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Origins: The Chandler's Wife


Related threads:
(origins) Origin: The Lincolnshire Poacher (23)
Lyr Req: The Thing (22)
Lyr Req: Leftish Parody on 'Lincolnshire Poacher' (10)
Lyr ADD: The Thing (Charles R. Grean; Phil Harris) (15)
Help: Lincolnshire Poacher (8)

kim 09 Oct 98 - 02:48 AM
Bert 09 Oct 98 - 01:07 PM
kim 12 Oct 98 - 02:29 AM
Susan of DT 12 Oct 98 - 02:49 PM
Stevo 19 Oct 98 - 03:45 AM
MMario 23 Oct 98 - 01:02 PM
GUEST,That New Guitar Guy 01 Feb 11 - 12:52 PM
RunrigFan 01 Feb 11 - 06:36 PM
Bernard 01 Feb 11 - 06:51 PM
Don Firth 01 Feb 11 - 07:16 PM
Joe Offer 01 Feb 11 - 07:53 PM
Jim Dixon 18 Mar 13 - 06:34 PM
Lighter 18 Mar 13 - 07:05 PM
Jim Dixon 18 Mar 13 - 10:09 PM
Bert 19 Mar 13 - 12:52 PM
GUEST,Chuck Hoskins 13 Oct 20 - 04:45 AM
and e 13 Jan 25 - 11:38 AM
and e 13 Jan 25 - 11:59 AM
and e 13 Jan 25 - 03:21 PM
Thomas Stern 13 Jan 25 - 08:47 PM
Lighter 13 Jan 25 - 09:26 PM
Mrrzy 13 Jan 25 - 09:30 PM
and e 13 Jan 25 - 10:41 PM
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Subject: Chandelier shop
From: kim
Date: 09 Oct 98 - 02:48 AM

I was after the words to this rather humorous song. It is basically about a lad who goes into a chandelier's shop and finds the owners cheese upstairs with someone other than her husband. She tells him that if he keeps mum he can can up and enjoy her services anytime. cheerio kim

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Subject: RE: Chandelier shop
From: Bert
Date: 09 Oct 98 - 01:07 PM

There's two versions in DT. Search for chandler.

Great song, I've got some vinyl somewhere with Oscar Brand singing it.

Bert. (I'm gonna have to learn it myself some day)

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Subject: RE: Chandelier shop
From: kim
Date: 12 Oct 98 - 02:29 AM

thanks for the tip.

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Subject: RE: Chandelier shop
From: Susan of DT
Date: 12 Oct 98 - 02:49 PM

That's Chandler's shop, not chandelier and we have two versions of the Chandler's Wife. I searched for chandler*

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Subject: RE: Chandelier shop
From: Stevo
Date: 19 Oct 98 - 03:45 AM

This is too the same tune as "The bird in the morning"

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Subject: RE: Chandelier shop
From: MMario
Date: 23 Oct 98 - 01:02 PM

Molly & The Tinker (Dianne and Brian Leo) do a version of this from a girls point of view - with the chandler rather then the chandler's wife. Best version I have ever heard of it!

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Subject: Lyr Req: The Chandler's Wife
From: GUEST,That New Guitar Guy
Date: 01 Feb 11 - 12:52 PM

Chandler's wife is an easy song to learn on Acoustic Guitar.
It only took me 1 week and it was the first song I ever learned.

It only has 3 chords:
(and X means knock on guitar with knuckle.)

It is a 4 count song with 5 frames.
But, it is super easy because all of the frames are the same.

1-2-3-4-1-2-3-4-    }I walked into the Chandler's shop,
C-------F---C---    }Some candles for to buy.
1-2-3-4-1-2-3-4-    }I looked around the Chandler's shop,
C-------G-------    }Yet none did I spy.
1-2-3-4-1-2-3-4-    }I was disappointed,
C-------F---C---    }And some angry words I said.
1-2-3-4-1-2-3-4-    }When I heard the sound of a XXX,
C---xxx-G---C---    }Right above my head.

That's it, the only thing that changes is the words.
Now of course you could play each note for each beat or even a couple up strokes.
But for me, a beginner, I chose to play it this way nice and slow.


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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: The Chandler's Wife
From: RunrigFan
Date: 01 Feb 11 - 06:36 PM

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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: The Chandler's Wife
From: Bernard
Date: 01 Feb 11 - 06:51 PM

The tune is 'The Lincolnshire Poacher' (amongst others). It works well on the Anglo concertina, too.

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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: The Chandler's Wife
From: Don Firth
Date: 01 Feb 11 - 07:16 PM

The first time I heard the tune was sometime in the 1950s. Phil Harris (bandleader and comic on The Jack Benny Show for years, and later, one-half of The Phil Harris – Alice Faye Show) came out with the novelty song, "The Thing." Got a lot of play on radio and on juke boxes.

Next time I heard it, shortly thereafter was Richard Dyer-Bennet singing "The Lincolnshire Poacher." Then, a friend of mine, Ken Manus, singing "The Chandler's Wife."

Here's Phil Harris with "The Thing."

Don Firth

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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: The Chandler's Wife
From: Joe Offer
Date: 01 Feb 11 - 07:53 PM

Here's the entry on this song from the Traditional Ballad Index:

    Chandler's Wife, The

    DESCRIPTION: (The tailor's boy) goes to the chandler's shop; he hears a "knock, knock, knock" overhead. He surprises the chandler's wife with the apprentice boy. Men should either watch their wives or give them so much (knock, knock, knock) that they want no more
    AUTHOR: unknown
    EARLIEST DATE: 1939 (recording, Warde Ford)
    LONG DESCRIPTION: (The tailor's boy) goes to the chandler's shop; finding no one there, he hears the sounds of sex (a "knock, knock, knock") overhead. Running upstairs, he surprises the chandler's wife with the apprentice boy. She offers the interloper sex whenever he's so inclined. The moral is drawn that men should either lock their wives up, tie them down, or give them so much (knock, knock, knock) that they want no more
    KEYWORDS: sex adultery infidelity promise bawdy humorous apprentice
    REFERENCES (2 citations):
    Silber-FSWB, p. 157, "The Chandler's Wife" (1 text)

    Warde Ford, "The Tailor Boy" (AFS 4204 A1, 1939; in AMMEM/Cowell)
    cf. "The Farm Servant (Rap-Tap-Tap)" (plot)
    cf. "The Jolly Barber Lad" (theme)
    cf. "The Coachman's Whip" (theme)
    cf. "The Lincolnshire Poacher" (tune)
    The Tailor's Boy
    NOTES: I'm astonished to not find this in the Index -- I could have sworn it was there. - PJS
    Yes, but aren't you glad that *you* got to write the description? :-)
    I am surprised that it's not in Cray. There are similar plots, of course, but nothing I recognize as the same song. - RBW
    File: FSWB1567A

    Go to the Ballad Search form
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    The Ballad Index Copyright 2010 by Robert B. Waltz and David G. Engle.

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Subject: Lyr Add: THE CHANDLER'S WIFE (from Bodleian)
From: Jim Dixon
Date: 18 Mar 13 - 06:34 PM

From the Bodleian broadside collection, Harding B 25(356):


A tailor-boy went out one day some candles for to buy.
He came into a chandler's shop, but devil a-one was nigh.
He rapped, he called, and loudly bawled; no answer there was made,
But likewise he heard the rap, tap, tap, right over his very head.

The tailor-boy being cunning and sly, he nimbly tripped upstairs.
There he would not speak one word for spoiling of the affair.
For there he spied the sparkling Will, down by his mistress's side.
Likewise he heard the rap, tap, tap; he beheld it with his eyes.

Their game it being all over, then they began to rise.
When that she saw the tailor-boy; it put her in a great surprise.
But she said, "If you my secrets keep, to you I will prove kind,
And you shall have at my rap, tap, tap, whenever you have a mind."

The tailor-boy being cunning and sly, he nimbly answered, "No,
For I'll go call my comrade Jack; he's used to serve maids so.
It's I'll go call my comrade Jack; I'll go call him out of hand,
And he shall have at the rap, tap, tap, for he does it well understand."

Come all you young men who have handsome wives; it's when you go from home,
Be you sure to take care of them and lock them into a room,
Or they'll kiss and toy with the pretty boys; the chandler's wife done so,
And they will have at the rap, tap, tap, before you a mile would go.

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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: The Chandler's Wife
From: Lighter
Date: 18 Mar 13 - 07:05 PM

Jim, B 27(52), "The Tailor's Boy," seems to date from 1832.

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Subject: Lyr Add: THE TAILOR'S BOY (from Bodleian)
From: Jim Dixon
Date: 18 Mar 13 - 10:09 PM

From the Bodleian broadside collection, Harding B 27(52):


A tailor's boy went out one night some candles for to bring,
And going into the chandler's shop, no one could find the twig.
He rapped; he bawled; he whistled; he called; no answer there was made.
He thought he heard a rap-tap-tap right above his head.

The tailor's boy being crafty, he slyly slipped upstairs.
Not one word of noise he made for fear of spoiling their affairs.
It's there he spied the shopman, John, just betwixt this mistress's thighs,
And they carried on with their rap-tap-tap; he beheld it with his eyes.

The job it being finished, and they began to rise,
To see the tailor's boy stand there it put them in surprise.
She says, "Young man, my counsel keep, and I will [repay] in kind,
And you may play on my rap-tap-tap whenever you have a mind."

She clapped her hand into her pocket and gave him eighteen pence,
Thinking that would stop his mouth for six or eight months hence.
She give to him a cucumber to stop his hungry maw,
And he's never to speak of the rap-tap-tap for such past time he saw.

All you young men has wanting wives and means for to leave home,
I pray you do take care of them and lock them up in a room.
They would kiss and toy with a sporting boy; I say they would not stop,
And before you go an English mile, they'd play on the rap-tap-tap.

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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: The Chandler's Wife
From: Bert
Date: 19 Mar 13 - 12:52 PM

I eventually learned it, Here's the way that I sing it.

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Subject: ADD Version: The Chandler's Wife
From: GUEST,Chuck Hoskins
Date: 13 Oct 20 - 04:45 AM

We used to bandy this song about when I was in the Navy. It is very close to the Oscar Brand version.


As I went down to the Chandler's shop some candles for to buy,
Twas not a sign of the Chandler or his wife did I espy.
Well I was disappointed and some angry words I said,
Then I heard the sound of a (rap-tap-tap) right above my head.
I heard the sound of a (rap-tap-tap right) above my head.

Now I was slick and I was quick so up the stairs I sped,
And very surprised was I to find the Chandler's wife in bed.
There with her was a fine young man of quite considerable size,
And they were having a (rap-tap-tap) right before my eyes.
Yes, they were having a (rap-tap-tap) right before my eyes.

Aah, when the fun was over and done she lifted up her head,
And very surprised was she to find me standing by the bed.
Said she, if you're discrete my boy, if you would be so kind,
You too can come up for some (rap-tap-tap) whenever you feel inclined.
Yes, You can come up for some (rap-tap-tap) whenever you feel inclined.

Now all you married men TAKE HEED! whenever you go to town,
If you must leave your woman alone be sure to tie her down.
But if you would be kind to her just lay her right down on the floor,
And give her so much of that (rap-tap-tap) she doesn't want any more.
Yes, give her so much of that (rap-tap-tap) she doesn't want any more.

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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: The Chandler's Wife
From: and e
Date: 13 Jan 25 - 11:38 AM



Jack, oh Jack was a sailor lad
And he went ashore for some gin,
He rapped and he tapped
        And he rapped and tapped
But nobody seemed to be in.

He rapped and he tapped
        And he tapped and he rapped
But every one was in bed.
When he suddenly heard a rap a tap tap
On the window right over his head.

Comin in, come in, my sailor lad
There's nobody here but me
And I have the finest rap a tap
That ever a Jack did see.

And she stood there with a form so fair
And a face like peaches and cream.
Come in, come in, my sailor lad
And in he did careen.

He pressed her, he squeezed her
Looked into her coal black eyes,
And he shoved the head of his rap a tap
In the window between her thighs

And when he got up from that bed of love
He swore she wasn't a whore
For he knew by the feel of her rap a tap tap
That no one'd been there before.

A week went by and Jack did sigh
As in his hammock he swung,
He could tell by the feel of his rap a tap tap
His flying jibboom was sprung

c1928. A Collection of Sea Songs and Ditties by Dave E Jones. Pgs 20-21.

See online here:

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Subject: RE: Origins: The Chandler's Wife
From: and e
Date: 13 Jan 25 - 11:59 AM

This song is Roud # 15495 with fourteen citations.

See here:

Note the Ballad Index incorrectly lists this as Roud #10256.   

See here:

I will email Robert Waltz with corrections.

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Subject: RE: Origins: The Chandler's Wife
From: and e
Date: 13 Jan 25 - 03:21 PM

...I will sing a song. A beautiful
old New England folk ballad which I
picked up at Harvard amid the debris of
education. (He sings in a boisterous bari-
tone, rapping on the table with his
knuckles at the indicated spots in the
song )
“Jack, oh, Jack, was a sailor lad
And he came to a tavern for gin.
He rapped and he rapped with a (Rap,
rap, rap)
But never a soul seemed in.”

(The drunks at the tables stir. Rocky gets
up from his chair m the bar and starts
back for the entrance to the bac\ room.
Hope cocks one irritable eye over his specs,
foe Mott opens both of his and grins.
Willie interposes some drunken whimsi-
cal exposition to Larry.)

The origin of this beautiful ditty is
veiled in mystery, Larry. There was a
legend bruited about in Cambridge lava-
tories that Waldo Emerson composed it
during his uninformative period as a min-
ister, while he was trying to write a ser-
mon. But my own opinion is, it goes back
much further, and Jonathan Edwards w r as
the author of both words and music. (He

“He rapped and rapped, and tapped and
Enough to wake the dead
Till he heard a damsel (Rap, rap, rap)
On a window right over his head.”

(The drunks are blinking their eyes now,
grumbling and cursing. Rocky appears
from the bar at rear, right, yawning.)

hope (with yawning irritation): Rocky!
Bejees, can’t you keep that crazy bastard
quiet? (Rocky starts for Willie)
willie. And now the influence of a
good woman enters our mariner’s life.
Well, perhaps “good” isn’t the word. But
very, very kind. (He sings)

“Oh, come up,” she cried, “my sailor lad,
And you and I’ll agree,
And I’ll show you the prettiest (Rap, rap, rap)
That ever you did see.”

(He speaks) You see, Larry? The lewd
Puritan touch, obviously, and it grows
more marked as we go on. ( He sings)

“Oh, he put his arm around her waist.
He gazed in her bright blue eyes
And then he — ”

(But here Rocky shakes him roughly by
the shoulder.)

rocky: Piano! What d’yuh tink dis
dump is, a dump?

hope: Give him the bum's rush upstairs!
Lock him in his room!

rocky (yanks Willie by the arm): Come
on. Bum.

1939. The Iceman Cometh Eugene O'Neill.   Written in 1939, first produced in 1946.

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Subject: RE: Origins: The Chandler's Wife
From: Thomas Stern
Date: 13 Jan 25 - 08:47 PM

Richard Dyer-Bennet

private recording, c.1945
7.5ips RtR tape
Kinsey Institute for Sexual Research, Bloomington Indiana [784 P96 A-V]

The Old She-Crab and The Tailor's Boy are in his LP 1601.

"Second Best Bed" Ethel Barrymore Theatre, (6/3/1946 - 6/8/1946) 8 performances
Produced by Ruth Chatterton and John Huntington
Written by N. Richard Nash
Directed by Ruth Chatterton and N. Richard Nash
Scenic Design by Motley; Costume Design by Motley
Richard Dyer-Bennet Ballad Seller                   NO KNOWN RECORDING   
tryout?? performances in Detroit
included the song "The Tailor's Boy"


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Subject: RE: Origins: The Chandler's Wife
From: Lighter
Date: 13 Jan 25 - 09:26 PM

And set in 1912, a few years after O'Neill quit the sea.

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Subject: RE: Origins: The Chandler's Wife
From: Mrrzy
Date: 13 Jan 25 - 09:30 PM

I have the Oscar Brand one too!

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Subject: RE: Origins: The Chandler's Wife
From: and e
Date: 13 Jan 25 - 10:41 PM


Peg-Leg Jack went out one night to get a little gin.
He went down to the landlord's house. The landlord wasn't in.
He rapped, he rapped, he rapped, he rapped, he rapped all night in vain,
When all of a sudden a (knock, knock, knock) upon the windowpane.

Up to the window he turned his head and there a maid he spied.
He thought by the way that she (knock, knock, knock) that she would be his bride.
"Come down, come down," said Peg-Leg Jack, "and sit on the porch with me,"
And down she come and she sit on the porch, as pretty as ever you see.

Oh, they billed and they cooed and they kissed and they loved.
They hugged and they squeezed and they turtle-doved.
They honeyed and sweetied and babied-my-pet.
They sparked and cuddled and there they sat.

Then of a sudden here come her father, driving the village hack.
With a roar and a bellow and "hey, young fellow", he started for Peg-Leg Jack.
Jack lit out with a yip and a shout, for life to him was sweet,
And Jack's peg leg went (knock, knock, knock) upon the village street.

"Goodbye, my lover," the maiden cried, "I hope you don't get killed."
Her old man grabbed his pistol out with powder and bullets filled.
Jack bumped into a big fat lady, and fell in a puddle kersplash!
The old man's pistol went (knock, knock, knock) as down the road they dashed.

Oh, they raced and they chased and they galloped and they crawled.
They snarled and they yelled and they hollered and they bawled,
They cougared and the shankled and hopped up and down,
Back and forth and round and round.

Jack climbed up into a tree and thought he'd saved his skin,
But the woodpeckers pecked on his old peg leg and they drove him down again.
He ran into a neighbor's barn and the old man followed him in.
A mule got sore and whaled away and kicked him out again.

Peg-Leg Jack, he ran kersmack, into the constable,
Who joined the chase with the girl's old man, the fat lady and the mule.
They chased the sailor around and round, and round a big haystack.
The old man ran round the other way and he grabbed poor sailor Jack.

Oh, Jack hit her pappy and her pappy hit back.
Their noses got red and their eyes got black.
They wrestled and the tussled and they cussed and they swore.
They barked their knuckles and their clothes they tore.

The old mule cried, the fat lady screamed, the constable let out a yell.
He took old man by the collar and locked him in the cell.
Peg-Leg Jack, he hurried back, the maiden for to wed,
But found that she had gone and married a soldier boy instead.

Oh, poor Jack cried and he bellered and he swore,
Grabbed him a ship and he sailed from shore,
Sailed away as fast as sin,
And that was the last they seen of him.

1927. Peg-Leg Jack by Frank Luther. Rewritten and bowlerdized version by Frank Luther
issued as the flip side to Barnacle Bill the Sailor No. 2.
Issued on Brunswick #4371

Listen here:

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