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GUEST,Hugo BS: Israel Moves in. (1634* d) RE: BS: Israel Moves in. 20 Jan 09

To Teribus
The reason why the Stop The War Coalition is calling for Israeli leaders to be investigated for war crimes is because the IDF has been waging war on the civilian population of Gaza.Perhaps you haven't noticed but one of the most poweful armies in the world,armed with the latest weaponry and military hardaware has been bombing,shelling and shooting innocent women and children in very large numbers.And the use of phospherous bombs in overcrowded urban areas against a civilian population is illegal.

The statistics show this to be true.Over 1300 dead ,the vast majority civilian with hundreds of children killed by bullets ,blast and shrapnel.Some 5000 terribly maimed and around a million terrorised.
In contrast the Israeli casualties have been reported as 13 dead of whom 10 are military.

The mainstream news teams are now inside Gaza in growing numbers and they are reporting terrible scenes and crimes of the shooting dead of women and children huddling in houses, more bodies being pulled out of the flattened buildings and phospherous wounds which cannot easily be treated. The Observer reported the massacre of civilians in a Gaza village of Khurrza which left over a dozen dead .This massacre is only one of many killings committed by a supposedly proffesional army.

Come on now Teribus !
What are we to do with the slaughters? Give them medals? No,let's give them a trial which is more than they give their victims...the babies,toddlers and kids killed in their
houses,playgrounds,schools and shelters.

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