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Renegade BS: Oh ye generation of morons... (154* d) RE: BS: Oh ye generation of morons... 13 Oct 03

My God. All these posts, and not a conservative rebuttal among them?

Here's one:

I live and work in a semi-rural community in Ohio, USA; I am a college graduate, and hold a white collar job.

I actually have the temerity to consider myself pretty normal, and maybe share the same likes/dislikes as you elites: I don't smoke or drink; I don't make moonshine; I don't slop pigs, or do funny things with sheep; I don't chase my daughters around the house; I don't go to NASCAR races, although a lot of friends do. And I listen to NPR in morning and evening drive times, until their slanted viewpoint forces a station change.

Even though I reside where I do, as a rational adult, I can make my own decisions, and judge for myself. Most of those I know can too, believe it or not.

And, guess what? I am a student of this nation's history, too. And, I love this country as much as you all profess to love it.

And guess what else?

A lot of us illiterates like to watch Fox News, whether it's slanted or not. A lot of us, myself included, think it's about damn time we can see and hear a conservative or moderate view in mainstream media.

Out here in East Jesus, OH, as in most places I go (as a travelling salesman) most people don't talk politics. They're just not that worried about current events. That doesn't mean they are uninformed, or ill-informed; it doesn't mean they are unconcerned; it just means that they believe us to be in pretty good hands.

When people do talk, they seem, as do my friends and neighbors, to believe that the current administration is handling an enormous problem about as well as can be expected.

God forbid someone thinks that, but it's true.

(Aside #1: Sorry, no moderate or conservative I know wants to see anyone suffer injury or death, and sorry again, but foremost, no one I know wants to see Americans die.

Aside #2: You outdid yourselves this time. It only took 4 or 5 posts for someone to raise the childish liberal cry: "It's like Nazi Germany, I tell ya!!!!" Usually it takes the 15th-20th post for someone, running out of a real argument, pulls the old Hitler cliche out.)

And, believe it or not, a lot of us are glad we are not sitting around waiting for another tragedy like 9-11; a lot of us support pre-emptive moves like Iraq. A lot of us believe that if someone's gotta be the 800 lb. gorilla sitting in the middle of that middle east mess, that 800 lb. gorilla had better be the United States Army.

Last, a lot of us support an administration that, at the very least, TOOK ACTION. God save us from a Clinton/Gore democrat; if Clinton were in office, 9-11 would be all about him. If Gore, we'd still be debating a proportionate response to 9-11, and wondering why they hate us so much. (We Neanderthals, by the way, don't much care why they hate us.)

Ultimately, my point is:   

You are not the only enlightened ones in this country, or in the world. Others, just as fast, bright, smug and arrogant as you, like myself, can and do hold a completely different opinion. And the beauty of this country is we get to vote about it, so we'll see you in Nov. '04.

The question this election won't be: are you better off? It will be: do you feel safer? Us poor backward country folk, not knowing any better, who can't figure it out ourselves, and being brain-washed, will just do whatever Fox tells us.

All kidding aside: field your best team, because we will.   


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