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Once Famous BS: DRILL ANWR now!!!! (90* d) RE: BS: DRILL ANWR now!!!! 28 Apr 06

The thing is, there are truly plenty of people around who drive big SUVs and do make enough money to support them. they stand there and fill there tank and pay $80 to do it.

That still leaves them with a couple grand in their wallet to enjoy the day with. Sad but true. But they are not evil for having it and not blinking an eye at the gas pump. There are haves and have nots and somewhere in-betweens. That's life. Economics 101 cannot be blamed on George Bush, however big oil companies making record profits are not necessarily criminals either, unfortuanely. assholes, yes. but not neseecarily criminals.

BTW, I drive a 2003 Corolla. Gets 40 MPG on the highway and I love it.

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