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Tucker Post-Colorado Frenzy (No Joke) (95* d) RE: Post-Colorado Frenzy (No Joke) 06 May 99

Sorry, but I am mad as hell at this thread. Leprechan, If firefighters did their jobs like cops, this country would be acinder. I have had a complaint against a woman who wrote fraudulent checks against my checking account for almost a year now. The Portsmouth Police are seemingly doing nothing.I am a retired firefighter, but whenever a citizen called in a fire, we went. The damn cops seem to sit on the butts. Damn it, I was robbed! I am mad. Just because it wasn't committed by some one with a black face and selling crack doesn't make it right. I think the justice system in this country sucks, it needs changed and I think it has to be equal for all. Swift, equal and out of the hands of greedy lawyers. Sorry, but you struck a nerve.

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