)

11 Oct 03 - 12:30 PM (#1033728)
Subject: RE: FSGW Getaway Program - 2003
From: Bill D

ahh...sure! And there 'should' be a way to tell a decent browser how often to check for cached pages, so YOU control it's habits. Different places in different browsers.

11 Oct 03 - 01:09 PM (#1033753)
Subject: RE: FSGW Getaway Program - 2003
From: Tinker

Thanks Jeri, it worked like a charm once I pushed the magic button !!! Now all I have to do is clone myself three or four times and store a few extra hours of sleep, and get ready for the Shellbacks, and..

Thanks again,


11 Oct 03 - 02:16 PM (#1033784)
Subject: RE: FSGW Getaway Program - 2003
From: MMario

yup - we need a workshop in advanced cloning techniques - or a whole pack of mini-disc recorders and duplicators!

Rita - how you even BEGIN to put this schedule together I certainly don't know.

Another vote here for getting shellbacks and pub sing at different hours if possible.

11 Oct 03 - 02:27 PM (#1033790)
Subject: RE: FSGW Getaway Program - 2003
From: Ferrara

Jeri, LOL at: "Rita, for crying out loud - there isn't one time slot where there aren't at least 2 and sometimes 3 workshops I wanna go to!!!" ME TOO, Jeri!

Chance, there just isn't any way to avoid frustrating people this year unless we make the Getaway a week long and hold one workshop at a time. I appreciate your leading the Old Time Country. So many people look forward to it, or to any workshop you lead, they're always memorable good times.

I have to schedule some strong workshops opposite "Who's Here" every year,too, for the people who want to get right to the music! You may have noticed I'm not leading it this year. I want the option of attending one of the opposing workshops for a change.

I could have set up roughly a dozen other excellent workshops. Thanks to all the people who volunteered and offered suggestions. As you can see, a LOT of Shellbacks volunteered and also put me in touch with Shellbacks who aren't Mudcatters, such as Stuart and Denise Savage who are joining FSGW's Gail Snider for English Music Hall.

BTW I'm changing "English Music Hall" to "Music Hall" to allow more opportunities for audience contributions, Irish-American music hall or whatever.

Mmmm... Pub Sing may need to be longer just to get around the circle. Don't know where I'd put it! Last year it was so good that we just kept it going an extra half hour into the dinner hour. :-)

Whoops, just realized there's another problem with putting Pub Sing vs the Shellback concert. Darriel and Allan would NOT like to miss the Shellbacks. They are both regulars at the Royal Mile Shanty Sings in Wheaton, MD.

The one thing I haven't done is set up quite as many sing-arounds and jams as usual. I talked to a couple of potential leaders who indicated that there will be plenty of sing-around and jams at night, and they would like to get to more of the special workshops this year.

Makes sense to me. I've actually been worried that one or two workshop leaders might say "I don't wanna do a workshop now that I see what I'll be missing elsewhere!"

Last but not least: Jeri, I've always done the table the way you suggest, type in MS-WORD then save as HTML. But we had a crash and when Bill re-installed WORD some of defaults changed. We don't even know which ones or where to go to change them.

What I'm trying to say is, I can't get the table feature to work the way it used to. Do you really think you might be able to type the tables for me? That would be so nice.

I could send you last year's table, with the text at top & bottom changed for 2003, if you can just add the relevant text to this year's grid! If you would give it a try (once we have the schedule firm) I would be very, very grateful.

Thanks to all for your wonderful support & suggestions,

11 Oct 03 - 03:47 PM (#1033808)
Subject: RE: FSGW Getaway Program - 2003
From: PaulineL

Joel, Thanks so much for telling us in advance what the barrelhouse piano workshop will be like. It sounds like great fun!

11 Oct 03 - 09:31 PM (#1033922)
Subject: RE: FSGW Getaway Program - 2003
From: Jeri

Rita, you gots my e-mail? Go ahead and sock them old files to me, mama.

Honestly, the sing-arounds are ok, but...
They're always packed and if one sits in the wrong place, there will be oodles of people ahead of you, there will be chatting in between songs, and there will be the inevitable 214 verse ballad. (Not that there's anything wrong with that.) Anyway, once you're at the arse end of a line, you've got a skunk's chance on the beltway of getting to sing. That won't stop me from going to the sing-arounds though.

Strategic butt-parking: go for the middle if you can't bribe the leader. Ends are BAD. Non-scheduled singing doesn't have a time limit so folks don't feel pressed to 'get on with it'.

Sign of a good, albeit frustrating, schedule: there isn't much you DON'T want to go to.

11 Oct 03 - 10:16 PM (#1033934)
Subject: RE: FSGW Getaway Program - 2003
From: Bill D

214 verse ballad..NEIN! Ve haf vays to deal mit dose!

12 Oct 03 - 07:03 PM (#1034287)
Subject: RE: FSGW Getaway Program - 2003
From: Snuffy

Wow! what a program - so many good things that there's usually 2 and sometimes three places I want to be at the same time.

And singarounds are always a problem: last night at Banbury Festival I was in a singaround from 7 to 11 and got three turns before 8.30 when it was quiet, and never got another go in the next two and a half hours when lots of others joined in.

But perhaps Singaround Optimisation should be a separate thread.

WassaiL! V

12 Oct 03 - 07:28 PM (#1034302)
Subject: RE: FSGW Getaway Program - 2003
From: Fortunato

Lo, and the lovely and talented Noreen cometh to Delaware and, indeed, she bringeth the chorus of shellbacks as well. We shall sing and dance and maketh merry. "And smale fooles maken melode". And great fools as well, I trust.

12 Oct 03 - 07:35 PM (#1034305)
Subject: RE: FSGW Getaway Program - 2003
From: Ferrara

About Sing-Arounds.

Workshop leaders have the choice of going around the circle, or of calling on people who are ready to sing.

There will almost certainly be some workshops this year where we don't even have time to "get around the circle." It's hard to do if you don't know the people, but DO try to give everyone a chance, especially the first-comers, before giving any individual a second or third chance to lead something. (There are sometimes a few exceptions to this: People who have to leave to lead another workshop, those who have a really huge repertoire of the type of music being featured, etc.)

The most important phrase for a workshop leader: "Who would like to lead the next song?" :) Second: "You haven't sung anything. Would you like to lead one now?"

Late night sing-arounds are another story. If you are NOT a shy person, please be thoughtful and wait a decent interval before offering to lead another song, so the shy people will have a chance to speak up.

Of course, every few years someone comes who thinks they're God's gift to the Getaway and that they owe it to us amateurs to make sure we hear a lot of their great music in the late-night sings. They probably aren't, and they don't. That's why we set up mini-concerts. Late night sings are for sharing. Well, you can only grin and bear it when it happens... But....

We really encourage taking turns. If you're feeling really shut out, stand up and say loudly, "I have a song." (only don't say that in the middle of someone else's song or people will look at you really funny....)

12 Oct 03 - 07:40 PM (#1034309)
Subject: RE: FSGW Getaway Program - 2003
From: Ferrara

Jeri, No, I haven't gotten your e-mail. I'll PM you right now to be sure you have the right addy for me. I hope hope hope this will work out and you will be able to do the bulk of the grid typing! Thank you.

Nancy King and I made some changes in the grid last night, I'm working now on getting them up.


12 Oct 03 - 10:45 PM (#1034361)
Subject: RE: FSGW Getaway Program - 2003
From: Tinker

Jeri, just a reminder, I owe you a rendition of your birthday song. It's now available on demand if at any point you so desire...giggle giggle.


12 Oct 03 - 11:20 PM (#1034374)
Subject: RE: FSGW Getaway Program - 2003
From: Bill D the Getaway, there are often..(read 'always') more than one late night singing spots...the boistereous folks will be in one place and the tune players in another, and the quiet accapella folks hiding in a corner... ..and folks often move between them. The dynamics of this process could be a thesis in Sociology! You all probably know how it goes.. Depending on the weather, there are LOTS of places to sing.

12 Oct 03 - 11:35 PM (#1034379)
Subject: RE: FSGW Getaway Program - 2003
From: momnopp

OK, I threatened to do it and now I actually HAVE done it...I put a copy of the Silent Auction form up on my Website and anyone who wants to download it and fill it out before they hand it to me is more than welcome to do so.

Here 'tis
and then you just have to scroll down a little (depending on your screen resolution) right below the table and you'll see the link. Feel free to poke around the site while you're at it. George Rathbone, of Getaway Interactive Stories fame, is the engine behind our most successful project, Mithral Quest.



13 Oct 03 - 07:33 AM (#1034505)
Subject: RE: FSGW Getaway Program - 2003
From: Jeri

Tinker, I occasionally enjoy the fact I forget things. I can laugh at old jokes because I've forgotten the punch line and can re-read books because I've forgotten the ending - that sort of thing. I have NO idea what you're talking about. (No, don't explain, just sing it at some point and surprise me!)

AACK! The Silent Auction. Must make a trip to the basement, or...hang on - an idea requiring no money and a few brain cells takes shape. (Yes, I'll wipe them off before I bring the item.)

13 Oct 03 - 10:28 AM (#1034614)
Subject: RE: FSGW Getaway Program - 2003
From: alanww

Just got back from a long weekend away at Banbury Folk Festival and haven't you been busy, Rita! Looks like the programme is nearly there to me! The problem certainly won't be searching for something I am interested in!
"T'was on one April morning ...!"

13 Oct 03 - 12:00 PM (#1034679)
Subject: RE: FSGW Getaway Program - 2003
From: Janie

Will we be having the Saturday and Sunday night open mic concerts in the gym?


13 Oct 03 - 01:17 PM (#1034729)
Subject: RE: FSGW Getaway Program - 2003
From: Bill D

we will have concerts...the Sunday night one, being smaller, 'may' be switched to the more intimate space in the TV room, near the dining hall...perhaps even without amps. Discussion ongoing.

15 Oct 03 - 10:20 AM (#1036122)
Subject: RE: FSGW Getaway Program - 2003
From: Janie

Refresh (2 more days----but who's counting, right?)

15 Oct 03 - 12:08 PM (#1036186)
Subject: RE: FSGW Getaway Program - 2003
From: GutBucketeer

Last minute request for supplies and tools for instrument building:

If anyone has any of the following we would sure appreciate it in the instrument building workshop:


Hand drills and bits (or electric).
Small files
Utility knives
Coping saws


Small pieces of scrap hardwood
Nylon Monofilament fishing line greater than 40lb test
Scrap pieces of Tyvek (used to mosture proof houses, or to mail packages)
Cookie tins
Cigar boxes
Old copper tubing or PVC conduit.
Painters buckets.

Any or all would be appreciated.


15 Oct 03 - 02:53 PM (#1036238)
Subject: RE: FSGW Getaway Program - 2003
From: Ferrara

The "final(?)" schedule grids are up! We still need to add a few descriptions of concerts etc -- and we'll actually do it, folks, if we can find the time... :-)

Many, many thanks to Jeri Corlew for typing those Grids!

15 Oct 03 - 04:06 PM (#1036273)
Subject: RE: FSGW Getaway Program - 2003
From: Dani


Painter's buckets the same as pickle buckets? Five gallons?


15 Oct 03 - 04:13 PM (#1036280)
Subject: RE: FSGW Getaway Program - 2003
From: GutBucketeer

Pickle buckets would be great!

Also if you have any number 10 cans with the corrugated sides can you bring 2 or 3?


15 Oct 03 - 04:27 PM (#1036287)
Subject: RE: FSGW Getaway Program - 2003
From: GUEST,Claymore

Rita, I wasen't able to bring up the FSGW page with your phone number on it, so I'm going to continue to try to get you, and at the same time see if I can reach you on this thread.

I have just two change suggestions, the first is relatively minor, the second more important.

1.   If it is all possible, on Saturday, could you switch the Old Time Country Jam with the Contra Dance, for two reasons. One, the folks who have just finished their lunch may not want to swoop and scoop right after lunch. The second reason is more important. It may well develop that the folks who are particiapting in the Old Time Country Jam may decide to play in the Contra Dance and the Jam would be a wonderful warm-up for the Dance. If you have a reason, or if Chance is tied to the time slot, so be it. But if not ????

2. The second request is a bit more important. As I mentioned in some earlier threads (including one above), I was hoping that you wouldn't put Fiddle Styles opposite the Waltz class, as it would drain any of the desperately needed fiddlers away from the dance class. As it is, there is a half hour overlap with the Fiddle Styles class. Would it be possible to switch the Country and Western class with the Waltz class? Switching the Fiddle Styles class with the following Songwriters Show Case won't work as it would still leave the half an hour overlap.

I'm sorry to get to you this way, but my only computer (at work) has not been cooperative, and I needed to get through to you.

By the way, I sent full boat ($161.00) a couple of weeks ago with no confirmation, but I will bring my checkbook and cash if there has been some sort of glich. Thanks, Don

15 Oct 03 - 04:48 PM (#1036309)
Subject: RE: FSGW Getaway Program - 2003
From: GUEST,Nancy King at work

Jim, I've got a whole lot of cookie tins of various sizes I've been trying to get rid of! I'll bring 'em along, if you'll promise I won't have to take 'em back home!


15 Oct 03 - 11:29 PM (#1036543)
Subject: RE: FSGW Getaway Program - 2003
From: Ferrara

Claymore, I have switched Waltzing with Country & Western on Sunday. Fiddle tunes will overlap C&W but only for half an hour.

I didn't switch Contra Dance and the Old Time Country Jam, though. I'm just afraid of introducing new complications. Maybe I'm fretting too much (first time ever!) but I'd rather leave it this way.

I also switched Derek Seed's "Problematic change" to come before the Pub Sing. This is to allow the Pub Sing to continue for 2 hours if the energy is there. I didn't want to schedule it for 2 hours, just to leave room for more.

This only leaves Derek half an hour between the Shellback Chorus and his workshop but that's usually enough even with the hills at Ramblewood! At least it's a downhill walk between the two.:-)


15 Oct 03 - 11:48 PM (#1036549)
Subject: RE: FSGW Getaway Program - 2003


Get some sleep!

Love, Nancy

16 Oct 03 - 07:28 AM (#1036667)
Subject: RE: FSGW Getaway Program - 2003
From: Noreen

Timetables look splendid, Rita & Jeri!
Will study in detail on plane journey.

16 Oct 03 - 08:27 AM (#1036690)
Subject: RE: FSGW Getaway Program - 2003
From: Snuffy

How far apart are these venues, then?

16 Oct 03 - 08:54 AM (#1036708)
Subject: RE: FSGW Getaway Program - 2003
From: GUEST,MMario

The various venues are not far apart - I would guess roughly a city block at the most- though as some people have mentioned it seems the next one is always uphill! *grin*

16 Oct 03 - 09:00 AM (#1036712)
Subject: RE: FSGW Getaway Program - 2003
From: Snuffy

British cities aren't usually arranged on a grid pattern, Mario, so we don't have the concept of a block. Would it be 2 minutes walk? 5 minutes? 15 minutes?

WassaiL! V

16 Oct 03 - 10:26 AM (#1036773)
Subject: RE: FSGW Getaway Program - 2003
From: GUEST,fortunato hard at work

The weather forcast for Darlington MD where lies Camp Ramblewood and the Getaway is

Since the buildings are largely unheated, dress warmly in layers.

Camp DrinkcideandRunamok (So named after Micca's visit)lies along a long, grassy downhill. At the top is the parking area. below and to the right is the Gym. Below and to the left is the barn. Still lower in the middle is the Dining Hall. The Cabins are lower still and to the left and behind the Dining Hall. Below and to the right of the Dining Hall is an out door, open pavillion. Beyond this is the lake. The Dining hall as two wings, one for eating and jamming and the other for sessions and crafts and CDs. Each building is 2 minutes for the agile down hill and 5 to 15 minutes uphill and more for the less than agile (or sober).

You are surrounded by grassy fields, trees and woods and far from the maddening crowd. Out in the sticks, the boonies. Look for me on Saturday.

16 Oct 03 - 10:38 AM (#1036784)
Subject: RE: FSGW Getaway Program - 2003
From: Snuffy

Thanks Fortunato.

And when they were up, they were up ........

16 Oct 03 - 10:49 AM (#1036792)
Subject: RE: FSGW Getaway Program - 2003
From: Alaska Mike

I am currently in the internet section of the Coatsville, PA library. Its good to catch up a little. Hey Rita, is my workshop really the first one on Saturday? Oh well, I can handle it. Can't wait til things start tomorrow.

We are having a great time on our vacation. Been to the Statue of Liberty, Empire State Bldg, Broadway show, Independence Hall and Liberty Bell and Valley Forge (where us Yanks whupped them UK's). Hope to see a little of Amish country today as well as Gettysburg before driving down to Darlington on Friday afternoon. See you all soon.


16 Oct 03 - 11:26 AM (#1036817)
Subject: RE: FSGW Getaway Program - 2003
From: Ferrara

Yeah, Mike, you weren't around to complain.... :-)

If anyone is still checking this so late in the game -- there are some REALLY popular and powerful workshops in this year's schedule. Well, not just "some." LOTS.

I may announce that if you are a workshop leader and your workshop has only a teeny few people attending, you can ask if they'd like to join another workshop or do a group sing-around, no leader, or someone can volunteer to be the leader,.... so you can get to at least one of the opposing workshops.

Any thoughts?

I have already told the leaders of "Who's Here This Year" that they can ask for volunteers to lead the second hour. Two hours is a LONG workshop. But it's always really rewarding.

16 Oct 03 - 12:37 PM (#1036869)
Subject: RE: FSGW Getaway Program - 2003
From: Ferrara

A couple of people have talked to me about the need for modest sized, general-theme sing-arounds. I agree. We have 'em folks. Should be something for everybody, most hours.

16 Oct 03 - 12:51 PM (#1036879)
Subject: RE: FSGW Getaway Program - 2003
From: GUEST,MMario

the "unscheduled" impromptu stuff can be incredible also - I remember listening to the 'Beef Brothers' rehearse a number while I watched Jeri waltz across the porch to the music.

16 Oct 03 - 01:08 PM (#1036886)
Subject: RE: FSGW Getaway Program - 2003
From: Bill D

the walk that is tedious is going straight from the dining hall (where the TV room is) to the Gym or "white house", as both are up near the parking lot. Going to the barn is much shorter, and going downhill to meals is ...well...downhill! *grin*...planning is advised if you have a schedule that takes you from the TV room to a workshop at the top of the hill- like leaving 5 minutes earlier. will be obvious...we all seem to get in plenty of music, no matter what.

16 Oct 03 - 05:49 PM (#1037050)
Subject: RE: FSGW Getaway Program - 2003
From: Janie

I really don't see how am possibly going to get to everything that I consider absolutely "can't miss:-O" Wish all my problems had to doo with too much of too many good things! Great Job, Rita, the rest of the FSGW gang, and all of you wonderful and generous and talented workshop leaders. What a labor of love.

On my way home to pack:)


16 Oct 03 - 07:47 PM (#1037108)
Subject: RE: FSGW Getaway Program - 2003
From: Gorgeous Gary


Schedule looks great! (Except for the usual need to clone oneself!). About to head downstairs for one last practice session.

One of my few Getaway gripes has been that with all the possible singing venues spread out (both at Ramblewood and prior sites), I feel too lazy to wander amongst all the venues (especially toting guitar and books). So I've ended up the last couple years hanging out in the TV Room Friday and Mudcatville on Saturday. Which has certainly been fun, without a doubt, but I **do** wonder what else I might be missing. So I wonder if maybe a place could be provided for people to note where they're planning to hold evening jams and sing-arounds? (and maybe style?).

-- Gary

16 Oct 03 - 08:01 PM (#1037126)
Subject: RE: FSGW Getaway Program - 2003
From: alanww


(Snuffy on Alan's computer)

16 Oct 03 - 08:23 PM (#1037148)
Subject: RE: FSGW Getaway Program - 2003
From: Bill D

"...planning to hold evening jams and sing-arounds? "

PLAN? *grin*...surely you jest! This is 'group dynamics' at its best! Things flow!...some want quiet, intimate little spots where they CAN'T be found...some want the biggest, loudest spot possible. The thing to do is find the place where what YOU want to do will fit in best. (yes...that's right...tossing a clever Filk Song into a ballad session 'might' not be safe...*grin*)

16 Oct 03 - 08:42 PM (#1037158)
Subject: RE: FSGW Getaway Program - 2003
From: MMario

Snuffy - they have tended in the past to stick a lot of the mudcatters in the same cabin -

BTW - a picture of the shawl I am donating to the silent auction is

it doesn't show the overall shape - but you can look at the green one on the same page for that.

16 Oct 03 - 08:49 PM (#1037161)
Subject: RE: FSGW Getaway Program - 2003
From: Jeri

But it hasn't been a cabin-inhabitant-only jam. Anybody can walk in and sit on somebody's lap and join in. (Last year, I believe it was referred to as the 'sardine jam'.)

Whoa, MMario! Big Bucks! That shawl is GORGEOUS!!!

16 Oct 03 - 10:14 PM (#1037185)
Subject: RE: FSGW Getaway Program - 2003
From: Bill D

yes, I bought the tape of the "sardine jam" *grin*...there I was, in a 12X12 rooom with 74 of my favorite people, doing something or other...(it was even musical!)

16 Oct 03 - 11:20 PM (#1037207)
Subject: RE: FSGW Getaway Program - 2003
From: momnopp

MMario -- gorgeous!!!!! I hope people are saving up their pennies!!

I bought 2 of the 3 sets of the sardine jam...(I think only one set had that title, actually) no matter -- it's always wonderful.

See y'all tomorrow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


16 Oct 03 - 11:28 PM (#1037209)
Subject: RE: FSGW Getaway Program - 2003
From: Ferrara

Well I think there's going to be more scrambling of the various subpopulations this year, cabinwise. Possibly Mudcat, Shellback and Other "rooms" within a cabin, but things may be mixed up more.

Then too, Charlie is hoping to look around and identify some good spaces for late night singing/jamming and make suggestions, which isn't quite what Gary asked but may work out about the same.

Yeah, it's a darned long way between venues late at night. Somehow a flashlight isn't quite enough while you're stumbling up (and down) those hills in the dark. Then again, there are often so many other people out there, it looks like a bunch of big fireflies.

Well I'm supposed to be packing. See you soon.

17 Oct 03 - 12:14 AM (#1037231)
Subject: RE: FSGW Getaway Program - 2003
From: Tinker

Well, I guess I go to bed without knowing if it was the Yank's or REd Sox's. Colin headed to bed only half an hour ago... But the off to school crowd starts soon.

See Ya soon


17 Oct 03 - 10:10 AM (#1037272)
Subject: RE: FSGW Getaway Program - 2003
From: Jeri

I'm about to leave, but I have to hit a few places first: air in tires, gas, road food, ATM. If all goes well, I should be on the road at about 11. I figure that means I should get there around 7-7:30, but I'm always wrong. Add at least an hour. SEE Y'ALL SOON!!!

17 Oct 03 - 12:35 PM (#1037358)
Subject: RE: FSGW Getaway Program - 2003
From: MMario

I'm running about 2 hours behind - hope to leave within the hour - which means I should be there about 7:00 - but as Jeri says - probably an hour later....

17 Oct 03 - 03:23 PM (#1037433)
Subject: RE: FSGW Getaway Program - 2003
From: jbailes

if anyone wants to get with me at the piano some odd moment when the gym/piano is free to play/sing folk blues, primitive gospel, etc. i would really appreciate it. i like jamming with guitarists, gutbucket whatever that is, mouthharps, fiddles, mandolins, viola - anything. late friday night, or right after meals or during meals, any time the piano is free, would be great!
i am also looking for people to play my fiddle with, doing jug band, blues, etc.


joel bailes

17 Oct 03 - 09:40 PM (#1037569)
Subject: RE: FSGW Getaway Program - 2003
From: Fortunato


Come play the fiddle with us in the gym, I think it's two o'clock:
the old time country music jam



20 Oct 03 - 08:12 AM (#1038293)
Subject: RE: FSGW Getaway Program - 2003
From: Charley Noble

Any survivors?

Charley Noble

20 Oct 03 - 03:52 PM (#1038538)
Subject: RE: FSGW Getaway Program - 2003
From: KathWestra

Charley, the survivors who didn't have to go to work today are still sleeping it off. Those of us who are at the office (but wish we weren't) are starting to post on a "Getaway 2003 Memories" thread which you can find here: Getaway