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BS: London Bombs

Leadfingers 13 Aug 06 - 08:15 AM
Leadfingers 13 Aug 06 - 08:17 AM
GUEST 13 Aug 06 - 08:24 AM
Dave the Gnome 13 Aug 06 - 08:31 AM
DMcG 13 Aug 06 - 08:39 AM
GUEST 13 Aug 06 - 08:42 AM
The Fooles Troupe 13 Aug 06 - 08:53 AM
Mr Red 13 Aug 06 - 06:41 PM
GUEST 13 Aug 06 - 06:58 PM
Charley Noble 13 Aug 06 - 07:43 PM
GUEST 13 Aug 06 - 07:47 PM
artbrooks 13 Aug 06 - 08:28 PM
The Fooles Troupe 14 Aug 06 - 12:13 AM
robomatic 14 Aug 06 - 12:19 AM
GUEST 14 Aug 06 - 04:07 AM
The Fooles Troupe 14 Aug 06 - 05:40 AM
Mr Red 14 Aug 06 - 07:56 AM
GUEST 14 Aug 06 - 09:26 AM
Rasener 14 Aug 06 - 09:58 AM
GUEST 14 Aug 06 - 10:44 AM
GUEST 14 Aug 06 - 01:14 PM
Rasener 14 Aug 06 - 04:53 PM
Wesley S 14 Aug 06 - 05:10 PM
The Fooles Troupe 14 Aug 06 - 08:46 PM
GUEST 14 Aug 06 - 10:07 PM
GUEST 15 Aug 06 - 12:55 AM
ard mhacha 15 Aug 06 - 04:33 AM
Mr Red 15 Aug 06 - 01:24 PM
Wesley S 15 Aug 06 - 01:57 PM
GUEST 15 Aug 06 - 02:03 PM
GUEST 15 Aug 06 - 09:10 PM
The Fooles Troupe 15 Aug 06 - 10:59 PM
GUEST 16 Aug 06 - 12:27 AM
The Fooles Troupe 16 Aug 06 - 07:54 AM
GUEST 16 Aug 06 - 08:01 AM
Mr Red 16 Aug 06 - 08:27 AM
The Fooles Troupe 16 Aug 06 - 08:37 AM
Greg F. 16 Aug 06 - 09:16 AM
GUEST 16 Aug 06 - 10:18 PM
bobad 16 Aug 06 - 10:21 PM
The Fooles Troupe 16 Aug 06 - 10:30 PM
robomatic 17 Aug 06 - 02:49 AM
ard mhacha 17 Aug 06 - 04:08 AM
GUEST 17 Aug 06 - 04:31 AM
jacqui.c 17 Aug 06 - 07:24 AM
The Fooles Troupe 17 Aug 06 - 08:15 AM
GUEST 18 Aug 06 - 04:16 AM
GUEST 18 Aug 06 - 04:19 AM
Keith A of Hertford 29 Aug 06 - 01:34 PM

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Subject: RE: BS: London Bombs
From: Leadfingers
Date: 13 Aug 06 - 08:15 AM

I still find it fascinating that anonymous guests have SO much information about what is going on in the world !

Oh! And by the way - 100 !!

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Subject: RE: BS: London Bombs
From: Leadfingers
Date: 13 Aug 06 - 08:17 AM

BUGGER ! Mrs Duck was posting while I was typing !!

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Subject: RE: BS: London Bombs
Date: 13 Aug 06 - 08:24 AM

Why have members got the correct information ? if so please list it.

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Subject: RE: BS: London Bombs
From: Dave the Gnome
Date: 13 Aug 06 - 08:31 AM

No need, Guest. It is already listed in all the news media. It is you who are marching to then beat of different baby rattle therefore up to you to prove your point.



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Subject: RE: BS: London Bombs
From: DMcG
Date: 13 Aug 06 - 08:39 AM

According to a satirical news show on BBC Radio 4, someone claimed he was able to buy razors at Heathrow after the alert and after passing all of the security checks - they were on open sale at Boots 'airside' i.e. there would be no standard checks between the purchase and entering the plane.

Ok, its a comedy programme, but according to the Heathrow website, there is certainly a branch of Boots airside at Terminal 2 "available to all international passengers".

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Subject: RE: BS: London Bombs
Date: 13 Aug 06 - 08:42 AM

Following carrots.

British government still has still not produced conclusive evidence of Al Qaeda-linked attack.

"There's no conclusive evidence an Islamic Community official said yesterday.

However the official, who demanded anonymity, noted that it was, a mix of new information and reassessment of old intelligence, this raises "serious questions".

Results so far. Significant increase in attacks on the Muslim community in Britain.

Keep following the carrot.

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Subject: RE: BS: London Bombs
From: The Fooles Troupe
Date: 13 Aug 06 - 08:53 AM


Anybody who calls Christ their spiritual leader is a 'Christian'

Anybody who commits acts of terror, made famous by....

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Subject: RE: BS: London Bombs
From: Mr Red
Date: 13 Aug 06 - 06:41 PM

OK - let me get this straight in my head - governments are devious - right? And terrorists (if they ever existed) are not. Hmm I think I am getting it.

And Sept 11 didn't happen so we don't have anything to worry about. No! Run that by me again. Or was it an underground train that crashed into the twin towers - right? Guess the poor train driver hung a right at Waterloo or Gerrards Cross - eh?

I think I get it now - religions preach co-existence and love and stuff like that - huh? and to a man (or manatrix) those that declare they are religious subscribe to this - Yea of course.

And terrorists (if they etc......) never work under the cloak of anonymity - just like GUESTS.

So what is the problem?

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Subject: RE: BS: London Bombs
Date: 13 Aug 06 - 06:58 PM

Yes Mr.Red And when the Germans took France over and the French began an underground movement the Germans called them terrorists and the British called them freedom fighters. Follow your carrot the whole way home.

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Subject: RE: BS: London Bombs
From: Charley Noble
Date: 13 Aug 06 - 07:43 PM


So it's "freedom fighters" who were planning to ignite bombs on 10 or so transatlantic airplanes, hoping to send hundreds of passengers and crew members to their death.

Does that change in terminology somehow justify such an act to your mind? Or are you more concerned in explaining their motive?

Or is discourse with you a waste of time?

Charley Noble

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Subject: RE: BS: London Bombs
Date: 13 Aug 06 - 07:47 PM

No I do not defend terrorists. This was an example. So you now know there was a plan to blow up ten or more aircraft ? Seems you have already ate your carrot. Fool.

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Subject: RE: BS: London Bombs
From: artbrooks
Date: 13 Aug 06 - 08:28 PM

Most recent AP article on the evolving US rule changes. There is no ban on reading material on US flights. These rules apply to US domestic flights, and the UK makes its own (different) policies.

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Subject: RE: BS: London Bombs
From: The Fooles Troupe
Date: 14 Aug 06 - 12:13 AM

Sorry, I was asleep...

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Subject: RE: BS: London Bombs
From: robomatic
Date: 14 Aug 06 - 12:19 AM

GUEST better keep her carrot under aluminum foil, too.

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Subject: RE: BS: London Bombs
Date: 14 Aug 06 - 04:07 AM

Anyone any idea when MI5 will be exploding the small bomb to add cream to John Reid's cake ?

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Subject: RE: BS: London Bombs
From: The Fooles Troupe
Date: 14 Aug 06 - 05:40 AM

There will be plenty of cream in politician's trousers when that happens...

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Subject: RE: BS: London Bombs
From: Mr Red
Date: 14 Aug 06 - 07:56 AM

I think I get the gist of this - (I must be vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvery slow today) governments blow up their voters to gain popularity. And they disrupt and piss them off to the same end. And when there are no bombs - why, there never were any in the first place.

So what's the problem?


These GUESTS am mighty clever I wish I wuz one..................

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Subject: RE: BS: London Bombs
Date: 14 Aug 06 - 09:26 AM

People usually read the headline but not the retraction. Two months after the event, the average person still believes there was really ricin in that guy's house, or cyanide. They don't read about the accused being released without charges, but they remember the police raid. So yeah, the govt gains by staging phony events.

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Subject: RE: BS: London Bombs
From: Rasener
Date: 14 Aug 06 - 09:58 AM

I hardly think that the events of the last few days was a hoax Guest.
Can't be careful enough. I don't think anybody thought that those murdering ********* would ever fly planes into buildings but they did.

Why don't you come on here with your name Guest? Are you involved?

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Subject: RE: BS: London Bombs
Date: 14 Aug 06 - 10:44 AM

As a voter in British elections yes I am involved. I feel this whole thing was done to cover over the events in the Middle East and to make the great British public so scared that they will support the government overseas policies. I repeat it was all a con. John Prescott evened refused to make a comment about it and he's in charge of the country at this moment in time.

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Subject: RE: BS: London Bombs
Date: 14 Aug 06 - 01:14 PM

The 911 hoax began with telling the world 5 punks with box cutters could take over an American airliner. Unless there were only nuns and children on the flight, that's not possible. I could snap the neck of one and seriously disable a second before my arterial spray was done, and I wouldn't mind going out that way at all. The insinuation that American men were immobilized by box cutters is absurd.

As for the rest. Given one hour in front of an impartial grand jury, I could present reason to go to trial against Bush & Cheney. As a matter of fact, they're already involved in numerous murder trials concerning their involvement in 9-11. The trials just don't get reported. The gangsters generated the plan for the attack, carried out the attack, covered up the attack. I could prove that to any jury in America of that in one hour, using public records. Prove it beyond a reasonable doubt. That's how obvious the job was.

Unfortunately, they don't seem to have let their #1 patsy (GWBush) in on the whole plan until afterward, when his ass was on the line. But his complicity in the coverup after the fact makes him just as guilty as the actural perpetrators (Cheney, Rumsfeld, Myers, Eberhart, et al).

American school kids are currently being SEVERELY dumbed down by Federal govt programming, so if we don't stop these tyrannists now, they'll never be stopped. Quit cowering. Quit accepting the lies on TV as truth.

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Subject: RE: BS: London Bombs
From: Rasener
Date: 14 Aug 06 - 04:53 PM

I think you need to go and see a shrink Guest

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Subject: RE: BS: London Bombs
From: Wesley S
Date: 14 Aug 06 - 05:10 PM

Guest - a serious question for you. How many people would it take to pull off what you have proposed ? It's going to take a lot more than 4 or 5 people. 50 ? 100 ? 2000? What's your best guess on how many were involved?

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Subject: RE: BS: London Bombs
From: The Fooles Troupe
Date: 14 Aug 06 - 08:46 PM

Just one - a Troll....

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Subject: RE: BS: London Bombs
Date: 14 Aug 06 - 10:07 PM

Wesley S. -- who knows how many were involved? The # 3 man at the CIA, Buzzy Krongard, was connected to stock market bets against American Airlines and United Airlines on Sept 9 & 10, so was he involved? Or was he just capitalizing on scuttlebutt? Insider trading info he picked up around the water cooler at the CIA?

And Larry Silverstein bought the WTC towers just weeks before the attacks. Insured them to the hilt and then collected billions in insurance. And he paid too much for the things. They were asbestos filled and overdue for demolition. So was he involved? Probably. He wouldn't have been allowed to interfere with the plot (old man Bush would've had him killed), so he was probably appointed to be landlord so he could secure the area while the explosives were planted by "maintenance workers."

But there are 4 definites involved in the crime...Cheney, Rumsfeld, Eberhart & Myers. Then after the fact, the murders were covered up by the 911 commission (Kean, Goss, Graham), and their complicity makes them guilty of the crimes.

In June of 2001, Department of Defense head Donald Rumsfeld had control of NORAD signed over to him. First time in history the system was under civilian control. Then on Sept 11, 2001, multiple wargames were being run, creating confusion among air traffic controllers on the east coast of the U.S. Generals Eberhart and Myers of the Joint Chiefs oversaw these exercises. Dick Cheney had personal control of NORAD assigned to him by Rumsfeld on 9-11. And SOMEONE switched off the fire-on-detect missiles and gatling guns on top of the Pentagon, and Rumsfeld was in the building. After the attacks, NORAD was signed back over to the military.

Anyway, that's 4 primaries to pull it off and three to cover it up. Seven. Primaries. But a handful of others would be needed. Like the air traffic controller (can't think of his name right now) who was on duty on 9-11 and probably helped coordinate things. He was the same controller handling EgyptAir flight 990 when it went down in the Atlantic (the flight with the "insane Egyptian pilot" screaming as the plane dove into the water). Many think that was just a test of the remote guidance systems used on 9-11).

Plus there would be the people who planted the cutting charges and bombs in the WTC, and the ones who triggered the blasts via computer. Those folks are probably long dead, unless they have skills that would be hard to replace. I guess triggering those bombs would be a sort of skill. I know I couldn't do it.

Really, from the Joint Chief Generals telling the military to stand at their posts, and Rumsfeld disabling the Pentagon and Cheney supervising the whole thing, you don't need many others. Everyone thought it was just "the drills" going on as usual, like they did year in and year out.

I would imagine (with the brain work and the grunt work, wiring the planes, etc), it would take 100-200 people to set up the attack. Everyone else just did their jobs in the chain of command, and if they're ever cornered the primaries will say they were "confused." Plausible deniability.

But thank God for Leon Mineta's testimony before Congress. He heard Cheney say "the order still stands," and that could only be an override order to shoot down the plane heading for the Pentagon. That testimony in itself would hang you or me, and someday it'll hang Cheney. Hopefully.

Prescott Bush tried to overthrow the U.S. govt in 1934. Prescott admired Hitler and wanted that kind of dictatorship in America. His son, George H.W., is about to fulfill his daddy's dream of setting up a fascist tyranny in America. Or no, it's Nazism, "The policy of racist nationalism, national expansion, and state control of the economy." That's what the Bushes have set up with their war against the Arabs and their turnover of the economy to Halliburton and the other corporations. Prescott Bush was defeated by Gen. Smedley Butler, but there doesn't seem to be much in the way of the Bushes now. Hell, even the Clintons work for them.

(Ah, here it is..."The same controller handled Egypt Air Flight 990 when it crashed off the coast of Massachusetts in 1999, the employee said. The controller is "pretty disturbed" that he lost both planes, the employee said.")

His name is drifting around somewhere on the internet. I wonder if they killed him yet? That one would be easy to make look like an Arkancide.

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Subject: RE: BS: London Bombs
Date: 15 Aug 06 - 12:55 AM

"We to this day don't know why NORAD [the North American Aerospace Command] told us what they told us," said Thomas H. Kean, the former New Jersey Republican governor who led the commission. "It was just so far from the truth. . . . It's one of those loose ends that never got tied."

(Bushit story, but at least these animals are starting to point the finger at one another. No bungling or incompetence occurred on 9-11. The operation went off perfectly. And now the perpetrators are accusing each other of lying. So....why don't we have a new investigation? Someone in govt should have IMMEDIATELY called for a new and truly independent investigation. This article serves as further evidence of who did the job. The investigation was flawed, but no one in power calls for a new one. Only people with something to hide would behave like that. The behavior's called "criminal demeanor" and would convict you or me under similar circumstances.)

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Subject: RE: BS: London Bombs
From: ard mhacha
Date: 15 Aug 06 - 04:33 AM

The latest news on the fate of the murderer of Jean Charles de Menezes will be viewed with apprehension by future air travellers, this brutal executioner is to be involved in the training of British "sky marshals", the "sky marshalls" will be armed and travelling in secret on aircraft to tackle would-be terrorists.

It is claimed that because this trained killer has shown he can " make difficult split second decisions and carry them out". This raises the question of what should we be more afraid of, - unproven and politically convenient al-Qaida plots, or, those "air marshals: trained by this thug.

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Subject: RE: BS: London Bombs
From: Mr Red
Date: 15 Aug 06 - 01:24 PM

tell ya wot - I reckon, with 20/20 hindsight I can solve all these problems except one.

and that is talk to the relatives of the grieving.

& I lived with grief for 25 years - my widowed mother.

If ya ain't part of the solution (nay sayers take note) then ya gotta be part of the problem. And before the naysayers start to bray - there are more parts to the problem than you can say nay to.................. so bray bray bray

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Subject: RE: BS: London Bombs
From: Wesley S
Date: 15 Aug 06 - 01:57 PM

"I would imagine (with the brain work and the grunt work, wiring the planes, etc), it would take 100-200 people to set up the attack"

Up to 200 folks and none of them have talked? Nobody screwed up? I find that impossible to believe { I guess that means I'm brainwashed }. I'm reminded of a scene in "Bodyheat" where an arsonist is told something like - "there are more than 100 ways you can get caught. If you're really smart you may be able to think of 90 of them - and you're not that smart".

The government screwed up a simple B&E at the Watergate Hotel. It's impossible for me to believe that they could have pulled this off. Just imagine "Psst - Hey buddy - we're going to blow up some buildings - kill thousands of people and make a pile of money doing it. You want in ???"

Sorry - it just doesn't wash.

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Subject: RE: BS: London Bombs
Date: 15 Aug 06 - 02:03 PM

I will wait until John Prescott makes a statement in the morning. He is the only one you can believe.

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Subject: RE: BS: London Bombs
Date: 15 Aug 06 - 09:10 PM

But the perpetrators of 9-11 did screw up. Bush, Cheney and Rumsfeld have all made damning self-incriminating statements. Public statements. It's all documented. The problem is, some people have made a conscious decision not to believe 9-11 was a govt job, so the perpetrators aren't being held accountable.

People think they will risk their jobs or their pensions or their families if they support what they've been told are "conspiracy theories," but the govt is the one with the conspiracy theory. 19 men with boxcutters. Five men per plane screaming, "Don't move or I CUT you! Stay back there you hundred people, or I cut you like a BOX!" Four men screaming that on one plane. I don't think so.

The 911 Commission didn't even mention WTC bldg # 7, which fell on Sept 11. Never hit by a plane, and the 47 story building fell at free-fall speed in a perfectly controlled demolition. It was the regional center of the CIA, FBI, BATF, Secret Service, etc. And that's what the report DIDN'T talk about...the lies it told on other topics are all easily disproven by public record and scientific demonstration. So the people who buy the govt story WANT to buy it. Problem is, a govt that would do that to someone else will do it to you. Your family will die at the hands of such a govt if you don't take action. And you know it. Rationalizing won't get you out of this.

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Subject: RE: BS: London Bombs
From: The Fooles Troupe
Date: 15 Aug 06 - 10:59 PM

"19 men with boxcutters. Five men per plane screaming, "Don't move or I CUT you! Stay back there you hundred people, or I cut you like a BOX!" Four men screaming that on one plane. I don't think so. "

Troll, You've obviously never been in a life threatening situation with a sharp knife held to your jugular. Shut up Wanker!

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Subject: RE: BS: London Bombs
Date: 16 Aug 06 - 12:27 AM

No, I have dealt with knives. But we're not talking about knives here. Boxcutters are one-inch razors. And 4 men with boxcutters aren't going to subdue 100+ avg Americans traveling on business (younger, motivated, alert people). Just doesn't happen that way. Americans trounced the British in two wars and saved them in two others, so I'm sure a planeload of Americans would be, take down 4 turds armed with nothing but attitudes. Oh, and one-inch razors. That made my day. A Brit who's been convinced a boxcutter Your bobbies are blowing your brains out on the trains, and you're convinced boxcutters are enormously dangerous. lol. Oh, man. You Brits ARE the masters of comedy.

But seriously, what I can't understand is why the people at Heathrow were made to pour out their liquids. Isn't that how it happened? Liquids weren't just handed over, the possessor had to open the container and dump it. That's what I read. And if the "officials" were scared of terrorists mixing chemicals to concoct something explosive or toxic, then why were they dumping all that stuff down the same drain? Did anyone think of that? And if that's the way it happened, then why did it happen that way?

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Subject: RE: BS: London Bombs
From: The Fooles Troupe
Date: 16 Aug 06 - 07:54 AM

"Americans trounced the British in two wars and saved them in two others"

... and made a lot of profit out of them in the process...

I'm an Aussie, dickhead. I know what 'boxcutters' are, even though that's what they are normally called here. I have seen the results, as a First Aider, of what happens when one gets accidentally out of control... never mind if one is held to someone's jugular.

You must be pretty brave with one at your throat, no doubt, but then from your remarks, you can have no other person of any significant value to you, who, being held with a sharp blade to THEIR throat would cause YOU any misgivings at all.

You must be a very lonely person in your arrogant ignorance.

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Subject: RE: BS: London Bombs
Date: 16 Aug 06 - 08:01 AM

Twelve year old kid made an ass of the security system. Got through the net and got onto plane without paperwork. He escaped from a care home. John Prescott is to make a statement later.

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Subject: RE: BS: London Bombs
From: Mr Red
Date: 16 Aug 06 - 08:27 AM

Ah - isn't a perfect world lovely - wake me up when it happens...................

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Subject: RE: BS: London Bombs
From: The Fooles Troupe
Date: 16 Aug 06 - 08:37 AM

The problem with making a system foolproof, is that they keep making dumber fools...

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Subject: RE: BS: London Bombs
From: Greg F.
Date: 16 Aug 06 - 09:16 AM

Americans trounced the British in two wars...

While one could argue about the military supremacy of the protagonists in the War if Independence, the use of "trounced" in regard to the War of 1812 only points out your total ignorance of the nature, history & outcome of that colossal U.S. clusterfu$k.

Here, try this:

Hickey, Donald R.: The War of 1812. Chicago, Univ. of Illinois Press, 1989.

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Subject: RE: BS: London Bombs
Date: 16 Aug 06 - 10:18 PM

The people who ran 9-11 scripted in one flight where the planeload of passengers stormed the FIVE MEN ARMED WITH ONE-INCH BOXCUTTERS at the last minute. What a crock. But it had to be written in because Americans wouldn't buy the 9-11 story otherwise. To NOT act aggressively in a situation like that is unthinkable, so they added some heroes for us. "Let's roll," and they wrestled the plane to the ground rather than let it hit a populated area. What crap. I know the name of the pilot who shot down the plane and the name of the General who issued the order. But they manipulate some audio and then make a TV movie to cement the lie and Americans now think some of their own "took action" against 5 inches of cold steel on 9-11. They pre-planned that flight as a movie-of-the-week.

9-11 has to be continually returned to because it is the event out of which all subsequent government abuses have grown. We wouldn't HAVE govts abusing passengers at airports if everyone would just face the facts of 9-11. The Cavemen of Tora Bora didn't do it. It didn't happen like the US govt says. And 63 more "rogue nations" are on the list to be invaded (Afghanistan first, Iraq next, etc.), so if you don't confront what's happening to us, your children will die in foreign wars.

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Subject: RE: BS: London Bombs
From: bobad
Date: 16 Aug 06 - 10:21 PM

Be a good lad now, take your meds and off to bed with ya, guest.

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Subject: RE: BS: London Bombs
From: The Fooles Troupe
Date: 16 Aug 06 - 10:30 PM

The sad thing about GUEST's paranoia, is that the US does have the documented previous record of wilfully sticking its dick in all over the world...

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Subject: RE: BS: London Bombs
From: robomatic
Date: 17 Aug 06 - 02:49 AM

GUEST is trying to get y'all excited with arrant nonsense.

I believe "Americans outfought, outfoxed, and outwaited, and outwitted the British in one war (with a little bit of help from the FRENCH FLEET).

That other war is better forgotten by both sides. I don't want the Canadians thinking about burning down the White House AGAIN!

As far as a plot to foist 9/11 on the world, the TV Pilot of "Lone Gunmen" used that for a plot about half a year prior to 9/11/01. Meanwhile, GUEST should find someone to read and 'splain that issue of Popular Science or Mechanics which deals with all the current myths.

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Subject: RE: BS: London Bombs
From: ard mhacha
Date: 17 Aug 06 - 04:08 AM

It is reported that the fiasco in Boston Airport after the Washington flight was diverted, was due to a lady passenger having a panic attack, surely the panic attack was with the authorities at Boston Airport

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Subject: RE: BS: London Bombs
Date: 17 Aug 06 - 04:31 AM

Anyone remember the ricin plot? And they wonder why we are so sceptical...

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Subject: RE: BS: London Bombs
From: jacqui.c
Date: 17 Aug 06 - 07:24 AM

Whatever the truth of this latest scare the terrorists must be laughing their socks off at the amount of disruption this has caused in the West.

I travelled to the UK yesterday in a plane that was more than half empty and had to go through extensive security checks at Boston airport to get on the plane. The least problem brings on major paranoia from the authorities and everything gets backed up even more. I wonder what the cost of all this in lost business and man hours would come to.

These guys don't need to carry out their threats - they are making their point quite nicely right now.

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Subject: RE: BS: London Bombs
From: The Fooles Troupe
Date: 17 Aug 06 - 08:15 AM

Which REALLY WAS their intent all along - not necessarily to kill people, just make their point - which was **** off!

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Subject: RE: BS: London Bombs
Date: 18 Aug 06 - 04:16 AM

Almost heaven West Viginia

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Subject: RE: BS: London Bombs
Date: 18 Aug 06 - 04:19 AM

Not for the poor lady who had the misfortune to look like a "Pakistani, who the hell could someone tell th difference, and of course, no bomb making material. Don`t panic, Dont panic.

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Subject: RE: BS: London Bombs
From: Keith A of Hertford
Date: 29 Aug 06 - 01:34 PM

I have heard that more information has been released in US media than would be permitted here.
Anything worth passing on?

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