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BS: Let's talk about the US election

Donuel 10 Dec 24 - 05:55 PM
Helen 10 Dec 24 - 06:11 PM
Donuel 11 Dec 24 - 02:44 PM
Stilly River Sage 11 Dec 24 - 04:56 PM
Donuel 13 Dec 24 - 09:05 AM
Stilly River Sage 13 Dec 24 - 11:18 AM
Stilly River Sage 13 Dec 24 - 11:25 AM
The Sandman 13 Dec 24 - 12:42 PM
Donuel 13 Dec 24 - 01:59 PM
gillymor 13 Dec 24 - 02:05 PM
Donuel 13 Dec 24 - 02:15 PM
gillymor 13 Dec 24 - 02:22 PM
Big Al Whittle 13 Dec 24 - 03:21 PM
Donuel 13 Dec 24 - 03:38 PM
Donuel 13 Dec 24 - 03:51 PM
The Sandman 13 Dec 24 - 04:59 PM
gillymor 13 Dec 24 - 05:52 PM
Donuel 13 Dec 24 - 06:33 PM
Thompson 14 Dec 24 - 03:36 AM
The Sandman 14 Dec 24 - 03:46 AM
The Sandman 14 Dec 24 - 04:10 AM
Donuel 14 Dec 24 - 09:12 AM
Donuel 14 Dec 24 - 09:26 AM
Bill D 14 Dec 24 - 10:00 AM
Backwoodsman 14 Dec 24 - 10:59 AM
The Sandman 14 Dec 24 - 12:23 PM
Donuel 14 Dec 24 - 03:32 PM
Thompson 15 Dec 24 - 05:00 AM
Donuel 15 Dec 24 - 07:32 AM
robomatic 16 Dec 24 - 07:59 PM
Donuel 16 Dec 24 - 08:47 PM
Donuel 16 Dec 24 - 09:15 PM
Stilly River Sage 16 Dec 24 - 09:26 PM
Bill D 17 Dec 24 - 11:04 AM
Stilly River Sage 17 Dec 24 - 11:25 AM
Bill D 17 Dec 24 - 04:10 PM
Helen 17 Dec 24 - 05:57 PM
robomatic 17 Dec 24 - 06:18 PM
Thompson 18 Dec 24 - 04:59 AM
Backwoodsman 18 Dec 24 - 06:34 AM
Big Al Whittle 18 Dec 24 - 12:58 PM
robomatic 18 Dec 24 - 02:19 PM
Donuel 19 Dec 24 - 05:54 AM
Donuel 19 Dec 24 - 07:19 AM
Donuel 19 Dec 24 - 10:18 AM
Stilly River Sage 19 Dec 24 - 11:09 AM
Donuel 20 Dec 24 - 06:56 AM
Donuel 20 Dec 24 - 11:24 AM
Bill D 20 Dec 24 - 11:29 AM
keberoxu 20 Dec 24 - 11:43 AM

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Subject: RE: BS: Let's talk about the US election
From: Donuel
Date: 10 Dec 24 - 05:55 PM

Trump has appointed 11 FOX NEWS hosts and contributors to his cabinet.
The one in charge of ATF, alcohol, tobacco, firearms and explosives is a big fan of the Unibomber like the United Healthcare CEO killer.

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Subject: RE: BS: Let's talk about the US election
From: Helen
Date: 10 Dec 24 - 06:11 PM

In preparation for the next four years, I'm just about to start re-reading a book written by Aaron James called Assholes: A Theory

Not surprisingly, Donald Trump features in the book and the documentary.

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Subject: RE: BS: Let's talk about the US election
From: Donuel
Date: 11 Dec 24 - 02:44 PM

Among science nerds, there was something called Maxwell's demons, which made certain experiments seemingly violate the laws of thermodynamics.

I wonder if Trump is full of Maxwell's demons.

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Subject: RE: BS: Let's talk about the US election
From: Stilly River Sage
Date: 11 Dec 24 - 04:56 PM

The FBI director says he's going to step down. Darn (and he was a Trump appointee before - go figure). Let's hope the fed chair is made of sterner stuff.

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Subject: RE: BS: Let's talk about the US election
From: Donuel
Date: 13 Dec 24 - 09:05 AM

RFK is having his lawyer start the process to stop using the Salk vaccine that ended the polio epidemic in 1955.
RFK is a dangerous ultimate quack.

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Subject: RE: BS: Let's talk about the US election
From: Stilly River Sage
Date: 13 Dec 24 - 11:18 AM

Sources, Donuel, please. I've heard the opposite - that he and Musk want to look at the science but haven't made statements about anything so precise as that. RFK is a quack, but keeping track of the facts is still helpful.

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Subject: RE: BS: Let's talk about the US election
From: Stilly River Sage
Date: 13 Dec 24 - 11:25 AM

So after I wrote that a meme popped up on Facebook from Steven Beschloss with nonsense about the polio vaccine. From one day to the next how do you make up stuff like this. But Kennedy's lawyer in the Biden term will just have to wait his turn to be stupid.

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Subject: RE: BS: Let's talk about the US election
From: The Sandman
Date: 13 Dec 24 - 12:42 PM a link from the guardian newspaper
Kennedy, a leading vaccine sceptic, has insisted he has no plans to revoke vaccines should he be confirmed by the US Senate for the health secretary position

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Subject: RE: BS: Let's talk about the US election
From: Donuel
Date: 13 Dec 24 - 01:59 PM

Yes RFK made early statements to placate vaccine advocates but my source is MSNBC this morning. Do your own research before you climb on my back or claim I am lying to you. However, I am highly curious about the MSNBC story.

Trump is anti-edifying, horrific, and fun. ding ding ding. While his cruelty to the poor can be horrific his goodwill to billionaires is beyond compare.

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Subject: RE: BS: Let's talk about the US election
From: gillymor
Date: 13 Dec 24 - 02:05 PM

There is nothing "fun" about Trump and letting RFK Nutbag Jr. anywhere near public health policy is criminal.

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Subject: RE: BS: Let's talk about the US election
From: Donuel
Date: 13 Dec 24 - 02:15 PM

AH c'mon Trump has a lovable nutjob side as well as a dangerous psychopath who lives by whim, chaos and egotistic gut feelings as long as there is something in it for himself.

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Subject: RE: BS: Let's talk about the US election
From: gillymor
Date: 13 Dec 24 - 02:22 PM

Sorry, Dude, this tragedy hasn't turned to comedy for me yet and probably never will.

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Subject: RE: BS: Let's talk about the US election
From: Big Al Whittle
Date: 13 Dec 24 - 03:21 PM

what has RFK got against vaccines?

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Subject: RE: BS: Let's talk about the US election
From: Donuel
Date: 13 Dec 24 - 03:38 PM

It goes back to a fraud study committed by a British doctor who claimed childhood vaccines caused autism. Conspiracy theories spun out of control of the facts. Dr. Brainworm has gone way down the rabbit hole.

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Subject: RE: BS: Let's talk about the US election
From: Donuel
Date: 13 Dec 24 - 03:51 PM

WHILE HUMOR DID NOT WIN THE DAY with Stalin or Trump, leave the door open for humor to be a weapon. The HUGE number of Stalin jokes still works for authoritarians TODAY.

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Subject: RE: BS: Let's talk about the US election
From: The Sandman
Date: 13 Dec 24 - 04:59 PM

I am not saying you are lying, i am quoting a link in the guardian. here is the quote
Kennedy, a leading vaccine sceptic, has insisted he has no plans to revoke vaccines should he be confirmed by the US Senate for the health secretary position.

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Subject: RE: BS: Let's talk about the US election
From: gillymor
Date: 13 Dec 24 - 05:52 PM

Yes, homeboy, it's a laugh riot.

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Subject: RE: BS: Let's talk about the US election
From: Donuel
Date: 13 Dec 24 - 06:33 PM

No problem Sandman, Stilly is sometimes haughtily strict.

If RFK thinks all vaccines are federally mandated he is totally misinformed. Its the States that have the final say on vaccines.

However, On September 9, 2021, the Biden Administration implemented Executive Order (E.O.) 14043. This E.O. required federal employees to be vaccinated against COVID-19 by November 8, 2021, or risk removal or termination from their federal employment. (Republican version of truth)

In September 2021, the employees of all federally-funded Medicaid and Medicare-certified healthcare facilities, and Head Start program facilities, were required to be vaccinated, as ordered through the United States Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). (Democratic version of truth)


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Subject: RE: BS: Let's talk about the US election
From: Thompson
Date: 14 Dec 24 - 03:36 AM

I'm reading, fascinated and horrified, about the US health insurance system, including claims that insurers charged $11,000 for Covid tests that cost $8 (surely this is a myth?) and reports of people losing their homes to pay for medical treatment that would be an affordable cost in Europe…

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Subject: RE: BS: Let's talk about the US election
From: The Sandman
Date: 14 Dec 24 - 03:46 AM

If Kennedys appointment results in stricter testing of vaccines , imo that is good.Yesi had the polio vaccine and i am not against vaccination, but bearing in mind that the pharma industry is about making profits, the more vaccines are tested properly the better. IF kennedys appointment results in that then, i see no harm.

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Subject: RE: BS: Let's talk about the US election
From: The Sandman
Date: 14 Dec 24 - 04:10 AM

to clarify. it all depends on what exactly Kennedy does

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Subject: RE: BS: Let's talk about the US election
From: Donuel
Date: 14 Dec 24 - 09:12 AM

You've noticed how trickster Trump uses labels. He learned this from Roy Cohn. “the essence of tricksterism is change, contradiction,
adaptation, surprise”. As a trickster, Cohn not only redefines labels,
but plays with a multiplicity of Jewish stereotypes and tropes in Kushner’s “Jewish
Fantasia.” Utilizing the item that estranges him from “American” culture—his Jewish identity—Cohn consolidates and preserves his power. Yet, what separates Cohn
from a schemer, for instance “Tricky Dick,” is that the trickster, even a malignant
one, operates from a marginalized position in society. And by operating from the
sidelines, he nevertheless accumulates his power while deftly navigating competing
loyalties alongside the impossibility of assimilation.
By first interrogating categories that threaten to contain him, Cohn successfully creates a space in which he can freely transform, evade, and even redefine identities. Kushner plainly illustrates Cohn’s proficiency in the subversion of labels—an absolute necessity for a trickster.

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Subject: RE: BS: Let's talk about the US election
From: Donuel
Date: 14 Dec 24 - 09:26 AM

Another surprise and trick would be the elimination of FDIC so that runs on Banks would create a desperate population and nationalization of banks so that the powerful could steal while blaming the banks.

FDIC has worked perfectly since 1930. Ask yourself why Trump wants to get rid of it now when it would only make poor people penniless.

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Subject: RE: BS: Let's talk about the US election
From: Bill D
Date: 14 Dec 24 - 10:00 AM

Neil D... I no longer follow the news closely. There are people who are paid to keep track of the daily excruciating details of this travesty, but my daily browsing headlines gives me all the information I need.
   If something positive happens, I will gladly read it... after all, there are people whose calling and job it is to struggle against political entropy. My congessman, before I moved was Jamie Raskin, and there are many others who will chip away at this mounting idiocy.

   It won't take long for 15-20 million fools to realize they've shot themselves in the metaphorical foot.

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Subject: RE: BS: Let's talk about the US election
From: Backwoodsman
Date: 14 Dec 24 - 10:59 AM

"It won't take long for 15-20 million fools to realize they've shot themselves in the metaphorical foot."

Are you sure about that? They didn't seem to realise the last time Agent Orange was in power, and they voted him in again...

Never underestimate the capacity of the foolish to repeat their foolishness over and over...

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Subject: RE: BS: Let's talk about the US election
From: The Sandman
Date: 14 Dec 24 - 12:23 PM

Correct, they might vote next time for the democrats, tweedledum and tweedledee

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Subject: RE: BS: Let's talk about the US election
From: Donuel
Date: 14 Dec 24 - 03:32 PM

All the news is speculation about what could or might happen.
Deliberate destruction of civil rights is nearly assured.
Treason laws regarding the 'King' or Fuerer may return.
Just like climate change is outpacing evolutionary adaptation. the changes in the federal government could fail to mount a defense.
Trump has charmed huge corporations the same way Hitler did.

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Subject: RE: BS: Let's talk about the US election
From: Thompson
Date: 15 Dec 24 - 05:00 AM

At the moment, Robert F Kennedy seems to be, in a phrase I heard somewhere, standing back and standing by; we can't know what he'll do until next month when (hell breaks loose), sorry, when the new electees are installed. It's all conjecture right now; conjecture and reply to conjecture. An example, from a piece about 77 Nobel winners signing a letter urging the US Senate to reject Robert F Kennedy Jr as Donald Trump’s nominee for health and human services secretary:
Richard Roberts, winner of the 1993 Nobel prize for physiology or medicine, said scientists had felt the needed to respond to attacks by Kennedy and others.
“These political attacks on science are very damaging,” he told the New York Times. “You have to stand up and protect it.”
In response, a spokesperson for Trump’s transition team said: “Americans are sick and tired of the elites telling them what to do and how to do it. Our healthcare system in this country is broken, Mr Kennedy will enact President Trump’s agenda to restore the integrity of our healthcare and Make America Healthy Again.”

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Subject: RE: BS: Let's talk about the US election
From: Donuel
Date: 15 Dec 24 - 07:32 AM

Good for you Thompson, RFK is indeed Junior. If your uncle and dad were both assassinated under suspicious circumstances you might be broken too. RFK Jr. sounds broken, has a broken brain, memory, and is not a paragon of health. He overdosed on Ambien and drove his car into the white house fence. He claimed he was asleep. There are many accounts of his aberrant behavior about town that accumulate if you are a resident here.
I should always refer to him as 'junior'. Calling him Kennedy is misleading but technically accurate.

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Subject: RE: BS: Let's talk about the US election
From: robomatic
Date: 16 Dec 24 - 07:59 PM


you just writted:

You've noticed how trickster Trump uses labels. He learned this from Roy Cohn. “the essence of tricksterism is change, contradiction,
adaptation, surprise”. As a trickster, Cohn not only redefines labels,
but plays with a multiplicity of Jewish stereotypes and tropes in Kushner’s “Jewish
Fantasia.” Utilizing the item that estranges him from “American” culture—his Jewish identity—Cohn consolidates and preserves his power. Yet, what separates Cohn
from a schemer, for instance “Tricky Dick,” is that the trickster, even a malignant
one, operates from a marginalized position in society. And by operating from the
sidelines, he nevertheless accumulates his power while deftly navigating competing
loyalties alongside the impossibility of assimilation.
By first interrogating categories that threaten to contain him, Cohn successfully creates a space in which he can freely transform, evade, and even redefine identities. Kushner plainly illustrates Cohn’s proficiency in the subversion of labels—an absolute necessity for a trickster.

Please provide a source or link for WTF you are trying to say? Who is 'Kushner' in this screed? Are you quoting someone or is this original thought of some kind?I'd guess but I don't want to intrude on your independent mind.

BTW, Roy Cohn died 38 years ago in 1986.

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Subject: RE: BS: Let's talk about the US election
From: Donuel
Date: 16 Dec 24 - 08:47 PM

Cohn was Trump's lawyer. He taught Trump that power is fear. He passed on the trickster process of labeling. He taught him never to abandon a lie. Kushner, no relation to Jared, wrote Angels in America which featured Roy Cohn's evil but ignored his Jewish heritage. Roy Marcus Cohn was an American lawyer and prosecutor who came to prominence for his role as Senator Joseph McCarthy's chief counsel.counsel

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Subject: RE: BS: Let's talk about the US election
From: Donuel
Date: 16 Dec 24 - 09:15 PM

Jared's father is now ambassador to France.

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Subject: RE: BS: Let's talk about the US election
From: Stilly River Sage
Date: 16 Dec 24 - 09:26 PM

We should all provide links to sources.

Angels In America by playwright Tony Kushner. Though I don't see the work that Don refers to, so maybe not this Kushner.

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Subject: RE: BS: Let's talk about the US election
From: Bill D
Date: 17 Dec 24 - 11:04 AM

Backwoodsman..the last time he was in power, he was just muddling around and pretending to actually do things, especially about migration. Now he is out for revenge and making threats and plans and appointing seriously incompetent people to important jobs. This is a lot more dangerous than his 1st trip.
IF he and his sycophants attempt and/or succeed at half of what they threaten, I predict that many of those who voted for him will be shocked when they are suffering.
   Just to go out further on a limb, I predict another attempt at impeachment.

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Subject: RE: BS: Let's talk about the US election
From: Stilly River Sage
Date: 17 Dec 24 - 11:25 AM

But that will only happen if Democrats take back the house and the senate. Two years. Two long years to work for that goal, but by then people should be extremely motivated.

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Subject: RE: BS: Let's talk about the US election
From: Bill D
Date: 17 Dec 24 - 04:10 PM

Well, it can be introduced, but of course it wouldn't go anywhere as long as REPUBS hold both houses....unless The Donald manages to scare some of them also. Impossible? Nawwww...

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Subject: RE: BS: Let's talk about the US election
From: Helen
Date: 17 Dec 24 - 05:57 PM

Well, I watched PBS Washington Week With The Atlantic on the weekend and I caught a glimmer of hope that there could be enough anti-Trumpian Republicans in the Senate and Congress to vote against some of his proposals, along with the Democrats. Just a glimmer of hope, but....

They'll probably watch and wait intially, but then they might decide to vote for the right and the good instead of a Trumped-up small man with too much power and not enough brain capacity and no moral compass. We can only hope.

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Subject: RE: BS: Let's talk about the US election
From: robomatic
Date: 17 Dec 24 - 06:18 PM

The election of TRMP and the triumph of the Republican party has put paid to a lot of Democratic tropes. On multiple fronts. It has not changed some persistent misreadings that I think are dangerous:

TRMP has personality challenges that make him unreliable as a leader and as a reliable actor. If we ignore those weaknesses they will come back to bite us where and when we're vulnerable.

Related to the above, TRMP doesn't so much LIE as BULLSHIT. There is a difference. And the difference needs to be recognized and played as such.

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Subject: RE: BS: Let's talk about the US election
From: Thompson
Date: 18 Dec 24 - 04:59 AM

The effect of the next four years depends on people's reaction; if there are mass deportations with children separated from their parents, if people like teachers, doctors, journalists are taken away in waves of arrests, for instance, this can be polarising ("They deserved it!") or people can work together gently and kindly…

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Subject: RE: BS: Let's talk about the US election
From: Backwoodsman
Date: 18 Dec 24 - 06:34 AM

You’re right, Thommo, but there’s nothing ‘gentle’ or ‘kind’ about Agent Orange, nor his VP nor, I’m guessing, about most of those he’s selected for posts in his government.

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Subject: RE: BS: Let's talk about the US election
From: Big Al Whittle
Date: 18 Dec 24 - 12:58 PM

theres a difference between lies and bullshit....?

its a tough choice.
I'll vote for the liar.
No! In my family we always vote for the bullshitters!

In the land of the free, the lying bullshitter is king.

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Subject: RE: BS: Let's talk about the US election
From: robomatic
Date: 18 Dec 24 - 02:19 PM

A bull****er does not respect the truth enough to lie consistently.

TRMP is not 'just' a liar.

"The only thing worse than a liar is a liar who's a hypocrite."
-Tennessee Williams

"You have no sense of responsibility to anyone or anything. A tragedy in a man and a disaster in a President."
-Gore Vidal

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Subject: RE: BS: Let's talk about the US election
From: Donuel
Date: 19 Dec 24 - 05:54 AM

I do not see Musk wanting to be the speaker of the house and show up everyday but speaker Johnson is on his way out. The next speaker will probably be a Musk puppet.
A government shutdown is due tomorrow because Trump tweeted he wants a debt limit increase to occur in the Biden administration and not in the Trump presidency. That blew up the agreement that was made to continue the government through Christmas. Musk has more power than the speaker. Elon can't be President because he is an immigrant.
The TrumpMUSK Presidency is the next best thing for billionaires.

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Subject: RE: BS: Let's talk about the US election
From: Donuel
Date: 19 Dec 24 - 07:19 AM

What has Musk gotten so far?
Between Space X government contracts and Tesla getting tariff help to ban Chinese electric cars and a ban on any data collection on the deaths caused by self-driving cars. As a result, Elon has doubled his wealth by a quarter trillion dollars or 250 billion. Yesterday he made over one hundred tweets to kill the bipartisan agreement to keep the government open.

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Subject: RE: BS: Let's talk about the US election
From: Donuel
Date: 19 Dec 24 - 10:18 AM

btw There is a new movie called The Apprentice all about what Roy Cohn taught Trump some 35 years ago that has served Trump to this day.

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Subject: RE: BS: Let's talk about the US election
From: Stilly River Sage
Date: 19 Dec 24 - 11:09 AM

Now that's a film to go look for!

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Subject: RE: BS: Let's talk about the US election
From: Donuel
Date: 20 Dec 24 - 06:56 AM

Puppet Masters? BS
These billionaires are puppet amateurs.

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Subject: RE: BS: Let's talk about the US election
From: Donuel
Date: 20 Dec 24 - 11:24 AM

Trump Musk Cologne the smell of bottomless need and greed.

Pathological greed is like cancer of the brain's simple feedback message, which says, "I need more."
For everyone, it is food, water, or minerals like salt and potassium.
For particular people, they need more of what they already have too much. Maybe it's alcohol, drugs, sex, or money. Many would wonder how you could have too much sex, but it happens.

Woefully Real Estate King Trump has sought respect and aristocratic nobility.
He has a son named Baron which typically denotes an aristocrat who ranks higher than a lord or knight, but lower than a viscount or count.

Musk is a Doge. Formerly it was the chief magistrate in the republics of Venice and Genoa. judge, jurist, justice. A public official authorized to decide questions brought before a court of justice.
Now it is an invention of an imaginary Department Of Government Efficiency unaffiliated with the actual government except by Presidential decree.

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Subject: RE: BS: Let's talk about the US election
From: Bill D
Date: 20 Dec 24 - 11:29 AM

To follow up on what I said a couple days ago, Republican house members are already defying the Trump-Musk plans:

I watched this live on C-Span

Lawrence explains

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Subject: RE: BS: Let's talk about the US election
From: keberoxu
Date: 20 Dec 24 - 11:43 AM

Sorry, Bill D, but your link to
The Last Word with Lawrence O'Donnell doesn't work.

Link fixed. ---mudelf

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