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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
GUEST,folkiedave Why I won't be seeing the Unthanks (158* d) RE: Why I won't be seeing the Unthanks 17 Feb 11

so we all flung Health & Safety to the wind

What a great idea.

And had anyone been injured you would have said?........

And what did the Directors (including your ex-husband) say to this? Do you actually realise what an arse you appear to be?

I am no more health and safety obsessive than the next person. But I do know accidents in crowds happen a lot. Usually because some pillock has ignored the Health and Safety rules in force.

Ever seen a festival venue emptied for fire? Or a heart attack. On both those occasions the stewards ensured people's safety. They don't need smart arses like you.

Tell you what Lizzie if you have any friends in America - go and visit them there and throw a few Health and Safety rules to the wind. See how long you stay out of jail.

And by the way I live close to Hillsborough. I heard the ambulances.

WTF this has to do with the Unthanks I don't really know. Sorry for the thread drift folks, but I didn't start it.

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