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GUEST,Bee BS: Shooting (hunting) and jobs in the UK (115* d) RE: BS: Shooting (hunting) and jobs in the UK 29 Sep 06

"justify the killing of wild animals for fun" I'd include that as trophy hunting, I think.

However, it's my opinion (and observation) that the joy many hunters experience is rather more complex than 'fun'. I am speaking from a Canadian experience, of course. The UK is a vast foriegn culture, and I don't know what constitutes hunting there, other than what one reads about fox-hunting (which is done here with no involvement of foxes, just a smelly bait dragged over the course).

The hunters I know are shocked and disgusted by such things as 'canned hunts', which are no mre than plain abattoir style slaughter, involving no skill and no real confrontation with prey animals.

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