Name | Subject | Posted |
1 |
Pinetop Slim
RE: Folklore: Wayfaring Stranger Research Project
08-Apr-11 - 02:36 PM
2 |
Pinetop Slim
RE: Ritchie/Pickow Family News
24-Feb-11 - 02:04 PM
3 |
Pinetop Slim
RE: Singing with Kytrad-Jean Ritchie in nursing home
19-Jan-10 - 02:43 PM
4 |
Pinetop Slim
RE: Is kytrad okay? Jean Ritchie hospitalized
04-Jan-10 - 06:53 PM
5 |
Pinetop Slim
RE: Is kytrad okay? Jean Ritchie hospitalized
21-Dec-09 - 01:10 PM
6 |
Pinetop Slim
RE: Tune Add: Betty Martin
09-Nov-09 - 01:46 PM
7 |
Pinetop Slim
RE: Songs That Mention Harleys
14-Sep-07 - 11:53 AM
8 |
Pinetop Slim
RE: Origins: Corn Whiskey/Moonshine
14-Aug-07 - 03:39 PM
9 |
Pinetop Slim
RE: Folklore: Tag
07-Aug-07 - 01:39 PM
10 |
Pinetop Slim
RE: Harry Brandelius (old Swedish folk/pop)
16-Jul-07 - 12:35 PM
11 |
Pinetop Slim
RE: Size of songbook
29-Mar-07 - 01:39 PM
12 |
Pinetop Slim
Obit: Homer Ledford
13-Dec-06 - 10:28 AM
13 |
Pinetop Slim
RE: Swannanoa Gatherings--Have you been?
20-Feb-06 - 07:15 PM
14 |
Pinetop Slim
RE: Happy! – Feb 16 (Robert W. Johnson)
16-Feb-06 - 07:56 PM
15 |
Pinetop Slim
RE: Black Betty banned!
14-Feb-06 - 03:18 PM
16 |
Pinetop Slim
RE: Pretty Polly?
01-Feb-06 - 09:57 AM
17 |
Pinetop Slim
RE: Seeking an Appalachian Dulcimer
10-Jan-06 - 12:58 PM
18 |
Pinetop Slim
RE: Profitt-style fretless banjo?
06-Jan-06 - 07:39 PM
19 |
Pinetop Slim
RE: DTStudy: Danville Girl
05-Jan-06 - 03:53 PM
20 |
Pinetop Slim
RE: Pinetop Slim's CD
03-Jan-06 - 09:55 AM
21 |
Pinetop Slim
Pinetop Slim's CD
01-Jan-06 - 11:32 AM
22 |
Pinetop Slim
RE: Alba is perfoming in Ireland 8 Aug. - 4 Oct.
20-Sep-05 - 11:53 AM
23 |
Pinetop Slim
RE: Alba is perfoming in Ireland 8 Aug. - 4 Oct.
06-Sep-05 - 11:30 AM
24 |
Pinetop Slim
RE: Review: 'Singing the Moon Up'
02-Sep-05 - 12:14 AM
25 |
Pinetop Slim
RE: Tune Req: Charlie's Neat
25-Aug-05 - 12:54 PM
26 |
Pinetop Slim
RE: Songs that stick in your head
12-Aug-05 - 12:28 PM
27 |
Pinetop Slim
RE: Alba is perfoming in Ireland 8 Aug. - 4 Oct.
11-Aug-05 - 02:30 PM
28 |
Pinetop Slim
RE: Rhode Island Aug 20th, Whats Happening?
11-Aug-05 - 12:47 PM
29 |
Pinetop Slim
RE: Alba is perfoming in Ireland 8 Aug. - 4 Oct.
09-Aug-05 - 06:42 PM
30 |
Pinetop Slim
RE: No regional songs of the northern US ??
09-Aug-05 - 06:33 PM
31 |
Pinetop Slim
RE: Folklore: Bascomb Lamar Lunsford
01-Aug-05 - 03:36 PM
32 |
Pinetop Slim
RE: Alba is perfoming in Ireland soon -Schedule posted
29-Jul-05 - 02:50 PM
33 |
Pinetop Slim
RE: Folklore: Bascomb Lamar Lunsford
24-Jul-05 - 12:08 AM
34 |
Pinetop Slim
RE: Oranges & Lemons. mtn dulcimer
15-Jul-05 - 12:13 PM
35 |
Pinetop Slim
RE: Who Captain O'Kane?
03-May-05 - 01:16 PM
36 |
Pinetop Slim
Who Captain O'Kane?
02-May-05 - 02:26 PM
37 |
Pinetop Slim
RE: Lyr Req: Random Canyon (Peter Staempfel)
14-Mar-05 - 09:27 AM
38 |
Pinetop Slim
RE: Lyr Req: Random Canyon
11-Mar-05 - 02:28 PM
39 |
Pinetop Slim
Lyr Req: Random Canyon
11-Mar-05 - 12:08 PM
40 |
Pinetop Slim
RE: ink stamp to label CDs?
09-Mar-05 - 11:26 AM
41 |
Pinetop Slim
ink stamp to label CDs?
08-Mar-05 - 09:38 AM
42 |
Pinetop Slim
RE: Tune Origin: 'Little Egypt'?
22-Sep-04 - 09:58 AM
43 |
Pinetop Slim
RE: Tune Origin: 'Little Egypt'?
21-Sep-04 - 01:58 PM
44 |
Pinetop Slim
Tune Origin: 'Little Egypt'?
20-Sep-04 - 01:51 PM
45 |
Pinetop Slim
Tune Req: Old Plaid Shawl
19-Aug-04 - 07:15 PM
46 |
Pinetop Slim
RE: Bass Dulcimer
03-Mar-04 - 10:32 AM
47 |
Pinetop Slim
Song for retirement party?
29-Dec-03 - 11:03 AM
48 |
Pinetop Slim
Dulcimer casualty
12-Nov-03 - 10:17 AM
49 |
Pinetop Slim
seek banjo cleaning advice
31-Oct-03 - 10:26 AM
50 |
Pinetop Slim
RE: Crestline dulcimers
29-Oct-03 - 09:46 AM
51 |
Pinetop Slim
RE: Crestline dulcimers
27-Oct-03 - 04:40 PM
52 |
Pinetop Slim
RE: Lyr Req: King's Shilling
20-Oct-03 - 04:04 PM
53 |
Pinetop Slim
RE: Query: App. music pre-Civil War
16-Oct-03 - 01:26 PM
54 |
Pinetop Slim
RE: Oh Brother where art thou. (tab).
10-Oct-03 - 03:00 PM
55 |
Pinetop Slim
RE: Obit: Byron, Animaterra's beloved SO
10-Oct-03 - 10:36 AM
56 |
Pinetop Slim
RE: Lyrics: Many years ago, Jack and Joe
02-Oct-03 - 03:23 PM
57 |
Pinetop Slim
RE: Uncle Ed'uad Thomas pix?
27-Aug-03 - 11:32 AM
58 |
Pinetop Slim
RE: Uncle Ed'uad Thomas pix?
27-Aug-03 - 10:26 AM
59 |
Pinetop Slim
Uncle Ed'uad Thomas pix?
26-Aug-03 - 03:58 PM
60 |
Pinetop Slim
RE: Hobarts Transformation
25-Aug-03 - 06:02 PM
61 |
Pinetop Slim
Hobarts Transformation
25-Aug-03 - 10:03 AM
62 |
Pinetop Slim
RE: Tune Req: The Kesh Jig
23-Jul-03 - 07:08 PM
63 |
Pinetop Slim
RE: Anyone Know this Dulcimer Maker?
22-Jul-03 - 05:58 PM
64 |
Pinetop Slim
Query: App. music pre-Civil War
21-Jul-03 - 12:53 PM
65 |
Pinetop Slim
RE: A petition to reinstate Hank Williams
01-Mar-03 - 11:22 PM
66 |
Pinetop Slim
RE: 'On the Road to Cairo' - song search
30-Jan-03 - 08:48 PM
67 |
Pinetop Slim
RE: Lyr Req: 'The Hunger Song '
29-Jan-03 - 08:13 PM
68 |
Pinetop Slim
RE: Lyr Req: 'The Hunger Song '
29-Jan-03 - 06:09 PM
69 |
Pinetop Slim
RE: Any folk clubs Fort Lauderdale
20-Nov-02 - 11:25 PM
70 |
Pinetop Slim
RE: Lyr. Req: Hook and Line
20-Nov-02 - 11:19 PM
71 |
Pinetop Slim
RE: Veteran's Day
11-Nov-02 - 03:47 PM
72 |
Pinetop Slim
RE: Trad Dance Site
11-Nov-02 - 11:13 AM
73 |
Pinetop Slim
RE: Growing a beard at 21- Help?
11-Nov-02 - 11:10 AM
74 |
Pinetop Slim
RE: Christmas songs for hand-drum
11-Nov-02 - 08:59 AM
75 |
Pinetop Slim
RE: German Folk Songs
08-Nov-02 - 10:22 AM
76 |
Pinetop Slim
RE: BS: The worst typo I've ever seen
06-Nov-02 - 10:23 AM
77 |
Pinetop Slim
RE: Dulcimer Players
05-Nov-02 - 07:03 PM
78 |
Pinetop Slim
RE: LYRICS ADD: Fanny Power
04-Nov-02 - 05:32 PM
79 |
Pinetop Slim
RE: Comin' Round the Mountain???
04-Nov-02 - 11:14 AM
80 |
Pinetop Slim
RE: Writing a Yule Carol -- help with melody
03-Nov-02 - 04:58 PM
81 |
Pinetop Slim
RE: Sign In!
01-Nov-02 - 10:36 PM
82 |
Pinetop Slim
RE: 1950 Nova Scotia ~ Wildwood Flower'
01-Nov-02 - 06:26 PM
83 |
Pinetop Slim
RE: Seeking clip art websites (musical)
01-Sep-02 - 12:29 PM
84 |
Pinetop Slim
RE: Help: Meaning of word: scorpe
01-Sep-02 - 12:28 PM
85 |
Pinetop Slim
RE: Help: Daughters wedding
01-Sep-02 - 12:18 PM
86 |
Pinetop Slim
Seattle happenings
25-Jul-02 - 10:04 AM
87 |
Pinetop Slim
Handsome Sandy Paton
18-May-02 - 05:49 PM
88 |
Pinetop Slim
RE: Lyr/Chords Req: Springtime in the Mountains
19-Apr-02 - 04:33 PM
89 |
Pinetop Slim
RE: Need grace (thanks for food) songs
18-Apr-02 - 05:45 PM
90 |
Pinetop Slim
RE: Lyr/Chords Req: Springtime in the Mountains
18-Apr-02 - 05:31 PM
91 |
Pinetop Slim
RE: Help: I'll meet u in the mornin dulcimer music
14-Apr-02 - 02:32 PM
92 |
Pinetop Slim
RE: Lorraine Lee & Bennett Hammond
25-Mar-02 - 07:11 PM
93 |
Pinetop Slim
Mai Cramer
01-Mar-02 - 07:17 PM
94 |
Pinetop Slim
RE: Jean Ritchie - KY Music Hall of Fame
10-Jan-02 - 04:16 PM
95 |
Pinetop Slim
RE: Interesting article on Appa. folklorist
18-Dec-01 - 10:56 AM
96 |
Pinetop Slim
RE: Help: dulcimore tabs for Greensleeves, anyone
12-Dec-01 - 09:56 AM
97 |
Pinetop Slim
RE: lyric required - Go 'Way From My Window
08-Dec-01 - 11:24 AM
98 |
Pinetop Slim
RE: Link Add: Alan Lomax Website
04-Nov-01 - 09:08 AM
99 |
Pinetop Slim
RE: Fretted Dulcimer Bowing Bridges
17-Oct-01 - 06:41 PM
100 |
Pinetop Slim
RE: Fretted Dulcimer Bowing Bridges
17-Oct-01 - 06:39 PM
101 |
Pinetop Slim
RE: Fretted Dulcimer Bowing Bridges
15-Oct-01 - 08:24 PM
102 |
Pinetop Slim
RE: Help: What's a good TEAM BUILDING song?
15-Oct-01 - 08:13 PM
103 |
Pinetop Slim
RE: BS: Help/info on a dulcimer
10-Oct-01 - 04:01 PM
104 |
Pinetop Slim
RE: Songs of New England
09-Oct-01 - 03:08 PM
105 |
Pinetop Slim
RE: BS: Help/info on a dulcimer
09-Oct-01 - 10:59 AM
106 |
Pinetop Slim
RE: Help: Classical Music on lap dulcimer- -CD/Bk
07-Oct-01 - 04:32 PM
107 |
Pinetop Slim
RE: A bit of hymnic braggadocio
25-Sep-01 - 01:06 PM
108 |
Pinetop Slim
RE: Play dulcimer with me?
23-Sep-01 - 06:46 PM
109 |
Pinetop Slim
RE: Sing With Me
23-Sep-01 - 06:36 PM
110 |
Pinetop Slim
RE: Tune Req: The L an N don't stop here anymore
19-Sep-01 - 10:32 AM
111 |
Pinetop Slim
RE: OBIT: Rod Shearman's last journey
16-Sep-01 - 06:57 PM
112 |
Pinetop Slim
RE: BS: its my birthbay
16-Sep-01 - 01:36 PM
113 |
Pinetop Slim
RE: BS: Happy Birthday,Liz the Squeak
16-Sep-01 - 01:34 PM
114 |
Pinetop Slim
RE: Lyr Req: down to the river to pray
16-Sep-01 - 01:33 PM
115 |
Pinetop Slim
RE: Writing tips? Anyone?
16-Sep-01 - 01:28 PM
116 |
Pinetop Slim
RE: Top 20 Folk Songs From 50's & 60's
30-Aug-01 - 09:51 AM
117 |
Pinetop Slim
RE: Tune Req: R.W. - woman & devil?
28-Aug-01 - 09:30 AM
118 |
Pinetop Slim
RE: BS: Play dulcimer with me?
22-Aug-01 - 05:05 PM
119 |
Pinetop Slim
RE: Seek 'recipe' for a stiroff
21-Aug-01 - 06:20 PM
120 |
Pinetop Slim
RE: Lyr Req: Be Thou My Vision alternative lyrics
21-Aug-01 - 05:54 PM
121 |
Pinetop Slim
RE: Seek 'recipe' for a stiroff
20-Aug-01 - 02:00 PM
122 |
Pinetop Slim
Seek 'recipe' for a stiroff
19-Aug-01 - 06:32 PM
123 |
Pinetop Slim
RE: New Yorker piece on Ralph Stanley
19-Aug-01 - 06:18 PM
124 |
Pinetop Slim
RE: Music Journalism. a Rant, nuthin' more!
19-Aug-01 - 06:14 PM
125 |
Pinetop Slim
RE: Help: How do I start a music festival
18-Aug-01 - 12:39 PM
126 |
Pinetop Slim
RE: Lyr Req: Nearer My God to Thee
18-Aug-01 - 12:25 PM
127 |
Pinetop Slim
RE: Folk music weekend
18-Aug-01 - 12:02 PM
128 |
Pinetop Slim
RE: Here's To My Friend
18-Aug-01 - 11:58 AM
129 |
Pinetop Slim
RE: Another Mudder's new web page
15-Aug-01 - 04:50 PM
130 |
Pinetop Slim
RE: OK so what's wrong with me?
13-Aug-01 - 05:46 PM
131 |
Pinetop Slim
RE: Part X - Additions to Mudcat Songbook
13-Aug-01 - 01:48 PM
132 |
Pinetop Slim
RE: Kentucky Music Weekend
13-Aug-01 - 09:22 AM
133 |
Pinetop Slim
RE: Bill Munroe's birthplace to be dedicated
12-Aug-01 - 08:41 PM
134 |
Pinetop Slim
RE: BS: Kentucky Music Weekend
12-Aug-01 - 11:34 AM
135 |
Pinetop Slim
RE: (non music) museum surprise
12-Aug-01 - 10:49 AM
136 |
Pinetop Slim
RE: What's the weather like where you are?
10-Aug-01 - 10:06 AM
137 |
Pinetop Slim
RE: Iris De Ment
09-Aug-01 - 04:31 PM
138 |
Pinetop Slim
RE: OBIT: Kytrad Still Here?
09-Aug-01 - 11:57 AM
139 |
Pinetop Slim
RE: Help: Opinion RE: The Ramblin' Rover
08-Aug-01 - 02:31 PM
140 |
Pinetop Slim
RE: What's the weather like where you are?
06-Aug-01 - 11:39 AM
141 |
Pinetop Slim
RE: Mudcat Night at the Press Room
05-Aug-01 - 03:09 PM
142 |
Pinetop Slim
RE: Part X - Additions to Mudcat Songbook
05-Aug-01 - 01:43 PM
143 |
Pinetop Slim
05-Aug-01 - 01:22 PM
144 |
Pinetop Slim
04-Aug-01 - 04:33 PM
145 |
Pinetop Slim
RE: Alzheimer's song
04-Aug-01 - 04:16 PM
146 |
Pinetop Slim
RE: Good Luck on Burrymans Day
04-Aug-01 - 04:03 PM
147 |
Pinetop Slim
03-Aug-01 - 04:24 PM
148 |
Pinetop Slim
Good Luck on Burrymans Day
03-Aug-01 - 02:09 PM
149 |
Pinetop Slim
RE: paper cut/tinnitus/unison strings
03-Aug-01 - 02:03 PM
150 |
Pinetop Slim
paper cut/tinnitus/unison strings
02-Aug-01 - 01:17 PM
151 |
Pinetop Slim
RE: OBIT: Children's friend Maureen Oswin
01-Aug-01 - 07:24 PM
152 |
Pinetop Slim
RE: What's your favorite song of hope?
01-Aug-01 - 09:42 AM
153 |
Pinetop Slim
RE: BS: Strategy for coping with life?
01-Aug-01 - 09:40 AM
154 |
Pinetop Slim
RE: Did Merle write Sixteen Tons? Maybe.
30-Jul-01 - 05:59 PM
155 |
Pinetop Slim
RE: Help: Are Hurdy-Gurdys hard to learn to play?
29-Jul-01 - 04:51 PM
156 |
Pinetop Slim
RE: Help: The last thing I want to read...
28-Jul-01 - 02:06 PM
157 |
Pinetop Slim
RE: Help me sing with Granny D
28-Jul-01 - 01:22 PM
158 |
Pinetop Slim
RE: Guild factory in R.I. is closing
27-Jul-01 - 11:23 AM
159 |
Pinetop Slim
RE: Jean Ritchie Field Trip
27-Jul-01 - 11:17 AM
160 |
Pinetop Slim
RE: How You Spend Your Music Time
26-Jul-01 - 04:52 PM
161 |
Pinetop Slim
RE: Sessions in or near Attleboro, Mass
26-Jul-01 - 04:38 PM
162 |
Pinetop Slim
RE: Tempest (Celtic Rock) performs in MA!
25-Jul-01 - 05:27 PM
163 |
Pinetop Slim
RE: Nice Eastern Mass. folk scene site
25-Jul-01 - 09:47 AM
164 |
Pinetop Slim
RE: Shape notes
24-Jul-01 - 11:25 AM
165 |
Pinetop Slim
RE: Shape notes
23-Jul-01 - 09:45 PM
166 |
Pinetop Slim
RE: Help: Musical instruments Boston Mass.
23-Jul-01 - 02:47 PM
167 |
Pinetop Slim
RE: BS: Heading to the Cape!!
13-Jul-01 - 11:12 AM
168 |
Pinetop Slim
RE: Pitch pipe vs electronic tuner
09-Jul-01 - 03:20 PM
169 |
Pinetop Slim
RE: Another Sectarian Killing
04-Jul-01 - 11:12 AM
170 |
Pinetop Slim
RE: Sessions in or near Attleboro, Mass
04-Jul-01 - 09:26 AM
171 |
Pinetop Slim
RE: Sessions in or near Attleboro, Mass
02-Jul-01 - 11:11 AM
172 |
Pinetop Slim
RE: Sessions in or near Attleboro, Mass
02-Jul-01 - 10:59 AM
173 |
Pinetop Slim
RE: Farewell, Chet Atkins....
02-Jul-01 - 10:41 AM
174 |
Pinetop Slim
RE: Tune Req: Obscure ballads in common meter
30-Jun-01 - 12:22 PM
175 |
Pinetop Slim
RE: Help: Irish Holiday Recommendations
28-Jun-01 - 11:25 AM
176 |
Pinetop Slim
RE: Appalachian song: casting soundtracks?
28-Jun-01 - 11:22 AM
177 |
Pinetop Slim
RE: Help: Music Program
28-Jun-01 - 11:19 AM
178 |
Pinetop Slim
RE: CATSPAW - Oh Happy Day (probably)!!
28-Jun-01 - 10:26 AM
179 |
Pinetop Slim
RE: CATSPAW - Oh Happy Day (probably)!!
27-Jun-01 - 12:02 PM
180 |
Pinetop Slim
RE: Lyr Req: Jesse Winchester's 'Isn't That So?'
26-Jun-01 - 11:14 AM
181 |
Pinetop Slim
RE: Hazel Dickens, from Sunday's Wash Post
26-Jun-01 - 11:08 AM
182 |
Pinetop Slim
RE: BS: Who are your favorite guitarists?
26-Jun-01 - 11:03 AM
183 |
Pinetop Slim
RE: Not Home Quite Yet - CATSPAW
26-Jun-01 - 10:59 AM
184 |
Pinetop Slim
RE: Lyr Req: Jesse Winchester's 'Isn't That So?'
25-Jun-01 - 10:44 AM
185 |
Pinetop Slim
RE: Wish me luck. Coffeehouse gig tonight.
25-Jun-01 - 10:41 AM
186 |
Pinetop Slim
RE: Not Home Quite Yet - CATSPAW
25-Jun-01 - 10:24 AM
187 |
Pinetop Slim
RE: Irish Session in SE Mass?
21-Jun-01 - 02:58 PM
188 |
Pinetop Slim
RE: BS: Napoleon's retreat
20-Jun-01 - 11:36 AM
189 |
Pinetop Slim
RE: BS: Napoleon's retreat
19-Jun-01 - 09:38 PM
190 |
Pinetop Slim
RE: BS: Good Thoughts for CATSPAW
19-Jun-01 - 04:02 PM
191 |
Pinetop Slim
Hindman Folk Week
19-Jun-01 - 01:24 PM
192 |
Pinetop Slim
RE: BS: Napoleon's retreat
19-Jun-01 - 01:02 PM
193 |
Pinetop Slim
RE: Hamilton Camp?
08-Jun-01 - 10:15 AM
194 |
Pinetop Slim
RE: BS: Ha! June 8th is catspaw's birthday!!!
08-Jun-01 - 10:12 AM
195 |
Pinetop Slim
RE: BS: Where did ur name come from?
02-Jun-01 - 09:27 AM
196 |
Pinetop Slim
RE: John Campbell Folk School
27-May-01 - 10:10 AM
197 |
Pinetop Slim
RE: BS: Cost of song books
27-May-01 - 10:03 AM
198 |
Pinetop Slim
RE: Green Grow the Rushes
27-May-01 - 09:53 AM
199 |
Pinetop Slim
RE: Green Grow the Rushes
27-May-01 - 09:41 AM
200 |
Pinetop Slim
RE: Tune Req: (also Lyr) Indonesian songs
26-May-01 - 09:43 AM