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RANT (Please join in):Musical Wallpaper!

wdyat12 13 Feb 01 - 08:32 PM
rube1 13 Feb 01 - 09:00 PM
Jande 13 Feb 01 - 09:06 PM
Ebbie 13 Feb 01 - 09:08 PM
Bugsy 13 Feb 01 - 09:10 PM
Little Hawk 13 Feb 01 - 09:23 PM
R! 13 Feb 01 - 09:33 PM
wdyat12 13 Feb 01 - 09:33 PM
Justa Picker 13 Feb 01 - 09:35 PM
kendall 13 Feb 01 - 10:12 PM
CarolC 13 Feb 01 - 10:21 PM
hesperis 13 Feb 01 - 10:34 PM
CarolC 13 Feb 01 - 10:38 PM
Pseudolus 13 Feb 01 - 10:49 PM
wdyat12 13 Feb 01 - 11:00 PM
Matt_R 13 Feb 01 - 11:38 PM
CarolC 14 Feb 01 - 08:14 AM
kendall 14 Feb 01 - 08:33 AM
GUEST,Matt_R 14 Feb 01 - 08:43 AM
Pseudolus 14 Feb 01 - 08:54 AM
Peter T. 14 Feb 01 - 08:55 AM
Homeless 14 Feb 01 - 09:00 AM
Kim C 14 Feb 01 - 10:19 AM
Pseudolus 14 Feb 01 - 10:27 AM
GUEST,Matt_R 14 Feb 01 - 10:30 AM
Bardford 14 Feb 01 - 10:38 AM
GUEST,Matt_R 14 Feb 01 - 10:48 AM
Pseudolus 14 Feb 01 - 10:49 AM
GUEST,Matt_R 14 Feb 01 - 11:00 AM
Homeless 14 Feb 01 - 11:14 AM
Homeless 14 Feb 01 - 11:26 AM
Pseudolus 14 Feb 01 - 11:45 AM
Lepus Rex 14 Feb 01 - 11:49 AM
Bill D 14 Feb 01 - 11:49 AM
Pseudolus 14 Feb 01 - 11:52 AM
GUEST,Matt_R 14 Feb 01 - 12:02 PM
Kim C 14 Feb 01 - 12:55 PM
kendall 14 Feb 01 - 05:20 PM
kendall 14 Feb 01 - 08:51 PM
CarolC 14 Feb 01 - 09:13 PM
Bill D 14 Feb 01 - 09:20 PM
Matt_R 14 Feb 01 - 09:28 PM
CarolC 14 Feb 01 - 09:37 PM
hesperis 14 Feb 01 - 09:38 PM
Matt_R 14 Feb 01 - 09:39 PM
CarolC 14 Feb 01 - 09:50 PM
kendall 14 Feb 01 - 10:19 PM
Troll 14 Feb 01 - 10:29 PM
CarolC 14 Feb 01 - 10:31 PM
Matt_R 14 Feb 01 - 10:53 PM
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Subject: RE: RANT (Please join in):Musical Wallpaper!
From: wdyat12
Date: 13 Feb 01 - 08:32 PM


I think I'm going to try that. When I go to the fruit display I'll sing "Yes We Have No Bananas," and when I go to the to the cereal section I'll sing "....waving fields of grain," and when I go to the meat counter I'll sing "This Little Piggy Went to Market." This might work.


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Subject: RE: RANT (Please join in):Musical Wallpaper!
From: rube1
Date: 13 Feb 01 - 09:00 PM

yeah, well, what I can't stand are those antiquated folksongs with a fi-do diddle diddle dum de roll a diddle choruses. Somebody please stop doing those songs.

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Subject: RE: RANT (Please join in):Musical Wallpaper!
From: Jande
Date: 13 Feb 01 - 09:06 PM

Hesp~ You deserve a good *thwap* fer that! You know I loooove your music! Especially that Night Garden one.


Yeah, just can't eat when you play. the only thing I can do to good music (and to make this very clear: like *yours*) is dance or paint pictures. ::grin::

~ Jande

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Subject: RE: RANT (Please join in):Musical Wallpaper!
From: Ebbie
Date: 13 Feb 01 - 09:08 PM

I suspect that if those interactive products reach my store my elbows will become unaccountably akimbo. If enough of us have accidents that cause extra work for the establishment they might rethink the novelty.


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Subject: RE: RANT (Please join in):Musical Wallpaper!
From: Bugsy
Date: 13 Feb 01 - 09:10 PM

The Muzak in supermarkets is "actually designed" to get you to either "dally" or "move along" depending on the tempo of the music. When the shop is almost empty, the muzak is usually soft and slow, when it's busy, the tempo is faster. Check it out, it's amazing how it works.

When I was in the record business, one of my pet hates was to walk into a record store that was playing the local top 40 fm radio through the system. My arguement to them was always "You don't have to play that stuff, people will just ask for it anyway. Play something from your stock that has been sitting there for a while." Usually fell on deaf ears.



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Subject: RE: RANT (Please join in):Musical Wallpaper!
From: Little Hawk
Date: 13 Feb 01 - 09:23 PM

I find the constant presence of piped in music exceedingly annoying. It's everywhere. In restaurants, gas stations, malls, stores, on the street outside the f**king stores...everywhere! And you know what? It's the death of the live musician. People quickly become jaded when they can have any kind of music they want (or in my case, don't want) at the push of a button. Who really needs a minstrel any longer in this deluded, rat race society? Who will pay said minstrel a decent living for his talent. Nobody, unless the media have made said minstrel into a huge star through a relentless marketing campaign.

The whole thing is sick, and it is very Orwellian.

I try to avoid the muzak every way I can, but it's not easy.

Has anyone noticed, all around us, the death of subtlety in this society? Everything is loud, blatant, and overdone. It's been Whitney-Houston-ized.

AAARGGGH! Read Dylan's liner notes on the album "World Gone Wrong". He alludes to the decay that has occurred in people's musical and cultural sensibilities and to the values that have been lost.

"I've seen thousands who could have overcome the darkness. For the love of a lousy buck I watched them die." (quote from "When The Night Comes Falling From The Sky" on Empire Burlesque)

I sometimes feel that I am living in the 2nd decline and fall of the Roman sickening step at a time.

- LH

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Subject: RE: RANT (Please join in):Musical Wallpaper!
From: R!
Date: 13 Feb 01 - 09:33 PM

First the confession: my old china and I have been known to dance in the supermarket when a waltz comes over the PA system. A little dance breaks up the monotony of food shopping.

I'm usually not happy with the music choices in shops and public places but I can overlook it if the volume is low. The other day I stopped at a pay phone outside a supermarket to call someone for directions. The music was so loud I could barely hear the other party. Coupled with people sitting in their cars, engines idling and radios blasting, it was pure auditory hell.

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Subject: RE: RANT (Please join in):Musical Wallpaper!
From: wdyat12
Date: 13 Feb 01 - 09:33 PM

Little Hawk.

We Are in the second decline. Deal with it.


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Subject: RE: RANT (Please join in):Musical Wallpaper!
From: Justa Picker
Date: 13 Feb 01 - 09:35 PM

LH....I recommend another screening of Terry Gilliam's Brazil. If you've not seen it for a while, it'll once again make your day. If you've never seen it RENT IT TOMORROW.

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Subject: RE: RANT (Please join in):Musical Wallpaper!
From: kendall
Date: 13 Feb 01 - 10:12 PM

I consider having all that crappy air head muzak thrown at me to be be akin to rape. And, I would not classify all folk music as diddly o day, or whatever. The problem with folk music, is that it takes more than a spoonful of brains to understand it. Any moron can understand the shit they play in stores.The lyrics make no sense, and it is little more than screeching on key. MUZAK IS TO MUSIC WHAT ETCH-A-SKETCH IS TO ART.

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Subject: RE: RANT (Please join in):Musical Wallpaper!
From: CarolC
Date: 13 Feb 01 - 10:21 PM

hesperis, I've been thinking about it a lot today. I couldn't swear there wasn't muzak in the stores I've been in. But if it was there, it must have been pretty inoffensive, because I just can't remember it. I always remember when they play muzak I don't like.

I also can't remember the names of the stores. One of them was the hoity-toity store that sells the President's Choice stuff and has an organic section. I don't think either one of them was a superfresh, but considering the CRS I seem to be suffering from today, who can say?


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Subject: RE: RANT (Please join in):Musical Wallpaper!
From: hesperis
Date: 13 Feb 01 - 10:34 PM

Thanks for the clarification, Jande! LOL! (I know you like my moosic... The joke was just there!)

Carol - Hmmmm, could have been Zehrs or A&P Superfresh... Both are pretty hoity-toity. I don't know if Zehrs has an organic section though... Superfresh is the one by Rombos, just so you know. (Of course, there's another A&P on west st, though...)

They all have some sort of music, some of it is tolerable, though.

What happened to silence? What is wrong with silence? *sigh*

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Subject: RE: RANT (Please join in):Musical Wallpaper!
From: CarolC
Date: 13 Feb 01 - 10:38 PM

One of them was Zehrs. That's the one with the organic section. What kind of music do they play there? They must play it pretty softly, or I've been more oblivious than I thought. This is getting scarey...

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Subject: RE: RANT (Please join in):Musical Wallpaper!
From: Pseudolus
Date: 13 Feb 01 - 10:49 PM

akin to rape? I give up.....


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Subject: RE: RANT (Please join in):Musical Wallpaper!
From: wdyat12
Date: 13 Feb 01 - 11:00 PM

Hey Folks! What about the muzak they play this time of year at ice skating rinks? Straus Waltzes, Woo Tang Clan, the theme from Leave it to Beaver, and AC/DC, we've come a long way in the 21st century don't you think? wdyat12

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Subject: RE: RANT (Please join in):Musical Wallpaper!
From: Matt_R
Date: 13 Feb 01 - 11:38 PM

I LOVE music wallpaper. If it wasn't for musical wallpaper, I wouldn't know half the music I do.

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Subject: RE: RANT (Please join in):Musical Wallpaper!
From: CarolC
Date: 14 Feb 01 - 08:14 AM

Ok, I talked to flattop. He doesn't remember any music either. In fact he's pretty convinced that there wasn't any. So either there wasn't any music, or we've both got a serious memory problem. (Yikes)

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Subject: RE: RANT (Please join in):Musical Wallpaper!
From: kendall
Date: 14 Feb 01 - 08:33 AM

Frank, I liken it to rape because it is forced on me without my consent, and, I dont want it! What could be simpler? Before anyone gets a knot in their knickers, I am NOT saying it is the same as actual rape. The physical kind is so much more horrible, only the concept is similar.

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Subject: RE: RANT (Please join in):Musical Wallpaper!
From: GUEST,Matt_R
Date: 14 Feb 01 - 08:43 AM

You's just music!

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Subject: RE: RANT (Please join in):Musical Wallpaper!
From: Pseudolus
Date: 14 Feb 01 - 08:54 AM

I agree Matt and since I said (in another thread) that the only threads that bother me are the ones where people are bickering, I should stop. I knew what Kendall meant when he said "akin to rape" but I bickered anyway.....not sure why. I have the utmost respect for the opinions of the likes of Kendall, Peter T, and all the other posters in this thread and usually I get to the "agree to disagree" stage a lot sooner than this. The ironic thing is that there is a lot of background music that truly bothers me and I wonder why the owner(s) made that choice. I was sorta looking at this from a different angle..... c'est la vie...


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Subject: RE: RANT (Please join in):Musical Wallpaper!
From: Peter T.
Date: 14 Feb 01 - 08:55 AM

No, it is a simulacrum of music. yours, Peter T.

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Subject: RE: RANT (Please join in):Musical Wallpaper!
From: Homeless
Date: 14 Feb 01 - 09:00 AM

That's the point Matt - it's not "just music." How would you feel if someone were continually to blow cigarette smoke directly in your face, or doused you in ice water, or poured vinegar on all your food? The "music" is a sensory assault. Why should the sense of hearing be any less important than any of the others? It takes your energy to deal with it, and it affects your moods.

And the various styles of "music" are not seen the same by everyone. What one person might find enjoyable can grate on someone elses nerves unbearably. One of the guys I work with really enjoys jazz drumming. He has played CDs of multiple drummers playing different rhythms at the same time. He really enjoyed it, but I found it so chaotic that I couldn't concentrate on the work I was trying to do.

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Subject: RE: RANT (Please join in):Musical Wallpaper!
From: Kim C
Date: 14 Feb 01 - 10:19 AM

Rowana, I too have been known to dance in the supermarket. It's a harmless little guilty pleasure. At least in my local supers they don't play Moondance, and it's a good thing, because I can't do anything to that song but take off my clothes. (gulp did I just say that?) ;)

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Subject: RE: RANT (Please join in):Musical Wallpaper!
From: Pseudolus
Date: 14 Feb 01 - 10:27 AM

I know I shouldn't do this but I am still so confused. I'm looking to be educated here. Here goes.....Let's say I own a business, I've decided that in my establishment I will pump in some music, and for whatever reason, I've chosen muzak. It may be because I've heard studies about the effect it has on customer's buying habits or God forbid it's because I just like it. Now, someone walks in and doesn't like it. I am not tying them down to a chair forcing them to listen or forcing them to stay for any length of time. Can't they just leave? Can't they find another place more conducive to their tastes? By telling me that I am wrong for having THAT kind of music aren't you forcing YOUR musical preferences on me? And why is that fair for you and not for me? I don't have a business and if I did I wouldn't choose muzak but those who do are not persecuting me.

There is no comparison (imho) with the smoke in the face, ice water spilled, and vinegar on the food to this issue because with the music, you can just leave. With the others it was a specific attack on one individual and after I leave, I would still have ice water all over me.

I can fully understand why you don't like a certain kind of music but I don't understand why you consider it an attack. Is a Pub that hires folk musicians as weekend entertainment "forcing" folk down everyone's throat? Or is that just a way of molding the personality of the establishment. If someone doesn't like folk music, they would go somewhere else where there is another type of entertainment or even none at all. It's a very similar thing....


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Subject: RE: RANT (Please join in):Musical Wallpaper!
From: GUEST,Matt_R
Date: 14 Feb 01 - 10:30 AM

I think us younger people have a lessened sensibility to what we like and don't like. I think it's easier for a younger person to like your kind of music than you to like ours. It's just a generational thing. Probably my grandchildren will be interest even more in all kinds of music.

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Subject: RE: RANT (Please join in):Musical Wallpaper!
From: Bardford
Date: 14 Feb 01 - 10:38 AM

There's issues of choice here. Sure, I may choose not to patronize your establishment for many reasons, including the background music, but odds are the establishment next door that I walk into is piping in similar stuff. Even outdoors, there is little escape from audiojunk. Do my ears have property rights?


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Subject: RE: RANT (Please join in):Musical Wallpaper!
From: GUEST,Matt_R
Date: 14 Feb 01 - 10:48 AM

Would you rather be deaf? My sister is a sign language minor, so I've spent a LOT of time with hard-of-hearing people. People who have never heard music and have to settle for mere floor and speaker vibrations. People who are advantageously deaf who can suddenly hear music no longer. Imagine a world without music at all...maybe then you'll think twice about your belly-aching about music that isn't your style. Get over it. There are more important things in this world to get upset about that are worth your time.

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Subject: RE: RANT (Please join in):Musical Wallpaper!
From: Pseudolus
Date: 14 Feb 01 - 10:49 AM

I understand that Bardford but I guess my question is, What is the solution to the problem as you see it? And doesn't the solution have to consider the right of music selection for the owners?


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Subject: RE: RANT (Please join in):Musical Wallpaper!
From: GUEST,Matt_R
Date: 14 Feb 01 - 11:00 AM

Oh yes kendall, that's what we ALL want, music that take brains to understand. "Any moron can understand the shit they play in stores." Music that anyone can understand? God forbid, we wouldn't want THAT, now WOULD we? How horrifying!!!! It might become FOLK! Kendall, I hope they play Amazing Graze on 10,000 bagpipes and a fuzz bass with krumhorn orchestra at your funeral. To celebrate one less musical bigot in the world. And I'm sure there are lots of traditional music performers from other parts of the world that would consider your damn nasal whiney repetitive sea chanteys "screeching" as well.

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Subject: RE: RANT (Please join in):Musical Wallpaper!
From: Homeless
Date: 14 Feb 01 - 11:14 AM

Pseudolus - I think I see one of the miscommunications here. My general bitch is not that one particular establishment has music, but that they *all* do. If it were only one establishment that was playing the music, yes, it could be avoided easily. But as many people on this thread have said, music is present everywhere. I cannot remember the last time I went to a restaurant that did not have any music whatsoever. So I do exercise my option not to eat out anymore.
But, I do have to buy groceries. And every grocery store in the area has some kind of music also. Strip malls pipe the music to loudspeakers outside the stores, so I'm forced to hear it while I walk to/from the car. A month or so back I was walk to the county building downtown and there was music being played over loudspeakers - and there weren't even any stores in the area. Every department store has it.
If I accompany someone to a place, chances we are going to want to talk. If we cannot talk in normal conversational tones because of a TV/sound system, that is an assault. If the sound system is so loud that I want to plug my ears, that is a physical assault.
The fallacy in my comparison with the smoke, water, vinegar was that I was trying to personalize it for Matt. To revamp it, suppose that every public place did one or more of those things. Re: you comment on still having ice water on you - an attach is not defined by how long it's effects last, but that it was committed to begin with. And there have been many time I have left somewhere and had a ringing in my ears, or a bit of tune or lyrics running thru my head.
I say that it is an attack because it is an intentional, unnecessary sensory stimulus. It is a way to distracting people so that their full mental facilities are unavailable. Depending on what type of music is played, it can alter peoples moods or actions (see above posts regarding moving people the store or getting them to linger). If the music being played is distasteful to a person, it can alter their mood in a negative way - making them uncomfortable, irritable, or angry. And I don't suggest that an establishment change their music to suit my musical preferences. But it would be nice if there was no music whatsoever - then there wouldn't be disagreement as which patrons like what genre of music.

What is the sound of one hand clapping?
I don't know - I can't hear it for the damn muzak.

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Subject: RE: RANT (Please join in):Musical Wallpaper!
From: Homeless
Date: 14 Feb 01 - 11:26 AM

What is the solution to the problem as you see it?
Preferably, don't pipe music into public places, or,
minimally, turn it down/off if so requested. If someone wants to add music to a situation they can always use a personal stereo and headphones. Unfortunately, there's not yet a personal system that will provide silence.

And doesn't the solution have to consider the right of music selection for the owners?
No. If he is in business, he needs to put the interests of his clientelle above his own. If he wants to listen to music, by all means he should be able to listen himself, but he shouldn't inflict it on clients. Again, a personal stereo would work for this. However, this line of thought is alien to me - I would think that the owner of a store would be wanting to concentrate on running the business while on site, not enjoying music.

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Subject: RE: RANT (Please join in):Musical Wallpaper!
From: Pseudolus
Date: 14 Feb 01 - 11:45 AM

Homeless: Just to be sure I am clear, I agree with almost everything you said, It IS annoying that you can't get away from it if you want to. Where we part ways is when we talk about things like "intentional, unnecessary sensory stimulus". I understand and appreciate that that's your opinion....but it is not universal. I've heard folks talk about how they dance in the grocery store, or they tune it out, or that it doesn't bother them at all. If I have a business, and for pennies I can pump in music that studies shows will help my business, I would do it in a heartbeat and I would consider it a necessary sesory stimulus for my business.

I guess the thing that gets to me is the overall feeling here that if somethng bothers me a little, I will just avoid it, if it bothers me a lot, THEY'LL have to change. That's my perception anyway.....I'll give you an example. There are a lot of TV commercials that I think are in poor taste or just stupid. I try to ignore them. Lately the United Way has been running a commercial that has a child calling 911 crying that, "Daddy is hurting my Mommy!!!" It ends with the announcer saying, "Go ahead, do nothing...." or something along those lines. Clearly the implication is that this kid will have to see his Mommy beaten unless I pledge money to the United Way, or if not that exactly, it is all about guilt. I hate that commercial. I've contributed to other funds that exist for battered women and children but I still felt guilty. I wish the commercial will go off the air and that they'll stop. But i do feel that they have every right to run it. For me, until they stop, I simply won't give to the United Way. And finally, Don'tcha think, "no music" IS a musical preference?


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Subject: RE: RANT (Please join in):Musical Wallpaper!
From: Lepus Rex
Date: 14 Feb 01 - 11:49 AM

Heh, I bet Bad Elevator Music came to your town, Matt, and it was really cool, because no other Elevator Music had ever bothered to visit your town and talk to you kids, right? Billy Ray Cyrus was opening, wasn't he?

Seriously, I hate the stuff. For some reason, I can't tune out noise. Bad music in a store actually makes me buy LESS, I think, because it's so damned distracting.

People do notice when you play something 'strange' or 'different' though. At my work (a small, family-owned shop), no customer has ever asked about the cheesy pop-rock my co-workers listen to. It's just there. But when my cds are on, there's always a comment, usually something positive. Even if they hate it, at least they HEAR it.

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Subject: RE: RANT (Please join in):Musical Wallpaper!
From: Bill D
Date: 14 Feb 01 - 11:49 AM

....there IS background music that is 'almost' unnoticable, I have learned to tune it out. By definition, it is seldom music with any character, but sometimes it does enhance a mood for the time of day...etc...this is ususally used by bigger stores and is professionally done Musak.

On the other hand, 'personal' choices by small business owners, played on boomboxes set on a shelf, can range all over the map!....and they can please 90%..or 2%! I suppose a business owner can play whatever he wants, but if he plays loud rock or rap...or even Classical Bagpipes, it going to distract me and many others, and may be a bad idea, no matter WHAT his 'rights' are. I live in a large metropolitan area, and can usually find a place that does not offend...what if my only choice of pharmacies in a small town is run by a guy with a taste for Tuvan throat singing?...yeah, I know, I don't have to be there long, so live with it. Hell of a solution..

Matt....seems to me that there is a real issue as to WHY 'young people' keep pushing the envelope for louder, more intense music that is often violent and 'in your face'....

I am just sort of tired of a world that is moving away from trying to consider the feeling of others, and moving TOWARD "you don't like it? Tough shit!"

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Subject: RE: RANT (Please join in):Musical Wallpaper!
From: Pseudolus
Date: 14 Feb 01 - 11:52 AM

When I suggested that the owner has rights, I meant he/she has the rights to form an opinion of what the clientelle wants and go with that decision. I didn't mean to imply that he/she made the decision on an island.


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Subject: RE: RANT (Please join in):Musical Wallpaper!
From: GUEST,Matt_R
Date: 14 Feb 01 - 12:02 PM

Because "you don't like it? Tough shit!" is the only way to go. Any amount of explanation wouldn't convince you, so what's left.

Folkies can say:

"I'm a rambler I'm a gambler
I'm a long way from home
And if you don't like me
You can leave me alone"


"You can't keep me from singing"

But US, noooo we're not allowed to have our own opinions. And I don't know why us young shitheads like the intense, loud, violent, in-your-face music. Go ask Stravinsky, or Beethoven, or Liszt. They might know.

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Subject: RE: RANT (Please join in):Musical Wallpaper!
From: Kim C
Date: 14 Feb 01 - 12:55 PM

Let me see if I can say this where it makes sense. When I go to a public place WITHOUT the express intent of hearing music, like the grocery or Target or the mall, I have other things on my mind and 99 times out of 100 don't pay a lick of attention to what's on the speakers. I go to those places to run errands or do other business and music doesn't really figure into it. Around here several places just play local radio stations. I suppose if I happened into some place that played particularly obnoxious music, it might influence my decision to go back or not, but in my sphere that has never been an issue.

Y'all would have loved what they were playing in the tattoo salon the last time I was there. I don't even know what it was. It could only be described as train wreck music. There was a little ZZ Top in there, but I didn't recognize anything else. One of those bands didn't even sound like they were speaking English but they were. BUT I knew it was going to be like that when I went in there, so I didn't fret it. I'm sure if I had asked them to throw something else into the mix they would have done it for me - but when your butt's on fire, well, you don't think about that stuff. ;)

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Subject: RE: RANT (Please join in):Musical Wallpaper!
From: kendall
Date: 14 Feb 01 - 05:20 PM

Matt, you just dont get it. The kind of crap I refer to is not music. It is an annoyance at least, and cause for assault at worst. I have walked out of many a store because of it, and, the fact is they need me more than I need them.So, I say "Tough shit for them". When I ask them to turn it down, sometimes they say "I dont even hear it." I reply "Then why the hell do you have it"? As far as younger people go, they dont know what it is like to have been brought up with manners and respect for other people.In your case, you probably learned manners from your military dad, and, that shitty noise is more of a protest. I guess it is all part of the "Dumbing down of America". I still say, Muzak is to music what Etch-a-Sketch is to art. If you want to listen to that primitive racket, go ahead. just dont get in my face with it.

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Subject: RE: RANT (Please join in):Musical Wallpaper!
From: kendall
Date: 14 Feb 01 - 08:51 PM

Well well, the kid has a temper tantrum. I'm afraid the joke's on you Matt. I love the pipes, and, would be glad to have them skirling at my funeral. Fortunately, I wont be able to hear them, or, any more of that shit you call music. This site is dedicated to blues and folk. Wouldn't you be happier playing with kids your own age?

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Subject: RE: RANT (Please join in):Musical Wallpaper!
From: CarolC
Date: 14 Feb 01 - 09:13 PM

Hey kendall, do you have any kids?

I have a son who is seventeen. I have a very high opinion of him. His tastes in music are broad, but they do include some forms of music that I don't like. And sometimes he makes some ettiquette blunders. He's human and he's still learning. But I would never talk to him the way you talk to Matt.

My son is Mudcatter, "indieman". I'm glad he's a Mudcat member. I think he can learn from the old farts if he wants to. I also think the old farts can learn from him if they want to.

Best wishes,


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Subject: RE: RANT (Please join in):Musical Wallpaper!
From: Bill D
Date: 14 Feb 01 - 09:20 PM

"Because "you don't like it? Tough shit!" is the only way to go. " wish I was likely to live to be 100, and could ask you about that again in 40 years. I hope you realize, Matt, that not all young people feel like that..(too many for my taste, but not all)...seems to me that the way you express it is very much YOUR personal issue...

...but, you are correct, I doubt that your explanation WOULD convince me, so I will not engage you about it again...

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Subject: RE: RANT (Please join in):Musical Wallpaper!
From: Matt_R
Date: 14 Feb 01 - 09:28 PM

Wbat an etch a sketch is to art? HA! What do you know about art? Constructivism wire stabiles look EXACTLY like Etch-A-Sketch doodles.

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Subject: RE: RANT (Please join in):Musical Wallpaper!
From: CarolC
Date: 14 Feb 01 - 09:37 PM

On the other hand, it looks like you boys are having fun, so I'll just shut the door when I leave, shall I?

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Subject: RE: RANT (Please join in):Musical Wallpaper!
From: hesperis
Date: 14 Feb 01 - 09:38 PM

What about the rights of songbirds? Even in National parks, some songbirds are forgetting their mating calls, because of ever-present noise. One guy is campaigning for "one inch of silence", and it is astounding to realize what is in fact lost by all the music and noise that we make in "modern" life. There would have to be no noise-making activity in a radius of miles to get a mere one inch.

And humans need silence too...

I read the article in a not-online mag, and don't even remember the title. Has anyone else got a link?

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Subject: RE: RANT (Please join in):Musical Wallpaper!
From: Matt_R
Date: 14 Feb 01 - 09:39 PM

No, take me with you!

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Subject: RE: RANT (Please join in):Musical Wallpaper!
From: CarolC
Date: 14 Feb 01 - 09:50 PM

Matt, I want you to know that I never do this for anyone, but I'm going to do it for you now... (here goes... )



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Subject: RE: RANT (Please join in):Musical Wallpaper!
From: kendall
Date: 14 Feb 01 - 10:19 PM

Interesting how you focus on how I talk to Matt. Did you read what he said to me? Yes, I had kids. The oldest is 28, and, has learned manners. Matt, I might know a lot more about art than you think. Remember, I've been around three times as long as you have.

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Subject: RE: RANT (Please join in):Musical Wallpaper!
From: Troll
Date: 14 Feb 01 - 10:29 PM

Kendall, can I join you and 'Spaw?
Bardford, the attendant you asked about the music at the gas station was not the owner but some minimum-wage register jockey who couldn't care less if you don't come back. Find out who the owner is and let him know of your displeasure with the music and his employees attitude. That may get results.And lastly, Matt_R is a bright but VERY immature young man who, in all probability, would never address Kendall (or anyone else) in the manner he uses on the Forum if they were face-to-face.
The safety of distance can make even the most timid bold beyond what is sensible and rude and obnoxious toward people whose life experience is probably far beyond what they will ever experience first hand.
Are constructivism stabiles art? Some would say no; that they fall more in the craft area. I have no opinion one way or the other. But I have seen stuff exhibited as art that did absolutely nothing for me personally and I feel that I have a fair feeling for the subject. My first ex-wife was a working artist and the Memsahib has a degree in art history.
The point is this Matt_R. If Kendall doesn't like your taste(?) in music, it's his right to say so. His Etch-a-Sketch analogy is quite apt.
You may think that a crucifix in a glass of piss is art but I don't and I don't think that ANYTHING played at deafening volumes is good music.
I recall seeing a bumper sticker about 10 years ago that said,"If it's too loud, you're too old". That's not "in your face", thats rude, crass, and totally inconsiderate and by no rational definition should art or music be any of those things.
If it chooses to be then if had better expect the criticism it gets.


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Subject: RE: RANT (Please join in):Musical Wallpaper!
From: CarolC
Date: 14 Feb 01 - 10:31 PM

I know, kendall. I realized after I posted that you would probably point that out. The way I look at it is that as someone who should know better, I need to do my best to set a good example. Young people learn what they live, and live what they learn. Matt isn't a kid. He's a young adult. However, you and I are supposed to be older and wiser, aren't we? Do you think your manners are better than Matt's?

I think if we took the name headings and musical references away, it would be difficult to tell the difference between your posts and Matt's posts. Sorry.


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Subject: RE: RANT (Please join in):Musical Wallpaper!
From: Matt_R
Date: 14 Feb 01 - 10:53 PM

Well, if you asked anyone in real life about me, manners would probably be the first thing they would say. And WHY IN GOD'S NAME does everyone ASSUME that since my Dad was in the military, that he was the stereotypical domineering military dictator? My Dad is a great warm, caring guy, not an "enforcer".

Maybe the reason I don't like like musical bigots is because I USED to be one. And maybe if someone got in MY face and told me off, I might got the hint to discover more music later than 17 years of age (a mere 4 years ago) before I realized there was something beyond my own constricted, narrow mind. I lumped everything together, pulled stereotypes...while never ever sitting down to just LISTEN to something. And I think that that first venture into classical music allowed me to explore beyond the stereotypes and to use the theories of music analysis and theory to understand all the music I began to listen to.

I perservere. I eat chocolate covered coffee beans...the little devils are nasty and make you cringe, but I can't stop eating them. Now I never me they are delicious and quite addicting. The mind has an amazing way of attaching itself to something, no matter how nasty, when it is frequently in contact. It's like that with anything. But if you're unwilling to LISTEN, to STOP smacking everything you don't understand, you'll never get anywhere.

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