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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
Rory B For those who hate RAP! (125* d) RE: For those who hate RAP! 31 Dec 04

Wow...a lot of interesting comments both positive and negative. I hope this discussion will inspire at least a few of you to actually listen to some of the "good" rap. My daughter told me that rap actually stands for Rythym And Poetry. It was shortly after learning that from her that my SOCAN magazine arrived. They interviewed the Rapper that DW mentioned at the start of this thread. K-OS. I immediately went out and bought his CD, Joyful Rebellion, because I liked what he had to say about the direction that RAP had taken and how he felt it had taken a wrong turn driven by the recording companies desire to make money etc. He is an extremely talented artist. The entire CD is a constant surprise that takes many musical directions. It is wonderful. It was also a great reminder for me that keeping an open mind can bring you wonderful discoveries you might have missed!! ( I am now also a cool mom for buying a rap cd LOL)
Happy New Year to all and thank you DW !

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