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BS: Do NOT Post to This Thread!

11 Jan 04 - 12:55 AM (#1090332)
Subject: BS: Do NOT Post to This Thread!
From: Bee-dubya-ell

11 Jan 04 - 01:05 AM (#1090336)
Subject: RE: BS: Do NOT Post to This Thread!
From: Tweed

I can't help myself BeeDubs...I must find out why you do not want anyone to post on this thread, therefore I post. Forgive me old buddy, I am weak at this hour...


11 Jan 04 - 01:12 AM (#1090342)
Subject: RE: BS: Do NOT Post to This Thread!
From: Alaska Mike

I promise not to post to this thread.

11 Jan 04 - 01:31 AM (#1090351)
Subject: RE: BS: Do NOT Post to This Thread!
From: Metchosin

11 Jan 04 - 02:47 AM (#1090366)
Subject: RE: BS: Do NOT Post to This Thread!
From: open mike

i definatley would not do anything of the sort...

11 Jan 04 - 03:01 AM (#1090367)
Subject: RE: BS: Do NOT Post to This Thread!
From: wysiwyg

LOL.... even THIS has already been done!


11 Jan 04 - 03:06 AM (#1090369)
Subject: and I didn't post to it either
From: Metchosin

11 Jan 04 - 03:10 AM (#1090370)
Subject: I always do what I'm told
From: Metchosin

11 Jan 04 - 01:30 PM (#1090373)
Subject: RE: BS: Do NOT Post to This Thread!
From: Peace

Count me out. I too won't post here.

11 Jan 04 - 01:36 PM (#1090377)
Subject: RE: BS: Do NOT Post to This Thread!
From: brid widder

oh come on... play fair... we were asked nicely

11 Jan 04 - 01:39 PM (#1090380)
Subject: RE: BS: Do NOT Post to This Thread!
From: khandu

What a brilliant idea for a thread!!! & I will go along with it & support it in everyway!
We should have more threads like this!
I,for one, will not post to this thread, in order to show my undying support for bwl & his innovative idea!

I strongly suggest to all my entourage & their ilk to not post at all here.

I have noted that most of the Mudcat members are honoring bwl's request. I hope the rest of you go & do likewise!


11 Jan 04 - 01:44 PM (#1090383)
Subject: RE: BS: Do NOT Post to This Thread!
From: Little Hawk

As a matter of fact, I launched the original "Do NOT post to this thread!" thread...and it must have been 2 or 3 years ago by now. The title may even have been was certainly very similar. It went on and on and on and on, because people love doing what they are told not to do. :-)

- LH

11 Jan 04 - 01:46 PM (#1090387)
Subject: RE: BS: Do NOT Post to This Thread!
From: khandu

I have not changed my mind, nor will I.
This is an important thread & deserves not having a single post!
Anyone who posts here is showing a complete disrespect for bwl & is showing the rest of us the kind of lowlife weasel you really are!


11 Jan 04 - 01:46 PM (#1090388)
Subject: RE: BS: Do NOT Post to This Thread!
From: Peace

No they don't!

11 Jan 04 - 01:47 PM (#1090389)
Subject: RE: BS: Do NOT Post to This Thread!
From: Peace

Tell me protest is dead. Huh!

11 Jan 04 - 01:50 PM (#1090393)
Subject: RE: BS: Do NOT Post to This Thread!
From: Little Hawk

You're all full of it! This is a rehash of a once brilliant idea which has had its time. If you don't believe me, look it up.


11 Jan 04 - 01:51 PM (#1090395)
Subject: RE: BS: Do NOT Post to This Thread!
From: Peace

Yeah, in yer Funk and Wagnell. (Stickin' up for you, Little Hawk.) ((NO! Not THAT!))

11 Jan 04 - 01:53 PM (#1090398)
Subject: RE: BS: Do NOT Post to This Thread!
From: khandu

LH. . . the reason it went "on & on" is because you did not have me & my ilk support you back then!

This is a new day with new ideas by new members who know how to respect the wishes of the thread's creator!

That is why I am betting NO ONE will post to this thread!


11 Jan 04 - 01:56 PM (#1090400)
Subject: RE: BS: Do NOT Post to This Thread!
From: Peace

Khandu: the odds against ya are droppin' real fast.

Little Hawk: Did you get any blowup dolls yet? If so, have they been cleaned?

11 Jan 04 - 01:57 PM (#1090401)
Subject: RE: BS: Do NOT Post to This Thread!
From: Little Hawk

You've got the right idea there, Khandu. I am much too serious and intelligent a person to waste my time on an obviously useless thread such as this one, and I'm sure that goes for you and your ilk as well. I predict that NO ONE, absolutely NO ONE will post to this thread from this point on.

- LH

11 Jan 04 - 02:00 PM (#1090405)
Subject: RE: BS: Do NOT Post to This Thread!
From: Peace

Khandu's got an elk?

11 Jan 04 - 02:01 PM (#1090407)
Subject: RE: BS: Do NOT Post to This Thread!
From: khandu

Yes, it has been done before but it failed! This time it will work! Why??

Because the land of MOAB has endless repercussions!! MOAB's ooze has spread, defiling the whole of Mudcat!

Evolution has begun! Mudcat is becoming MOABcat!



11 Jan 04 - 02:02 PM (#1090409)
Subject: RE: BS: Do NOT Post to This Thread!
From: Little Hawk

Blow-up dolls? Well, I was hoping to replace the Maggie Thatcher one that exploded, but it seems they are no longer available for some reason. I've searched and searched on Ebay, but no luck yet. I wonder if there's a Rosie O'Donnell one? Or maybe one of Monica Lewinsky.

A blowup doll of Hillary Clinton would be my ultimate dream, but I KNOW you can't get those anywhere! Not yet. There are some things money just cannot buy.

- LH

11 Jan 04 - 02:08 PM (#1090415)
Subject: RE: BS: Do NOT Post to This Thread!
From: Peace

LH: On the Lookin' for a Travel Companion thread I offered twelve dollars a week to the woman lucky enough to get me. I think I also suggested that in the event all the women in North America--including Ontario--were busy for the rest of their lives, that compassionate souls could send blowup dolls to you (I did insist that if they'd been used, it would be polite to wash them with soap, water and bleach). I said they should go to you because I don't want anyone thinking I'm strange. Everybody already knows that you're strange. I kinda expected you'd have a few hundred by now. Guess not. Also, if you ever get one of Monica, make sure the cigar ain't lit.

Bruce M

11 Jan 04 - 02:18 PM (#1090428)
Subject: RE: BS: Do NOT Post to This Thread!
From: Little Hawk

Damn right. Those things are highly flammable...or inflammable...

I think you're pretty strange too, by the way.

I find I can only handle about 3 blowup dolls at any given time due to restrictions on available space, so I want to redirect compassionate shipments of same to Clinton Hammond. He's in London, Ontario. You can find his place easily, because it is being picketed by a large number of enraged animal lovers, due to his murdering Sammy Skunk (by proxy) a while back.

Please note that I have refreshed the original "DON'T POST TO THIS THREAD!!!" thread, but it's in the top part of the forum at the moment...

- LH

11 Jan 04 - 02:30 PM (#1090439)
Subject: RE: BS: Do NOT Post to This Thread!
From: khandu

SEE!!!! DO YOU SEE????!!!!
Now we have two threads with the same (almost) title! Think of the confusion!! Think of the uproar!! Think of the indignation!!
This is the work of irreverent anarchists! LH & bwl! Both are active MOABites!!





11 Jan 04 - 02:46 PM (#1090451)
Subject: RE: BS: Do NOT Post to This Thread!
From: Bee-dubya-ell

Dear Little Hawk,

Please be assured that your previous thread on this non-subject was totally unknown to my humble self at the temporal juncture when THE HAND OF GOD directed me to start this thread. You may liken it, if you will, to Newton, Leibniz and Descartes' almost simultaneous discovery of the principles of differential calculus without either being aware of the others' work on the subject. Great minds think alike, and extremely sick, disjointed and hallucinatory great minds think alike with a vengeance. I apologize for not reseaching the matter in greater depth, but time was of the essence. If I had not started this thread when I did, Brucie would have started it by noon today at the latest. The time was athand and I was merely the chosen instrument.

I would like to express my thanks and/or condolences to those who have honored my wishes and not posted to this thread. Please continue to not post often, frequently and every time you get a chance.

I certainly shall adhere to my own request and not post to it.

11 Jan 04 - 03:08 PM (#1090469)
Subject: RE: BS: Do NOT Post to This Thread!
From: Bill D

how long does it take to weary of self-referential continuous feedback?

You guys would walk a Möbius strip, just see see where it goes.

11 Jan 04 - 03:15 PM (#1090479)
Subject: RE: BS: Do NOT Post to This Thread!
From: Peace

So, Bill, where DOES it go?

11 Jan 04 - 03:19 PM (#1090481)
Subject: RE: BS: Do NOT Post to This Thread!
From: Bee-dubya-ell

Well, Bill, it's not really where you're going that counts. It's the sidetrips.

11 Jan 04 - 03:25 PM (#1090486)
Subject: RE: BS: Do NOT Post to This Thread!
From: CarolC


Am I having an acid flashback? Anyway, here's the others just to keep them all together:



People who Didn't post to DON'T POST....



11 Jan 04 - 03:26 PM (#1090489)
Subject: RE: BS: Do NOT Post to This Thread!
From: Peace

11 Jan 04 - 03:39 PM (#1090497)
Subject: RE: BS: Do NOT Post to This Thread!
From: Bee-dubya-ell

Actually, it's not a Möbius strip we're walking on anyway. It's a MOABus strip.

11 Jan 04 - 03:47 PM (#1090503)
Subject: RE: BS: Do NOT Post to This Thread!
From: CarolC


Bee-dubya-ell can make an umlaut above his o! Ooohhh... aren't we special!

11 Jan 04 - 03:51 PM (#1090507)
Subject: RE: BS: Do NOT Post to This Thread!
From: Peace

Use a fryin' pan myself.

11 Jan 04 - 03:58 PM (#1090511)
Subject: RE: BS: Do NOT Post to This Thread!
From: Col K

11 Jan 04 - 05:34 PM (#1090564)
Subject: RE: BS: Do NOT Post to This Thread!
From: Tweed

Make two Möbius strips. One strip has to be twisted clockwise, the other anticlockwise. Stick them at right angles as before.

When you cut down the middle of both strips, you will get a pair of hearts linked together.

HAW, CarolC! I made an uvula as well! Plus I larned whut a Möbius strip was. is a truly fantascal learning place for me and ilk of that sort!

I am sorly tempted to post here but I will not do it. Nope not me not never. Nothin can stop me from not postin here never again. I hop Beedubs is happy and malcontent for it too!


11 Jan 04 - 05:56 PM (#1090584)
Subject: RE: BS: Do NOT Post to This Thread!
From: Peace

I'm sure glad no one is posting here.

11 Jan 04 - 06:26 PM (#1090599)
Subject: RE: BS: Do NOT Post to This Thread!
From: khandu

I am beside myself with delight! The restraint shown by my fellow Catters is unparalleled! Out of the 11,723,816 registered & active members, not a one of you has posted here!
Not one! Not even Tweed, who suffers from a boisterous & rebellious temperment!

Truly, this is a work of something greater than our selves!

Keep it up, boys & girls! Keep up the good non-work of not posting here & watch this thread die a quick & bloody death!


11 Jan 04 - 06:57 PM (#1090621)
Subject: RE: BS: Do NOT Post to This Thread!
From: Little Hawk

Yes! Let it vanish ignominously into the oblivion of threads that failed utterly to interest anyone whatsoever, threads that were so lacklustre that even psychotic ex-members of Mudcat who like to log in and start raving about how badly Guests are treated on this forum couldn't be bothered with it! Die, stupid thread, die!!!

11 Jan 04 - 07:07 PM (#1090627)
Subject: RE: BS: Do NOT Post to This Thread!
From: Peace

Carpe diem: Latin for kill the carp, too.

11 Jan 04 - 08:05 PM (#1090681)
Subject: RE: BS: Do NOT Post to This Thread!
From: The Fooles Troupe

Now if only we could get GUESTS to not post here either - and nowhere else...

11 Jan 04 - 08:19 PM (#1090693)
Subject: RE: BS: Do NOT Post to This Thread!
From: Bee-dubya-ell

After taking the liberty of looking at Little Hawk's original "DON'T POST TO THIS THREAD!" thread, I must say that even though the thread titles are very similar, the thread contents are entirely different. The original thread was almost immediately hijacked by a bunch of limerick writers and other people who ignored the thread's instructions and did, in fact, post to it.   You can rest assured that the same fate will NOT befall this thread. I am frankly astounded at the number of folks who have not posted to it, especially those who have not posted several times.

Please continue to not post. You're all doing great so far.

11 Jan 04 - 08:47 PM (#1090716)
Subject: RE: BS: Do NOT Post to This Thread!
From: CarolC


11 Jan 04 - 08:50 PM (#1090718)
Subject: RE: BS: Do NOT Post to This Thread!
From: Peace

Too true, bee-dubya-ell. In fact, this thread could a l m o s t be invisible, what with the number of people not posting. Folks listen when they're asked. I always did.                            . (I had nothin' to say in the last sentence, so I did (or didn't--that's for my buddy, LH who's keeping all the blowup dolls in Ontario).)

11 Jan 04 - 08:52 PM (#1090720)
Subject: RE: BS: Do NOT Post to This Thread!
From: JennyO

You won't find me posting to this thread. No-one can make me! I absolutely refuse to post to this thread. Out of all the threads that I might want to post to, this is not one of them. It will be a cold day in hell before I post to this thread. Just count me out.

I assure you that I will continue to not post to this thread, as frequently as possible.

11 Jan 04 - 08:57 PM (#1090728)
Subject: RE: BS: Do NOT Post to This Thread!
From: Little Hawk

Regarding this thread, I have nothing to say. Nothing.

That's spelled "---------------". Nothing! You cannot even begin to imagine the number of times I have deliberately not posted to it.

11 Jan 04 - 09:00 PM (#1090730)
Subject: RE: BS: Do NOT Post to This Thread!

There is this fellow,bee dubya
to anonomous guest,he'll snub ya
If you post to his thread
you might wind up dead
Or maybe, he'll only club ya!

11 Jan 04 - 09:44 PM (#1090765)
Subject: RE: BS: Do NOT Post to This Thread!
From: Peace

Nothing. Nothing. Nothing. Nothing. Nothing.Nothing. Nothing. Nothing. Nothing. Nothing. Nothing. Nothing. Nothing. Nothing. Nothing.Nothing. Nothing. Nothing. Nothing. Nothing. Nothing.

OK, Little Hawk, I got it now. There's nothin' to it.

11 Jan 04 - 09:53 PM (#1090769)
Subject: RE: BS: Do NOT Post to This Thread!
From: freda underhill

Bis repetita placent

11 Jan 04 - 09:55 PM (#1090771)
Subject: RE: BS: Do NOT Post to This Thread!
From: freda underhill


Earth, mountains, rivers - hidden in this nothingness.
In this nothingness - earth, mountains, rivers revealed.
                                                                                          -    Saisho (? - 1506)

11 Jan 04 - 10:04 PM (#1090779)
Subject: RE: BS: Do NOT Post to This Thread!
From: khandu

This post does not exist. Nor do the preceding posts. There are none here. This is a blank thread.
Do not be fooled by what you think you see. Things are not as they seem. This is an illusion...nothing more...yes, something more...a mirage created by the sun playing on the juices in your brain.
In fact, your whole life has been an are not here because you do not exist...only I exist & I am not you.


11 Jan 04 - 10:08 PM (#1090783)
Subject: RE: BS: Do NOT Post to This Thread!
From: CarolC

Nothing in here but echos, seems to me.

I'm going to have to come up with some new limericks.

11 Jan 04 - 10:39 PM (#1090798)
Subject: RE: BS: Do NOT Post to This Thread!
From: Bee-dubya-ell


Please note that the title of this thread has been changed from:

"Do NOT Post to This Thread!"


"Do NOT Post to This Thread! And That Goes Double for Limericks!"

Regretfully, it won't all fit in the little box.

11 Jan 04 - 11:01 PM (#1090808)
Subject: RE: BS: Do NOT Post to This Thread!
From: Peace

. . . for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.

11 Jan 04 - 11:02 PM (#1090810)
Subject: RE: BS: Do NOT Post to This Thread!
From: Peace

Bee-dubya-ell: Limericks didn't post yet!

11 Jan 04 - 11:03 PM (#1090811)
Subject: RE: BS: Do NOT Post to This Thread!
From: Peace

I guess that means he's listening.

The post (two above) is for Freda.

11 Jan 04 - 11:21 PM (#1090818)
Subject: RE: BS: Do NOT Post to This Thread!
From: khandu

Amazing!!! The only people here are only the ones that have not posted to this thread!
Look for your own self!!


11 Jan 04 - 11:47 PM (#1090830)
Subject: RE: BS: Do NOT Post to This Thread!
From: khandu

In LH's 1st thread of this title, only 32 people didn't post in the first 24 hours. In this thread, more than 50 have not posted! Indeed, there is a new ilk afoot at Mudcat!


11 Jan 04 - 11:47 PM (#1090832)
Subject: RE: BS: Do NOT Post to This Thread!
From: GUEST,The Orillia (Ontario) Chamber of Commerce

Oh, there's nothing like Spring in Orillia
Though the snows in late March can still chill ya
As you empty your swill
In a handy McGill
If you're lucky, the vapors won't kill ya!

* (Explanation: The legendary McGill is Orillia's official brand of Porta-Potty, popularized by the lovely CarolC, the official "Miss McGill" or "Crapper Queen", as she has been dubbed by some on this forum from time to time. McGill Porta-Potties are made of green plastic, and can be seen in many places around this area, beautifying the landscape with their art deco styling.)

12 Jan 04 - 01:09 AM (#1090861)
Subject: RE: BS: Do NOT Post to This Thread!
From: JennyO

GUEST, was that you posting to this thread? Stop it at once. Only people who are not posting are allowed here.

I (and) myself have not posted to this thread twice now. This thread contains an infinite amount of nothingness.


12 Jan 04 - 01:13 AM (#1090863)
Subject: RE: BS: Do NOT Post to This Thread!
From: Rustic Rebel

Well shit, I can't be the only one not posting to this thread.
As the legend goes, the Mother of all BS threads (aka MOAB) is not visited frequently by the majority of Mudcatters. It is visited only by a minority of ilk. Therefore, in order to spread the message I left for the Crapper Queen, I should also leave here, for those people not posting here, or there, for that matter, in order for it to be seen by the un-ilk.
So without further delay or more BS added to this non-post....
Carol-Oh Crapper Queen I present you with your competition....A different kind of portable-toilet.
Rustic, who was never really here and virtually un-heard from.

12 Jan 04 - 01:37 AM (#1090878)
Subject: RE: BS: Do NOT Post to This Thread!
From: freda underhill

Sit vis vobiscum.

May the Force be with you.

(for brucie)

12 Jan 04 - 01:39 AM (#1090880)
Subject: RE: BS: Do NOT Post to This Thread!
From: wysiwyg

LH, those McGILLS really are fabulous, aren't they??

They're even stocked with reading material:
"It's Potty Time" Book Beautifully illustrated, entertaining, and a good learning tool for all children. Teaches them the basic skills to becoming "SUPER DUPER POOPERS"!

And especially for the traveling musician, for those popular portapotty singalongs:
"It's Potty Time" Audio Cassette The "It's Potty Time" Audio Cassette Soundtrack of the award-winning video: containing the hit song "SUPER DUPER POOPER", by Loonis McGlohon.

Bobby's Birthday
I Keep My Panties Dry ABCs
William Tell Overture
On Top Of Your Potty
Instrumental Wipe, Wipe, Wipe Yourself
Super Duper Pooper
March Song
I'm A Clown   
Flute March
Tra La La Boom De Ay
This Is The Way We Wash Our Hands
Let's Play Ball
Today Was Bobby's Birthday
Bobby's Birthday (instrumental)

PLUS, they have new, improved TILT-A-ROLL!


12 Jan 04 - 01:58 AM (#1090887)
Subject: RE: BS: Do NOT Post to This Thread!
From: wysiwyg

Help for the Porta-Potty Shy


12 Jan 04 - 04:20 AM (#1090921)
Subject: RE: BS: Do NOT Post to This Thread!
From: Cluin

Ever' dam day, in ever' dam way, I thanks gawd fer th' Innernet, I does. I surely does.

12 Jan 04 - 07:08 AM (#1090987)
Subject: RE: BS: Do NOT Post to This Thread!
From: Dave Hanson

What thread ?

12 Jan 04 - 09:23 AM (#1091064)
Subject: RE: BS: Do NOT Post to This Thread!
From: Tweed

Thread?? There is no thread. Not here anyhow. It is nothing at all. Not even close to anything, it's just real gone...

Tweed (who is not here but somewhere else)

12 Jan 04 - 09:32 AM (#1091076)
Subject: RE: BS: Do NOT Post to This Thread!
From: freda underhill

rather than post this thread, i have decided to embroider with it instead (in thread) in red, before bed


12 Jan 04 - 09:36 AM (#1091081)
Subject: RE: BS: Do NOT Post to This Thread!
From: Rapparee

Being a law-abiding citizen, I shan't post to this thread. To do so would be to fly in the face of everything that I (and John Ashcroft) hold dear. In the words of the late, lamented, John Mitchell, "If they weren't guilty we wouldn't have arrested them." If fact, the HAND OF ASHCROFT has itself directed me not to post here! So I haven't done so, just as good ol' Tom Ridge said about the last Orange Alert, "They didn't attack because we were on high alert and because we were on high alert they didn't attack," John Ashcroft TOLD me, in a vision, not to post here and so I didn't.

12 Jan 04 - 10:56 AM (#1091145)
Subject: RE: BS: Do NOT Post to This Thread!
From: Peace

The screen is all blank.

12 Jan 04 - 02:44 PM (#1091314)
Subject: RE: BS: Do NOT Post to This Thread!
From: Beardy


What's going to happen to us if we do?

12 Jan 04 - 06:25 PM (#1091469)
Subject: RE: BS: Do NOT Post to This Thread!
From: Peace

If you do what?

12 Jan 04 - 08:49 PM (#1091571)
Subject: RE: BS: Do NOT Post to This Thread!
From: Peace

At last, people are beginning to listen.

12 Jan 04 - 09:35 PM (#1091607)
Subject: RE: BS: Do NOT Post to This Thread!
From: khandu

Listening to what?? I hear nothing, which has a very distinct sound.

12 Jan 04 - 09:36 PM (#1091609)
Subject: RE: BS: Do NOT Post to This Thread!
From: khandu

At last, they are beginning to see!

12 Jan 04 - 11:32 PM (#1091666)
Subject: RE: BS: Do NOT Post to This Thread!
From: Bill D


12 Jan 04 - 11:35 PM (#1091669)
Subject: RE: BS: Do NOT Post to This Thread!
From: khandu

At last, I'm losing my sight.

13 Jan 04 - 12:50 AM (#1091705)
Subject: RE: BS: Do NOT Post to This Thread!
From: SueB

The pressure mounts. You can cut the tension in the thread with a knife. Several 'catters appear to be restraining themselves through sheer force of will - who will be the first to crack, who among us will open the floodgates and unleash that first gush, nay, torrent of words, that prime and primal post, the post that will live in infamy, the poster of which must lurk in ignominy...

Not me.
I've got to pee.
I've got to pee so bad
I wish I had
A port-a-potty

13 Jan 04 - 12:59 AM (#1091711)
Subject: RE: BS: Do NOT Post to This Thread!
From: CarolC

Here you go, SueB. It's the McGill motherlode:

Field O Dreams

13 Jan 04 - 05:41 PM (#1092185)
Subject: RE: BS: Do NOT Post to This Thread!
From: Bee-dubya-ell

There she goes again! CarolC unfairly using her infamous collection of Canadian crappers captured on film to divert this thread from it's noble intention!

So tell us, Mrs. Sailor, just exactly how many threads have you hijacked through the years with your never-ending obsession with McGill Porta-Potties? Five? Ten? A HUNDRED? Well, this thread will NOT been hijacked by CarolC the Crapper Queen! In fact, it CANNOT be hijacked by Carol the Sailor or anybody else because nobody has even posted to it, the Queen if Non-Polka-Playing Accordionists included! Hah!

13 Jan 04 - 05:48 PM (#1092192)
Subject: RE: BS: Do NOT Post to This Thread!
From: Peace

Bill D has faded away! Where is Bill D? This is no joke. There he was, and then there he was gone. M'gawd.

13 Jan 04 - 05:57 PM (#1092203)
Subject: RE: BS: Do NOT Post to This Thread!
From: CarolC

Well you know how it is, Bee-dubya-ell. If you got em, you got to play em.

13 Jan 04 - 08:44 PM (#1092330)
Subject: RE: BS: Do NOT Post to This Thread!
From: Peace

I feel that way about my legs: When ya got it, flaunt it! Go get 'em, Carol! And don't post here any time you want.

13 Jan 04 - 09:01 PM (#1092339)
Subject: RE: BS: Do NOT Post to This Thread!
From: freda underhill

i'm not posting to this thread, it won't get there in time. i'm writing via email.


13 Jan 04 - 09:13 PM (#1092348)
Subject: RE: BS: Do NOT Post to This Thread!
From: Cluin

Do not boast in this thread.

13 Jan 04 - 10:46 PM (#1092387)
Subject: RE: BS: Do NOT Post to This Thread!
From: khandu

While on my knees this morning, lifting this thread in prayer, a loud thunderous voice thundered loudly from the heavens! It said. . . wait a damned minute. . . this is not the MOAB thread!!!!


Pardon me & never mind. . . I gotta go to MOAB!!


13 Jan 04 - 11:33 PM (#1092402)
Subject: RE: BS: Do NOT Post to This Thread!
From: Peace

S o r r y. I feel so cheap! Like a floozie, but of the male genderized persuasion. (And if any of you guys have ever had your persuasion genderized, you will know how much that hurts!)

14 Jan 04 - 12:27 AM (#1092423)
Subject: RE: BS: Do NOT Post to This Thread!
From: freda underhill

there once was a fellow called bruzie
he was cheap, a real male cyber floozie
he went on a bender
to persuade his gender
that bruzie the floozie was boozie (sorry)

he was hurt, he was bruised, full of shame,
exposed through a cyber thread game
his heart it was broken
his gender quite token
and his cyber soul full of self blame

now brucie - i've heard more than enough
don't get sucked in to this misery guts stuff
just strut out that proud leg
don't grovel or beg
and skip the emotional fluff

(unfortunate acronym, didn't think of that while registering!)

14 Jan 04 - 12:31 AM (#1092425)
Subject: RE: BS: Do NOT Post to This Thread!
From: Peace

ROFLMAO! You are a national treasure. I hope your government knows that. BM

14 Jan 04 - 12:40 AM (#1092429)
Subject: RE: BS: Do NOT Post to This Thread!
From: Bee-dubya-ell

I've never had my persuasion genderized, but I've had my genderization persuaded a time or two.

14 Jan 04 - 01:43 AM (#1092452)
Subject: RE: BS: Do NOT Post to This Thread!
From: SueB

Do tell, Bee-dubya-ell. (But not here, of course.)

14 Jan 04 - 09:10 AM (#1092629)
Subject: RE: BS: Do NOT Post to This Thread!
From: GUEST,Colonel Chinstrap

HRMMPH! It has come to my notice that there are individuals out there who ignored this notice. So! Hands up all those who took no notice of this notice. Damn disgraceful. What they need is a bloody good war. Sergeant, take their names.

14 Jan 04 - 10:18 AM (#1092661)
Subject: RE: BS: Do NOT Post to This Thread!
From: Peace

I habve mty hamnds up. Do uyou knowe wehat I'm tyoping wityh?

14 Jan 04 - 10:54 AM (#1092685)
Subject: RE: BS: Do NOT Post to This Thread!
From: GUEST,Colonel Chinstrap

Sergeant, find out what that Brucie`s name is and take it. It`s an absolute disgrace having able bodied men typing with their feet. In the words of the song, "Them Feet Were Meant for Marching" or if there is not a song called that then there damn well should be. And stop all of them posting to this thread as the originator requested.

14 Jan 04 - 11:11 AM (#1092701)
Subject: RE: BS: Do NOT Post to This Thread!
From: Peace

It wasn't my feet!

14 Jan 04 - 09:17 PM (#1093009)
Subject: RE: BS: Do NOT Post to This Thread!
From: Bill D

elbows, unless you were standing on your head...

"... and she RUINED my clam digger, too!" (very old joke)

15 Jan 04 - 09:38 AM (#1093313)
Subject: RE: BS: Do NOT Post to This Thread!
From: GUEST,Colonel Chinstrap

Sergeant, take that Brucies name again and put him on a fizzer for the following:-
    1) Still posting to this address.
    2) Making suggestions concerning the typographical ability
       of his manhood.
    3) Encouraging that BillD to write old jokes.

          Sergeant I nee a stiff G&T after this.

15 Jan 04 - 10:24 AM (#1093332)
Subject: RE: BS: Do NOT Post to This Thread!
From: GUEST,Ralphs

Har! We are Ralphs. Har! If you haven't met us yet, we are the most annoying more-or-less humanoid race in the known Universe. Har! If you have met us before, you aready know that we are the most annoying more-or-less humanoid race in the known Universe, don't you? Har! What makes us so annoying is our incessant habit of saying "Har!" at the end of every sentence. Har!

We find this thread to be even more annoying than our own notoriously annoying selves. Har! That is quite an accomplishment for you humans. Har! This thread is so annoying that our posting to it would make it less annoying! Har!

As annoyance is Ralphs' raison d'etre we simply cannot allow that! Har! Therefore, Ralphs will not post to this thread. Har!

15 Jan 04 - 10:28 AM (#1093337)
Subject: RE: BS: Do NOT Post to This Thread!
From: Bobjack

100. it's mine. eat my shorts!

15 Jan 04 - 10:36 AM (#1093345)
Subject: RE: BS: Do NOT Post to This Thread!
From: Peace


15 Jan 04 - 11:00 AM (#1093370)
Subject: RE: BS: Do NOT Post to This Thread!
From: Bee-dubya-ell

Congratulations to you all! One hundred non-posts to this non-thread! Marvelous!

Once again, I reiterate, do not be confused, conflicted or discumbobulated by the fact that the "DON'T POST TO THIS THREAD!" thread from several years ago had over 200 posts and spawned several "continuation threads". As has already been pointed out, that thread's noble intention was circumvented by POSTERS!

But THIS thread has remained true to its cause! NOBODY has posted here! One hundred non-posts and not a thing has been said! And they said it couldn't be done! Hah!


15 Jan 04 - 11:22 AM (#1093385)
Subject: RE: BS: Do NOT Post to This Thread!

Sorry I'm late everybody, I did not know this thread had been started.

15 Jan 04 - 11:25 AM (#1093387)
Subject: RE: BS: Do NOT Post to This Thread!
From: GUEST,Colonel Chinstrap

Sergeant, ten days Jankers on long trousers and water should help that Brucie get his mind right.)Hrmmph!Shorts indeed)

!Daerth siht ot tsop yam sdrawkcab gnitirw esoht ylno won

15 Jan 04 - 08:46 PM (#1093753)
Subject: RE: BS: Do NOT Post to This Thread!
From: Peace

!parc hO.

15 Jan 04 - 08:56 PM (#1093759)
Subject: RE: BS: Do NOT Post to This Thread!
From: Cluin

".esaesid laerenev a ton si kciD yboM ,ynaffiT ,oN" ,reh dlot I oS

15 Jan 04 - 09:14 PM (#1093765)
Subject: RE: BS: Do NOT Post to This Thread!
From: CarolC

Damn good thing I can read backwards, is all I can say.

15 Jan 04 - 10:20 PM (#1093810)
Subject: RE: BS: Do NOT Post to This Thread!
From: khandu

Yes, but can you read this?:

nahkdu is eth somt wonredlfu repson ni eth whloe fo Dumact!! Eh si woryth fo yrou worpish & ryuo moyne! Vige ti ot hmi quilcyk!!!

15 Jan 04 - 10:42 PM (#1093822)
Subject: RE: BS: Do NOT Post to This Thread!
From: Cluin

Funny, but I can read that easier than the plain backwards stuff.

16 Jan 04 - 12:39 AM (#1093862)
Subject: RE: BS: Do NOT Post to This Thread!
From: CarolC

No way! Not my money!

16 Jan 04 - 12:54 AM (#1093865)
Subject: RE: BS: Do NOT Post to This Thread!
From: Cluin

How about your worship then?   ;)

16 Jan 04 - 01:01 AM (#1093871)
Subject: RE: BS: Do NOT Post to This Thread!
From: CarolC

What is this thing, worship, that you speak of?

16 Jan 04 - 02:44 AM (#1093891)
Subject: RE: BS: Do NOT Post to This Thread!
From: GUEST,Guest: Derlehte eht tnetsixenon


I evah dessap no ot na learehte mlaer. i t'nod tsixe yna erom, dna os ot evrop ti I ma ton gnitsop no ot siht daerht. Fi uoy nac daer siht,   ti snaem uoy evah ylhgih depoleved noitiutni, ro ylbissop na revor evitca noitanigami, dna nac ees otni eht rehten smlaer (!sdrawkcab)

derlehte eht tnetsixenon

16 Jan 04 - 02:50 AM (#1093894)
Subject: RE: BS: Do NOT Post to This Thread!
From: Cluin

"rover active imagination"?

Scooby Doo, I see you!

16 Jan 04 - 07:49 AM (#1094033)
Subject: RE: BS: Do NOT Post to This Thread!
From: GUEST,derlehte eht tnetsixenon derlehte eht tnets

what is invisible
becomes flesh
and what is visible
is illusion
my dog rover
may have an imagination
but while he makes a fearsome bark
he'll not make a meaningful mark
as i walk in space
he licks his face

derlehte eht tnetsixenon

16 Jan 04 - 10:31 AM (#1094148)
Subject: RE: BS: Do NOT Post to This Thread!
From: ToulouseCruise

There is to be no toast from this bread

Propose no toast to this beer's head

There will be no boast that you are named Ted

If I am a ghost, does that mean I'm dead?

16 Jan 04 - 10:38 AM (#1094153)
Subject: RE: BS: Do NOT Post to This Thread!
From: Peace

Sufferin' Jesus, you people CAN'T READ. The title of this thread is "Do NOT post to this thread." Which word is giving you difficulty? I'm speaking to all the people who didn't post here! Got that?

I feel better now,after having done a civic duty. Have a NICE day.

16 Jan 04 - 11:04 AM (#1094180)
Subject: RE: BS: Do NOT Post to This Thread!
From: CarolC

Nether realms backwards. Sounds about right to me.

16 Jan 04 - 11:41 AM (#1094219)
Subject: RE: BS: Do NOT Post to This Thread!
From: GUEST,Colonel Chinstrap

Sergeant, pack my tin hat, dark chocolate biscuits and the case of "Glenlivet". It looks as if the top could blow off this lot very soon. By the tone of that Brucies voice, even after all that confinement, I think he is going into one. Let`s get out of here.

16 Jan 04 - 12:05 PM (#1094230)
Subject: RE: BS: Do NOT Post to This Thread!
From: GUEST,Hugh Jampton

We are sad to report the passing of Colonel Chinstrap and his sergeant(STOP) Whilst making a tactical withdrawal from this thread they were both fatally injured exiting a pub in Ning Bing(STOP)As they arrived in the street a passing tourist bus ran over their arms and hands(STOP)Their next of kin have been informed(STOP)The colonel`s wife is quoted as saying "He died as he would have wanted, three sheets to the wind"(STOP)
(As you readers will know this will not prevent him appearing in other threads)

16 Jan 04 - 02:09 PM (#1094325)
Subject: RE: BS: Do NOT Post to This Thread!
From: Peace

Colonel Chinstrap and his sergeant have gone to their reward. It is the end of a nera. A nera has ended. We shall mourn their loss. More importantly, what happened to the case of Glenlivet?

16 Jan 04 - 03:29 PM (#1094387)
Subject: RE: BS: Do NOT Post to This Thread!


Hic!, Hic!, Hic! Sergeant, put down that angelic melodeon Hic!, and
hide the bottles. Hic!, some people will go any where for a free drink!

16 Jan 04 - 11:39 PM (#1094658)
Subject: RE: BS: Do NOT Post to This Thread!
From: Rt Revd Sir jOhn from Hull

hello, waht you making a thread for , if you doint want to people to post to it for then, stupif!

17 Jan 04 - 12:11 AM (#1094670)
Subject: RE: BS: Do NOT Post to This Thread!
From: GUEST,stupif

Hi, jOhn from Hull.

What are you talking about? There is no thread here. Not a single post has been made to this thread. It was started at 12:55 AM Mudcat Time on January, 11. It fell off the page at 12:55 AM Mudcat Time on January, 12. Not a single person posted to it. People around here pay attention and do what they're asked to do. You must have been drinking too many bears again if you think anyone has posted to this thread.

17 Jan 04 - 12:29 AM (#1094681)
Subject: RE: BS: Do NOT Post to This Thread!
From: Rt Revd Sir jOhn from Hull


17 Jan 04 - 12:47 AM (#1094689)
Subject: RE: BS: Do NOT Post to This Thread!
From: Cluin

jOhn's right! What the hEll are we doing?

17 Jan 04 - 10:04 AM (#1094823)
Subject: RE: BS: Do NOT Post to This Thread!
From: GUEST,The Invisible Woman

- or not doing, to be more accurate........

17 Jan 04 - 06:59 PM (#1095150)
Subject: RE: BS: Do NOT Post to This Thread!
From: Cluin

Spending our time and effort more constructively, I'd asy.

17 Jan 04 - 07:00 PM (#1095151)
Subject: RE: BS: Do NOT Post to This Thread!
From: Cluin


Is that anything like "say"?

17 Jan 04 - 08:33 PM (#1095216)
Subject: RE: BS: Do NOT Post to This Thread!
From: Peace


17 Jan 04 - 11:01 PM (#1095281)
Subject: RE: BS: Do NOT Post to This Thread!
From: GUEST,Jane Wilson

I know it's probably a little late to be asking this, but why not?

18 Jan 04 - 12:08 AM (#1095307)
Subject: RE: BS: Do NOT Post to This Thread!
From: Bee-dubya-ell

Why not what, Jane?

Oh! Why not post to this thread? Well...

For one thing, if you do post to this thread you are doing something that you were specifically told not to do. That makes you an anarchist. That is not a good thing to be. It is not a good thing to be because people with even very mild dyslexia can easily confuse "anarchist" with "Antichrist". So, by breaking the rules and posting to this thread you will become The Antichrist. Now, The Antichrist is the ultimate embodiment of evil. As an embodiment of evil, you will begin to vomit split-pea soup and tell people that their mothers perform fellatio in hell. It is also possible that you will be appointed President of The United States. Then if you decide you don't want to be The Antichrist anymore, you will have to undergo an exorcism which may very well involve receiving a cold Cream of Wheat enema.

Wouldn't it be smarter to just do what you're asked to do and not post to this thread?


18 Jan 04 - 01:16 AM (#1095324)
Subject: RE: BS: Do NOT Post to This Thread!
From: CarolC

Mr. Ell (Bee-dubya);

You're becoming a bureaucrat. Do you know that? You're going to have to turn in your hippy credentials now. You may turn them in wherever you used to buy your rolling papers. They'll know what to do with them.

18 Jan 04 - 09:37 AM (#1095464)
Subject: RE: BS: Do NOT Post to This Thread!
From: Sttaw Legend


19 Jan 04 - 10:25 PM (#1096763)
Subject: RE: BS: Do NOT Post to This Thread!
From: Peace

Hey, the white-packaged Zig Zag papers really suck. Get the blue ones. From George.

19 Jan 04 - 11:33 PM (#1096788)
Subject: RE: BS: Do NOT Post to This Thread!
From: Bee-dubya-ell

Carol, I see absolutely no need to turn in my old Hippie credentials. "Bureacrat" is just another member of the mental menagerie along with "Redneck", "Idjit" and "Old Hippie". I don't see any conflict because they're all imaginary personae anyway. The real BWL is not at all like any of them. In fact, I have no idea what the real BWL is like and I've known him for over 50 years.

By the way, do they still make the yellow wheat straw Zig Zag papers in the red package?

20 Jan 04 - 12:25 AM (#1096804)
Subject: RE: BS: Do NOT Post to This Thread!
From: CarolC

I don't know, Bee-dubya-ell. I think if bureaucrats were hippies, this country would be a lot less bellicose than it is, don't you think? I think the two states of mind are mutually incompatible.

Which kind of Zig Zags came in the black package?

20 Jan 04 - 10:10 AM (#1097091)
Subject: RE: BS: Do NOT Post to This Thread!
From: freda underhill

it's interesting to think about all the postings we could have made, all the thoughts we could have taken but didn't.. and where we could have been if a different choice had been made

The Road Not Taken

TWO roads diverged in a yellow wood,
And sorry I could not travel both
And be one traveler, long I stood
And looked down one as far as I could
To where it bent in the undergrowth;
Then took the other, as just as fair,
And having perhaps the better claim,
Because it was grassy and wanted wear;
Though as for that the passing there
Had worn them really about the same,
And both that morning equally lay
In leaves no step had trodden black.
Oh, I kept the first for another day!
Yet knowing how way leads on to way,
I doubted if I should ever come back.
I shall be telling this with a sigh
Somewhere ages and ages hence:
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I--
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference.

(Robert Frost)

21 Jan 04 - 06:11 PM (#1098246)
Subject: RE: BS: Do NOT Post to This Thread!
From: Cluin

I found Robert Frost's bleached bones in a ditch when I was zipping up this old back road on my ATV one time...

22 Jan 04 - 01:59 AM (#1098549)
Subject: RE: BS: Do NOT Post to This Thread!
From: Peace

What kind of Zig Zags did he use?

22 Jan 04 - 09:58 PM (#1099272)
Subject: RE: BS: Do NOT Post to This Thread!
From: Leadfingers

Why Not ???