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Pigstrings Good Intent Rochester UK Sweeps (171* d) RE: Good Intent Rochester UK Sweeps 06 May 09

Perhaps it is just my overheated imagination, but it occurred to me as we were ferrying the City Wall Winebar stage PA across to the car park on Sunday evening (the police not having opened the High Street due to milling crowds so I couldn't get the car in to load it all up) - that this is probably pretty much what the London mobs of the past looked like.

The chavs make uneasy companions for the festival, but I do think both belong to Rochester, for better or worse. Moving the festival would turn it into a tourist set-piece.

A shop-keeper told me the fracas outside the Eagle Saturday evening was a stabbing. But there was no blood on the ground outside the City Wall Winebar Sunday morning like there was last year....


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