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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
John C. For those who hate RAP! (125* d) RE: For those who hate RAP! 03 Jan 05

Oh dear, I can't seem to let this go! I suppose what has really got to me is the accusations of racism from some of the pro-rappers out there. I also note that many of those people also appear to be both explicitly and implicitly ageist (you don't appreciate this particular musical form because you're old).
Leaving aside the question of ageism, all I'm going to say about racism is that I have always opposed it and, like the correspondent above, absolutely refuse to judge a person by the colour of their skin or their ethnic background; I will say no more for fear of being accused of protesting too much.
We members of the 'anti-rap' faction (if we can be characterised as such) are also accused of having closed minds - well please consider the following: my interests are folk song, identifying and photographing wild plants, science fiction and studying the history and cultures of the Balkan region - presumably that makes me a sad (old) git in the eyes of some of the pro-rappers. I can see a sneer forming on your lips as you read this so don't deny it! But don't worry I'm not about to demand that you try any of these things nor am I going to accuse you of having a closed mind if you don't want to try them.
Nevertheless, you may have sampled some of the things listed above and may, as a result, find that you are resolutely opposed to them - that's OK you have every right to do so. Furthermore you're not a 'thought criminal' for speaking out - please grant me the same right!

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