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Req:Can't Stand to Throw Anything Away-Jn Hartford


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GUEST,PHJim 03 Dec 24 - 08:43 PM
cnd 04 Dec 24 - 09:55 AM
GUEST,PHJim 04 Dec 24 - 01:10 PM
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Subject: Lyr Req: Can't Stand to Throw Anything Away John
Date: 03 Dec 24 - 08:43 PM

I can't seem to understand the lyrics to "Can't Stand to Throw Anything Away" by John Hartford. Any help would be appreciated.
Can't Stand To Throw Anything Away - John Hartford

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Subject: RE: Req:Can't Stand to Throw Anything Away-Jn Hartford
From: cnd
Date: 04 Dec 24 - 09:55 AM

Here's how I hear it, but there's definitely still a few questionable sections -- mostly the first line of each stanza -- but it's a start.

I can't stand, I can't stand, I can't stand, I can't staaaand -- to throw anything away
I can't stand, I can't stand, I can't stand, I can't staaaand -- to throw anything away

There's disturbance in the livestock up way up in the flood
Planned a tourist on the road in darkest Arkansas
She sells blank photographs, used husbands
I can't stand to throw anything away


Well, along mown a mule with a mouthful of yellowjackets
Waiting on Sally for to hand me down the screws
Sup alls the sugar from the third spittoon
I can't stand to throw anything away


Oh, suck eggs, so-and-so, bit by turtlehead
The married mad man of the old heave-ho
Say "Wherever I'm at, that's where I better be
And I'll never throw anything away"


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Subject: RE: Req:Can't Stand to Throw Anything Away-Jn Hartford
Date: 04 Dec 24 - 01:10 PM

Thanks a lot CND. That sounds like it.

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