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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
Musket BS:Christian Persecution? School funding in Israel (157* d) RE: BS:Christian Persecution? School funding in Israel 09 Jun 15

Oh, you asked! Silly me. That's alright then.

Did you enjoy a wank this morning? Or does your social impotence extend to the physical?


Joe. Three people sharing is merely a reaction to the lack of appropriate moderation here. Musket shared his log in with Musket and I in order to confuse those who put their bigotry before objective debate. If you think Terribulus is ok to accuse one of us of corruption, say so. I know Musket speaks highly of you, but I wonder about his judgement in this case. By the way, he is the Musket that Terribulus was accusing of being corrupt purely on the basis of his public service. Nasty..

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