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The Mudcat Cafesj

User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
GUEST,*daylia* BS: What to do about obnoxious MC members? (379* d) RE: BS: What to do about obnoxious MC members? 22 Aug 04

I suspect LH just wants to enjoy the sun, GUEST. I know he's not much into conflict and confrontation, especially when it serves no useful purpose.

If I don't like the tone of a certain thread, I've learned not to post on it.

If I don't care for someone's on-line manner or find I'm always butting heads with them for some reason or another, I've tried making it a policy to skip their posts. (WARNING: if you try the ignoring tactic and the person does decide to extend the olive branch at some point, you'll never know it)

When it gets really unbearable, I just stay away from the Cat completely for a while. But I'd rather be here than on a site so heavily censored and monitored the discussions sound like they're piped in from the good ship Lollipop!


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