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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
s6k BS: Enough of mouthpiece Geldolf (76* d) RE: BS: Enough of mouthpiece Geldolf 15 Jun 05

by the way the original poster said the following:

"calling on all hackers to do their best to bring ebay down all because a few of his tickets were listed on it"

lets get things straight... Geldof asked eBay to remove the tickets, as it is VILE and DISGUSTING that people are profiting off these tickets, and i quite agree with him. they were selling for £1000 a piece. Great... and how much of that money will go to Africa? what a joke...

anyway, eBay REFUSED to remove the tickets saying it is a free marketplace and it is up to people what they sell.
Now, i use ebay very regularly, it is a great site, and very safe. but this comment is ridiculous. excuse me while i put a loaded shotgun, hand grenade, and my sister up for auction because its a free marketplace.

Anyone who profits off these tickets that they got for FREE is a disgrace to the human race.

Frustrated at ebays refusal, Geldof eventually asked hackers to overload the economy system by placing ridiculously huge bets on every ticket.
Someone did this, and there was a picture of all the tickets at 100 million pounds. and btw, it wasnt just "a few tickets" there was loads on there

The next day, after THOUSANDS of emails to ebay from customers wanting the tickets OFF the site, eBay finally agree to immediately take off any tickets for sale that go on the site.

And so they should

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