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folk1e BS: Is Prostitution just women...........; (174* d) RE: BS: Is Prostitution just women...........; 15 Mar 08

Ok my tuppence worth.....

"...I would venture to guess that there are very few women who have not, at some point in their lives and relationships, had sex because of physical or psychological coercion..."

You are probably right, but I think this is also true of men!

All of the replies on this thread are written ( I assume) by non prostitutes. There will obviously be a bias!

Most of the "anti" spin in government is being generated by a few ultra feminists with a definate agenda to persue. Just look at the insistance on "trafficking" and the Sweedish model of criminalisation!
Nobody would ever say that there is no trafficking but to stretch it to "nearly all" is a lie.

If I may expand the topic ..... it could be described as prostitution to be forced to work in poor conditions / low (no) wages or in a job you would not do without duress. This would apply to everyone, man woman and child. Do you buy your £4.00 jeans from asda or your cheap video from China? If so you are guilty of furthering prostitution! You may even think this is acceptable, or even not think at all, but we are all responsible for our own actions weather they be to buy cheap sweatshop goods or to visit one of the working girls.
Not always black and white is it?

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