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Tune Req: Daddy Fox

03 Oct 06 - 01:25 PM (#1849371)
Subject: Tune Req: Daddy Fox
From: GUEST,Pete

Hello wondered if anyone can help me. I have searched through several older threads but failed to find any help.

I am trying to find the tune for Daddy Fox( ding dong dilly dong kyro me. version) sorry if this duplicates anything.

Thanks in advance


03 Oct 06 - 01:42 PM (#1849390)
Subject: RE: Tune Req: Daddy Fox
From: Q (Frank Staplin)

This chorus looks like it could be from an Australian version posted by Rich-Joy in thread 40541. His post and others in that thread may give you a clue to how to locate it. Ripley Wayfarers?
Daddy Fox

03 Oct 06 - 01:51 PM (#1849397)
Subject: RE: Tune Req: Daddy Fox
From: GUEST,pete

Q thank you.
I have already been to that thread, the only reference to the tune (via a link to another thread)was made by a Steve Parkes but that was in 1999 and I wouldn't know how to contact him to request the tune.

Thank you once again for your help


03 Oct 06 - 01:54 PM (#1849401)
Subject: RE: Tune Req: Daddy Fox
From: Joe Offer

Don't give up, Pete. We'll find it. Keep watching this thread. If anybody can make a MIDI for us, please e-mail it to me for posting. I'm not quite sure which lyrics Pete is referring to. Can somebody give us a link to the lyrics?
-Joe Offer-

03 Oct 06 - 02:56 PM (#1849457)
Subject: RE: Tune Req: Daddy Fox
From: Little Robyn

The chorus reads like Carrion crow. Found this hiding in an earlier thread. Does that work for your Daddy Fox?
ABC format:

X: 184
T:Carrion Crow
S:Stan Jones, Baker's Arms, Broad Campden
A,A,D2 D2D2|FFFE D4|B,2E2 EED2|F2E2 D4|
A,2DD D2D2|FFFE D4|B,2E2 EED2|F2E2 D4|
F3G A3A|G2E2 F2D2|F3G A2A2|G2F2 E4|
E2E2 A,4|EEEE A,4|B,2D2 DDA,2|B,2C2 D4||

This is from the version that Stan Jones sings at the folk club at the Baker's Arms, Broad Campden.

Carrion Crow

A carrion crow sat up in an oak
Ling dong dilly dong kai row lee
Watching a tailor stitching of a cloak
Ling dong dilly dong kai row lee

Hey, fa-la, fa-lee, falero
Hey, falero, lero lee
Up jumped John, ringing on his bell
Ling dong dilly dong kai row lee

Wife, hand me my oaken bow
I will shoot yon carrion crow

He shot his arrow but he missed his mark
He shot his old sow clean through the heart

Wife, bring brandy in a spoon
Our old sow is down in a swoon

The old sow died and the bells did toll
The little pigs prayed for the old sow's soul

And the carrion crow still sat up in the oak
Watching the tailor stitching of his cloak

We always sang the Young Tradition version of Daddy Fox but haven't sung it for years. (It was overdone at the time and we abandoned it!)

03 Oct 06 - 02:59 PM (#1849460)
Subject: RE: Tune Req: Daddy Fox
From: Q (Frank Staplin)

Guest Pete, are you in Australia? Bob Bolton may be able to help.
(Can guests use Mudcat PM?) (and I'm guessing that it is an Australian version that you seek)

03 Oct 06 - 03:10 PM (#1849466)
Subject: RE: Tune Req: Daddy Fox
From: GUEST,pete

Little Robyn

Thank you the format appears to be the same. I've just got to get my head 'round the "AA D2D2" bit I shall ask my son he's a better musician than me. Thanks again

Q. No In the UK I heard it sung sometime ago and for the last few days it's been stuck in my head. I don't know wether it's Austrailian or not. I don't undrestand the "PM" question. Once again thanks for your help


03 Oct 06 - 03:12 PM (#1849467)
Subject: RE: Tune Req: Daddy Fox
From: The Borchester Echo

It was Mick Peat who set these words to the tune of Carrion Crow for the Ripley Wayfarers. The Witches Of Elswick recorded it a couple of years ago on their debut CD Out Of Bed Fellside FECD 180.

03 Oct 06 - 03:26 PM (#1849477)
Subject: RE: Tune Req: Daddy Fox
From: MMario

Pete - you should be able to cut and paste the ABC tune posted above into the converter at eitehr folkinfo


and get sheet music in graphic form.

03 Oct 06 - 04:26 PM (#1849526)
Subject: RE: Tune Req: Daddy Fox
From: GUEST,Pete

Countess Richard, thank you for your info I'll look out for the Cd

MMario, Thank you as that did help an was so easy.

Little Robyn now I've learnt my ABC (sorry bad pun) the tune you gave is very close to what I remember so thank you again.

To the others that chipped in Thank you all


03 Oct 06 - 04:36 PM (#1849532)
Subject: RE: Tune Req: Daddy Fox
From: Barbara

I just listened to the tune posted above, and the Daddy Fox I know is close to that, but not quite the same. Give me a day or so, and I'll post the one I know.

03 Oct 06 - 06:32 PM (#1849634)
Subject: RE: Tune Req: Daddy Fox
From: Snuffy

Pete, that was me who posted the ABC of Carrion Crow. If you like I could send you an MP3 of Stan Jones singing it.

I've never heard Daddy Fox sung to that tune though: usually the Burl Ives or Young Traditions tunes.

03 Oct 06 - 06:49 PM (#1849653)
Subject: RE: Tune Req: Daddy Fox
From: rich-joy

The Ripley Wayfarers version is available on the Fellside compilation CD :
"Voices in Harmony - English Traditional Songs"
FECD158, from 2001

Thank you, Mick Peat, for that inspirational moment - IMHO, it's made the song much more interesting, with good interweaving harmony possibilities (our a cappella group "Work in Progress" still has it in their repertoire!!)

(who incidentally, Q, is a sheila, rather than a bruce! :~)

04 Oct 06 - 04:57 AM (#1849908)
Subject: RE: Tune Req: Daddy Fox
From: GUEST,Pete

Barbara, if you post your tune I would be grateful.

Snuffy thank you, sorry if I got the wrong person, I'm knew to this.
If you could send an mp3 to petedavy1 @ (gaps to be removed) I would be grateful.

Mean while I shall be seeking out the cd's and other versions metioned.

Just to clarify a little I am not looking for "the fox is on town o town o" version if that helps at all.

Thank you all


04 Oct 06 - 08:53 AM (#1850015)
Subject: RE: Tune Req: Daddy Fox
From: Snuffy

OK Pete, I'm at work now and the MP3s are on my home computer. I'll send it this evening.

04 Oct 06 - 01:22 PM (#1850303)
Subject: RE: Tune Req: Daddy Fox
From: stallion

Silver Birch - a grimsby based band recorded it on an Album in the 70's, I have the cd but I think they have a web site that you may be able to listen to

04 Oct 06 - 04:53 PM (#1850499)
Subject: RE: Tune Req: Daddy Fox
From: GUEST,Pete

Thank you all again for your help. Snuffy sent me an Mp3 but I shall seek out the various other versions people have mentioned as they sound interesting.



04 Oct 06 - 04:56 PM (#1850504)
Subject: RE: Tune Req: Daddy Fox
From: GUEST,Pete

PS the Burl Ives version reminds me that I have an album of children's songs by Burl Ives. I think I'll listen to that again, the song is not on it, it's just nice to listen to an LP again after some years.

Thank you very very much.


04 Oct 06 - 07:09 PM (#1850602)
Subject: RE: Tune Req: Daddy Fox
From: Rowan

The comment about the version you seek being (possibly) an Australian version alerted me to the possibility that you might be seeking the version that Pageant did in the 70s. We put out a cassette but I'm not sure if any survive and I don't (yet) have the technical expertise to send you an mp3 file. I have sent your request to Tony Suttor, who I'm sure can help you if the dry season hasn't lured him out of reach of email.

Cheers, Rowan

04 Oct 06 - 11:20 PM (#1850714)
Subject: RE: Tune Req: Daddy Fox
From: rich-joy

Hi Rowan,
yes, the "Australian" version would be the same as Pageant's - well, most probably!
Coz "Work in Progress" got it from the version sung by Darwin trio, Chameleon (= Tony Suttor, Paul Lawler, Sharon Mannix)!!!

(BTW, I reckon we've met - in The Territory, in the 80s ... :~)

Cheers! R-J

05 Oct 06 - 02:58 AM (#1850753)
Subject: RE: Tune Req: Daddy Fox
From: GUEST,Rowan, at the library

Greetings Rich-Joy!
I did some archaeology/anthropolgy at Kakadu for a while in 86 and then, courtesy of Tony, was a tour manager for Feats Unlimited out of Brown's Mart in Darwin for the rest of 86. Played concer for Gone Troppo (Darwin's Morris side) when I could and sang in the gun turret, so yes, we probably did meet. Tony and I had a senior moment singing this thread's version of Daddy Fox outside the session bar at this year's National so you might have seen me more recently than Darwin.

Cheers to you too!!

05 Oct 06 - 09:13 AM (#1850930)
Subject: RE: Tune Req: Daddy Fox
From: GUEST,Pete

Rowan That would be great if you can, Thanks


13 Oct 06 - 02:19 AM (#1857525)
Subject: RE: Tune Req: Daddy Fox
From: Rowan

I've finally increased my technical literacy to the finger counting stage and sent Pete the requested file.

Cheers, Rowan

13 Oct 06 - 05:14 PM (#1858183)
Subject: RE: Tune Req: Daddy Fox
From: oggie

There is another set of words to the same tune which I learnt 30 odd years ago but don't know the origin of -

Three miners came down to Wirksworth Town
They were rugged and they were brown.

They'd come down from the Magpie Mine
To drink some ale and to sup some wine,

They drank away to the break of the day
Then back to the mine to earn more pay

Here's a health to the landlords of Wirksworth town
And a health to the miners so rugged and brown.

Chorus etc like Daddy Fox

The Magpie Mine was a lead mine in Derbyshire which was cursed by the widows of the Red Soil miners who were killed during a dispute over mineral rights.

All the best


13 Oct 06 - 07:17 PM (#1858287)
Subject: RE: Tune Req: Daddy Fox
From: Richard Bridge

Good thread

13 Oct 06 - 07:25 PM (#1858297)
Subject: RE: Tune Req: Daddy Fox
From: GUEST,pete

I am so grateful to everyone. Rowan t5hank you for the file, haven't quite worked out how to open it but my son is looking at it.

Oggie, I think I prefer your words so thank you for them.

Richard, You are absolutely right an interesting thread ask a question and look at the response..... it's wonderful

Thank you every one, I relly am very grateful


13 Oct 06 - 07:45 PM (#1858318)
Subject: RE: Tune Req: Daddy Fox
From: GUEST,Graeme Knights

Just seen this thread,

Nothing to do with the song but,having seen your email addresss Pete are you the same Pete davy from Redcarr? if you are my email is graeme knights @ no spaces it would be lovely to hear from you. If you aren't sorry to intrude.
