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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
GUEST,N. Spencer master tapes [re:Phoebus/Bulmer !!!?] (139* d) RE: master tapes [re:Phoebus/Bulmer !!!?] 02 Jun 07

Not being someone who has contributed to this forum before, I'm a little puzzled that someone called 'Joe Offer' closed down a related thread because I mentioned that I was annoyed by the stuff a person calling himself 'Tyke' was saying. Is one not allowed to express their annoyance on Mudcat? It strikes me that some pretty nasty stuff was being said by the pro-bootlegging lobby, but expressing one's feelings about this - without resorting to abuse - results in censorship. What gives, Mr Offer? I'm sort of confused. Have I inadvertantly contravened a weird unspoken rule?

Best Wishes

    No, the whole darn thread had been far too nasty for far too long. Your post was just the most recent example of people discussing their personal annoyance with other people instead of discussing the issue. The UK Mudcatters have a long history of being unable to discuss the Dave Bulmer issue in a civil manner. I allow the threads to go on until they reach a level of nastiness I can no longer tolerate, and then I shut them down.
    Sometime, it would be nice to have a rational discussion of the issue.
    -Joe Offer, Forum Moderator-

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